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17078297 No.17078297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

''Although completely physical, the male is unfit even for stud service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few men have, he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in male nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he’s doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.''

>> No.17078305

based and TERF pilled

>> No.17078308

utterly based

>> No.17078316


>> No.17078319

Butterfly likes this in younger guys, she finds it cute :3

>> No.17078337

What no dick does to a nigga

>> No.17078346

>some literally who kills one of the great artists of the 20th century in a feminist rage
Makes you think.

>> No.17078364

shut up
just shut the fuck up

>> No.17078394

>Solanas had a turbulent childhood. She said her father regularly sexually abused her and she had a volatile relationship with her mother and stepfather after her parents' divorce. She was sent to live with her grandparents but ran away after being physically abused by her alcoholic grandfather. Solanas came out as a lesbian in the 1950s.

>> No.17078401

Quoting a sex worker, she understood next to nothing. Wiki next time. Back to twitter where losers are tolerated, femoid schizos.

>> No.17078402

Why do women think they they own sex? They cant have it without emotion. They are unable to detach themselves from the act.

>> No.17078409

Why do women feel they're entitled to sexual pleasure?

>> No.17078410

Seething dyke

>> No.17078426

It's only male delusion to think women have a problem getting laid. Moreover, she wasn't an unattractive woman either

>> No.17078428

really makes me think

>> No.17078439

It's so strange that as it has become cooler and cooler to dehumanize men we see men performing worse in education, suffering from greater rates of depression and suicide, and misplaced disdain for women a la violent incels.
It's almost like it's a growing persecution that's creating social problems

>> No.17078457

I think she's completely wrong about everything in her statement.

>> No.17078666

men did cause most problems of the world

>> No.17078670

Based and straponpilled

>> No.17078701

Maybe not in looks. Sounds like a sociopath. By all means, stick your dick in crazy if you want, don't come complaining to 4chan if they bite it off.

>> No.17078794

coming out as a lesbian in the 50's is the equivalent of getting the full gender surgery works today

>> No.17078826

>he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in male nature
So are all men rapists or are all men limp-dicked bitchboys? Which is it?

>> No.17078857

Men created the world

>> No.17078862

You will never be a woman and you're not anybody's ally

>> No.17078864

God created the world

>> No.17078930

Pretty based, but leave it up to a women to utilize her mental faculties towards insight into the act of sex. Whereas the male incel equivalent of this procures insight into the females character.

>> No.17078937

Literally who cares; men have always ruled the world and shall continue to rule the world by vast majority. Hell in my culture we still literally buy and sell women and our court cases in marriage are discussed and treated as property disputes. I don’t need to argue or insult them they’re literally property and in many places globally they’re considered property.

>> No.17078965

For Solanas, it's foremost the latter.

>> No.17078974

what's that on the cover?

>> No.17079048

Imagine having your entire existence defined by your inferiority complex towards yuppie hacks like worhol.

>> No.17079080

and men have caused most solutions as well.

>> No.17079109

>men did cause most problems of the world

No to say you are wrong here, Satan, but humanity would just absolutely crash if it was only women. They don't create problems because they don't do anything on a large, meaningful scale.

>> No.17079152

Kek,her dad sure managed to "lustfully tear off a piece ". Maybe she failed to consider that from birth she was just a human shaped jizz spittoon, and not a particularly useful one, according to her reports of her sex life

>> No.17079160

i'd love to be a fuck machine

>> No.17079229

I bet she LOVED the cock. :)

>> No.17079252
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She looks inbred lmfao

>> No.17079307

Thats not even the best part of it - Solanas actually writes about how great "male" traits are and comes up with a complex conspiracy to square it with her misandry.

Everything from the existence of money from here not being able to have groovy friends is the result of men wanting to trick women into forgetting that women are the real men.

>> No.17079359

> hysterical lesbian man-hater was sexually abused by her dad.
Who could have guessed?
Weird thing is, had it happened 50 years later she would have ended up in porn.

>> No.17079395

he survived the bullet

>> No.17079535

This bitch needs a good fucking

>> No.17079546

>he needs to pay to have sex

>> No.17079557

Should they be treated as property, though?

>> No.17079771 [DELETED] 
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>he’s a machine, a walking dildo

>> No.17079918

wondering what it would be like to be pegged by her

>> No.17080019

Wasn't she a carpet muncher? How would she know how men perform sexually?

>> No.17080081

Her dad and grandpa already did that to her

>> No.17080090

She's slit your throat, faggot

>> No.17080109

You wouldn’t be sexually abused twice without being at least somewhat attractive.

>> No.17080128

not much credit in creating problems yourself and solving them

>> No.17080141

>incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in male nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he’s doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.''
This is the truly most scary trait of women, just how perceptive they really are.

>> No.17080149
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Holy shit how naive are you?
Degens gonna degens, doesn't matter if the girl's hot or not.

>> No.17080234


> be a schizo girl, get raped by her dad and grandad, lacks any form of positive male influence in her life.
> become a whore, fucks dicks by the mile on a weekly basis. Become desensitized to it by the tender age of 15.
> goes into psychology, because of fucking course you will.
> Write trash pornography, get rustled when it won't be published as 'art'.
> "Men are bad, they are only good for fucking, but even then, not really, lol, I'll be a lesbo thank you very much"
> Shoot a man a billion time more successful than you'll ever be.

Am I missing something here? Why are we even discussing this shit? Defective humans produce defective litterature and philosophy, more news at eleven.

>> No.17080261

Based, what culture?

>> No.17080280

to be fair edgy nerds post threads about that failed mathematician turned terrorist on the daily, but i agree both suck. though i do think that book by the supreme gentleman is somewhat better since it just comes right out with vainglorious boasts without the political pretensions that gives it a sort of charm

>> No.17080289

meanwhile leftists bitch about "american imperialism" spreading liberalism across the globe, a true horror

>> No.17080352

Killing women and children is better than treating women as property. The ideology of american imperialism hard at work in this one.

>> No.17080373

>has to drag in the poor uncle Ted to accept this deranged whore sucks
Not a fan of him, but his mathematical work contributed to knowledge and his criticism of neoliberalism is worth considering. This whore, however, only wrote the parity of an incel manifesto.

>> No.17080410


Let me just see a thing here...

Although completely physical, the nigger is unfit even for stud service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few niggers have, he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in nigger nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he’s doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a nigger an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.''

She's basically another stupid piece of shit full of prejudice, like a lot of people nowadays. It is only needed to chance the word male to any other word, like nigger, jew, latins, lgbt or whatever, to see it

>> No.17080848

Name one

>> No.17080948
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>> No.17080964

Now I know how women feel when they read posts by incels.

>> No.17080976

we truly are improving as a society

>> No.17081000

>great artist

>> No.17081004


>> No.17081006

>man is fundamentally filled with guilt, shame, fear, and insecurity
This is in full agreement with the incels, who often say women are the unphilosophical and unintellectual sex. If she is right and women are not inflicted with these problems, then they are completely immoral and evil, as they can never see where they go wrong.
I don't get why everyone's getting so offended; the male and female perspective are fundamentally different. Of course their divergence will manifest itself in an inability to understand the other's position. For women, that means complete contempt for what we call "humanity," for they are not "human" in the same way we are.

>> No.17081009


>> No.17081010
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>> No.17081032

I dont get it

>> No.17081039

Aka pathological liar

>> No.17081057

box cutter

>> No.17081162

How I feel when I read the quote from OP's post.

>> No.17081179

Says a lot about men....

>> No.17081200

If this is man then what is woman?

>> No.17081211

Femcel needs to get laid

>> No.17081221

Dude, she was unfuckable. Some unfuckable women exist. Get some fucking standards.

>> No.17081238

Marguerite de Navarre wrote The Heptaméron, taking inspiration from Bocaccio, and the thesis was that women can be as great or as terrible as men. Looks like Solonas falls in the latter category as well as the sexual predator academic who wrote the intro.

>> No.17081257

women are at the top of the sex market, dwt incels

>> No.17081263


because males actually love to be disposable. the whole drive of a male is to be acknowledged as being useful
-being useful towards a woman is just giving her great sex and solving her little problems and a man is indeed always happy to be chosen by a woman to give sex FOR FREE
-being useful to other men is just paying taxes and trying to fulfill the moronic male idea of ''serving'' the clan, the group, the society, the kingdom, which is symbolized by acquiring lots of worthless medals (but spineless men like militaries love that crap)

men derive meaning and purposes from women and their retarded idea of progress of society. when men do not have this, they literally get depressed and commit suicide. It is a matter of life and death for a male to be seen as useful

>> No.17081271

What does this mean. I hate when you niggers do this

>> No.17082791
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women are the gate keepers of reproduction. Get an argument.

>> No.17082891

Poo in loo

>> No.17082940

Women could be the most powerful tier because they are the gate keepers to reproduction. However, they like popping out Chad's crotch fruit babies, so they will never manifest their one shot at owning the game. NGMI

As it stands, the status quo ends whenever men want to crash the system and retake power. Women are only ever allowed power through men, because they won't claim it from their one unique attribute.

Artificial wombs already work for goats. Eugenics is allowed by law in the UK. Designer babies on the way, with three genetic donors. Women are about to get displaced by machines. Ain't technology grand?

Women have already peaked.

>Let that sink in

>> No.17083180

Wow sounds like she lived the life of a woman where she was rarely critisized and did not understand her partners were trying to please her. she sounds like an insufferable cunt.

>> No.17083428
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extremely based

>> No.17083869

Who’s that gate actually kept by, though?

>> No.17083936

when the copy outshines the original

this one rings true

>> No.17084133
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>projection: the book

feminists are sometimes based and have some big brained insights but literally most of the time when they shitpost about muh male-volence the exact same criticisms could be levied against them to even worse degrees. MFers really think dudes are all heartless calculating lizardbrains when women constantly size up men based on their hypergamous nature and view 80% of males as subhumans without rights due to reproductive unviability. it becomes a massive caricature when the same feminists cry that men only faux-respect women when they want to fuck them, only to backflip into
>heh, most men are just trash and ugly, social darwinism is good actually and we need a matriarchy where we have a science fiction harem of chads and the rest of the men are little cucked slave creatures who work the mines

I literally do not care that most women were denied certain liberties throughout history up until a few decades ago in western countries, because they have never faced the worst consequences of the human condition en masse (war, prison, homelessness, etc.) and those restrictions were at least partially formed to keep our society from becoming even more sadistic. Every time a neurotic roastie scold is raped and beaten to death by a pack of horny mudslimes, god looks down at us and smiles.

>> No.17084188

A man wrote this.

>> No.17084253

It's bad that men are insecure?
The main question motivating a man is "what should I do?"
In life, with myself, with my partner. Uncertainty is a hallmark of someone trying to be the best they can be.
If that's a bad thing I don't want to be right.

>> No.17084362

>The main question motivating a man is "what should I do?"
>If that's a bad thing I don't want to be right.
For a woman it's 'what should I feel'.
This one just genuinely thinks this is the objective right course of logic.

>> No.17084415


>> No.17084430

>Although completely physical, jews are unfit even for stud service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few jews have, a jew is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in jewish nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling a jew attains is next to nothing; and third, a jew is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he’s doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a jew an animal is to flatter him; jews are a machine, a walking dildo.''

thanks for the pasta formula

>> No.17084433

lol what a retarded bitch.

>> No.17084570

giving women power and influence outside the home was one of the greatest mistakes men ever made. just after giving jews power.
incidentally the latter led to the former.

>> No.17084590

You say this as if you're lowkey bragging about women being chattel and I know you're not but nevertheless your nonchalance is disappointing. It's as if you're trying to get one over on women. I expected more from some tripfag who's in love with spiritual (and especially theological) poetry, I expected you to come to the defense of humanity but I guess you're nothing more than another repressed xtian larper.

>> No.17084641

oh no no, *men* didn't give them that, more like women snatched them

>> No.17084687

'Although completely emotional, the female is unfit even for mare service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few women have, she is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in female nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling she attains is next to nothing; and third, she is not empathizing with her partner, but is obsessed with how she’s doing, turning in an A performance, receiving a good plumbing job. To call a woman an animal is to flatter her; she’s a cuntflap, a walking hole.''

>*men* didn't give them that
Correct, weak "men" did.

>> No.17084751

>artificial wombs already work for goats
And guess what, artificial penises already work for humans. It's called a spank bank and a turkey baster, dumbass. You're so focused on replacing women that you don't see that men have already been replaced.

>> No.17085015
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B.A.I.T. Manifesto, by OP, with an introduction by OP.

>> No.17085018

the men of that time were more men than men today. they were misled though and didn't know the dangers of jewish influence. we have no such excuse.

>> No.17085025

jews pushed for it and planted the seeds. women snatched it, men allowed it.

>> No.17085033

just don't say it like men had a choice

>> No.17085091

Men create everything in society. Women would live in mud huts. Women just push paper around. You could say, in the future, but even then you would only be partially right.
Men can't have an abortion

>> No.17085141

Although completely emotional, women are unfit even for blowjob service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few women have, a woman is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead
is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in feminine nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling a woman attains is next to nothing; and third, a woman is not
empathizing with her partner, but is obsessed with how he’s doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a woman an animal is to flatter her; women are a machine, a walking fleshlight.''

>> No.17085761


>> No.17085786
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>crazy eyes
Yup, checks out to me boss

>> No.17085815

>looking any direction other than directly forward like a bird
seriously hope you guys aren't doing thds

>> No.17085836

Fellas, can we finally embrace that women are people too and have to be judged with the same standards we set for ourselves? If a dude wrote people would call him a pathetic edge lord.

>> No.17085855

I can admit that the majority of women like the majority of men are monkeys. Despite that, I love me nan.

>> No.17085873

Yes but the monkeymen are treated like monkeys, and rightfully so, while monkeywomen are given book deals and netflix shows and I CAN SAVE HER

>> No.17085951

but monkeys are cute and deserve cute points :3

>> No.17085979

I don't think it's necessarily 8nstinct that drives us to encomiast women, and if it were, hasn't history taught us that instinct is easily perverted and commanded?
All in all, we should condition men to treat a woman's behavior the same as a man's.

>> No.17085980

Man created God

>> No.17085984

the reverse

>> No.17086012

It's a circle, in no particular order
"... God created Man created..."

>> No.17086027

t. God

>> No.17086041
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I somewhat agree. Man and woman, for the most part, live in different realms. That is to say, the former views life as pessimistic and the latter as optimistic. Nevertheless, as the ancients have taught us, the minority should be able to synthesize both in order to reach the antediluvian era of paradise. The majority shall lead their lives as animals, and the few as homosapiens. If you are a biological woman, ave atque vale soror.

>> No.17086044

a decade old and still the containment board for triggered babbies. never change /lit/

>> No.17086055
File: 70 KB, 500x666, Y37y2xvoGybeu0I5eZr5znULb864mOTn0loyMI2RSpU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Zimbabwe Bill gives a fick about "gatekeeping"

>> No.17086058


>> No.17086074

>Man and woman, for the most part, live in different realms. That is to say, the former views life as pessimistic and the latter as optimistic
I see it the other way around. Or at least, men are miserably optimistic while women are gleefully pessimistic

>> No.17086076

How's dad

>> No.17086106

Ehh. Fair enough, I see your point. The university educated woman could fall into that category but, for the most part, working class women and men, fall into the aforementioned categories. Either way, be well and live a long and prosperous life :3

>> No.17086229

"A depressing number of studies show that, unlike men, women will often dislike one another for no logical reason. Females are quick to make negative assumptions, and less likely to become friends with someone who could be perceived as a sexual rival. The same studies also note that men (very predictably) don’t suffer from this particular problem. So what’s really going on here? Why are girls so mean to each other? And why do we all just blindly accept all this as normal?"

80% of females report not wanting to work under another female.

>Calling someone a woman is the ultimate insult.

Who is the superior sex again? Men.

>> No.17086378

Being a woman is life on easy mode, yet all they can do is complain.