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17062290 No.17062290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>have never held hands with a girl while walking down the street
>have never kissed a girl goodnight and said "I love you" before sleeping beside her
>have never been nude with a girl and felt vulnerable together
>have never visited a girl's parents or friends
>have never taken a train journey with a girl to the countryside or coast and spent the day talking and walking around together
>have never sat on a sofa with a girl resting her head in my lap
>have never laid on a sofa with my head in a girl's lap
>have never been in a relationship
>have never had sex
>have never felt at ease just casually in the company of a girl who I love and who I believe loves me
>have never had a girl text me to ask what I'm up to and what I feel like eating that evening
>have never watched a girl try on different clothes and ask for my judgement on each piece
>have never listened to music while cuddling with a girl
>have never been in a car with a girl just talking, joking around, and singing along to some music on the radio on our way to somewhere enjoyable
>almost thirty years old

What books capture the feelings of inadequacy, regret, yearning, frustration, self-hatred and utter hopelessness that comes with being an almost thirty-year-old virgin?

>> No.17062307

My Twisted World by St. Elliot Rodger (pbuh)
The World as Will and Representation by St. Arthur Schopenhauer (pbuh)
Sex and Character by St. Otto Weininger (pbuh)
Blackpill Theory: Why Incels Are Right And You Are Wrong by Dr. Castle

>> No.17062312

you are cucked by spooks holding you back. free yourself and embrace following your self interest

>> No.17062316

What is that last one like?

>> No.17062326
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>> No.17062367

I've done everything you listed and it was all meaningless in the end, time just washes away everything and it's like it never happened, you are just a moment, repeating in isolation. It becomes hard to even connect with people in real life because everything is so fucking weird and dreamlike and people are deranged puppets infused with pride and delusion, all I feel now is misery, horror, and pity, I feel like there is a gigantic leering evil God just outside my field of vision, or just outside the observable universe, just grinning in malice watching us, like his face could appear in the sky at any moment, and when we die I'm sure some new much worse torment will arrive

>> No.17062394

Holy shit go back to r9k you raging faggot. Also, check the charts.

>> No.17062443

It's very informative and it DEBOONKS pretty much every counterargument normies bring up when attempting to engage with blackpill ideology. I was quite disappointed with it though because I actually bought the Kindle version (I was the first person to upload the file to Z Library mind you) and I knew pretty much all the points he made from incels.co, lookism, /r9k/ and other incel forums. It was fine but I was expecting a new perspective from someone who introduces himself as a PhD student in ethnology

>> No.17062466

You need to just get out there man.

>> No.17062473

>tfw never had a latina woman shit on you and rub it all over your chest

>> No.17062667

Thank you.

>> No.17063024

how when the whole world got symbolically castrated by covid?

>> No.17063055

I've done a lot of these things and there's still a list of things I haven't done that I feel the same way about. If you did any of these things you would just move the goalposts. What I'm trying to say is life is suffering and you're never going to be happy