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17078728 No.17078728 [Reply] [Original]

Scott Adams shares his must-read book list for life skills. Thoughts?
>For Life Skills Degree
>Order to read (preferred reading order)
1 Influence
2 Pre-suasion
3 The Power of Habit
4 Impossible to Ignore
5 How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
6 Win Bigly
7 Loserthink
8 Apocalypse Never
>Save the Cat (optional for screen writers mindset)
>Additional Possible Books in order (Scott Adams mentioned a few days later)
9 False Alarm Bjorn Lomborg
10 Half-Life Facts
11 How to Change Your Mind

>> No.17079045

I've read 1-3, 5-6. They were all pretty interesting and useful. Nothing groundbreaking but if you're a complete fuck up it'll probably help.

>> No.17079051

can he just tell me which pages to read to land a 10/10 granddaughter gf

>> No.17079347

>Caring about Scott Adams' opinion about anything.
He's a retard.

>> No.17079352 [DELETED] 

Overrated midwit.
Jesus, even the spergy PUA crowd has been reading Cialdini's book (a good one) for 15+ years or more.

>> No.17079358

Overrated midwit.
Jesus, even the spergy PUA crowd has been reading Cialdini's book (a good one) for 15+ years.

>> No.17079447

Scott Adams may have some interesting ideas that piss off fags but his books are quite well written—plainly logical and lack any pretentiousness

>> No.17079475

Yes, HTF@AE is great. A lot of stuff I already knew intuitively though.
Win Bigly isn't as good as his best blog articles though.

>> No.17079483

Extremely basic pop psychology books. 3/11 (27%) are books that he wrote, and is therefore shilling. I consider this list embarrassing and I wouldnt share it with anyone.

>> No.17079525
File: 12 KB, 634x210, Owen Benjamin Scott Adams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's 130 IQ and a fedora optimist.
He tends to reach some correct conclusions, but extremely slowly.

He was touting the "Bill Gates is just a rich man who wants to help and is only distrusted because of microsoft in the 90s" line for months before finally conceding.

>> No.17079536

130 is an extremely favorable assessment

>> No.17079565

What's wrong with Bill Gates, of all people? He's the most generous philanthropist in history, most of it to combat objectively bad things like disease. I honestly don't know why people hate him so much.

>> No.17079592

Who elected him to set public health policy?

>> No.17079599

What public health policy is he setting?
Again, I don't know that much about Bill Gates, so I could be wrong. All I know is the philanthropy.

>> No.17079617

FB schizo

>> No.17079641

It is. It is also borderline between midwit and highly intelligent. Midwit is not determined solely by IQ however.

>> No.17079679

He's a CIA-connected nerd-sociopath who wants to save the world by reducing the world population. Microsoft is spyware and Bill had no qualms about destroying the quality of Windows in exchange for cheap non-american programmers.

>> No.17079687

has bill gates actually done anything at all? he gets all these paranoid people to think he's actually involved in some way, but the only person with tech money who gave away any significant amount this year was mackenzie scott, by complaining that bill gates is doing too much you are actually letting him get away with doing nothing, ironically

>> No.17079700

Hey man, how's it going? Gates Foundation pay per post?

>> No.17079716
File: 83 KB, 1200x900, how to lie with statistics bill gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with Bill Gates, of all people? >He's the most generous philanthropist in history, most of it to combat objectively bad things like disease. I honestly don't know why people hate him so much.
Scott Adams thinks exactly like this, yet was persuaded otherwise. Learn from other people's mistakes.

>> No.17079753

>CIA connected
Please don't put me on a watchlist, CIA. I love everything you're doing destabilizing governments in the Middle East.
>who wants to save the world by reducing the world population
On what grounds do you make this statement? Has he said this? Why would he be using billions of dollars fighting AIDS if he wanted to decrease the world population?
>microsoft is spyware
>cheap non-American programmers
Bill Gates left Microsoft in 2014. What did he do prior to 2014 that was so bad?
I'm literally just asking why. I'm not even making arguments against it; you could be right; I don't know.
I don't have much respect for Scott Adams, to be honest, so I don't really care what he thinks.

>> No.17079759

Also I forgot to mention, he's behind the 5G towers that are giving us coronavirus and putting the voices in my head.

>> No.17079761

Also, whoever >>17079592 is didn't answer my question. What public policy is Bill Gates setting?

>> No.17079763

>Has he said this?
You're on the internet dude. A search engine is pixels away. Stop playing dumb.

>> No.17079775

Just looked it up; this was the first result:
Seems like he was talking about population growth, not population. They're clearly different.

>> No.17079800
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 1607721890046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foundation should hire better shills.

>> No.17079801

you're awfully paranoid

>> No.17079811

You told me to do a Google search, and then I did a Google search, and now you're complaining that I got the wrong result in my Google search.
I feel like I'm going insane. What do you want me to do? This seems very esoteric.

>> No.17079871

>Has he said this?
Yes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BobKXkrt8M

>Why would he be using billions of dollars fighting AIDS if he wanted to decrease the world population?

He is sterilizing Africans and Indians with his so-called "medicine" and using them as guinea pigs:

>The Supreme Courts of India are currently conducting an extensive investigation into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's devious actions abroad, which mainly involve testing deadly vaccines on poor, and oftentimes illiterate, children in developing nations without informed consent. According to Health Impact News, the case focuses specifically on illicit human experimentation that occurred with the two available vaccines for HPV, Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) and Gardasil (Merck & Co.).

>> No.17079872

someone here is going insane but i don't think it's you

>> No.17079899

>population growth
>if we do a good a really good job on vaccines...reproductive health services, we could lower that by 10%-15%
In other words, the vaccine reduces population growth by making people sterile.


>> No.17079923

Clearly, he's referring to population growth rather than population. Population growth tends to be lower in rich nations than poor nations as well as nations with lower infant mortality. I think that's what he's saying (that's what it sounds like to me, anyway).
This is actually a good argument, although for a much less extreme statement than you're saying. I think it's clear from these that Gates doesn't know what he's doing and that he should be working with people who know more about which vaccines to use and how to use them. However, it doesn't make sense (to me) to move from "Gates is incompetent" to "Gates is trying to sterilize people." I say this because I think you might be right that Gates might be an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing, and it might be good to get that information out so that people (including Gates) recognize that The Gates Foundation might need restructuring.
In my eyes, always bet on human incompetence over evil.

>> No.17079937

>In my eyes, always bet on human incompetence over evil.

>> No.17079943

>Clearly, he's referring to population growth rather than population.
I addressed that here >>17079899

>> No.17079948

Well, I just don't see grounds to say Gates intended this. It seems to me like these were untested, meaning he literally had no clue what they would cause. That's pretty shitty, and he should definitely pay for it, but it seems to imply it was accidental.

>> No.17079963

Why did he mention vaccines among the things that would reduce population growth?

>> No.17079973

>I just don't see
>it seems to me
>but it seems to

>> No.17079980

Ah, yes. There are two alternatives:
1. He's saying vaccines sterilize people
2. He's saying that lowering infant mortality and increasing economic growth cause a decrease in population growth.
He was talking about economic development and infant mortality prior to saying "population growth" in all these examples, so I think (2) makes more sense than (1) based on that alone. Secondly, I don't think vaccines in general sterilize people. Your articles don't point to that, and I haven't seen any evidence for it. This claim is unrelated to the articles you're sourcing.
I would love to see some grounds for it.

>> No.17079992

We can only make educated guesses about other people's intentions. Factual claims wouldn't make sense.

>> No.17079996

I meant:
See: >>17079980

>> No.17080077

In the global vaccination machine's own words:

>Since 2012, individual case reports have linked vaccination against HPV with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), defined as dysfunction or depletion of ovarian follicles, menopausal symptoms and reduced fertility before the age of 40. A systematic review of the literature on HPV vaccines and infertility was conducted, in which 608 articles were identified.

>After exclusion of duplicates and irrelevant studies, 9 articles were retained for the review
I.e. after cherry-picking the data (Who and what define what is irrelevant? By what metric? 608 to 9? Does that sound credible to you?)

>The details of the studies were reported to the Committee, which reviewed the evidence in the 9 articles (case reports, passive surveillance and epidemiological studies) and concluded that, although the safety of HPV vaccine has received considerable media attention, the evidence does not suggest a causal relationship between HPV vaccination and infertility.
"Does not suggest" = not reassuring at all.


From anti-vaccine sources:


Doctor's petition:

>The doctors specifically highlight several vaccine candidates that help the patient create antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2.

>The issue is, the protein responsible for the development of a placenta in women, Syncytin-1, also takes the form of spike proteins of SARS viruses.

>“There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies,” says the petition. “However, if this were to be the case this would then also prevent the formation of a placenta which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile


>> No.17080117

Given my take on him before: He sees himself as a persuasion expert, "trained hypnotist," etc. His videos are pure cringe, though -- a bald manlet who looks like a corpse, with an annoying voice, zero charisma, and awkward attempts at showmanship.
His tweets evince very little insight. You can always tell who's read their first pop book on social psych, cognitive biases, etc., by how exuberantly they talk about very basic shit like cognitive dissonance.

>> No.17080133

Mate, you simply dont grasp the sublime elegance of the persuasive factor of the simultaneous sip. Dont you realize that synchronizing positive sensory experiences increases social bonds? Haha. Now let me hold a piece of paper to my chin and mockingly characterize you while laughing at my own jokes, as is the persuasive thing to do.

>> No.17080270


Long, but worth a read:


tl;dr?mGates Foundation buys influence with media outlets it supports financially.

>> No.17080300

Capitalist Westerners did

>> No.17080327

He wanted to shoot missiles full of dust into the atmosphere to block the sun for starters.

>> No.17080354
File: 404 KB, 1684x2560, Winner-Takes-All-Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well of course, but "buying influence with media outlets" is a big difference from "trying to depopulate the world with killer vaccines" or what the anti-gates nuts think, but that's my point, the places play up gates like he's actually doing something, when he mostly doesn't do shit, read this shit if you haven't

>> No.17080539


>> No.17080567

>life skills degree
When I was in high school life skills was the class that the retarded people were in (as well as other classes that a retard could somewhat function in, depending on how retarded they were) so to me a life skills degree just sounds like what the retards probably got when they graduated. Never read Adams, I'm not even making fun of him, I just thought it was a funny thing.

>> No.17080694

This is one of the funniest posts I've ever seen and suggests you have no scientific literacy at all. "Does not suggest" means, "no research shows it," you fucking retard. Why don't you just kill yourself if you're this fucking stupid? Like, I actually think it would increase the world iq by something like 10 points if you fucking died.
Like, honestly, this is such a bad argument that it seems like a joke.

>> No.17080852

>"Does not suggest" means, "no research shows it,"
It does not mean that, midwit. It means "the research we have cherry-picked doesn't have an undeniably high correlation that we can't hide".

You write like a 13 year old girl btw

>> No.17080856 [DELETED] 

He's big on teaching life skills to black children so it's not far off.

>> No.17080861

He's big on teaching life skills to black children so it's not far off.

>> No.17080899

Holy shit. You're doubling down.
No. Read studies more often and you'll understand the way they're written. Whenever research doesn't say "x happens," it's phrased, "research does not suggest x happens." How do you want them to phrase it? "This absolutely isn't true," that's just not how studies are written.
As for your statement what that means, that's silly. you quoted a study that specifically said you were wrong. Please become smarter before you post again.
You have still yet to show a single study that says it causes that. You have shown a meta-study that shows it doesn't.

>> No.17080908

Holy fuck you faggots can't be real.
Go back. I don't give a fuck that you're banned from your sub just leave

>> No.17080926

if english is your first language then you are on team cia

>> No.17080965

He's a completely out of touch boomer. In how to fail he talks about how he got a job because he wore a suit on a plane when he was 20 and talked to a businessman. Then got a high tier position at a bank because he wrote a letter to the vice President with a list of how to improve things.

>> No.17080975

If you have an MBA from Berkeley I guess that could work still

>> No.17080989

Fuck off and go midwitsplain elsewhere.
Your precious studies are less reliable than a coin toss:


>More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.

>Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

>> No.17081053

Oh, no, the replication crisis. I actually know a bit about this one, so this is kind of sad. This is a complaint about certain kinds of studies that can't be reproduced for one reason or another (certain kinds of medicine, etc.). Therefore, they tend to be inaccurate. However, in this case, luckily for us, you have provided a case of a metastudy which specifically focused on reproducing a particular kind of study and succeeded. Good job.
In general, however, the replication crisis is less extreme than it's made out to be. Usually, methodologies are written vaguely, which leads to a higher percentage being considered "impossible to judge" or even wrong than is actually true. When the original author is actually consulted about their methodology, it goes from about 2/3rds reproducible to 91%, meaning that they are, in fact, reproducible, they just aren't seen that way because of badly written methodolgies.
Now, let's assume you're right about this (you're not and don't really know what you're talking about, but let's assume). We would therefore have to throw out every single fact gathered by scientific studies. That's fine, but what are we left with? All that we're left with is anecdotal research. I know, anecdotally, that I both was vaccinated and have children. I know many people who were vaccinated and can have children. I would need positive evidence for your belief, as it goes directly against my personal experience, which you still haven't provided. This argument misses the forest in favor of the trees and gives up any possible basis for your claim.
Source on this 2/3rds/91% number:

>> No.17081061

Makes you wonder what the media isn't telling you.

>> No.17081072
File: 285 KB, 1067x1600, F91B220F-327A-40A2-93C8-4F2E1289D147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with the hereditary oligarchs who are either grossly negligent or actively involved in crafting in the state of society and therefore unimaginably evil?

>> No.17081093

He's a fucking weirdo.
Every few chapters there's an intermission on his weirdo fucking voice problem.
Yeah, I know spasmodic dysphonia is a legit medical condition, but he's still a fucking weirdo.
It's a condition a fucking weirdo would get, and it's a condition a fucking weirdo would harp on about.

>> No.17081094

>needing to read ELEVEN books to turn your life around
Holy shit at that point you are better of just becoming an hero.

>> No.17081129

Based average /lit/ "reader"

>> No.17081145

Fuck Gatws forbherding wealth from the working class. This shit is straight conspiracy though and you backed it up with fucking infowars you mong.

Vaccines have eradicated disease in Africa and it seems like by every metri that sterility is a rare a d sporadic event. In fact, other environmental causes of sterility seem more corrleative. Cobalt and heavy metal residue from doing manula mine work from age 6 onward for one should be obvious example.

I think you live in a false reality.

>> No.17081183
File: 37 KB, 637x613, Measles vaccine Vox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vaccines have eradicated disease in Africa
Good joke. They didn't even eradicate it here.

>> No.17081190
File: 26 KB, 560x197, just take the jab bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17081196

Seems pretty significant given the immense rise in population

>> No.17081241

Forgot part 2:
>However, even this astonishing reduction in measles mortality doesn't fully account for the reduction in risk, because the population of the USA was much larger in 1962 than in 1909. 186,537,737 in 1962 versus 92,228,496 in 1909, to be precise. So, the risk of measles mortality was 1 in 11,010 in 1909 versus 1 in 457,200 in 1962.

>In other words, 97.6 percent of the population-corrected decline in measles mortality took place prior to the introduction of measles vaccination. And this was despite the fact that 90 percent of the population was infected with measles at one point or another.


>> No.17081242


>> No.17081288

seems like despite people thinking he's dumb, they don't assume he has any ulterior motive outside of himself

>> No.17081306

Scott Adams is the very definition of a high-IQ idiot.

>> No.17081385

>VERDICT Partly false.

>> No.17081486

this. every purchase of windows software is a vote for bill gates

>> No.17081550

most purchases of windows probably came from the government by way of schools and bureaucratic offices n shit

>> No.17082435

How is he an idiot?

>> No.17082981

>He's 130 IQ

>> No.17083014

If you've read one of these books on persuasion you've pretty much read them all because there's no real innovation going on. It gives the books a "self help" NY times best seller feel where authors are just trying to cash in. This is all you need:

-The Persuaders by James Garvey, which is more of a history book.
-Methods of Persuasion by Nick Kolenda, for general verbal persuasion.
-Classical English Rhetoric by Ward Farnsworth, for writing or speeches.

>> No.17083036

>i'm gonna perswaaaade

>> No.17083090

Someone should come up with a Langan award for the person each year who best demonstrates the uselessness of IQ.

>> No.17084548


>> No.17085736


>> No.17085993
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>He is sterilizing Africans and Indians with his so-called "medicine" and using them as guinea pigs
Extraordinarily based. I was against Billy G until learning that.