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File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, 0113B2A7-8C65-46AE-9C0B-EBF157820F0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17069593 No.17069593 [Reply] [Original]

My new book just arrived. What can I expect?

>> No.17069602

The only reset you should be doing is resetting your dialysis machine and checking the 2FA to your disability checks you mentally disabled retard.

>> No.17069606

Nigga nothing is going to get reset.

>> No.17069608
File: 75 KB, 700x466, klaus-schwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat ze bugs

>> No.17069627

probably NWO propaganda. please post a review once you've read it

>> No.17069635
File: 7 KB, 250x242, glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service

>> No.17069636

speculation of the future based on existing trends in economy, technology, and environment

>> No.17069647

What will you conspiracy schizos say when no great reset happens and when you're not forced to eat bugs?

>> No.17069653

Is Klaus Schwab a conspiracy schizo?

>> No.17069672
File: 596 KB, 994x989, glowcia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you tell me to say officer. I will believe all the appropriate "fact checks" and "science", I promise. Just don't hurt my family.

>> No.17069726
File: 1.42 MB, 640x480, 9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kindly bald German makes a lot of money
>tries to give back to the world by philanthropy and founding the World Economic Forum
>tries to outline a vision how to turn the current pandemic into a launchpad for improving liberal democracy
>is somehow made into boogeyman because he is not a status quo shill
It's like you morons want to stagnate forever until the system crashes due to inadaptability

>> No.17069728
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 1607947194968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to wonder if these people are just that confident or blatantly stupid to name their thing "The Great Reset" and not expect reactionaries to frame it as a concerning/worrying thing.

Their commercial "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy" is another mistake in my opinion. You just know 99% of PR people would tell them this is retarded and don't publish yet it was published. Makes you go hmm.

>> No.17069744

Yes he will in no way profit from said changes lol

Thats more schizo than anything else itt

>> No.17069761

>>tries to give back to the world by philanthropy and founding the World Economic Forum

>> No.17069763

>improving liberal democracy

You're funny. There is no "improving" such a thing: there is only expansion into every corner; to make sure every living soul is sublimated into the technological system.

I can think of nothing more authoritarian than to make sure every human atom, from birth-to-death, is touched by the system and is made inescapable.


>> No.17069792

ell oh ell

>> No.17069819

The people who made that don't have anything now and want shit for free so it's not strange.

>> No.17069820

A very insightful book, even if the patronizing tone of it makes me seethe with rage. I'm about 60 pages in and, all things considered, consider it essential /globalistcore/.

>> No.17069998

The greatest trick a conspiracy (CIA, in this case) ever played was claiming that conspiracies don't exist.

>> No.17070036

"Mistake"... right.

>> No.17070037

He is rich already, why would he need to profit from this?
You make it sound like liberal democracy is a bad thing. But think about it logically: What would be the alternative? Improving the resilience of liberal democracy is a good thing because liberal democracy guarantees you civic rights and sovereignty over your private life. The alternative is some authoritarian posturing that is both incoherent and damaging to all people involved. See Trump.

>> No.17070090

Democracy, direct democracy anyway, is a failed idea. In a large complex society the only way to organize and order groups of people is via digital publishers and social media. Those publishers and social media companies become propagana arms of the central beurocracy which dictates the messaging. Anything that subverts the central messaging gets censored and only the people approved by them are in a position to reach enough people to get elected.

>> No.17070112

The greatest trick Capital ever played was making everyone think that society is subject to rational human control.

>> No.17070127

plz plz plzz do a read along on Youtube or at the very least give us a DETAILED description / review once you've finished.
Please, the more you can share the better.

>> No.17070143
File: 45 KB, 400x400, garfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are acting like social control has increased since the digital revolution. In fact, the opposite is true. The control big publishers and newspaper conglomerates over public opinion during the Cold War and the 90s was much greater than it is today. The liberal market reforms and the digital revolution culminated in our current age where no one is forced into prepackaged opinion patterns. Everyone can participate in the discourse. This is almost a Habermasian utopia were it not for the dissonance and cacophony media pirates, disinfo shills and foreign state agents generate. So in fact, you are decrying the newfound pluralism in the digital age as a sign of social control which is completely against the factual reality we live in.

>> No.17070406

>when no great reset happens
lol already happened

>> No.17070460

I think what he is getting at is the online spheres of social media and information are largely controlled by a few giant Silicon Valley conglomerates (Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, etc)

>> No.17071569


>> No.17071616

>rich and powerful people are already rich and powerful, why would they want to be more rich and powerful
Nigga really?

>> No.17071655

It's more about securing their wealth and power. They know that if the proles get too agitated it could be game over for them.

>> No.17071691

You idiot. The crude methods of control of the 20th century have simply been replaced, upgraded, and now we have a system of social control which appears more decentralized, pluralistic, and free, but which is far more enmeshed in daily life than ever before. The cacaphonies of media you speak of are integral to this. Remember: what Hitler could not give the Germans, the EU handed to them. The methods of a society of control, to use Burroughs' terminology, are so effective precisely because they are fluid, they convince you that you are free.

>> No.17072579

This exactly. You give over your contacts and associates and they watch what and who you interact with and throttle or encourage all of your interactions. They listen to everything. They own "both sides" of any story and so we only experience a hegelian dialectic where no matter how you react, it inevitably leads to their goal.

>> No.17072597

Dont like cops? Burn down your neighborhood and defund them, which spirals entire cities into chaos which then has people begging for more policing than was originally there. At the same time, the other side is pushing to militarize those same police. This leads to heavily armed civil armies of angry police ready to crack skulls the moment they get the order to go under martial law. All of this can be influenced just by picking the stories of the day to report and how frequently and how loud you push that messaging

>> No.17072622

>The liberal market reforms and the digital revolution culminated in our current age where no one is forced into prepackaged opinion patterns. Everyone can participate in the discourse.
What the actual fuck am I reading.

>> No.17072660
File: 307 KB, 349x570, OiMate!We'reWatchingYou!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I thought!
Only the most arrogant and or ignorant/blind person would approve of a name as dystopian sounding as "The Great Reset" and make ads saying "you will own nothing and be happy.".
These type of faggots legit don't care though.
Pic related is a legit actual poster from the same nation that birthed Orwell (No I don't mean fucking India).

>> No.17072770
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1000, Rorschach-in-watchmen-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I would love to bomb police stations if I had the resources and guts to do it.
In any case, with the popularity of comic book heroes like Batman and the hostility towards the police you'd think people would be more open to replace the police with some good old-fashioned vigilantism but it turns out that Batman fans are spineless soiboys.

>> No.17072794
File: 118 KB, 558x640, 87009C5E-2D81-4557-B19B-67729ADB321B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line going through the o’s really do make it look that way

>> No.17072862

Oy vey, forget about it goyim, the great reset is nothing, ignore it.
It's good for you anyway, like eating bugs and onions or living in a pod!

>> No.17072880
File: 73 KB, 680x425, eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I meant

>> No.17072905

The promise they're making is that people will own nothing and be happy, they can dress it up but they can't dodge it.

>> No.17073237

>The crude methods of control of the 20th century have simply been replaced, upgraded
>They own "both sides" of any story and so we only experience a hegelian dialectic where no matter how you react, it inevitably leads to their goal.
People can talk shit about the sides to any story now and grow an audience doing it. There are people with thousands or millions of followers talking about the "other sides" to every story and often making money from it. They're even talking about stories that few people have covered.
Saying that "big tech reading your messages = control" is silly. We have options for reaching people now - no one needs to get onto the news or get an article published to get an audience. Companies - practically all tech companies - use your data to make money. This includes Amazon and Target. It's not unusual in the industry for Facebook and Twitter to do that.

>> No.17073259

CIA niggers are so fucking pathetic lmao. Whenevr I'm feeling down, I just remember how much of a waste of air space and resources fed shills are and how they will never acomplish anything of value and then I'm feeling great again.

>> No.17073266

how do i get paid to shit post for the feds? im really good at it. top notch social engineering also.

>> No.17073283

Don't do it dude, you're a human built in the image of God. Don't degenerate yourself to the absolute piles of fetid puss shit and piss filled waste those faggots have let themselves become.

>> No.17074497


>> No.17074556

Thank God? I'd like to be wrong about the conspiracy and /pol/ shit I believe. But that's why it's called the red pill. It's hard to swallow the truth.

>> No.17074664

You're seeing a naive democrat in action. Observe the way he assumes the common man can be intelligent.

>> No.17074691

The whole idea is fucking retarded. Big corporations and a few rich fucks *already* own everything and control a lot.

>> No.17074875

God, I can't wait to be crammed into a Google VR Inhabitable Pleasure Pod and persistently be brought to orgasm as liquid onions, refined insect protein, and my own extracted ejaculant is effortlessly integrated into my body to provide nourishment.

>> No.17074924

>covid lockdowns made the rich richer than ever and the poor poorer than ever
>"nothing's up guys!"

>> No.17074933

>liberal democracy guarantees you civic rights and sovereignty over your private life
But has it really?

>> No.17074955

conveniently ignored by the ignorant bugman. as usual.

>> No.17074975

Read some fucking Foucault, I beg you

>> No.17075088

>are so effective precisely because they are fluid, they convince you that you are free.
What is the difference between feeling free and being free? "Not true freedom" sounds like a spook.