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17067378 No.17067378 [Reply] [Original]

>Feel like im 40 mentally

Books for this?

>> No.17067389

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.17067395

Is this supposed to be a problem?
Would you really feel better if your concerns were partying and drinking irresponsibly?

>> No.17067413


>> No.17067418

Nigga, how the fuck would you know what it's like to be 40?

>> No.17067424

>I’m so word-weary and jaded, even thought I’m a 26 year old retard that has barely read that many books and probably have never travelled outside my country, but trust me dude, I’ve seen everything

>> No.17067432


>> No.17067437

I would prefer not to have my midlife crisis in my 20's.

>> No.17067440

>ooooooh young people are soooo stupid hahahah ooooooh cry me a river kiddoooo
congrats on achieving the boomer mindset

>> No.17067443

It is called quarter-life crisis and everyone has it

>> No.17067448

>implying the boomer mindset is not the best mindset

>> No.17067462

i'm 23 and my life is over. i wish i was 19 again

>> No.17067492

I get told I think like a 70 year old man and like I think like a 16 year old depending who I talk to and about what. It just means you’re not following a basic mold of how to act.

>> No.17067512

No it isn't, it's a cope for incels

>> No.17067529
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29 here. You have no idea how much time you have. I have too. But you have more. Use it to do whatever. Just don't have regrets. Regrets are a result of choice. Choose what you feel vibrates with you the most, in the sense of making you feel as if flowing, not as a rock.

Do some courses, enroll in a passion project or take a arts college degree or math or religion. Do first before doubing. No, read that again: DO FIRST WHAT YOU FEEL AS LONG AS ITs POSITIVE FOR YOU, THEN THINK. After doing this some time you will have learned enough and will know what you need and what you do not.

>> No.17067537

How is it a cope if you agree with boomer opinions.

>> No.17067550

No book will be able to tell you directly what you already know: That the ditch you and I and most others are is a result of bad choices stacked with bad attitudes.

I say fuck it. You did a lot of stupid shit when you were little but you could not judge yourself for it. You just lived in that time, having the vague feel of the time ahead never ending. So just do that again; set ahead of yourself some imaginary barrier as a field from now until "then". In that field you will find again joy, hapiness and pursuits which feed your soul.

It doesn't matter that it feels artificial at first. You don't start working out or learning a new alphabet with the pretence of it being the full experience.

Forgive yourself, everybody does mistakes. Just keep for your well-being and everything will open up. Common, do it. Stop lingering. The grave can wait

>> No.17067614
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>> No.17067919

Kek you have no fucking idea what 40 feels like

>> No.17067941

>Feel like im 40 mentally
No you don't. You feel like every other 26 year old.

>> No.17068174

so what exactly does being "mentally" 40 feel like

>> No.17068428

I guess what OP meant is either he's stuck in an un-shakeable frame/ self-identify (like old people) or he believes his frame concerning risk and wealth management is what separates the youth from the the old or mentally 'old'.

>> No.17068516

>Im a complete loser
>Still feel optimistic about the future and the wonder of life
I dont get you le depressed fags.

>> No.17068721

not a book but I'll tell you something I've read on the 'chan.
You feel old because you feel old being the person you are: for example I too feel old as a 26 yo but that's because I'm living as a teenager for a while and I want to change both working and relationship, that's the only way to feel "young" again. For example If I'd have a family I would feel like a young 26 yo dad not like a 26 yo man child that I am.
I know I explained it like shit but I hope you'll get the meaning of it.

>> No.17068768

Midlife crises start with the terrible twos

>> No.17069164


>> No.17069494

How long does it last? Mines been going on fof 5 years during which I've not moved ahead an inch but lost all my friends and contacts

>> No.17069645

Same but I’m 25. No matter how bad life gets it’s still pretty amazing. Life is short and there’s no use focusing on negative shit all the time

>> No.17069657

yep, we are gonna make it (hopefully) dude

>> No.17069667

>be 25
>feel I'm 10 mentally

>> No.17070004

I know that feel