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/lit/ - Literature

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17078808 No.17078808 [Reply] [Original]

How did he do it?

>> No.17078812


he did not

>> No.17078834

If that's supposed to be a full year and you have a lot of free time it doesn't look that hard desu

>> No.17078874

I guess he is locked up in jail or something like that. In my country prisoners are the most well-read part of the nation

>> No.17078896

That would literally solve the issue of getting a job and have a social life. I thought jail life would suit me expect for the rape part.

>> No.17078918

simply reading does not equal understanding and synthesizing the ideas

>> No.17079122

Any text is 20 percent shorter when read in Chinese; he probably just read the Chinese version.

>> No.17079135

idk who 'he' is and i dont really care but probably:
a. lying
b. becoming a hermit
c. speedreading books that are easy to read if you do not care about actually gaining anything from it:
a few short but difficult philosophical texts, long easy to gloss over historical texts, lotta Plato, who wrote very easy to read dialogues (again, if you dont dig into it)

I'd be legitimately impressed if you could ask the dude about any of these books and he'd have something remotely insightful to say about them.

>> No.17079249

You can probably say nothing remotely insightful about any of the books you read. Furthermore any insights you may have were only arrived at after reading someone else's criticism or analysis.

>> No.17079261

>I'd be legitimately impressed if you could ask the dude about any of these books and he'd have something remotely insightful to say about them.
Allowing the church to lay claim to temporal power prevented my peninsula from becoming an united country until the 19th century. Without the church many obstacles would have been removed from the path to unification and my country might have risen to a major power almost as much as Spain and Portugal if the various states would have stopped fighting each other and the various Popes wouldn't have stirred more enmity among them. The literature and philosophy of the post-classic age just reflects the highly fragmented situation of Italy until its unification.

>> No.17079288

Look at the books retard. Most of them are essays/dialogues. It's not actually 500 books, but he still probably read more than the niggers around here.

>> No.17079293

are you the guy who's list this is, trying to prove a point? why are you posting about the unification of Italy?

>> No.17079315

He admitted it another thread to counting multiple ones twice or three times as well. He literally just faked some bullshit for (You)'s

>> No.17079353

Proof (>>>17055392). It's from the original thread.

>> No.17079362

Why bother posting on /lit/ when you read this many books?

>> No.17079374

Yes, I'm just posting one of the many lessons i learned from reading all of these books.
No, GR says it's 507 books, but I accidentally counted something twice, i also accidentally added the Canterbury Tales individually alongside the whole volume but i realized that too late. On the other hand there are plenty of short treatises, dialogues, poems and chronicles in that list, and when I find them too short I read the next books on the list to fill up my free time. That's why I rounded it off to 570, the works I added twice were unintentionally added in that list.

>> No.17079375

He didn't. He read short stories and counted each short story as a book. So if you read Ficciones, that's 30 books.

>> No.17079383

Sei italiano?

>> No.17079389

>counting individual poems
lol you're a fucking attention seeking nigger

>> No.17079403

>individual poems
>short stories
>dialogues contained withing a single work
>short treatises
>all counted as individual books
Lol may as well start counting chapters in books, sections in books, as well as all of the Buzzfeed articles and 4chan threads you read this year, you cum guzzling attention whore.

>> No.17079411

Give me link to profile please

>> No.17079414

I did not mean individual poems from a poetry collection, but epic or didactic poems (e.g. I would count Piers Plowman as a separate poem because i did not read the whole manuscript it is contained in).
These all vary in length except short treatises.

>> No.17079457

He won't cause it's all phony bullshit and you'll see how much of an attention seeking fraud he is.

>> No.17079494

Also I stated in another post that I added the operas and plays I watched to that list. However, I stopped adding them as often when I realized a lot of them weren't in the database. I don't think they could have influenced the list in a substantial way, so I'd still say i have read around 470 works this year, some shorter some longer.