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/lit/ - Literature

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17063181 No.17063181 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a chart I made with 66 of my favorite books. Share yours. Let's criticise or recommend each other. We could be /mu/roes just for one day.

Here's an imgur link in case that the uploaded here doesn't look ok https://i.imgur.com/ONLfLIo.jpg

>> No.17063209

I'd say you have good tastes and I would love having a discussion about lit with irl.
What tool did you use to make the chart? Did you spent hours on photoshop?

>> No.17063238

Photoshop, yeah. I didn't track the time, but finding good covers and putting them in position took me a bunch of hours, yes.

>> No.17063247

You got me really excited to make one of these, then I realised its already half ten at night and I need to go to bed soon because I need to be up at four thirty in the fuckin morning for work. If this is still up by the time I get back home tomorrow maybe I'll make one.

>> No.17063280

I shit I hoped there was some easy tool. Well I this thread isn't going to die on you it could be interesting

>> No.17063308

Good idea, anon. I'll do one myself. We share Gilgamesh as one of our favorite books. I also see you read "El verdadero Barba Azul". What did you think of it? Have you got the physical edition?

>> No.17063348

Yeah, it would be cool. I mean, /mu/ makes this thread all the time. It makes sense that not everyone has one of these already, so if we could set a date or something so people could have one done for then it would be nice. But idk, setting dates in imageboard posting sounds weird

>> No.17063408

Read it on my kindle. The trial of Giles de Rais is called in english. Bataille uniqueness is very entertaining in a way that's different in comparison to authors like Sade (and I'm not necessarily putting Sade below Bataille), for example. More poignant, I think.

Love Gilgamesh, fuck yes

>> No.17064007
File: 1.97 MB, 3432x3720, Favorite books-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I finished mine. It was more difficult than I expected; choosing the books, I mean. Cheated a little with the complete works of some writers, but I think it's valid too. Had to compress it for the site, but here's the full resolution one: https://imgur.com/a/l8mFlHx

I also want to read that one, along with other books by Bataille (I read him in Spanish). I've only read The Accursed Share, Story of the Eye, and a collection of his essays. Fascinating author, very important for our times.

I read Gilgamesh in Jesús Silva's translation. It's such a great poem, I even wrote an essay about it and it got published in a small literary magazine from my country. You can even find it in Google, but I'm not saying more to protect my privacy.

>> No.17064023

>We could be /mu/roes just for one day.
Why would anyone want that?

>> No.17064042
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>> No.17064047

What's that between the Plotinus and the Wake?

>> No.17064063


>> No.17064064

>Jesús Silva
Jorge Silva*

>> No.17064177
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German books were read in German and English books in English, the rest in French

>> No.17064235
File: 3.13 MB, 2500x4272, sffg log 2020 Dec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my SF/fantasy ratings

>> No.17064266

love this, thanks!

>> No.17064712

Imgur compresses the image.

>> No.17064803

I'd say you seem to be canadian.

>> No.17064813

Where should I start with Jung? Red book?

>> No.17064814

Nice. I've been putting off Long Sun for a while but I guess it is worth reading after all

>> No.17064821

what site do you use for this?

>> No.17065073

read the fucking thread.

>> No.17065224

Fuck. Well, at least the one I posted in this thread has ok resolution

>> No.17065309
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>> No.17065369

Why do you guys think that Deleuze book on Spinoza is so great?

Also, what is so nice about Salambo?

>> No.17067608


>> No.17067641

Deleuze's book on Spinoza was part of the books that I read while having a psychotic break a few years ago. Jung's book on synchronicity and Nihil Unbound among them, for example. That mental episode was shit, but I still have appreciation for the lucidity I felt while reading Deleuze's book on Spinoza.

Flaubert's prose is amazingly colorful and complex in the sense that he gives you everything you need to imagine the scenario with vivid detail. Mix that with a carthaginian princess and an awesome historical period and you're in for a good ride. Plus, the fact that D'Annunzio plagiarized it is great.

>> No.17067644

I would do this but I honestly don't know how to in paint and definitely don't want to get/learn GIMP

>> No.17067662

I'm actually from Latinoamerica lol

>> No.17067736

Probably with "Man and His Symbols" or "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious". I actually started with "Synchronicity", but most people would say that it is not as valuable in relation to those other two because they have concepts of more weight. imo Synchronicity is very related to psychotic episodes and the mind of the psychotic, so it's a favorite of mine

>> No.17067762

Yeah I'm thinking cringe

>> No.17067807
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>> No.17068263

imagine getting upset about a 4chan chart thread

>> No.17069431
File: 1.30 MB, 2182x1891, IMG_20201219_185657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here you are then, my top 21 books that I read this year. Decided to leave out short stories and poetry I read because I don't think you can really rank them against novels and I'm also too lazy to really try to, but my favourites there are Kafka, Borges, Hemingway and Schulz and Yeates, Baudelaire, Pound, Thomas Gray, Shakespeare, Leśmian, Tuwim, Słonimski, Gałczyński and Poświatowska. I did actually also read Ulysses this year, and I even enjoyed it, but there was so much of it that just flew past me that I don't think there's any point me trying to compare it to anything else I read. Still think it's a great book tho, and Hades is probably my favourite chapter that I've ever read, so yeh massive big ups to Joyce and that.

>> No.17069856

Based. Thanks fren
I think the best starting point is Against the Modern World by Mark Sedgwick. It’s basically the history of traditionalism and he goes over the movement starting with Guenon, Evola, Schuon and a ton of others like Dugin.

>> No.17069960

Great list all-around. This year I didn't read much because of reasons, but I'd be glad if my 2021 best list has the same vibe as yours. I'll try to get into the rhythm soon into the year. Do you already have a list of the ones you hope to read in 2021?

>> No.17070323

sup bros, i don't/didn't want to start another thread, but does anyone have any recs/charts on Texas history in general? could be about anything. i want to read more about my state's history. thanks frens C;

>> No.17070376


>> No.17070440

Thanks a lot mate, this was actually my first full year of reading so I was quite focused on reading as many different big names as possible. For next year though, I don't really have much of a plan. I know I want to get started on Goethe, both Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and of course Faust interest me very much, I've now started getting well into the glorious literature of my Polish homeland, so I'll be going for Prus, Sienkiewicz, Norwid, more Mickiewicz, Gombrowicz, Witkiewicz, Żeromski, Herbert, Dąbrowska etc. Beckett is the only one who I'm dead set on reading next year, I spent the whole year thinking about reading him, but now I have actually goneand bought a copy of Murphy so yeh be starting on that soon. Other than that I'm thinking Svejk, I'm thinking more of Melville, though I don't know whether to go for something like Pierre or The Confidence Man or read him chronologically starting with Typee. Finnegans Wake can wait a few years, at least until I've read Ulysses another once or twice and I understand more and more of it. Same with Proust actually, I did overall really enjoy Swann's Way, but I'm still definitely too young, immature and inexperienced to fully understand and appreciate it all. Should probably also look into reading something else from Machado de Assis since Posthumous Memoirs of Braz Cubas was my favourite book of last year, and is still second place for me only behind MD, and I haven't read anything from him in over a year now. Almost the same with Mishima, loved what I read in like February, but haven't picked up anything else since. Would like to read The Canterbury Tales as well, I read the prologue and one of the tales in a poetry anthology I have so I am already somewhat comfortable with Middle English.

>> No.17071907


Like you, I don't have an established plan but I'll try to start with novellas to get traction again and then delve into novels. As you can see in my chart I'm an unintentional russophile. I have read everything I downloaded from Pushkin, Gogol is a predilect of mine and I started investigating Deleuze after Duguin mentioned him a lot in an interview, so yeah. But as I said, that interest in russian works is unintentional. Even my Verne's favorite book is Michel Strogoff. I think I'll try to read authors I've never read before, and to not dig to much into just one except if I get infatuated and such. Any recommendations for novellas? Who would be the best polish writer to start with?

>> No.17072106

Putting gormghast and dune so low is triggering otherwise decent list.