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17070297 No.17070297 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Stirner not popular these days?

I know he was suppressed back in his time for undermining social cohesion, but in an age of constant deconstructionist thought you would think he would gain prominence? I know there are a handful of slackers and edgelords who like Stirner's ideas and meme about him here and elsewhere but he never turned into a real cultural figure like other thinkers despite being surrounded by and responding to some of the most popular ones.

Is it just too hard for people to accept despooking? Do they read his long barrage of spooks, see one they like, and put him down for fear of losing grasp to parts of their identity? Why are people getting spooked nearly two centuries later?

>> No.17070319

Maybe because he was completely wrong and got shredded by Marx?

>> No.17070325

WTF are you talking about? He's super popular. I had more than three classes give lectures on him when I was in uni.

>> No.17070330

Nietzsche is instead, because he's a more interesting Stirner.

>> No.17070333

How did the class give a lecture?

>> No.17070344

Marx wrote some half hearted pilpul decrying him without any real argument because he knew if there was any chance of his philosophy enacting its grand experiment he had to rely on spooking and manipulating massive amounts of people.

>> No.17070349

Your conflation of deconstructionism with undermining social cohesion is false.

>> No.17070379

Explain how you think Derrida improved social cohesion? Or really improved anything at all?

>> No.17070383

Log off.

>> No.17070478

He improved Israel

>> No.17070566

Even the most conspiracy theory tier interpretation of the post modernists insist that it is s project intended to create a global demographic that values only products sold to them and whose identities are consumed rather than socially constructed within local cultural contexts.
Even a shitty global consumption society has social cohesion. Destruction of old values is not about creating isolated individuals, it is about creating individuals who value nothing other than consumption of products. Such people are obedient, their values are not only recited to them, they pay out of their own pocket to receive them, and channel their dissatisfaction in to approved channels of consumption disguised as outlets, such as in the uptake of theory and purchase of products relating to uncontroversial "issues" such as being anti police brutality (as if society ad a whole outside of them is somehow pro police brutality).
Its about marketing, anon. Make everyone in the world have the same tastes and you can maximise profit.

>> No.17070579

People are fed up with relativism, Stirner's philosophy is a political cul de sac in a world overcharged with individuality and egoism.

>> No.17070607

Oh I don't disagree with your point that Derrida was used as nothing more than a capitalist tool for their ever growing rapacious appetite for growth and control.

On the contrary, Stirner is the start of any real attempt at individuality at least in spirit. Without at least a similar level of instinctive differentiation between the memes of other men and your self your claims to individual identity are as ethereal as Stirner boasts them to be.