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17069987 No.17069987 [Reply] [Original]

What is some good Anglican /lit/?

>> No.17070006

Non meme answers needed from Christians.
What is the future for British Christianity?
Do not answer if you are larp pagan or buddha tranny

>> No.17070268

C.S Lewis is the obvious answer.
John Donne, in particular his Holy Sonnets
Many of the major English poets wrote religious work, except for the Catholics amongst them they would be a good choice
The Book of Common Prayer
For explicit theological works idk but Thomas Cranmer, the Caroline Divines, and/or the Tractarians (esp. John Henry Newman) would probably be good choices

>> No.17070345

If you aren't catholic you go to hell. What's so hard about this? Fucking cuck idiots obey pope francis or else enjoy an eternity of torture

>> No.17070399

The Anglican Church is over.
It's been over since the Oxford Movement saw the best of a generation leave the Church.
The Lambeth Conference was just a nail in the coffin.
People don't go to Anglican Churches, the Government isn't interested in propping it up, and the liberal clergy are far more interested in being secular humanists than spreading the word of God.
In total, most Anglicans will fall into Atheism, Catholicism and a small number will go off into the English Orthodox Church or some other Protestant Denomination.
It is beginning to look like the Catholic Church will become the sole bastion of Christ in England once again, with a small hardcore Orthodox community.
I've seen the writing on the wall, and have become convinced of the arguments of Catholicism and shall be joining the Church this Easter, God willing.
It's a crying shame what has happened to the Church of England, but I suppose this is what happens when you let a boy and a woman decide the direction of your Church.

>> No.17070400
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The fact that they now ordain women invalidates everything that every Anglican has ever said about anything.

>> No.17070450

Catholicism is literally dying faster that Anglicanism in the US. Dont fall for the hype. The reason the Anglicans died is because they forsook their Reformed tradition in favor of catholic larping. Don't make the same mistake.

>> No.17070462

>Catholicism is dying dude... Keep being part of a church that ordinates women and it's at the verge of marrying faggots please please please Catholicism no :'( everything but Catholicism it's dying and larp please :'((((

>> No.17070477

The Practice of Piety by Lewis Bayly
The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall
The Works of Augustus Toplady
The Works of John Newton (especially Cardiphonia)
The Letters of Henry Venn
Expository Thoughts on the Gospels by J.C. Ryle
Holiness by J.C. Ryle

>> No.17070481

I didn't say stay Anglican. The obvious answer is classical evangelical orthodoxy in the Reformed tradition. I'm personally a Presbyterian in the PCA. Raised Catholic.

>> No.17070494

Well, not quite.
Some of their social writings especially in relation to the Empire can be quite interesting.
There was a writing from around 1900 by an Anglican Bishop which proved very inciteful.
However I cannot remember his name nor the work he produced.
"God has endowed the British race with a world wide empire, that they may execute his sovereign purpose in the world" is derived from his work.

>> No.17070539

>Catholicism is dying in the US
Ok dude, but we're talking about the UK.
>Catholic Larping
We were Catholics (i.e. the universal and Apostolic Church) and the most Catholic parts of the Anglican Church were the most successful.
It was when the Anglicans put that aside did we start to fall apart.
We had the Low Church and High Church working in harmony, but then the low Church decided to Schism against itself a thousand times and the High Church lost its mind and became the Low Church.
Protestant Churches are dying across the world with the exception of the truly fanatical ones.
In a similar way the 'Catholic Church' as a whole is declining, but traditional sects SSPX, FSSP, SSPV, etc. are growing rapidly due to conversion, and the incredibly high birth-rate.
Protestantism is intellectually void and materially disastrous.

>> No.17070569

Fine whatever. Might want to check those numbers though. You've really bought into the propaganda if you think trad numbers are actually anything other than a statistical blip.

Meanwhile, evangelical Protestantism is growing worldwide and in the US, adding more to their numbers in one year than have existed in trad circles in its entire history. Sometimes by an order if magnitude. I won't argue with you though. People who become catholics deserve the suffering that follows. Enjoy your bitter bitter life.

>> No.17070638

>People who become catholics deserve the suffering that follows. Enjoy your bitter bitter life.
Says the one who left the Church for some nonsensical Protestant bookclub, knowing that it couldn't be reversed. You're already doomed man, you fucked up greatly. I'm talking with a hopeless damned. Naturally you have to hide on meaningless statistics to deceive yourself about your suicidal choice. I'd pray for you but I fear it would be useless.

>> No.17070702

The road you trudge down is ordaining women and flying pride flags.
A temporary halt will not save the Protestant Churches, your rejection of tradition will lead to the demise we have seen of every Protestant Church.
May God have mercy on your souls.
>Enjoy your bitter life
I've never been more content in my life then I am now.

>> No.17070951

>Protestantism is intellectually void
Based zoomer

>> No.17071004
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The sooner you leftover crypto-papists leave the sooner we can fix our church.

>> No.17071046

What a remarkably poor grasp of catholic theology the larper has!

>> No.17071060

the vast majority of protestants in the US and worldwide are evangelicals who don't do any of that so I can't imagine what your point is.

And content people don't post on lit about religion asking whether there is any future for their church only to flip out >>17070638 when their own irrelevance is made clear.

>> No.17071073

Christians are so fucking lame lmao, listen to yourselves

>> No.17071085

yes the catholics are extremely lame that's true. fortunately there won't be any left in 30 to 40 years. the ones posting here are literally the only ones under 30 who exist in the world, statistically speaking.

The reason you know they're larping is because if they had ever actually gone into a church they'd see its a geriatric ward that doesn't match their silly larping at all.

>> No.17071101

You're all lame, the amount of Church of England faithful who go to Church weekly is like 1% of the population

>> No.17071108

You're right the coe does indeed suck. I would never claim otherwise. Its a pathetic institution.

>> No.17071136

Another great religion thread. Thanks catholics you fucking autistic faggots

>> No.17071211

Calvinists aren't Christian

>> No.17071223

How is catholic church on a decline doe, they are global and growing

>> No.17071232

>o-old people bad1!!!
Why are you so hateful? Tbh my church is filled with young people and families

>> No.17071248

Gay clubs are full of young people, maybe you should go there.

>> No.17071258

According to the catholic church they are, so you are committing a sin by saying this.

>> No.17071268

>inb4 i-im not talking about Latin America in addition to europe and the us

>> No.17071275

The Church is doing fine in Latin America you delusional tranny lmao

>> No.17071276
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>> No.17071283

statistics are literally fake tho

>> No.17071295

Calvinists are like gloomy pagans obsessed with determinism and fate

>> No.17071299

I'll accept your concession.

>> No.17071303

You will never be a woman

>> No.17071314

That is just you focusing on one small facet of Calvinism.

>> No.17071319

>According to the catholic church
According to the Catholic Church Protestants Churches cannot even be called Churches.
>In response to this question the document recognises that “the wound is still more profound in those ecclesial communities which have not preserved the apostolic succession or the valid celebration of the eucharist”.[13] For this reason they are “not Churches in the proper sense of the word”[14] but rather, as is attested in conciliar and postconciliar teaching, they are “ecclesial Communities”.

>> No.17071329

Predestination is literally the heart of Calvinist autism.
Good thing they will be gone soon.

>> No.17071330

What a long way to fall from catholicism is growing and calvinists aren't christian. Want me to btfo you with some stats about how pathetically small and not growing trads are next?

Quit while you're ahead.

>> No.17071340

Uh who gives a shit?

>> No.17071355

Not even correct there. Wow you guys are really just stupid.

>> No.17071357

No it isn't. The only people who make a big deal of it are anti-Calvinists.

>> No.17071358

Prots are delusional holy shit. The Roman Church is the largest united denonimation of the world and they continue growing. The Caesars couldn't end the Church, the Reformation didn't end the Church, continue coping.

>> No.17071366

Prots are so demoralized they need to resort to denying reality.

>> No.17071385

You, it's an information you need for the salvation of your soul.

>> No.17071387

ITT: people on 4chan, a site filled with lewd images and perverse talking, pretend to be Christian

I laff.

>> No.17071390

>were growing in Latin America
>*shows clear evidence of sharp decline as protestantism grows*
>those are FAKE STATS
Well this has gotten seriously embarrassing

>> No.17071427

>the anti cath schizophrenic ruins another comfy thread
Go back to /his/, you are worth less then the most wretched neo pagan white supremacist

>> No.17071429

>The difficulty in the way of giving an answer is a profound one. Ultimately it is due to the fact that there is no appropriate category in Catholic thought for the phenomenon of Protestantism today (one could say the same of the relationship to the separated churches of the East). It is obvious that the old category of ‘heresy’ is no longer of any value. Heresy, for Scripture and the early Church, includes the idea of a personal decision against the unity of the Church, and heresy’s characteristic is pertinacia, the obstinacy of him who persists in his own private way. This, however, cannot be regarded as an appropriate description of the spiritual situation of the Protestant Christian. In the course of a now centuries-old history, Protestantism has made an important contribution to the realization of Christian faith, fulfilling a positive function in the development of the Christian message and, above all, often giving rise to a sincere and profound faith in the individual non-Catholic Christian, whose separation from the Catholic affirmation has nothing to do with the pertinacia characteristic of heresy. Perhaps we may here invert a saying of St. Augustine’s: that an old schism becomes a heresy. The very passage of time alters the character of a division, so that an old division is something essentially different from a new one. Something that was once rightly condemned as heresy cannot later simply become true, but it can gradually develop its own positive ecclesial nature, with which the individual is presented as his church and in which he lives as a believer, not as a heretic. This organization of one group, however, ultimately has an effect on the whole. The conclusion is inescapable, then: Protestantism today is something different from heresy in the traditional sense, a phenomenon whose true theological place has not yet been determined.
-Pope Benedict XVI

>> No.17071437

Tbh more catholics are being born to replace those leaving the Church. I'm not sure why the dude in this thread hates religious plurality lmao

>> No.17071467
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The reality-denyal Protestant cares about statistics of old ladies in parishes in order to choose a congregation, instead of actually researching what is the only Church created by Jesus Christ. Absolutely lamentable.

>> No.17071482

>calvinist tranny enraged at based little old catholic ladies.

>> No.17071540
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>Tbh more catholics are being born to replace those leaving the Church.
Also very wrong. Where do you guys even get these made up statistics lol

>> No.17071541

Anyone can quote mine the Early Church Fathers

>> No.17071566

There is zero historical evidence of the catholic church being the same institution from the time of christ. There aren't frankly any historians who would attest to that, including many catholic historians at major catholic universities.

>> No.17071579

Those little old catholic ladies would be appalled at your behavior and your traditionalism.

>> No.17071697

New poster here. Never seen Catholics so btfo and humiliated at every turn like this. Its impressive. I guess I'd like some pointers on learning about calvinism since the decisive winner here seems to be the calvinist guy.

>> No.17071726

New poster here. Never seen Calvinists so btfo and humiliated at every turn like this. Its impressive. I guess I'd like some pointers on learning about catholicism since the decisive winner here seems to be the catholic guy.

>> No.17072088

No such thing

>> No.17072179

Wasn't Donne a catholic?

>> No.17072231

This is like when lefty’s try to copy memes word for word but just as unfunny

>> No.17072281
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>> No.17072485

I will say its peculiar how catholics seem especially misinformed about their own religions state and beliefs. I'd call it propaganda but is it? Why are they so much more reactionary than the party line?

>> No.17072532

I know that taking 4chan seriously is a mistake, but the lack of grace shown between members of differing denominations here is embarrassing and really exposes the LARPers.

>> No.17072541

Catholics aren't a denomination you idiot. They are the one true church and the rest are heretics. You can't be this stupid.

>> No.17072550

Please point to a single place where any non catholic acted in an ignorant manner

>> No.17072574

Absolutely unfair to equivocate. I've never seen a thread where catholics don't act like totally ignorant trolls. Its impossible to even have a discussion without them screeching heretic. In fact this kind of equivocation just gives them cover

>> No.17072598

Earlier in this thread: "I won't argue with you though. People who become catholics deserve the suffering that follows. Enjoy your bitter life."

I will concede that it is predominantly a problem with Catholics on this board. I don't think protestants do well by retaliating and sinking to their level, though. I say this as an Anglican.

>> No.17072613

Oh look the Protestant coper is taking the calvinist schizos side. What a surprise! Maybe Catholics are simply sick of a bunch of hillbilly heretics running roughshod over the thread??

>> No.17072617

Is there a Protestant sect for a sort of Universalist Calvinism

>> No.17072635

Thats sort of an oxymoron but frankly mainline Presbyterianism likely fits the bill since its simply ultraliberal with calvinist vestiges.

>> No.17072651

Are you actually interested in following Jesus’ example set out in the gospels or did you convert to Catholicism simply to engage in tribalism and vitriol online?

>> No.17072658

Yeah I basically just mean predetermination + universal salvation, was kind of a dumb way to put it.

>> No.17072727

Still probably mainline Presbyterianism. I'm not sure if they are universalist specifically but I'm certain they are fine with the idea. I'd actually be more surprised if they were still attached heavily to predestination.

I'm personally not a fan but I doubt you'll get much closer. I'm conservative or evangelical Presbyterian and while there is not a universalist aspect, there isn't a specific delineation of, like, how many people are going to heaven and hell. There is actually a lot of vagueness about who specifically is saved, which is what opened the door to the more liberal versions. Even my very conservative church won't say things like you need to be a baptized Presbyterian to be saved.

But anyway you'd also want to look at Unitarian Universalists but they're like lol

>> No.17072729


>> No.17072735

The reason I ask is that when I first heard of the concept of predetermination, my immediate thought was that it made no sense to punish people for things they had no control over.

>> No.17072758

The reformed perspective is that everyone deserves hell already, so that's the default. God deciding to save some is going out of his way to be benevolent, not actively punishing anyone more than they already were going to.

>> No.17073002

This thread has convinced me that we should ban the schizo Calvinist along with the Tradcath zoomers here. It's condensed autism throughout and it's like thisin every single religion thread here (at least the Christian ones).

>> No.17073281

>ban the schizo Calvinist
aka "reeee stop btfoing me!!!"

>> No.17073317

>poster count didn't go up
I see you

>> No.17073350

Oh yea, the UU is a straight up fucking meme. It's one thing to be a mainline protestant and pray for some sanity (as in, stop those churches that read the fucking Quran during the Liturgy and stop the literal blasphemy that goes on in some circles), it's another to jump ship to a "religion" that actually lacks any actual serious undergirding aside from good feels. Mainliners at least ostensibly believe in Christ, the UU is "universalist" in the sense of perennialism and nothing-matters-ism.

>> No.17073435

Does that wooden protuberance behind the priest remind anyone else of a pendulous black cock?

>> No.17073444

No. You might want to lay off the porn.

>> No.17074199

Catholics are the vegans of Christianity. Probably the most reddit thing I've ever said but it's true.