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/lit/ - Literature

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17070103 No.17070103 [Reply] [Original]

>So anon, what book are we reading today in your balcony? You've brought a book with you, right?

>> No.17070113
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>> No.17070136
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no, we are fucking you stupid whore
>turns her 360 around and starts fucking her in the ass

>> No.17070138

I only brought my smokes. Soooo on fait l'amour tout de suite ou maintenant?

>> No.17070140
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>> No.17070150

"We" are not reading anything dear. I will be reading Didostatis Marjvena and you will be cooking and watching your retarded gossip surrogate TV shows.

>> No.17070163
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>are we reading
Excuse me but reading is a solitary hobby, you fucking pleb.

>> No.17070166

i doubt that you know what 360 means

>> No.17070176


>> No.17070190
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>Excuse me but reading is a solitary hobby, you fucking pleb.

>On a typical evening at Tribschen Wagner and his wife ask, when the children are asleep, what book they should read together. Plato? Not yet bound. Schiller? Read him recently. Calderon? Shakespeare? Homer? 'We decide,' Cosima writes, 'on the last.' (I"m pleaed at that, for Homer is far and away my favourite reading.) 'Most wonderful impression,' Cosima writes, 'a sublimely intimate evening, indelible images stamped on my mind. Untroubled sleep.'
>In the next day's entry she writes, 'The evening [is] crowned with four cantos from the Odyssey (Calypso, Nausicaa, Leucothea). Only distraction during the reading is watching R[ichard]'s fine, radiant counternance and delighting in the sound of his voice.' And on successive evenings she writes, about subsequent books of the Odyssey, 'Great delight ... The splendid happenings seem like a dream picture to me ... [Richard's] voice and his manner encompass the immortal work like music.
>One day, over lunch, Wagner rates Plato's Symposium above all other literary works: 'In Shakespeare we see Nature as it is, here we have the artistic awareness of the benefactor added; what would the world know about redeeming beauty without Plato?'
>One night they decide that there are seven great books. 'Over supper we discussed our indispensables and classified them thus: Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Plato's Symposium, Cervantes Don Quixote, the whole of Shakespeare, and Goethe's Faust.
>The theatre at Bayreuth is opened, and they move into Wahnfried, the house Wagner designed there for himself. Properly married at last, they now have a library of over two thousand books to choose from for their evening reading. They make their way through several books of Thucydides together. Wagner wants to contrast German politics with those of classical Greece. 'Ah, they were too intelligent, those fellows,' he says of the Athenians. 'They could not last.' One day Cosima finds him reading Sophocles Oedipus and checking the translation against the original Greek. 'It is a torrent of beauty,' he says, 'now vanished forever: we are barbarians.'
>A son is born, and they draw up plans for his future reading. Philosophy: Schopenhauer. Religion: Eckhart, Tauler. Art: R. Wagner. And then, much the same great-books program as before, climaxing in the big three - Homer, Aeschylus, and Sophocles.


>> No.17070202

>There is something touching, finally, about the older, thoroughly domesticated couple, in an age before television, setting down again to read the Odyssey - she listening, as Penelope once did, and he reading the tale, as Odysseus once told it to his wife. He reads, she says, 'in so sublimely moving a way that I shed tears.' He concludes that Homer 'really was the poetic par excellence, the source of all poetic art, the true creator,' (He's right, as usual, in aesthetic matters.) In his last year, they return to Book 10, to the magical description of Circe's island, and the appearance of Hermes there. When they lay the book aside, he says, 'How sublime it is.'

>> No.17070204
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So I found this guy ... He's really into mythology ...

>> No.17070206

My pale, spotty skin cannot withstand the sun's violent rays, nor the chill of your icy gaze. Better I head back inside and close the curtains. You're free to do as you wish.

>> No.17070213 [DELETED] 

kek, hot
reminds me of a scene from Crash


>> No.17070229
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>> No.17070262

>there are people in this thread who have deluded themselves into thinking that reading books makes them more attractive to women

>> No.17070271

My reading habit is the only reason I've had any girlfriends.

>> No.17070279
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> "Of course, ma chère, let me tell you of the agony of knowing Christ in the secular age. After that we'll smoke some marijeanne and you'll give me oral, oui?"

>> No.17070382

Chad reads:
>omg he reads books, he's so intelligent and mysterious. I bet we could, like, talk about the meaning of life together or something!
4chan truecel reads:
>ew, not only is he ugly, that freak reads books too. I bet he's still a virgin!

>> No.17071938

My wife and I read passages we find interesting to each other and discuss them in the evenings after putting the kids to bed because we're fucking civilized.

>> No.17071945

Jannies assume this is them.