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17072947 No.17072947 [Reply] [Original]

Also, general Neo-Eurasianism, Geopolitics, and Traditionalism thread

>> No.17072962


>> No.17072982


>> No.17073005

Redpill me on (You). What are your beliefs? Neo-British Imperialism?

>> No.17073227

Car goes fast

>> No.17073228

karl rove

>> No.17073235

Did they air brush Dugan’s face something? or does he have a really good skin care regime?

>> No.17073239

Bannon and Francis Parker Yockey, I guess. Or maybe one of those integralist guys like Adrian Whatshisname.

>> No.17073261


>> No.17073302

Lmfao no. Bannon, yes. I was thinking Rush Limbaugh. Bannon doesn't believe his own bullshit, but Dugin and Limbaugh do.

Adrian Vermeule (pronounced "ver-moy-lee") is the integralist CIA memester you're thinking of. He's not a good example of an Anglo Dugin as Vermeule actually gets money and social presence from the CIA, Dugin doesn't get anything from Putin.

>> No.17073457

bannon, unironically

>> No.17073542

Dugin is an anti-Anglo so how can there be an anti-Anglo version of him?

FWIW he was asked during an interview once what he thought about Anglo-Americans reading and taking up his philosophy and he said he would encourage that they do so but find a way to come up with a uniquely Anglo-American version and that hasn’t been done.

>> No.17073659
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Ok I will do it then. Rate my chart.

>> No.17073874

steve banon
Dugin is trump-supporter tier shit.

>> No.17074005

Dugin was heavily influenced by non-Russian philosophers so I’m not sure what you’re trying to do with this chart. You don’t have to read exclusively Anglo to make Anglo philosophy.

>> No.17074034

>Dugin is trump-supporter tier shit.
lol, no. he's at the forefront of geopolitics and could be called a genuine philosopher with regards to his works on heidegger.

>> No.17074068

t. /pol/tard

>> No.17074081

That’s true. It’s just something I whipped up for a recurring /pol/ anglosphere general thread. I took Arthurian legends, Middle Ages/enlightenment shit, and 19th/20th century Anglo-American shit that tried to reunify USA and the Empire.

>> No.17074082

I didn't realize Dugin posted here

>> No.17074096

/pol/ don't like Dugin

>> No.17074574

David Icke

>> No.17075526


>> No.17076499
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>Redpill me on (You). What are your beliefs?

>> No.17076515
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Unfathomably based

>> No.17076542

this but unironically

>> No.17076591
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Horia Belcea is the person you are thinking of, OP

>> No.17076597

Bannon really wants to be the American Dugin, but the real answer is Alex Jones.

>> No.17076616

Kissinger, Brezinski, Alex Jones

>> No.17076625

> Bannon
Are you niggers serious? The guy runs a media company. He’s nothing like Dugin. There is no American Dugin. The idea that there would be an American Dugin is absurd.

>> No.17077401

dugin was retroactively and proactively refuted by olavo de carvalho in their debate

>> No.17077611

I forgot about that written debate. Gonna re-examine today, thanks.

>> No.17077623

Charles Upton says that Dugin is a Luciferian

>> No.17077668

Nick Land

>> No.17077706

Charles Upton is Luciferian lol

>> No.17077765

Dugin is a very smart man and very charming too. His political stuff is the least interesting thing about him. He is amazing lector and radio host. Alex Jones wishes he was that smart and Dugin wishes he was that entertaining. Dugin is very funny when he relaxes, though. Always chuckle when i watch this.

>> No.17077773

I like Dugin's rant about beards

>> No.17077774

Dugin roasts Soros and his slaves

>> No.17077846

Why you all like this shizo so much?

>> No.17077851

Keith Woods

>> No.17077858

Wrong. Dugin clearly won. He referenced Guenon many times

>> No.17077872

What did he say in the video?

>> No.17077877

i dont know but the chinese version is jiang shigong.

>> No.17077953

the strong individual...drug addict is the strong individual...not a weak individual but a strong one because he wants to look for a more fullfilling existence than the one that world offers to him. he looks for it, he finds it but he can't handle it...this is the strong individual who gets lost on this path of power...after drug addict comes euarsian youth union.

>> No.17077957

>He referenced Guenon many times
yes. the only valid metric.

>> No.17077979

Based. Reminder that Guenon dabbled with opium

>> No.17077998

>dabbled with
dugin says that he never did drugs and he against drug use. he thinks that reality is the greatest psychedelic experience and drugs and alcohol make everything worth. According to him rumors about his psychedelic drug use are not true.

>> No.17078078

Michael Morell, ex CIA director, has a podcast on spotify.

>> No.17078150

What’s his deal?

>> No.17078239

He is a massive shill

>> No.17078447

This, and ironically Dugin is much crazier and more delusional than Jones

>> No.17078473
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>> No.17078474

Anyone have that story of Dugin in the 90's hotel freaking out about Kazakhstan lauching nukes and worshiping a giant cat that lives in lake Baikal?

>> No.17078524

I've read Dugin's entry on my country (in that logos work of his whatever it is called) and his interpretation is hopelessly juvenile. I will at least give him credit for looking up the names and intellectual currents of an obscure country but his analysis is just wishful-thinking. Anything that could be interpreted as pro-western is in his analysis a mistake, abortive, slavish etc., then the lone strong moment of pan-Slavism in this nation's history is somehow interpreted as the lone "authentic" spot. He also digs up a somewhat obscure contemporary philosopher who obviously has ancient Greek and Greek-Orthodox affinities and Dugin champions him so extensively that one could think he is the new Messiah. If he could maintain some impartiality instead of trying to rape history with his political-leanings and philosophy it might have some actual work, as it is, it reads more like a theological analysis where Dugin's position is basically that we have to run the entire history through the prism of his positions, which are pure Revelation. If the rest of his work like this it would have very limited worth to me, certainly nothing that would suggest I should spend time reading a tome of his. I can see through the veil of his highly specific and partial reading in the case of my own country, but I would not be able to do so in some other cases. This would mean that Dugin's statements in those other cases would have little to no value to me.

>> No.17078560

Alain de Benoist, probably his most sympathetic western intellectual readily admits he has no idea what he's talking about most of the time

>> No.17078593


>> No.17078603

What country?

>> No.17078621
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>> No.17078650

Looks trans here

>> No.17078671
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Transcendent of the one-nation toryism of the soft quim Cameron

>> No.17078677
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>Dugin is trump-supporter tier shit.
I wish Trump drones had Dugin's wit and learning.

>> No.17078762

He now lives in Maine as his alter ego Stephen King.

>> No.17078960

Zbrignew was kinda based ngl. He warned about the chinks a while ago and no one did shit

>> No.17078978

Kek, he is so fucking weird.

>> No.17078988

Who is this man?

>> No.17079757
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.17080217

>Who is the Anglo/American version of him
None, they're not ready

>> No.17080276

Duginism picks up where the Situationists left off

>> No.17081398

Good answer.

>> No.17081411
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>> No.17081469

Me, i will be releasing my book on this next year

>> No.17081611
File: 33 KB, 318x318, 97EA348F-B0B1-44D5-B101-18E4A56278CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dugin is wrong about beards. /lit/ is a clean shaven board. We follow the Roman tradition