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/lit/ - Literature

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17061022 No.17061022 [Reply] [Original]

>Your Current Read
>What's your mental illness?

"Blindness", by José Saramado and OCD and musical obsessions.

>> No.17061032

Hippocratic Works
No mental illness cause I'm not a degenerate faggot who overconsumes Jewish media

>> No.17061038

Lolita - Nabokov (fourth reread)
I'm trans if that counts

>> No.17061046

Inherent Vice - Thomas Pynchon
Schizophrenia, brought on by excessive and sustained marijuana use.

Ironic, huh.

>> No.17061052

The idiot
Tourette syndrome

>> No.17061053

V., Moby Dick, Three essays on the theory of sexuality

Clinical depression, OCD

>> No.17061054

>Plato: Complete Works
>Depression and anxiety

>> No.17061065

How's that going for you?

>> No.17061068

The schizophrenia or the Pynchon?

>> No.17061076


dude, freud will only make you more depressed.

>> No.17061081

Yeah, too late now

>> No.17061085

Same, Moby Dick.

>> No.17061089

Am I on tumblr?

>> No.17061093


Have you watched the film?

>> No.17061094

emma by jane austen

Anxiety disorder

>> No.17061123

probably undiagnosed avpd i dunno

>> No.17061124

Blindness had SO much shit (I mean feces) in it. Why.

Reading the Penguin History of Canada


>> No.17061152
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>Portrait of the Artist by Jamie Joyce
>Probably schizoid but idk, might just be depressed


>> No.17061155

Because how the hell do you expect over two hundred blind people to find their proper shithole unassisted in an abandoned asylum with no working sewage? It would have been entirely unrealistic to gloss over that reality.
On a more literary note, it is also an easy way to introduce the idea of the loss of humanity among the blind and their degeneration into a bestial society

>> No.17061162

Schizoaffective (depressive)

>> No.17061191

Just found this review of Blindness in goodreads. You were not kidding about how some of these people are:
>Not at all disturbing, not at all compelling and not at all interesting, Jose Saramago's Blindness only succeeds in frustrating readers who take a moment to let their imagination beyond the page. Yes, Saramago's story is a clever idea, and, yes, he creates an intentional allegory to force us to think about the nature of humanity, but his ideas are clearly those of a privileged white male in a privileged European nation. Not only do his portrayals of women and their men fall short of the mark, but Saramago has clearly never had to fend for himself in the world. If he did, he'd realize that there were a thousand easy answers to the dilemmas he created for his characters, and he could have then focused more on the internal filth of their souls than the external excrement of their bodies. Blindness is not worthy of a Nobel Winner

>> No.17061752

Technological Society and Its Future
Social anxiety and depression

>> No.17061773

Gonna start Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep today
Mild depression

>> No.17061813

War and Peace
Generalised Anxiety Disorder + ADHD

I don't really believe in mental illness but the effexor and ritalin have helped a huge amount

>> No.17061873
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i'm reading derrida's gift of death rn
schizoid etc. was also heavy on OCD but it's gone entirely into remission for the time being

>> No.17061898

>The Magos by Dan Abnett
>Paranoid Schizophrenic

>> No.17061994

Did you need any medication to get it to recede? I'm going fucking crazy here and need some hope that things will get better.

>> No.17062059

>A Moveable Feast
>None because mental illness is for the weak

>> No.17062069

War and Peace
Supposedly bipolar disorder

>> No.17062087

whats the point of this thread

>> No.17062098

Attention whoring by the mentally deficient.

>> No.17062105

what do you think of the book m8

>> No.17062107


>> No.17062110

Anna Karenina
depression and possibly autism

>> No.17062166

No, I went to a psych initially to confirm my self-diagnosis as OCD but opted out of both therapy and meds afterward to the end of attempting self therapy. I found that the "One Trick" to get rid of your OCD is to stop doing compulsions. It probably depends on the type of compulsion you have how effective this will be, as physical ones tend to be more resilient and ingrained to the force of 'mere' willpower (though not undefeatable by a long shot). I had a pretty bad case of hypochondria and used to be compulsively reading medical journals and literature. If you do the work and believe it will get better, with time it actually does get better.

It's really interesting. Striking analysis of current political climate and how it connects to the christian idea of 'responsibility' and the western canon at large. I wouldn't say I agree with his thesis on the whole but it's lucid and incisive.

>> No.17062182

Though definitely do give SSRIs a shot if you're interested. I have friend who's got OCD as well, similar case to mine, and he testified to them helping a lot with his OCD, as well as bettering his mood quite a bit.

>> No.17062191

My compulsions are mental. Mostly in the form of musical compulsions that repeat on loop over and over again. It's really distracting and anxiety inducing when I'm just trying to do my job.

>> No.17062210

alright I'm pretty familiar with those. best thing you can do is to not let them bother you. it sounds counterintuitive and impossible but that's genuinely what works. don't try take your mind off of it, don't do anything physical or whatever, just stare it right in the face and listen intently

>> No.17062300

Thanks. I've been dealing with these for years, but now that I'm in college the pressure is getting to me. I've read a case that was so eerily similar to mine that he might as well have been me. Apparently ERP and SSRI helped him get better. I hope that will help. Do you need prescription to get those meds?

>> No.17062362

>do you need prescription
I think so, but I'm not sure. assuming you're US you'll have to check with your health institute or whatever
>now that I'm in college the pressure is getting to me
i feel you there. stress is a big trigger for me too. while i don't have OCD anymore, I'm still anxious from time to time but for more 'normal' reasons.
OCD reminds me almost of an inflammation in that sense. it gets much, much worse if you're physically stressed as well as mentally. make sure you get your sleep and whatnot, treat yourself to a good routine. best of luck ocdbro

>> No.17062460

mind a unified theory of life and intelligence, doing it at 700wpm becuase it's mostly shit i've read or thought before
also, a few true crime audiobooks on queue and aphrodite by some dude

>> No.17062483

I appreciate your compassion. I'm not from the US; hopefully that'll make things easier. It does worsen whenever I get stressed; good God, what a bad week this has been. I'll try to take your advice as best I can; thank you once again.

>> No.17062498

Magic Mountain by Mann and Sculpting in Time by Tarkovsky
Depression, generalized anxiety

>> No.17062736

ye, and i don't feel well, an all encompassing feeling of dread, uneasiness and impotence

>> No.17062802

>Currently Reading
Brothers K and Blind Argus by Bufalino
>Mental illness
Bipolar disorder (type II), sex and narcotic addictions and selective OCD.

>> No.17062817

>currently reading
Mercier et Camier, Samuel Beckett
>Mental illness

>> No.17062833

All the Pretty Horses
Narcissist with an inferiority complex

>> No.17062835

I’ll put you down for schizophrenia

>> No.17063257

smoked 2gr everyday of weed past year, no fkn mental illness, noob

>> No.17063333

dfw - b.i. hideous men
Im starting to feel like i have attention deficit or something like that, i can focus just fine on leisure activities and books and stuff, but i cannot for the life of me start on uni assignments, im 26, bit late in life to be diagnosed with his shit, its really taking a toll.

>> No.17064338

Rules for Radical


>> No.17064553
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Sword and the citadel/ War and peace

Schizoid's wild ride

>> No.17064671

Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink and his navy seal pals

Alcoholism, being a huge dick to the whole world, and suicidal ideation 24/7/365

>> No.17064672

Seiobo there Below

>> No.17064682

Charterhouse of Parma
Dunno I'm just sad all the time

>> No.17064700

Mental illness isnt real

>> No.17064720

Current read: "Constitution of Athens" by Aristotle
Mental illness: Asperger's

>> No.17064749

ok but what book are you reading?

>> No.17064757

>For Whom The Bell Tolls
>clinical anxiety

I manage desu, I’ve been off Zoloft for 2 months

>> No.17064786

The Odyssey. Fuck if I know. I'm doing psychoanalysis, so the diagnosis itself isn't that important. I'm thinking dysthymia or some personality disorder, but certainly a borderline organization.

>> No.17064797

Current read: 'First as Tragedy, Then as Farce' by Slavoj Zizek
Mental illness: clinical bipolar 2 & schizophrenic thought patterns

>> No.17065005

No country for old men
Autism and maybe depression and anxiety? The conversation didn't feel like a formal diagnosis but that's what the doctor gave the meds to me for

>> No.17065199

What are shizophrenic thought patterns? I've supposedly got the negative schizo traits but I've not heard of thought patterns before.

>> No.17065231

The thought patterns of a schizophrenic lol

Like, let's say the schizo has an obsession with numbers and also his love interest who doesn't even know he exists. He might now go about his day thinking about her, and while walking past cars he considers the car plate numbers to be answers to his questions

>> No.17065236

The Idiot
Notes from Underground

>> No.17065243
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>Idolizing and fetishizing mental illness
Never change /lit/, I love ya

>> No.17065382

> I found that the "One Trick" to get rid of your OCD is to stop doing compulsions.

This is true, especially for physical compulsions. I have a severe case of trichotillomania (pulling my hair out) and have had it since I was about 14 years old. I am 20 now, and only this last month have I been able to stop, and this anon's advice is valid. I digress though, as I've also relapsed recently.

>> No.17065399

Other anon is somewhat off-base about it. The two main indicators is thought process (i.e. coincidences are not coincidences; there is a justification to everything) and 'word salad' (irregular speech patterns). The latter isn't persistent if I make an active effort against it. Do you experience similar things? What are the 'negative schizo' traits?

>> No.17065791
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>not reading

>> No.17065959
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>(((mental illness)))
go back to somewhere else

>> No.17066039

Im just curious and I hope I dont sound like an ass or anything but how has marijuana effected your problem solving, reading and overall mental capabilities aside from the schizophrenia

>> No.17066061

The Garden of Rama
Seasonal Affective Disorder, PTSD, Circadian Rhythm Disorder.

>> No.17066186

Being and Time - Heidegger
depression and aspergers

currently being-towards-death right now

>> No.17066404

Carl Schmitt - collection of essays
Severe depression and OCD

>> No.17066425

This. When I get """""""""""depressed""""""""""" I can't focus on videogames or anime let alone reading.

>> No.17066588

terminal moron brain

>> No.17066726

Meditations on The Tarot. Deep autism and probably covert/vulnerable narcicissism. I revile pity but crave sympathy and need admiration like water to stave of violently strong thoughts of a perfectionists self loathing. I even hate how emo i come off writing about it

>> No.17066751


The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein
Exploding Head Syndrome
Not joking, it is a real thing, I randomly get seizure-like sensory events that feels something like a mix between a plane flying between your ears and an electrical shock. It doesn't hurt and weirdly, it never surprises, in the sense that it can happen in the middle of a sentence and I'll keep talking without any issues.

>> No.17066786

My dad had something similar for a while. To my knowledge it either goes away or is the indicitave precursor to schizophrenia

>> No.17066842

>Seasonal Affective Disorder
>uuuuuuh it's so cold
That's not an illness.

>> No.17066869

sun and steel
bpd or autismo turbo and nihilism

>> No.17066880

i'm pretty sure exploding head syndrome refers to such episodes happening specifically as you're falling asleep, like an audio version of that falling down sensation you sometimes get in bed. if it's happening during the day it's something else.

>> No.17066890


It happened a lot more when I was younger, something like once or twice a month, sometimes 2~3 times a night. It would always happen when I was alone, and usually about to fall asleep.
Since I went over 30, it happens maybe once or twice a year.
Didn't know about the whole schizophrenia thing. Hopefully I dodged that bullet.
What always bothered me is that it is really a sensation unlike any others. It feels like movement and sound and electrical shock all wrapped into one and it all happens very clearly in your head. I feel something moving from one side of my skull to the other. Funny how wedon't realize that we don't usually feel things literally in our heads.

>> No.17066919

Not a neurologist but i think if you made it past your early and mid 20s without it manifesting you are generaly in the clear, so i hope you,re good as well. My dad never went schizo. That we rarely f eel anything in our heads is a good observation

>> No.17066930

itt is the epitome of pseudointellectualism.

>> No.17066935

lmaoing at all you losers pretending to be mentally ill online

>> No.17066940

go back to your containment thread, genre homo

>> No.17066951
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Convinience Store Woman

mild depression, anxiety/ panic disorder, I guess alcoholism

>> No.17067027

I'm reading Europe's Tragedy: A New History of the Thirty Years War.
I exclusively masturbate to F to M trans people.

>> No.17067063

Cynical Theories

>> No.17067065

a new history of western philosophy
Had acute psychosis and possibly have autism

>> No.17067067

oh i thought the mental illnes that is in the book bc in that case it would be obviously autism

im sorry for your disorder anon.
you should try what fucked up this anon >>17061046
i heard it helps with tourette but id have to research it

>> No.17067075

Asser's Life of King Alfred and other contemporary texts
Highly depressed/bipolar disorder

>> No.17067367

Going through the same thing, assuming you're referring to the personality disorder. Not that it matters.
Ancient Iraq and The History of the Arab Peoples.

>> No.17067375

Nabokov simps are trans. What a surprise.

>> No.17067912

that book fucking sucks

>> No.17067931
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>Parasite Rex

>> No.17068066

Dark Tongues: The Art of Rogues and Riddlers, Daniel Heller-Roazen
Rage by Bob Woodward

Depression and BPD

>> No.17068105
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>> No.17068315

i am going to kill myself

>> No.17068325

>Narcissist with an inferiority complex

>> No.17068401

Thinks everything revolves around him and demands the world stops on his tracks to prop him up and make him feel better.

>> No.17068840

>City of Brass

>> No.17069147

Thx dude, I have tried tincture when I have weeks with really bad tic attacks . It does help a little

>> No.17069485 [DELETED] 

>Hermann Burger - Schilten

>> No.17069544

>Hermann Burger - Schilten
>I might have some mild form of Tourette, but it's never been diagnosed. Otherwise, none.

>> No.17069555

>Social anxiety, bipolar

>> No.17069557

Crime and Punishment
Severe anhedonia

>> No.17070014

The noise in my head never stops. It's a never ending buzz. I just need some peace. I have so much trouble writing and reading.

>> No.17070386

Rereading The Iliad.

I wasn't diagnosed with anything as of yet but I suffer from severe hypersomnia—I am sleeping 12+ hours daily—and extreme fatigue.

>> No.17070454
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Zinky Boys
Depression or something like that

>> No.17070482

not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness
not a real illness

>> No.17070483

How do you enjoy reading when you're tired? I feel like I'm ruining the book for myself every time I am drowsy as I try to take in the text.

>> No.17070498

bronze age mindset
being a complete chad

>> No.17070580

lmao is it called zinky boys in english? that's funny

>> No.17070666

>On Television by Pierre Bourdieu
>God, I really can't tell, other than a case of DPDR (which has been affecting me for seven years). I can only assume I still hold a tight ship of sanity, as any symptoms unrelated to the DPDR have not resulted in me being institutionalized. Who knows?

>> No.17070885

I hope you're doing well.

>> No.17070931

Re-reading Brothers K and starting Revolt of the Elites.

And im not a white girl , so no mental illness

>> No.17070936

How did you guys find out what kind of headcase you are? Do you see a shrink or something?

>> No.17070997

About to start the brothers karamazov. Definitely anxiety, possibly depression and some kind of dissociative disorder.

>> No.17071002

The Magic Mountain

>> No.17071021

>Brothers K
Nice. Don't often see David James Duncan books mentioned on /lit/.

>> No.17071103

Bought it solely because of the Karamazov reference. It's not bad actually, might seek a copy of The River Why, you recommend?

>> No.17071247

In my case I did some research regarding my symptoms and found an article in a medical journal which described a case exactly like mine, to the letter. I'm going ti see a psicologist who I used to frequent during my teen years to ask her for advice on how to proceed; I might need to take medication.

>> No.17071289

>you recommend?
Absolutely! My favorite of his.

>> No.17071298

>Teatro Grottesco

>Bipolar 2, ADHD

>> No.17071311

Yeah, I made an appointment with a psychiatrist and after a couple sessions we had a diagnosis, treatment plan, and he set me up with a therapist. It’s been really nice finally getting it al reigned in

>> No.17071388

Mental illness has been around far longer than Jewish media

>> No.17071404

Currently reading Idiot and Notes, Myshkin seems naive so far. I'm sorry for your disorder lol

>> No.17071425

Define a "real" illness

>> No.17071561

Ehh, sort've. I'm just still waiting for things to be normal, all things considered

>> No.17071693

Have you sought help?