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17085421 No.17085421 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone buy a hardcover, you're literally paying a $5-10 premium for cardboard padding.

>> No.17085441

Kinda hard to bequeath a ratty old paperback to your grandchild upon his graduation.

>> No.17085443

I'm not one of these people, but I would pay more for first/rare edition, signed copy, or simply a nicer cover/layout. I like books as a physical medium

>> No.17085445

They look nice on the shelf, but I find them hard to read compared to paperback.

>> No.17085590

Because they're cheap at used book stores, look nicer and will last longer = more rereads

>> No.17085696

Oh, you're poor?

>> No.17085714

They last longer. If you reread it many times a paperback will fall apart after a while.

>> No.17086253

I hate paperbacks with a passion, I will always try to get hardcover if possible, even without touching the books I see certain parts of the creases where color should be has become white. I only try to buy Hardcover when available but some books don't have such editions which suck major balls..

>> No.17086337

Why not buy a newer paperback edition with a movie poster book cover with famous actors and a brand-new Preface and Introduction by an unrelated famous academic?

>> No.17086353

£1.50 for a hundred year old works of Shakespeare hardback in good condition vs near £10 new paperback that's probably been tampered with anyway.

>> No.17086357

Bequeath your grandchild an iPad instead.

>> No.17086371

Because $5 is worth switching to an Everyman's from a fucking Penguin. Holy shit Penguin bindings suck massive cock

>> No.17086382

False. You're giving more money for better book binding.

>> No.17086383

Why would anyone buy a physical book? You're literally paying a premium for some paper. If a book cannot be pirated, it is not worth reading.

>> No.17086407

That's why I always shoplift from bookstores

>> No.17086411
File: 19 KB, 400x250, GettyImages-155786424-5af0c77f8e1b6e0039f0109f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can pirate physical books tho

>> No.17086470

I don't like looking at a screen for hours.

>> No.17086485

kekel and based juden

>> No.17087701

This is the reason.

>> No.17087713

>He holds an irradiated piece of plastic in his hand whilst frying his eyes and brain
>He could be reclining with the classic and time-honoured BOOK enjoying the faint smell of pine forest and looking like a philosopher king

>> No.17087757

implying anyone is ever touching my books. they can have them when i'm dead

>> No.17088280

The cardboard padding is worth the 5 to 10 bucks

>> No.17088300

Monkey brain like physical artifacts

>> No.17088365

It's not a matter of cardboard covers, it's the binding. A good quality hardcover has sewn signatures (the stacks of folded pages) and better binding (maybe glued+sewn to cloth). Some have better quality paper that doesn't stain or yellow with age.
Paperbacks are just stacks of printed pages glued to a cardboard. They come apart faster.

For old books that have had multiple editions over the years, the true connoisseur buys ex library copies in good condition, with no markings, which should sell for almost the same price of a brand new paperback copy (unless you're looking for a specific edition/translation).

>> No.17088574

>implying most of today's crappily bound hardcover books are going to last 50 years or be wanted by the next generation.

>> No.17088663

>being too poor for pléiade and being unable to read french

>> No.17088698
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To flex on the YA reading art hoes. One stands guaranteed.

>> No.17089363

It feels good in your hand and lasts longer. I'm a paperback person myself but how could you not see the value or appeal?

>> No.17089976
File: 47 KB, 828x576, 20201124_045004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bequeef my dick nigger.

>> No.17089978

Too heavy i like to read with one hand while eating hamburgers or drinking soder.

>> No.17090058

i will never have grandchildren, let alone children

>> No.17090158

Very nice English you dumfuckinfagnigger

>> No.17090198

I'm the opposite, hardbacks takes up too much space for me.
If I've read and love a book, then I'll be on the lookout for a hardback edition, otherwise paper is good enough.

>> No.17091103

The movie poster cover on the book seriously triggers me.
If end up having kids, I'll be sure to raise them such that there are no apple or google or microsoft products in their home ever
what do you suppose "bequeath" means?
Fair enough...but the Everyman's Library and Library of America editions are very well done IMO. I have a handful that I've had for 10-15 years without any breakage or loosened pages.
then what are we even doing here? I don't have kids either, but I long to have them before I'm 40.

>> No.17091159

Hardbacks are objectively better.