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File: 29 KB, 400x327, logo1-stream-of-consciousness-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1708171 No.1708171 [Reply] [Original]

Some narrative mode questions, /lit/
Since the main character in The Lovely Bones narrates her own actions in 'heaven', and also the actions of her loved ones, does it count as an omniscient story within a story?

Also, since Interview With the Vampire is.. an interview, is it a stream of consciousness and story within a story also?

>> No.1708183

the main character is homodiegetic—she exists both as the narrating agent of her own story and the loved ones.

Interview is not a stream of consciousness for we are not subjected to a hard and fast consciousness. It is a frame narrative.

>> No.1708190


How did you know that? Source, please.

>> No.1708198
File: 6 KB, 118x141, batemandisgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


google "introduction to narratology"

>> No.1708199
File: 26 KB, 400x400, Whatthefuckamireadingdotjpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick heuristic to tell: If you don't resemble the picture, it isn't stream of consciousness

>> No.1708202


Thanks :)

>> No.1708224

Btw this wasn't me, I'm OP
What could count as a stream of consciousness, and are these books both stories within stories?

>> No.1708229


Everythings a story within a story if you think about it.

If you want to look at stream of consciousness read To The Lighthouse.

>> No.1708233

Just read about what a frame narrative is -- it's exactly the foundation of The Lovely Bones! I'm thinking this French film Enter the Void is also a frame narrative