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File: 81 KB, 466x960, suicideofjudas1492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17068124 No.17068124 [Reply] [Original]

Was Judas actually a bad guy?

>> No.17068127

Without Judas the story of Jesus wouldn't be as powerful

>> No.17068159

yes, as are those that followed him

>> No.17069241
File: 66 KB, 552x960, 278c17b04c7e0d3afa2c264077c41b004420b10ar1-552-960v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jah literally made judas for him to betray jesus. it was all part of his keikaku
even the part where judas commits sudoku
>inb4 b-but that's not fair!
when dealing with gods, the game is usually rigged from the start

>> No.17069279

Judas cryptically is Jesus

>> No.17069327

So Judas was secretly a woman, if that pic is to be believed.

>> No.17069354

I've heard a couple stories
one that Judas was supposed to betray Jesus so that Jesus could die for our sins, and an ever gayer version, where Judas betrayed Jesus as a sacrifice, because Jesus was what he loved most of all, a lá the binding of isaac.

>> No.17069660


>> No.17069993

Determinism is childless.

>> No.17070010

he was gay

>> No.17070046

>the guy who betrays the protag is literally named judas
seriously, who writes this crap?

>> No.17070290

Depends which books you consider canon. If you're a synoptic gospel normie, then yeah Judas was a bad guy.

But if you're an enlightened Sethian Gnostic who buys into the Gospel of Judas, then Judas was the only one who recognized Jesus' true message.

>> No.17070507

Borges kinda thinks so


>> No.17070916
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could be a fabricated story via rome directed at jews as a sideways means to point to the sicarri and say "they were really just sellouts, you'll always be under rome cause you suck as people"

/your prophet is born of a mother that sleeps around so much she doesn't know who to call the father, so gives up and points to god
//the father that raised him is literally a cuckhold, and probably too stupid to pickup on the hints. even when 3 of the people she slept with brought expensive as fuck gifts, apparently for "no reason"

>> No.17070930

Gnostics are cringe

>> No.17071692

He sold out Jesus for mere 30 coins of silver, just enough to buy a slave. He could have been forgiven if he asked for it but instead he did not, he felt bad about but decided to kill himself without repenting. Contrast him with Peter, who denied Christ but repented and went on to preach his word to the point where it got him killed.

>> No.17071727

then what better place for gnostics than /lit/

>> No.17072218

He's a bad guy. Duh

>> No.17072439

he was an activist

>> No.17072460

Worse than Tywin Lannister

>> No.17072535

Essential reading:

>> No.17072560

Judas was a sociopath. He was the treasurer of the apostles and he stole from the purse. He constantly falsely accused Christ of greed and wastefulness, projecting his own sins on Christ. He knew Jesus was the Son of God and he still ratted Him out anyway. But he had everyone except Jesus fooled. He was that convincing of a liar. Judas was a child of Satan and Jesus selected him as an apostle to show that the church would never be free of this type of person until the next world, and also as an instrument to fulfil His fate. There are people like Judas everywhere, including some still in the church, although they tend to be overtly anti-Christian these days because Christianity is out of fashion and they have more to profit from attacking it directly instead of trying to infiltrate it. The mass apostacy was almost good thing, in that sense. Still, there are some sociopaths in the church.

>> No.17073821

Based Judas

>> No.17073844

Oh wallower in darkness.
But what can one expect from a sheep who believes a trinity equals one?

>> No.17073886

So basically, Judas was Itachi

>> No.17074038

I like this guy, I've seen his sermons on YT before.

>> No.17074054

Worse than King Claudius

>> No.17074585


>> No.17074599
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catholic sermon
I'm not gonna risk going to hell by listening to false doctrine.
>good thing I clicked out instantly

>> No.17074603

>Jesus selected him as an apostle to show that the church would never be free of this type of person
I can't believe I never thought about it this way before. Thanks for the insight

>> No.17074616

Yes, questioning is always good, but there's not far one can go in truth from the story that Judas was in fact the villain.

>> No.17074619

Why does this read like a fan-fic written by an edgelord priest?

>> No.17074620

Judas is the arch traitor, following the prince of all traitors.

Any man that declares himself his follower I will scabbard and cut down before me!

>> No.17074769

I wonder if the people who wrote the bible intentionally made his name sound similar to judaism.

>> No.17074816
File: 513 KB, 1400x2100, fra_judas_compress-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was one of Jesus's best friends. His best friend in the gospel of Judas.

He was the keeper of coin but why did he need 300 silver or 30 silver when Peter and Jesus go fishing for tax dues.

For Judas, he knew who Jesus was, taught His teachings and some argue because Judas was a gnostic and knew the truth about Jesus being the Son of God, that he shows Christ's unconditional love before the cross.

Another fun theory is Judas is Jesus confidont and double agent to ensure His crucifixion in Jerusalem during passover.

Putting everything into perspective, the lions share of manuscripts indicate him as a disciple of Jesus Christ, one of his friends, and he sold Jesus out for 30 pieces of silver.

>> No.17074874
File: 113 KB, 1280x1279, hanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda unrelated, but who do you think was that one apostle who was the dearest to Jesus? It was mentioned in The Book of John.

>> No.17074888

Mary or Judas probably, and people have been arguing about it for almost 2000 years.

>> No.17075239

Judah or Judas was an extremely common name in that period don't be dumb.

Positive figures named Judas mentioned in the New Testament include the prophet Judas Barsabbas (Acts 15:22–33), Jesus's brother Jude (Mark 6:3; Matt 13:55; Jude 1), and the apostle Judas the son of James (Luke 6:14–16; Acts 1:13; John 14:22)

>> No.17075409

John was the apostle dearest to Jesus