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/lit/ - Literature

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17063251 No.17063251 [Reply] [Original]

How should we respond /lit/bros? Are we really that bad at writing?

>> No.17063262

I already wrote 1k shitposts that probably got more (you)s than his blogposts or whatever have readers

>> No.17063263

>Lovecraft as his avatar
>200 character limit
>easily disproved generalization
There you go

>> No.17063268

He's right, /lit/ is shit. He's cringe as well but he's also right.

>> No.17063270

looks like he couldn't handle the banter. twitter is basically a den of tripfags

>> No.17063286

>nigger-brained twittard can't understand what anonymity is
>creates a villain out of some loser he met in college and applies it to us
>I've also never heard of him
Books are a hobby for me. My career is not something that I have to whine about online.

>> No.17063297

He can't be a man, because he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me

>> No.17063307

based unexpected remnant of my early teenage years
thank you anon

>> No.17063310

I'm just in love with that phrase lol. You're welcome old man

>> No.17063313

Says the guy posting on twitter! An even more overt receptacle of pseudery!

>> No.17063319

we might be retarded but he is the one being pissy about 4chan insulting his writing, as if 4chan doesn't insult literally everything. you're not supposed to take it seriously

>> No.17063320

>”I-I have never p-posted on /lit/ I swear!”
>has somehow spent enough time on it to develop strong feelings about it and even knows how his work is received here

Top fucking kek. What a delusional prick. He really might as well have written “I post my work on /lit/ and get called out for shilling”

>> No.17063328

Is twitter where all the buttflustered tripfags of old went?

>> No.17063329

Yeah, well, at least I don't use Twitter.

>> No.17063330

i think i have that guy blocked so i dont have to see other people retweet or like his cringe

>> No.17063353
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lit seems to have struck a nerve


>> No.17063366

list of "famous" people who post on lit:

1. pinecone
2. megan boyle
3. tao lin
4. Delicious tacos
5. zero hp lovecraft

>> No.17063372
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>old man
I'm 24

>> No.17063373

Literal who advertises his work on 4chan and isn’t pleased with peoples opinions because his work has only ever been exposed to the hand selected group of people he hasn’t blocked yet on Twitter.

>> No.17063379

Oh hahahaha my bad. I thought you were around when it came out

>> No.17063400

Yes i know he's a faggot

>> No.17063401

>easily disproved generalization
not really tho

>> No.17063433

If you can’t sit down at any random day oni the year and crank out 1k words within half an hour, you shouldn’t be a writer

>> No.17063437

holy FUCK will he look stupid when I release my book-length verse essay
novel... the very thought

>> No.17063438

Yes really tho. Law of averages disproves the claim of
>every single one
The general intellect of this board disproves
>imagines he will someday write his great novel
First because many here lack actual imagination, and secondly because some on here actually do write novels.
His claim that everyone here
>lacks the follow-through to compose a 1k word blog article
Is refuted by, again, the lengthy shitposts and effortposts one finds here, and by the fact that I myself have written a 1.5 k word blog article.

He just assmad that he ain't shit

>> No.17063444

Can't beat me in a debate plus he's a weak-willed faggot.

>> No.17063454

Sort of but whoever this is is also a stupid faggot clearly

>> No.17063459

He's a prick, but he probably just obsessively googles himself

>> No.17063475
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>Twitter shitposter
>thinks he is above anyone