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17067209 No.17067209 [Reply] [Original]

>spent 3 years solely reading catholic literature and christian media
>finally, after
>have mental breakdown trying to uphold the virtues
>now just jerk off and have messed up ideas about sex

Yeah stay away from the trad pill. Also, any books on how to reverse this shit? Or debunking christianity? I read the even Jews didn't forbid premartial intercourse. Yet I read the catachism cover to cover, and the discourses of the saints, and I was led to believe that i should preserve my virginity at all costs.

>> No.17067230

You going to end up like Stavrogin

If you believe, then you don't believe that you believe. But if you don't believe, then you don't believe that you don't believe.

>> No.17067248

You fool! Your fallen nature and irredeemable degeneracy is supposed to bring you closer to God. The more you sin, the more you repent and the more thankful you are of His mercy. Christian hymns hit hardest when you you were up at 2am the night before smoking meth in a stranger's house.

>> No.17067254

t. Luther

>> No.17067255

In all probability your "christianity" was just another false idol you erected for your vanity - you were in love with the image of yourself as a pious man, but you didn't really understand or care for the underlying spiritual truths. if so, don't worry - the same is true for most christians.

>> No.17067261

Luke 15:11-32

>> No.17067272

From a pagan point of view: You are just unfit your a higher calling. Maybe this is a challenge you will overcome which will make you better in your faith, perhaps you will continue to fall, either way, not everyone belongs at the top, some people simply exist as human excrement, others are manure, others still are a mighty oak that shades the forest below.

>> No.17067275

based Star Wars chad

>> No.17067281

yea you hit the nail on the head. Still, it is impossible to be a true christian. I bet it was just a pyramid scam to get people to chase an unnattainable lifestyle

>> No.17067294

the lifestyle isn't going to be a perfect reflection of the ideal, the whole point of christianity was recognizing that despite that, it's still worth making the effort to try and live up to it continually, that the world can be redeemed (thanks to the grace of god) even through that kind of imperfect, human thriving.

>> No.17067306

>spent 3 years reading catholic literature
>didn't realise that catholics aren't christian

you never came across verses like?

1 Timothy 4

>But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will [a]fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, 3 who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; 5 for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.

Yes, Father Choirboyfucker. Please take my life savings to knock off half a century of my grandfather's one million gorillion year sentence in purgatory!

>> No.17067323

fuck off shill. i bet you arent even a virgin

>> No.17067331
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1 Timothy 2:5

>For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,

stop worshipping mary

>> No.17067340

1 Corinthians 7

>> No.17067344

that being said, I'm basically completely disillusioned with the christian community as it exists today.

>> No.17067349
File: 1.08 MB, 3168x4625, catholicism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catholics be like

>> No.17067359

Learn to manage your pride and ego
Learn that mysticism is the only form of christianity that fosters the soul and dogmatism is cancerous. Jack off to all the animated porn you like or use your imagination but stay away from real porn.

>> No.17067384

>Jack off to all the animated porn you like or use your imagination but stay away from real porn.
unironically I think this is a sensible distinction, porn involving real actors blurs the line between fiction and reality - if the "character" is humiliated, so is the person playing them. it desensitizes you to real cruelty, just like the rekd shit on /gif/.

>> No.17067387

christianity has wrong meditation and wrong view. You will just stay a coomer if you follow those people. Exactly like the HIndus.

just take the jain and buddhist pill

>> No.17067392

So this is the power of Catholicism..........

>> No.17067396

>Learn to manage your pride and ego
Cant make someone a slave and have them cast down to the lowest of the lowest, when they still have pride and ego, now can you?

They might stand up, say to themselves "I am better then this" and then proceed to improve their lives.

>> No.17067449

>if the "character" is humiliated, so is the person playing them
If this were true an actor who gets chosen for villain or comic relief roles would be the butt of the jokes irl.

I'm not a Christian and I don't conform to any organized religion, but you can take a page from Christian theologians and philosophers or even let history teach you a couple of ethical lessons. Julian the Apostate had a noble goal in mind but failed to accomplish it because of his recklessness and lack of prudence. He could have avoided his death by learning from Aristotle or the contemporary Christians.

>> No.17067473

Actors don't usually do the things they're pretending to do for real. Imagine being paraded naked through the streets and flogged for your "role", with crowds of people (who are technically extras) leering at you and spitting in your face.

>> No.17067481

>Or debunking christianity?
Neetcha completely BTFOs christianity, as for actual debunking literally just pray and watch how nothing happens, and if that isn't enough just reading the LARPers here should convince you its pure retardation

>> No.17067485

>I'm not a Christian
I didnt talk down to you as a Christians, I talked down to you as a Totalitarian.

Pride and Ego are good and anyone who disagrees is trying to take me down a notch.

>> No.17067488

yeah he completely BTFO'd it like when embraced the turin horse, after getting cucked and going mad from syphilis he caught from a prostitute.

>> No.17067491

not like there aren't plenty of great christian thinkers who met with a terrible and/or pathetic end

>> No.17067509

yeah, a sick, syphilitic man who went insane was able to tear down 2 millenia of tradition. just goes to show how cucked christianity was all along

>> No.17067520

anon when I pray I feel the holy spirit like a fire in my chest, it's truer than anything else and i'll pray for you to open up and accept the lord and let him act through you

>> No.17067526
File: 179 KB, 828x835, CioranOnNietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet a terrible or pathetic end is in many cases only one more reason to glorify them in our eyes and in the beautiful eyes of God Almighty
Read Pic related

Can't believe that I, a retard on an imageboard, was able to tear down the man who tore down a 2 millennia of tradition in one post.

>> No.17067531

>as a Totalitarian
I'm probably the most liberal person on this board and despise the moralist turn 4chan has taken recently.
>Pride and Ego are good
Excessive pride and ego are objectively harmful for anyone with a sound mind.

>> No.17067553

>I'm probably the most liberal person on this board and despise the moralist turn 4chan has taken recently.

Only a hardcore totalitarian would even make such an claim. You are obviously a totalitarian moralist and claiming to be the exact opposite is just one of those lies people of your kind tell others to hide their real selfs.

>Excessive pride and ego are objectively harmful for anyone with a sound mind.
Oh wow, something excessive can be bad, I didnt know this, to bad this applies to basically everything, so when someone attacks pride and ego, they arent attacking excessive pride or ego, just someones ability to function and be independent.

>> No.17067557 [DELETED] 

Also this, because christianity is a schizophrenic mashup of judaism and paganism with a buddhist-like cherry on top.

>> No.17067564

Also this, because christianity is a schizophrenic mashup of judaism and paganism with a buddhist-like cherry on top.

>> No.17067575

judeo christians think that you have an orgasm with a successful meditation session. That says a lot.

>> No.17067581

Yes Christian culture is centered around Jews. They have holidays for Jews. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to worship Jews. They listen to Jewish psalms. They elect a Jew as their first pope. They call you a Jew for not worshiping a Jew. They draw the entirety of their culture from Jewish mythology. They post stories about Jews. They celebrate the religious life of Early Jews. Their biggest event of the year involves the birth of a Jew. They use Jewish words like "Hallelujah" and "Amen" and name their children after Jews. When you say "Judeans/Israelites" they're not thinking of a Middle Eastern people. They're thinking of their "ancestors". Their churches are completely adorned with Jews. They worship their saints and prophets disproportionately filled with Jews and their Apostles also filled with Jews. Their men sit around dying for the King of the Kews while their women sit around praying to a Jewish mother. They worship Jews like Saul of Tarsus and Jehohanan and Thomas and the rabbi Yeshuah bar Yosef while attacking the Greeks and Romans who actually built an empire and scientific institutions before Jew worshipers took over. They hate Jews who don’t worship their Jew but love Jews who do worship him. They send their Jew worshipers to kill those who don’t worship Jews and celebrate when Ancient European monuments and shrines get destroyed because they don’t honour Jews. They read Jewish books to a point where "Holy Lands" does not make them think of their ancestral homelands but about a desert instead. They will tell you how much they hate Jews and how they threw them out all the time and they are just pretending to live with them now but the evidence speaks for itself in that Christianity has always been and will be a religion of Jew worship

>> No.17067583

The virtues shouldn't be difficult to follow. It's a virtue if it's ultimately or universally helpful or true. If you don't understand how to come about them then you don't understand the virtues well enough. It's not supposed to be difficult except where it's least helpful.

>> No.17067600

1. Stop watching porn
2. Marry a trad christian girl from a 2nd or 3rd world country(and actually move to where she lives)

>> No.17067604

>teh will to power
obviously late Nietzsche lost it, what's your point? if you want to 'refute' his critique of christianity start with birth of tragedy

>> No.17067625

>muh racial resentment
so, where does the critique of the spiritual principles come into play? this is the equivalent of discarding jewish science because "da jooz are evil, nothing they do could possibly be of any value". engage with the material or go back to your hole.

>> No.17067629

Pride and ego put your being on yourself which obviously limits the range of whatever pride or ego serve to yourself in particular moments.
If you have high pride and ego then you can't contend w external events properly as those can change but you cannot as well as efficiently. You may be full or tired and misunderstand an interpretation. Because you're using pride and ego, you cannot deal with that as anything except a failure on your part. You can amend it to be less prideful and egoistic but that defeats the purpose and points towards a better means to deal w reality.

>> No.17067665
File: 805 KB, 1600x2392, jesus_at_the_door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>spent 3 years solely reading catholic literature and christian media

Any specific recs and titles? I bet I can handle those 3 years better than you, OP.

I'll even archive this thread and show a timestamp of my progress.

>> No.17067696

>You are obviously a totalitarian moralist and claiming to be the exact opposite is just one of those lies people of your kind tell others to hide their real selfs
If you mean authoritarian in the sense that I don't tolerate gatekeepers and people who continually spew unwarranted racism or homophobia then you might have a point, but I only act as one as a means of self-defense.
>just someones ability to function and be independent
Being independent is a big word, kudos if you contrive to live off the grid, but in must cases you're bound to depend on someone or something else to guarantee your subsistence, and pride is oftentimes guaranteed to earn you enemies rather than allies.

>> No.17067790

>Read the new testament multiple times
>prayed the rosary daily
>had multiple mystical experiences
>cut out videogames, social media, music except for christian songs and g rated cartoon movies.

>> No.17068227

>cut out videogames, social media, music except for christian songs and g rated cartoon movies.
That's where you fucked up imo. There's nothing inherently wrong with most videogames, songs and movies, so long as you don't overdo it or the film contains things which may be sinful or be cause concupiscence (social media is garbage so that's a good thing to cut out). If you cut out these things for practical reasons and still want them out of your life that's fine but God wants you to enjoy life, but you should take care not to let anything get in the way of your relationship with Him.

>> No.17068252


Catholicism is not Christianity.

>> No.17068300

>christianity means you can't have any fun

>> No.17068573

garbage in garbage out

>> No.17068578

this site is worse than most gayms

>> No.17068593
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1608024035208 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestants be like.

>> No.17068600

Stop falling for the fucking memes, you retards. I swear this board is getting dumber by the week.

>> No.17068608
File: 35 KB, 700x700, ef45485e8327761c252fbdd8e451bd9e0d-11-biden-laugh.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had multiple mystical experiences
Sure, sure

>> No.17068611

neoliberalism has provided you with the morality you need
just stop pretending like you're above being an normalfag and you'll get a bitch on your dick in no time
after that you'll see that it's all a waste and you can go back to doing whatever

>> No.17068616

Literally the 15 year old tradcath zoomer meme. This place is a joke

>> No.17068628
File: 29 KB, 331x499, Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet it was just a pyramid scam to get people to chase an unnattainable lifestyle

Nah. You hit the wall of the flesh, where Augustine "took and read," and continued on his spiritual journey.

And now you've fallen into the slough of despond, as Bunyan put it.

That is to say, you are, now, truly tasting and knowing your fallen human condition.

The murmur of a prayer can save, could turn things around. God is good, and patient.

You might find something of value in the blogging or books of Eve Tushnet.

Also, would highly recommend Catherine of Siena, Dialogue with God the Father. You're presently stuck in the bramble bush, down at the base. You have to gather the courage, with God's grace, to get through that.

>> No.17068639

>premartial intercourse

>> No.17068648

shut the fuck up you larper.

>> No.17068663

>tfw christian
>listening to black metal right now and feel guilty about it
I love you Jesus but I like those scary norwegian men with corpse paint speaking about norse gods
see >>17067331

>> No.17068666

Isn't the whole point of Christianity that you can do whatever bad stuff you want, and then just ask Jesus to forgive you and get off scot-free? Maybe say a couple hail marys?

>> No.17068668

But what if you believe that you don't believe that you don't believe that you believe?

>> No.17068676

nice trips, Satan

>> No.17068680

That's Protestantism, a heresy.

>> No.17068688

Nice try Serpent

>> No.17068701

> reads Christian literature
> still doesn’t understand the power of spiritual attacks
> buckles and caves when the going gets hard
> blames Christianity
> is actually just weak and prone to give in to his most base desires
> doesn’t realize he’s facing a spiritual challenge

>> No.17068706
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>> No.17068722

I'm sure there are Catholics that bring the exact same sins to confession every time they go and never do anything to overcome them.
You're aware of what has been pushed since Vatican 2, right?

>> No.17068724

you dont know what you are fucking talking about faggot.

>> No.17068730

Why are you so resentful

>> No.17068742

>nooooooo u can’t just pray and read scripture that’s a meme noooo

>> No.17068746
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>> No.17068749

this but unironically

>> No.17068751

because you are tricking people into consuming the trad pill when it is worse than the lookism pill.

>> No.17068781

Yeah, real good display that you do know what you’re talking about...pseud loser.

>> No.17068803

faggot incel have sex

>> No.17068837

What’s the lookism pill, and why is the trad pill worse

>> No.17068856

Wow you’re so articulate and well read. You make so many good points. I can’t even argue with you.

>> No.17068859

newfag gtfo

>> No.17068873


>> No.17068918
File: 73 KB, 720x716, 6079FE96-A226-4732-8EDE-6879A5900B37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the trad pill

>> No.17068923

stale meme

>> No.17068943

>He just found out that sin feels good and fucks with you
Congratulations. You just found out you were a larping "based and trad" zoomer all along. Quit larping and get serious.

>> No.17069116

God died for us sinners. Just repent and go to confession. I hope you will be able to enjoy Christmas in a state of grace. I'll pray for you brother.

>> No.17069208

It only works if you're regenerate, thats why catholics are how they are most of the time

>> No.17069228
File: 546 KB, 639x1023, faggotdeclaration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need balance in your life. While it is commendable to engage in spiritual activities and seek to live a virtuous life, you don't have to be a faggot about it. You should enjoy your life as well and engage in activities which are completely fun and not degenerate. No one forces you to suck nigger cock but you still do OP

>> No.17069239

The pagan perspective sounds more like
>Don't give up, pussy
>Show me your gaped butthole

>> No.17069254

Based Erasmus-Anon

>> No.17069451

Where's the image from? What plane is this?

>> No.17069476
File: 181 KB, 900x675, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christian hymns hit hardest when you you were up at 2am the night before smoking meth in a stranger's house.
If there ever was a 4chan quote to print out, frame and hang above my bed it would be this one.

>> No.17069486


>> No.17069500


>> No.17069591

Well, you are of course sexually perverted when you make that analogy, but to look at it very simply, not everyone can become a rocket scientist or a muscle man, so if you do not have the intelligence or the physical stamine for one of these, you can not, you can try and try, but you wont. Thats simply reality.

>> No.17069912


>> No.17069913

The path of virtue was never promised to be an easy path. Return anon and prepare for eternal beatitude.

>> No.17070050

Just want you to know you are the best individual I have ever encountered on this board.

>> No.17070059

you will preserve your virginity regardless of whether you're trad or not. Don't delude yourself your life is somehow going to change by changing ideological stances

>> No.17070079

The most successful psyop is believing being a virgin is bad

>> No.17070085

its something you have to grow up in. as in from birth. if you pick it up later in life you have to be really disciplined to fucking cut half your brain and transplant. or really lucky. it aint to bad just alchemy the things you find helpful

>> No.17071471

The LARP is strong with OP. Just because you read the catechism and new testament many times doesn't mean anything at all. Give me a Catholic peasant who did that. And he did a better job at virtue than you did. Revel some more in the muck, and come back to God, just don't LARP this time

>> No.17071510
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x4065, Catholic Resurrection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a larper. Larpers never heard of The Dialogue, must less read it.

>> No.17071604

>be prideful
>fail to treat yourself with grace
>try to preserve virginity instead of making children
You need more Catholic literature. Read Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh. You don't know what broken is.

>> No.17071694

Exactly. Christianity was just invented by Romans as a replacement for the imperial cult that could appeal to non romans. That said if you treat the gospels as just a collection of sayings from the late 2nd temple martyrs it still has value, its the church that is the threat.
This guy is retarded kids. The fault is not with traditionalism, its with Christianity.

>> No.17071867

I've seen this post and possibly this thread before
Is this just copypasta or I'm going insane

>> No.17072965

How valid is letter writing perhaps with later compilement as a form of philosophical exploration?