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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.34 MB, 1080x2023, 20201220_105526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17076020 No.17076020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did this bitch say philosophy is for incels? lol

the emoji means pussy

>> No.17076029


>> No.17076032

I miss when tik tok was just cute asian schoolgirls dancing

>> No.17076041

Imagine being a world renowned philosopher and some roastie makes fun of you on Chinese spyware for zoomers.

>> No.17076044

She probably doesn't know what she is talking about, or is blatant f crazy, or is just inventing random controversial stupid shit to farm views with her new makeup kit.

>> No.17076048


>> No.17076051

Kant was a volcel not an incel

>> No.17076052

>ohhhh no no no 4chan is safe and not honeypot
get a load of this nigger

>> No.17076060

He was a pure incel, just like you

>> No.17076083

>defending TikTok

>> No.17076095

are you retarded?
shes ridiculing kants work saying it was driven by his inability to have sex
agree with her or disagree its pretty clear she wasnt saying philosophy is for incels and im assuming she reads it herself if she even knows about kant to begin

>> No.17076098

In my experience, pussy does just as much harm, if not more, than no pussy

>> No.17076101

brain damage
you don't know a single thing on whats going behind the scenes in 4chan.


>> No.17076113

TikTok is still cancer.
If 4chan is so bad why do you post here?

>> No.17076114

Jesus was a volcel

>> No.17076126

>everything is about the wet hole between my legs
t. women

>> No.17076149

>everything is about my ability to fill that wet hole between a woman's legs
t. honest men

>> No.17076150

>4chan isn't a honeypot cancer
>If 4chan is so bad why do you post here?
dont need to sign up to post. this is the biggest honeypot there is

there is no escape

>> No.17076163

jesus fucked his followers and fucked all desert cult bitches

what cope

you can't be a spiritual leader without being a manwhore. look at osho and buddha

>> No.17076165

The internet is a honeypot

Everything is controlled opposition

Get a grip

>> No.17076168

Mainly because of being anonymous. No one is whoring fake internet points. The ambient is shit but at least retards in here are sincere.

>> No.17076194

4chan isn't anonymous
are you new?
just because there is no account sign up or the name you post with is "anonymous" doesn't mean the site is anonymous

true anonymity is dead. But what you would you know about tech? Nothing. At least look into the snowden leaks even if its old. Its very relevant

>> No.17076228

Nietzsche said no less of him

>> No.17076230

But still there are no usernames and shit like that.

>> No.17076245

idk how new you are but i've been on here since 2004. Just stop

the internet is cancer but you still use it everyday huh

>> No.17076273

Yes, but this attention seeking behavior to get fake internet points and promote your image so you can profit later is just retarded. And this is what the smart ones do, the peasants are solely conditioned by internet points.

No one bothers thinking anything, it is mostly social media being consumed and regurgitated over and over.

>> No.17076284

>4chan isn't anonymous
>are you new?
he meant, as he said in >>17076230
no usernames, no whoring for likes/karma/digital brownie points via hot takes and obvious bait

>b-but muh butters
tripfags are shunned everywhere by all but their small to nonexistent cult. i still have fond memories of spamming the serbian tripfag L on /fa/ with a simple "ubij se" until he quit tripfaggotry

>> No.17076285

Holy midwit newfag

>> No.17076287

k idk what ur talking about
4chan isn't anonymous stupid nigger
don't act like it is.
thats the only point im tryna make

>> No.17076292

Haven't said that that doesn't happen on 4chan, but it isn't as accentuated. I honestly thought about designing something new. Different from all this shit.

>> No.17076299

Like what?

>> No.17076309

It shouldn't be, otherwise people would be filling this shit with child porn and some other degeneracy.

>> No.17076317

Someone edited that or made their gf do it

>> No.17076320

4chan is not properly anonymous. You should assume every post you have ever made is attached to your real name - because they are. Google, the NSA, the 4chan staff, and some others have a permanent record of your actions here, just like if you were posting on Facebook or Instagram. None of your arguments will change this fact.

>> No.17076325

Something like a multilayered forum with a slower pace on higher layers and that threads last longer.

>> No.17076330

i fuckin hate newfags that think 4chan is le anonymous

fuck, easiest way to spot newfags

>> No.17076339

Whatever, anon. If the fucking NSA is after you ass, you are probably doing some spooky shit anyway.

>> No.17076341

>your honour, we present to you exhibit A3: a collection of postings indicating the defendant's violent nature. We will now read some of those postings. I advise the jury to prepare themselves to be hearing some very unsavory and downright disgusting things
>[it's all just variations of Terry-posting]
I wouldn't mind that desu

>> No.17076349

how do you know she meant it in a derogatory sense, maybe she was explaining that wizardry leads to profound philosophical insight?

>> No.17076353
File: 259 KB, 956x559, kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kant was actually a charismatic and popular teacher in Konigsberg

>> No.17076357

This makes me feel homicidally violent

>> No.17076360

Explain snowden bootlicker
What spooky shit did he do dimwit

>> No.17076361

Only polfags or retards have shit to worry about in that case
kek at those retards getting what they deserve
some 18 year old wignat australian was arrested recently for his online posts itd be fucking brilliant if they read out whatever shit he posted on /pol in court

>> No.17076370

shes just repeating memes about things she knows nothing about to seem quirky

>> No.17076381

The NSA is after EVERYONE'S ass. That's the whole point of dragnet surveillance. Everyone has a permanent record of kompromat in case it's useful later.

>> No.17076384

so she is probably a /lit/ poster

>> No.17076388


I want a fucking decent literature discussion board. Am I asking too much of the fucking internet?

>> No.17076393

I don't think kant had an inability to have sex... Some people just can't fathom someone not being primarily motivated by orgasms and therefore not putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.17076400

Every internet literature community inevitably trends towards esoteric right wing paranoia or woke liberalism.

>> No.17076407

dumb nigger stfu
u said 4chan was anonymous
kill yourself ugh

>> No.17076412


>> No.17076416

Ironic Kant incel memes are apparently popular on social media right now for some reason.

>> No.17076418

Lol who told her those eyebrows were a good idea

>> No.17076420

But this is boring. Are IRL literature discussion groups any better?

>> No.17076427

Every IRL literature group I have ever been to was full of women with extremely boring taste. But those were all in high school and college.

>> No.17076430

Hylics gonna hylic

>> No.17076440

do some therapy or whatever, you are clearly triggered by stupid shit.

>> No.17076442

White bourgies ruin everything

>> No.17076448

shes probably that butterfly cunt

>> No.17076451

This thread has strengthened my will to read

Thank you people who engage in meaningless discussion

>> No.17076455

Every overly online person knows who Evola, BAP, Junger, Mishima, Dugin, Linkola, Ted, etc. are. I wonder when mainstream twittertards will start making memes about Guenon, Plotinus, Shankara, Swedenborg, and so on.

>> No.17076491

>im assuming she reads it herself if she even knows about kant to begin
you'd assume wrong. everything informal about philosophy on the internet is posted by people who have no idea what they're talking about and just picked up some memes that they regurgitate. i doubt she knows anything but 'kant bad'.

>> No.17076502

kys coomer/femoid this is demonstrably false. unlike women, men can have passion and interest in things not contingent on sexual dynamics.

>> No.17076507

Kant is one of the best known philosophers, anyone who went to high school is going to know about the existence of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Hegel at the very least.

>> No.17076527

god you are a retard

>> No.17076535

There is no escape.

>> No.17076554

It is still anonymous in the sense that normal users dont know your identity, that is what people mean you retard.

>> No.17076557

>Kant enjoyed the company of women, provided that they did not pretend to understand the Critique of Pure Reason.
He never even invited them to his parties

>> No.17076560

definitely not the case in burgerland

>> No.17076561


Not in America. Only plato and aristotle

>> No.17076563

Are you retarded? This isn't an insult, I actually want to know if you have a reading disabilty, your reading comprehension is non-existent.

>> No.17076571

great comeback bro. you literally said nothing.

>> No.17076581

HOLY fuck, is this real? I can't believe Kant is atttactive, my world view is in shambles.

>> No.17076599

was Joseph a cuck? is Mary the most famous hooer in history?
>gets impregnated
>"honey, i thought you were a virgin?"
>"its immaculate conception honey"
>proceeds to get raw dogged by the three wise men

>> No.17076607

hell we didn’t even cover them, only a little bit of hobbes, locke, and rousseau in my european history class

>> No.17076612

you are delusional and overestimating normal people.

>> No.17076623

No one said Joe and Mary never had sex

>> No.17076654

kant was a racist careerist for 60 years and then one day he decided to push for secular humanism because it was trendy. His little ''white lies are okay if people I talk to do not expect me to say the truth'' is a huge cope.
Literal r8ddit thru and thru.
Also his little rambling about the condition for knowledge is a pathetic cope after Hume, and he never ever lived like what he preached, like any intellectual since the renaissance.
Kant is quintessential humanistic, hence, garbage,

>> No.17076655

What the fuck do you learn then? Just holohoax and slavery?

>> No.17076670

in my school you learn history and literature but philosophy is treated as an entirely separate discipline not really worth much study

i forgot we did study sartre and camus in my french class but most people don’t take foreign language between 1-2 years of spanish

>> No.17076672

>what is achieving immortality
Retard who doesn't know the purpose of anything

>> No.17076688
File: 23 KB, 444x378, borgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't this a thread topic on here just a few days back? I get the feeling these posturing faggots on tiktok come here just to steal "intellectual" jokes, which is ironic seeing as literally nobody here has any clue what they're talking about either

>> No.17076722
File: 920 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20201220-184207_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Kant wasn't an incel

>> No.17076731
File: 569 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20201220-184250_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also daily reminder that Kant was a beautiful, short chad

>> No.17076735

It's a joke you turbo-autist. It's not very funny but the internet is full of retards saying stupid things do you sperg out and post it to 4chan every time?

>> No.17076739

He wasn't but does that even matter? Why should I care if he stick his dick into someone? I'm not reading him so I can stick my dick into someone else. His stuff isn't about it. She would have a point if it were.

>> No.17076774

He was, according to all the historical sources we have access to. People thought that Kant was very attractive, and in every social gsthering he was always domineering, the centre of the attention of the whole party. I think people's view of Kant is skewed mostly because almost all of thr famous anecdotes and depiction of his comes from his late 60s-70s: most people kmow Kant only as an old man, and they then assumed that he must have been like that for his whole life.

>> No.17076788

I missed a "So" at the start of my post. Ok, so what?

>> No.17076799

Educating women has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.17076805

Do I need to add anything more? I just wanted to clear up a common historical misconceptiom about Kant

>> No.17076820

He was still 5'2.

>> No.17076827

Ok, sorry. Just bothers me people talking about the least relevant aspects of some cool shit.

>> No.17076842

It only adds to his chadness. This 5'2 mf would have mogged you so hard at any party

>> No.17076850

I'm pretty sure that's a man.

>> No.17076878

it’s a lame joke but yeah, 4chan autists taking everything women say at face value

>> No.17076901

Based schizo. 4chan gets all of us to say stupid shit like this and feel good about it, is that what you refer to?