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17082825 No.17082825 [Reply] [Original]

Is cyberpunk ever coming back?

>> No.17082841

No. Science fiction is an absurd notion.

>> No.17082852
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>Science fiction is an absurd notion.

>> No.17082861

You live in a science fiction, coward. Face reality for once.

>> No.17082877


>> No.17082879

> fiction
You mean reality? The same reality where science died decades ago and we focus our efforts on developing apps, netflix, and YouTube channels that make trannies feel better? You must mean that “science” “fiction”.

>> No.17082883
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>> No.17082885

>he doesn't think the latest latest research on the equal prosperity of children raised by gay parents is actual science
Ahhh, fascisterino?

>> No.17082887

I don't think its even peaked. The people who have written in the genre like Neuromancer are just the stone age founders. 2077 might inspire another wave.

>> No.17082894

No. You don’t have to be a fascist to critique the notion of modern “science” and the state of “fiction”. That should go without saying. Is that POV not implied as a possibility in the OP in the first place?

>> No.17082898

cyberpunk died with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_asset_price_bubble

>> No.17082901

>2077 might inspire another wave
He doesn't know

>> No.17082913

its coming back because the world is becoming cyberpunk, a work of contemporary realism will be cyberpunk by default in 20 or 30 years

>> No.17082923

Cyberpunk 2077 is purely aesthetical. It represents what people generally think the genre is about today: cool robotic upgrades and neo-tokyo at night

>> No.17082936
File: 371 KB, 583x646, Stafford_Beer-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its fucking retarded i hate it.

we need everyone to just start reading Stafford Beer, and then we'll have an organic grassroots kuberpunkt revival.

>> No.17082938

I wish it would go away. Cyberpunk and all its offshoots are a dead horse.

>> No.17082957

It's much comfier to live in some "philosopher's" imaginary world.

>> No.17082963
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>and Google had told me it wasn't enough. He was right.
what did he mean by this?

>> No.17082976

2077 is more like retro cyberpunk aesthetic. The identifiable cyberpunk aesthetic is just that but sometimes it's generic urban scifi aesthetic too. Really weird and offputting.

>> No.17083004

I really liked void star by Zachary Mason. It has that feverish vibe i like in cyberpunk compared to your average more clinical scifi novel.

>> No.17083021
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>prosperity = the good life
Ahh, fellow liberalino!

>> No.17083027 [DELETED] 

I felt a really deep sympathy for OP, so I tried to get into his mindset and write a song about him, for him, from his perspective.
It's still a work in progress, OP.
It's called "I Piss On My Balls"

>> No.17083051

And I never will- if you don't tell me, apparently. lol.

Its just a branch of Scifi. It could come back at any time. Who would have guessed steampunk would go as far as it did?

>> No.17083075

lol that was the only genuinely good part of this

>> No.17083117

Proof that science fiction is real

>> No.17083284

Nope. Enjoy the new TORtanic accfag

>> No.17083290


>> No.17083827

Drones, 3D printing, AI, quantum physics - are you sleeping, bro?

>> No.17083881

Lol, whoever wrote this could have made bank as a pulp writer.

>> No.17084000

If you're going to keep posting this every single time, at least be aware of who the fuck Raymond Chandler is. You could parody him just as accurarely because none of his novels are particularly original or well written. Hell, how many times have you seen a fake Philippe Marlowe speaking in cliches?

>> No.17084043

cyberpunk will be to the 20's what zombies were to the 10's

>> No.17084060

You're already living it nigga.

>> No.17084073
File: 122 KB, 351x348, cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17084326

Sure. The newer cyberpunk will more specifically work with the concept of an endless stream of data, how it's collected, processed, filtered, presented and used. How the collective brain is manipulated and hacked, how it is protected and enriched.

>> No.17084341

You will never be glitch-free.
Not even by 2077.

>> No.17084414

Cyberpunk is already outdated. It was a response to the corporatism of the Reagan era and a cautionary tale of how technology could come to control our lives. It was prophetic in some ways but said technology ended up in our pockets instead of inside our brains.

>> No.17084421

>It was prophetic in some ways but said technology ended up in our pockets instead of inside our brains.
Who's to say one won't lead to another?

>> No.17085237

The meaningful elements of cyberpunk are already part of our world.

>> No.17085273

Cyberpunk was built on a decades old understanding of the future based on the geopolitics and technology of the time. It can only really exist now as retro-futuristic kitsch.