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/lit/ - Literature

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17069868 No.17069868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do women process a book compared to men? Are they marvelled/disappointed by the same things in literature as men?

>> No.17069885

Half of the posters on this board are women anon, you might have very well talked to one without knowing it and thought "wow that dude sure knows a lot".

>> No.17069886

who fucking cares man, jesus

>> No.17069890
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>inb4 anti Coomer posters

>> No.17069894

women cant read and dont experience emotions

>> No.17069900
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Nobody can tell you, women don't know what it is like being a man, I don't know what it's like being a woman, trannies only have their subjective memories of past experiences which are inherently unreliable

I would suggest looking for serious psychological studies on this because nobody here can answer.

>> No.17069911

Roasties don't read books, they just move their eyes across the page and imagine receiving attention from a tall man with lots of money. The only thing lower than a woman is a man who cares what a woman thinks or experiences.

>> No.17069934

they look for a way to make it about gay male sex or just sex in general. Just look at their reinterpretations of the classics

>> No.17069944

You should try to connect with your anima anons

>> No.17069952

>Jungian gibberish.
This is the reason no one takes psychology seriously

>> No.17069967
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>> No.17069974

>they just move their eyes across the page and imagine receiving attention
haha yeah that's so stupid, I'm glad we don't do that here

>> No.17069977

I have yet to meet a non-familial female who I did not suspect to be a man wearing a femsuit.

>> No.17069979

Shen xar levan?

>> No.17069981

But psychology doesn't need to be proved this is what positivists don't understand. The world doesn't need a proof.

>> No.17069984

You don't need to autistically prove every theory wrong. If it works, it works. That's all there is to theories.
I think it's much more complicated than that. Even if you connect with your anima, there is no guarantee external women would correspond to your internal image. It seems like the internal image of both men and women of each other has been pathologically warped in in recent years.

>> No.17069990

>assert some dumbass theory
>rightfully called an idiot

>> No.17070002

cringe, don't do this

>> No.17070009

i know. it's pretty cringe how pysch majors be

>> No.17070011


>> No.17070022


>> No.17070023

You will never be a woman

>> No.17070040

>literal jogger dislikes Jung
imagine my shock

>> No.17070048

>it just werks
keep coping, mushbrain

>> No.17070061

I’m a man, but /lit/ is one of the most feminine board. It’s surely not 50% but still.

>> No.17070070

>"wow that dude sure knows a lot".
Hahahahaha a woman? What do women know? Of course there are women here, you can spot them right away when a thread is full of men joking and bantering with eachother and sharing information, and one lone post says "ummmm? ok? incel?" or some other useless form of "i dont like what u said it made me feel bad" roastie downvotepost. You think to yourself "yep that's a roastie alright," you ignore it and move on with your day.

Women never post anything funny or informative. They don't understand how male socializing works. They have one big button on their keyboard that they push whenever they "feel" bad, and it auto generates a post socially shaming the originator of the bad feeling. That's how women use 4chan.

>> No.17070075

That's a trap btw

>> No.17070083

My wife likes to read the Instant-Pot cookbook as well as the Southern Living Annual Recipes Round-Up. I think she is very good at interpreting them but sometimes she burns the gravy for the roast. Nobody is perfect.

>> No.17070092

I hope you help your wife in cooking anon

>> No.17070093

Yeah, definitely not half, but there is a sizable minority of them. They are usually not hard to discern though. They usually get called out if they are enforcing normativity or regurgitating talking points. If they are smarter than that, anons usually play along.

>> No.17070105

Exactly my thoughts.

>> No.17070109

Based and /thread

>> No.17070119

My best friend’s gf seems to be pretty cool. I’ve never met her personally but I’ve seen her so I know she exists. He gifts him books and they are usually good and nice editions desu so I can guess she is not dumb.
On the other side, every gf that I’ve had either had no opinion or shitty opinions. Talked with an ex a little while ago, recommended her Pessoa and she called it “underground”. What the fuck is underground literature lmao.
Tbh most hot girls I’ve met are really fucking stupid, I guess they have no need to develop any academic knowledge when life is so easy for them.

>> No.17070217

Most average girls are stupid too, because they think they're hot. Every girl inflates her number by 2 at least, usually 3. I swear to fucking god every 6 I've dated told me openly she's a 9 at some point.

>> No.17070221

those are mostly banter posts from men mocking women

>> No.17070227

>Most average girls
people* you incel

>> No.17070240

woman detected. show feet or leave

>> No.17070243

do zoomers really believe this?

>> No.17070247

>show feet and leave
fixed for you

>> No.17070272

This is a lie, no women post on /lit/!

>> No.17070273

They judge their number by how many guys try to hit on them. Since most men as of now are thirsty and deprived, they try to hit on as many women as possible, even with a preference to the average girls since they think they are easier to get. The result is this over inflation you mentioned. It's absolutely astounding how many sexual advances women receive.

>> No.17070276

>noodle-armed faggot thinks every thing Jung says is gospel.
Imagine my shock

>> No.17070293

I wish I was a woman

>> No.17070342

If half the posters on this board are women then I guarantee you not one of them have written a post where I reacted that way to reading it. 99% of posts are garbage.

>> No.17070387

Most women disdain art because it is not in their capacity to create lasting works without the support of men. Their job is twofold: act as the impression of man’s artistic ideal of a women to beget sperm and create children, and to raise the children to adapt to the ideal society as man before them has created. This is why men are the ones drafting founding documents to nations.

Incels hate women because they look at them and see the one truth standing in their way from their depravity and their ability to feel complete joy. They see before them a creature who can fully content themselves with the present and simultaneously reap a successful life without having to exert as much a man. Moreover, the capacity to birth animate life is so beyond the incel that the mere thought that such a creature could propagate the existence of the species makes them seize with fury. What incels don’t understand is that men need women as much as women need men, and no amount of psychological or actual self-castration will change that.

>> No.17070393

>How do women process a book
They don't. I have never seen a woman read.

>> No.17070405

Yes, but if women won't have anything to do with me, I feel incomplete

>> No.17070441

bobs and vagene dear ye mateys, bobs and vagene.

>> No.17070534

You will never be a woman

>> No.17070660
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>> No.17070688

What’s your situation in life?

>> No.17070710

Trannys are not women. Have some goddamn pride in your identity and claim it for what it is. You are a third category, a distinction, an exception.

>> No.17070784

NEET presumably

>> No.17070800

>enforcing normativity
The norm on this site is frothing at the mouth contrarianism with zero regard for logic. It is a machine that takes input, holds up a funhouse mirror to the input, and returns a distorted and inverted reflection. As a brutish tool it has some success furthering discussion and discovering truth, but it really is a very rudimentary conversational parlor trick. What could be more "normative" than engaging in the hivemind's implementation of yet another mirror mockery?

>> No.17070807

you will never be a woman and there is no way half of lit users are actual women

>> No.17070816

If she is funny or knowledgeable there also happens to be something wrong with her mentally.

>> No.17070822

>and to raise the children to adapt to the ideal society as man before them has created.
This is a big problem in modernity though, where "the ideal society" itself is deeply flawed. Women adopt neoliberalism and uncritically enforce it on the males around them. Anyone who disagrees has to either play pretend or have his genes extinct.

>> No.17070836
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>in during me saying that the woman in op has nice tits

>> No.17070866

I love talking about this stuff, but before I put any thought into it, do you actually think that women have the ability to act as a culture-guarding sentinel?

>> No.17070871

two of you are women LARPing

>> No.17070914

It does seem that way, yes. No doubt there are outlier women, but to cite them as a counter example I believe would be disingenuous. They are far and few between.

>> No.17070926

I really want to find an outlier neurotic crazy woman

Something about crazy women gets me going

>> No.17070943

You'll live

>> No.17070953

Found you, Petruchio

I would have to disagree with your claim on the basis that neoliberalism, by being the hegemonic cultural force, enforces itself through women. If Hitler took over and we reentered an era similar to that experienced by Germans, women would start looking at you funny for not saluting Hitler at the dinner table.

>> No.17070958

This is true.
>inb4 durrhhhhurrrr there are no women on the board and even if there I can recognize them immediately, idiot femoids!
There are two options. A female makes a post that she KNOWS is female coded (she knows this because most women who choose to come to shitterchan are not stupid. Rather, like the rest of us, they are simply midwits) that is, it suggests to other anons that she has feet pics that must be urgently requested. Or, she makes a post that fits in with the idiotic board culture you find on /lit/. In scenario one, she might think, well, I’m showing male anons and femanons alike that women post here, and I don’t have to compromise my dignity by posting frogs or calling someone a retard just to fit in. In scenario two, she might think, well, I am confirming to the stupidest website on Earth, but at least I can make someone KEK or respond with a ‘funny’ basedjack, I guess... Or! Most rare of all, an anon might even respond in a fruitful way and further a discussion of literature
Either way, you see that you’ll never be pleased? Femanons will go back to engaging with genuine posts about literature, ignore the bait posts as much as possible, and occasionally reveal estrogen levels by making a post like this or responding to a datamining post honestly.
By the way, reminder to read a book today, fucking pseuds.

>> No.17070987

Stop reading Burkowshit

>> No.17071010

I don't claim this is particular to neoliberalism. Of course, if Hitler had won, they would have expected you to align with Nazi policies. Not sure how this contradicts my claim.

>> No.17071075

Women aren’t the ones enforcing culture.

>> No.17071093

Enlightening post. Thanks

>> No.17071160

good post

>> No.17071225

I sensed some sarcasm. Tell me if this sounds anywhere close to the truth:

Schopenhauer rightly pointed out that the physical disposition of women is such that they are incapable of defending themselves against a fit male attacker. Since women have historically been rather intelligent, they select for strong men that can protect them and their offspring. These strong men beget strong sons who likewise do the same. Over time, and as a function of the sedentary agrarian system, men have developed means of staying in monogamous relationships so they don’t end up raising the young of others. This is done through culture, religion, the prevailing economic system, and status signifiers. This is not to say that women don’t/can’t inform culture, because they certainly do. When women adopt neoliberalism, they see it as a way to obtain a relatively successful man and keep him long enough to have and raise kids. If they aren’t complicit in the prevailing culture they either don’t have to be, like many well-connected attractive women, or they won’t have children. Thus, what you see as women “enforcing” a culture is really just a way of coping to survive. It’s a good idea with its share of merit, but ultimately ignores that economic and cultural systems are means of satiating the body and allowing the mind room for gratification and leisure. If a woman is shilling an economic system, she’s either making a profit or is severely misguided. Likewise, if she is protesting a system, she is either stupid or absolutely worth placing a seed in.

>> No.17071535

Good post (unironically), and this is all very true. But again, you only elaborated on the causes of what I said, you did not contradict any of it. Of course women did not wake up one morning to decide they like neoliberalism so much they need to shill it. As you point out, they merely adopted the values which best suits reproductive purposes, and this is largely by instinct and has evolutionary origins. This was precisely my point, that this trait, shared by almost a whole gender, despite its usefulness, proves unwelcome in a dysfunctional system, and specifically to those who happen to see the dysfunction. Then the only choices are cultivating false pretensions or giving up on the idea of romance.

>> No.17071621

Women process everything completely differently from men. This is, or should be, common knowledge. However, no one has yet been agreement as to what those differences are, and it is probably impossible to know for sure.

>> No.17071626

any book talks about this?

>> No.17071729

>talking to girl on tinder
>reveals she's a "HUGE fan" of Whitman and Anna karenina
>i am as well
>have nice convo about books
>ask to meet up at a park, she agrees
>later, ghosts me
Why bros? I just wanna have a comfy bookworm gf. Hold me /lit/

>> No.17071769

walk us through the convo, what she said, what you said, etc

>> No.17071842

Well yeah there has to be a lot of women here considering all the garbage posts like yours

>> No.17071850

Not the same anon, but first of all he is right, we always came to facts through actual practice that doesn't require theory. To second, if you were right we would not know such a thing as placebo. There is a lot we can't comprehend and a lot of paradoxes that work and occur when logically they shouldn't have. There are a lot of charlatans, may be even most of them, but that doesn't prove that the entire field is a fraud.

Third, many scientists and philosophers shared the idea of human connection to something we have no control of, and it can be expressed in many terms - said, consciousness and unconsciousness, connection to the Universe, or noosphere, or possession by gods, or fusion with universal energy (as in Buddhism). It does not make that idea true, but what it gives is that many people felt very specific feeling and they separately came to very similar conclusions. Makes you think, isn't it?

We have something unknown in our mind, and what we have are different methods to achieve connection to it. You don't have to prove it if you feel that way, you just try and see if it works for you. Because it cannot be proved, we don't know what our mind is and how does it work. Your point is foolish.

>> No.17071884

It depends on the woman. A lot seem to focus heavily on characters and real life comparisons but plenty of them also have similar perspectives to the non-r9k posters on here. You can find out for yourself by watching a bunch of booktube videos, I find the easiest way is to look through comments on popular videos to find women with less than 100 subscribers discussing literature in a more natural way than you get with monetized youtubers.

>> No.17071894

if you want to talk about books then get some /lit/ friends. women are to be used as cum receptacles and babymakers exclusively. do not attempt to have an intellectual conversation with a woman under any circumstances.

>> No.17072038

>me: "I read in my free time blah blah blah"
>omg I love reading!
>what are your favorite books?
>I like time machine, Anna K, etc etc, hbu?
>mostly poetry, whitman, dickinson, eliot etc etc
>whitman is a HUGE fave!!!!!! Blah blah
>wow, cool that you're into whitman, I haven't really met anyone who likes him, anyway, when are you free, do you wanna go for a walk in the park?
>yeah we should definitely do that!!!! My schedule varies per week [she works nights]
>we should go sometime in the morning so it doesn't mess with your sleep schedule, like 10am this Sunday?
>yeah morning sounds great!!!! Also are you down for a night rendezvous?
>sure, depends how late, what would we do?
>morning for the park, night for driving!!!! [Idk what this means]
>ok, how about we meet at [park], is that too far?
>no thats perfect!!!!
>alright, pick a day and I'll be there

Thats it, ghosted. Maybe I should have suggested a day and time specifically? Or got her snap first... damn, shit sucks cause I thought we had a connection. With all the exclamation points she seemed enthusiastic

>> No.17072075

may be changed her mind or her dog died, idk did you expect consistency from a female? You should strategically deal with them to leave them no option for escape my dude, should have got her address first

>> No.17072094

Kek, nor a stalker but I should get some contact info next time. I hate how tenuous tinder is

>> No.17072821

she found one of the other hundred guys she was talking to more interesting than you, sorry bro

>> No.17072829

Yeah you need to be the hottest most interesting guy in the city now to have a chance

>> No.17072920

>go for a walk in the park
This where it went wrong.

>> No.17072928

trannies aren't women

>> No.17072994

Wtf else you gonna do during lockdown?

>> No.17073048

what kind of faggot let a girl pick a date? those bitches have to go on top 50 reading list to pick their next books

>> No.17073066

anon here, I let her pick because her schedule is busy. I did however acknowledge that mistake

>> No.17073316

Friendly Reminder:
Trannies aren't and never will be women :)

>> No.17073323

>Not having a wife to make babies and a tranner side chick

>> No.17073345

Then I see your point more clearly and agree on its nuances.

>> No.17073561
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"Woman judge purely by the immediate impression made on the mind, they are less implicated in theories, less prone to recalling lived experience, and are therefore less bias and more honest than men. They can not reason wrong, because they do not reason at all."

>> No.17073582

I've heard a lot of women think the trans thing is dumb, so I wouldn't be completely shocked if one of the "you will never be a woman" posters actually turned out to be a woman.

>> No.17073589

TERFs are extremely vocal but they tend to hate men too so I doubt they would post here.

>> No.17073597

By processing it as we do. Dumbass.

>> No.17073602

Are terfs the female equivalent of Mgtow? Question asked only half facetiously

>> No.17073603

I know several TERFs of TERF adjacent broads who do. It's the basic bitch egirl types who don't actually post on 4chan, they just want to be seen as posting here.

>> No.17073606

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17073612

Kind of but significantly less gay

>> No.17073635
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Women do not really "think", they do not have an internal dialogue but instead seek approval and ideas from people they trust.

>> No.17073726

Gonna need a source on this claim

>> No.17073730

what is that man's name?

>> No.17073736

Sounds an awful lot like you are seeking ideas and approval from people you trust. That's woman behaviour, you're supposed to base your opinions purely on your own instinct.

>> No.17073738

That is the prophet Elijah

>> No.17073746

>you're supposed to base your opinions purely on your own instinct.
That’s what a lot of women actually do.
t. A woman

>> No.17073747

>t. A woman

My masculine instinct says this is wrong

>> No.17073748

you're as much a woman as this pic >>17073635 is a man

>> No.17073753

I'm seeking a source for your schizo opinion that women have no inner narrative

>> No.17073755

Woh. Wouldn’t that be funny. Ha.

>> No.17073763

Stop posting and I will let you sniff my chair after I sit in it (I am menstruating)

>> No.17073766

See? Men suck at instincts
Seriously, you’ve never heard of “women’s intuition”?

>> No.17073791

most people act out of intuition, it's not a gender thing

>> No.17073826

this video sums it up pretty well. basically she thought it was a good book but rated it lower because there were some essential parts of the story that made her "uncomfortable."

>> No.17073827

and why do you this woman is the representative of 3.5 billion women in the world?

>> No.17073846

it's just a euphemism for cunt heat

>> No.17073855

Jesus does care anon. Jesus cares.

>> No.17073869

I have dated 3 girls who eventually told me they didn't like walking around, either in the city or country, and had only done it because I wanted to, and then they basically started refusing to do it. They are all fucking lying when they say they like it, it's insidious. They don't understand the inexpressibly based sensation of surveying an environment, possibly picking up a stick and hitting things, and so on. And when you point out various pretty things they don't even get it, they just want to take a photograph to post on instagram, they don't understand how important it is that the sky looks pretty in the evening or there is a light in a tree. They don't grasp that you have to spend several hours a day walking around for purely religious reasons, and you should also do some daily runs through various environments to map out good routes for the coming war. I will not even go into the appalling display I was subjected to when trying to get a certain girl to climb a tree. They are always too cold or too hot because they have not learned esoteric breathing techniques for temperature regulation that all men instinctively develop while playing ice hockey. They are just shockingly ill-equipped in general and should not even be permitted into parks or alleyways. I once encountered a swan in a nature preserve and my idiotic gf literally yelled and ran away from it, which deeply embarrassed me in front of the swan, who gave me a look of amused contempt and drifted away. Another time I was walking in a large city park at 4am and saw a fox trotting through the trees onto the path, everything was bathed in silver and grey light and long shadows, it was sublime. I also have seen a fox with my friend in the subway car yards, it stared at us through a chainlink fence for about a minute, framed by the deep expanse of glowing lights of the stationary trains and winding steel subway rails. Needless to say I have never seen a fox while with a woman, since her awkward intrusion into nature's domain would upset the metaphysical conditions necessary for fox interactions, like a retarded bull in the cosmic china shop. I still feel a panic attack coming on when I recall the time my ex slowly swam around in a lake for like an hour, cheerfully smiling the whole time as if she were in a bath, and not communing with the primordial river deity in quick, deep dives off the dock, feeling your powerful naked muscles smoothly flow through the cold manna. Women belong by campfires(they may not build them) or nearby berry shrubs.

Women do however understand the moon, perhaps better than men. Only when looking at the moon have I seen a woman enter the mystical state appropriate to unmediated apprehension of the godhead, and they are prone to saying astonishing, poetic things about it. When they bleed from their vagina this is related to the moon spirits descending to earth, and when they become pregnant a spiritual offering returns to the moon from their womb.

>> No.17073870

She's ranking on "enjoyment." That is typically female. She even admits it's central to the plot and effective, it is integral to the book, but because SHE didn't like those parts on a purely subjective level she lowers it to 4/5. Women are so strange. She otherwise seems earnest and autistic though.

Women would probably improve a lot if you could treat them like men. If my little brother said this shit I'd call him a fag and say books are supposed to challenge you. A book isn't bad because it makes you uncomfortable, although it can still be shock kitsch garbage like Bret Easton Ellis. But because it's a girl my instinct is to shrug and just let her go through life with this stupid belief that her feelings matter more than objective quality and truth.

>> No.17073879

Agreed, wouldn’t be surprised.
most women think the trans thing is stupid, not just “TERFs” you terminally online brain rotters. Either way, ~terfs~ obviously do post on the chan, even though it is taboo to admit it in their circles (because this is a largely idiotic neo-nazi infected bosnian sculpture restauration board). Also, women stupid enough to post here are probably smart enough to know that trans shit is dumb as fuck. Doesn’t make them feminists though.

>> No.17073892

You post like a shrill cunt. I feel bad for each of the many short-term boyfriends you will have.

>> No.17073908

It's a fiction book, that's how you rank them retard.

>> No.17073927
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The author has no filters or finesse to his style, apparently this matters to her. Some women don’t care as much. Some males don’t enjoy blunt shock bullshit. Why is sensitivity inherently feminine?
Even if it is, so what?

>> No.17073935

Very stupid post, thanks.

>> No.17073942

wow, great analysis, chief. go back to discord and tell everyone you're bored or something

>> No.17073955
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>Why is sensitivity inherently feminine?
Let me mansplain that for ya sweetie.

>> No.17073956

No, he’s right. If you don’t like a part of of something, it can cost it a damn star ratting. Get over it.

>> No.17073962
File: 388 KB, 830x1024, 5A98BEF9-7DB4-429E-A0FA-A8BDC906DE1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a tendency, plumpy. I do know why it’s a tendency too.

>> No.17074103

Otto Weininger sex and character. He calls women thoughts “henids”

>> No.17074151

Ursula K. Le Guin was a fucking hottie

>> No.17074373

>are you down for a night rendezvous?
She wanted to fuck anon, you fucked up there

>> No.17074400

Lmao, weininger? The virgin who anhero'd after his incel treatise received a tepid reception? Topkek m80.

>"In the same letter to Moore, Wittgenstein added that if one were to add a negation sign before the whole of Sex and Character, one would have expressed an important truth."

>> No.17074424

you know the rules.

>> No.17074446

Weininger is amazing.

>> No.17074471

she got a bit of that aspie eyeball thing

>> No.17074477


>> No.17074482

From the comments:
>It was certainly very well written, it was not that there was unpleasant subject matter but the way that some of it was presented. I don't think that it lowered the quality of the book but it did certainly lower my enjoyment of it.

She literally admits her score is not a score for the book, but for her enjoyment of it. What an absolute meme.

>> No.17074488

You will never be a woman

>> No.17074558
