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17076635 No.17076635 [Reply] [Original]

How do I cope with the fact that my mother tongue is useless on today's internet world?

Nobody will give a fuck about an isekai written in tacospeak.

>> No.17076682

English is the only language that matters.

>> No.17076699

Considering the state of the fucking internet, I'm actually kind of glad my mother-tongue is irrelevant on it.

>> No.17076705

americans are starting to complain about gender in romance languages.

>> No.17076726

Perhaps now Euros will understand what it's like to have a foreigner whose opinion you don't care about coming to you and whining about language incessantly, as they do for English.

>> No.17076738

Americans are known to be retarded idiots who should be ignored in Romance-speaking countries, so I doubt that they would even get a reaction.

>> No.17076745

Broken English may remain the lingua franca for business, but the future belongs to Spanish, French, and Chinese.

>> No.17076762

I could understand if your language was Icelandic or Quechua or something, but it's not like there's a shortage of native Spanish speakers.
And speaking an obscure language is without perks. Speakers of Chinese, English, and Russian have an incredible amount of competition, while speakers of smaller languages have a much easier time getting attention when publishing native works.

>> No.17076809

Spanish is emerging as the next lingua franca of the west akshually thanks to borderhopping beaners. Not in our lifetime obviously but your isekai might become a cult hit 200 years from now

>> No.17076815

is not without*

>> No.17076847


bro fuck off, my native tongue is Croatian and I'm not complaining

>> No.17076950

/lit/ will go on and on about rejecting modernity but will also abandon their native language in favor of English so a few more theoretical people will read their crappy light novel

>> No.17077008

I find spanish to be more relevant these days than any other romance language due to its amount of speakers.

t. portuguese speaker

>> No.17077020

Wtf is that

>> No.17077031

I wish non-anglos would stop translating doujinshi, it's really clogging up sadpanda. Maybe french would be fine too.

>> No.17077039

This is actually incredibly sad. It's like what Europeans did to indians (not the ones from India), except for the fact that English is cucking the whole world.

>> No.17077061

why? lol

Whats it about?

>> No.17077078
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Literalmente la segunda lengua más hablada en el planeta.
No te avergüences de tu lengua anon, no caigas en las mentiras del eterno anglo, y más importante, no le llames "tacospeak".
Recuerda, el mundo es el problema, la Hispanidad es la solución.

>> No.17077080

shut up beaner.

>> No.17077088

Sorry for party rocking

>> No.17077090

>Recuerda, el mundo es el problema, la Hispanidad es la solución.

El mundo es el problema, y la hispanidad es una de las causas

>> No.17077104
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this is literally me
what should I fucking do?

>> No.17077115

Que te arda el culo puto anglo.

>> No.17077125
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>> No.17077496

>t. Chicano con el cerebro roto por la maquinaria de propaganda anglo.
Ponte en pie y toma la hispanopastilla

>> No.17077507

And that's a good thing!
When Don Cuckote is the best you can offer, you better be replaced soon.

>> No.17077516

You wish your country had written a book even close to the Quixote, anglo shit

>> No.17077538 [SPOILER] 
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>Implying I'm Anglo
Me da vergüenza que tantos terminos chicanos destruyan el ingles Americano, que haras al respecto pendejo?

Hispanic culture has become nothing but commie apologia if you're continental and "WE WUZ AZTECS AND SHIT" and "POLITICIANS BAD" if you're Mexican/Sudaca. Only the heroics narrative of the West can save the planet.

>> No.17077553
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This is why we need Hispanism