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17060778 No.17060778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book?

>> No.17060794

Delusionally optimistic about both the future of mankind and the racial competency of the Chang.

>> No.17060817

>written by an Indian
Yikes. Probably some nationalist BS about how India strong even though China continually rapes them.

>> No.17060879

This is why the West is losing. Keep parroting paper tiger rhetoric all you want if it makes you sleep at night, but the truth is that if the West doesn’t wake the fuck up, replace the meta narrative of Progress, liberal democracy and neoliberal capitalism, it’s going to lose to the East.

>> No.17060896

The Chang gets necked by the European in a 1v1, but the European is too busy necking themselves right now to defeat the Chang.

>> No.17060905

I haven't read it but can tell you that the future will not be Asian. Why? They have no soft (cultural) power. It doesn't matter how big their economies become, this means absolutely nothing without 'soft' power.

>> No.17061142

I’m sorry but you really think an army of Chang’s can beat all Anglos combined?

Psssh. We’re taller, tougher, stronger, higher stamina and more broadly creative and capable of quick abstract thinking thanks to the ordered chaos of our society.

>> No.17061829
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>21st century is the Asian century
>Person saying this is a non-Chinese person from Asia
Every. damn. time. To the extent that this statement is true it's entirely due to China being included in Asia. At the same time, parts of Asia, such as the Middle East, will probably become considerably worse in this century. China won't even go on to become a superpower like what the US is today because there will be no "superpowers" at that point. The world order will probably be multipolar with China and the US being the two most powerful countries, in that order.

>> No.17061850

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.17061886
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Good, let them invade the West so that I can fuck their cute Asian women with my massive white cock. The Chang never stood a chance against the pure masculinity of North European male genetics.

>> No.17061924


no matter what race you are the Chinese alone outbreed you at least 2 to 1 and are encroaching on every developed nation more every day and in the most powerful way possible: financially
If you think anything else matters you are the delusional one

>> No.17062011

>paper tiger
Termites will destroy your house- if you let them.
There is an answer to the Chinese question, and the question is not if it will be administered, but when and by who.

>> No.17062061

Women are the ones who decide which genetics prolong to the next generations. Do you really think that they choose Chang over Western men? Even if they do Asian men will not father their own children, just saying.

>> No.17062074

> the reason you’re wrong is because you don’t agree my take
Really insightful there anon.

>> No.17062086

I personally believe Japan has a bright future. No one agrees with this it seems but I’m of the opinion that any Asian-centric future will be largely Japanese and not Chinese.

>> No.17062114


lol you definitely are delusional
I hate to break it to you but pretty much every Asian country especially China is extremely homogenous yet another reason it will be very easy for them to slowly take over as they are simply far more unified than other nations on top of having a higher population

>> No.17062117

Imagine having an Asian gf.

>> No.17062126

asian century is upon us. stronger system, stronger race, stronger culture, stronger pride, stronger technology, stronger science. china is greater than usa in every metric. the future is much brighter for china than the filthy decadent west. china will slaughter the fat pig and is progressing towards communism

>> No.17062134

>extremely homogenous
Don't care, I will get my cute Asian girlfriend once they take over.

>> No.17062167

I have taken the China pill

They are advancing towards socialism and creating an alternative to the decandent neoliberal globalhomo capitalist West that is built on nothing but greed, consumerism, exploitation, and pursuit of perpetual growth in capitalism. China is a challenge to the capitalist hegemony. The neoliberal consensus. They are proud people. They are educated headstrong workers. They are in touch with their culture, their roots, their race, and strive for a goal. They are unified. They utilize the theories of Marx instead of disregarding them. They strive for a better tomorrow and a collectivist view rather than selfish individualism. This is why they will crush the West.

>> No.17062181
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>China is extremely homogenous

>> No.17062209

>creating an alternative to the decandent neoliberal globalhomo capitalist West that is built on nothing but greed, consumerism, exploitation, and pursuit of perpetual growth in capitalism.
This is literally what the Chinese goovernment is based on, greed, consumerism and exploitation.

>> No.17062224


I mean yeah exactly
Your race is so doomed and demoralized you'll gladly dilute your own gene pool out of existence
Not that there is any better option at this point I'm sure it's almost statistically impossible to do otherwise

>> No.17062385

>No one agrees with this it seems but I’m of the opinion that any Asian-centric future will be largely Japanese and not Chinese.
I could see Japan being more powerful in terms of cultural power, but not geopolitics. I think East Asian countries other than China have a bright future too in the sense that they will mostly be in the same ballpark that they're in now, which is relatively good.

IMO even at the point when China becomes the strongest country they will still have many of the societal issues that hamper them today. I don't mean stuff that people might disagree with for ideological reasons either. Corruption and low societal trust are bad in any society. I don't even know if they'll ever be able to fix those. The thing is, they are just going to keep chugging along to the top despite this because their metrics are so good elsewhere.

>> No.17062387

>Your race is so doomed and demoralized
I am a white ginger male, average looking. White girls in my country do not even look at me. However, I have been to Japan and Brazil once and never in my life did I ever feel more like a god. Girls there actually gave me attention, flirting with me at parties or bars, even in broken english. The biological meaning of life is survive and breed, that is what I will accomplish.

>> No.17062400

>I could see Japan being more powerful in terms of cultural power, but not geopolitics.
Maybe. I think both. Obviously, the era of imperial expansion is over so it will look different but I still see Japanese being the economic, political, cultural front runner. Definitely cultural. I’m not so convinced about the economic and political. I’m not optimistic about China. But what do I know?

>> No.17062410

I have lived in China. You have no idea how off the mark you are. Yes, it’s an alternative to the West but not in the way you think, I think.

>> No.17062427

Never read it but looking at history the title might come true
Through all of History China was the biggest manufacturer until the European golden age of exploration, and now its coming back

>> No.17062446

The future is clearly Spanish-speaking Panamerican.

>> No.17062582

>Doesn't know that you're the one who's supposed to approach bitches
Cringe m8

>> No.17062591

I will believe it when the surge of Asians in the US happens -- and by surge I mean enough to overtake Mexicans/Latinos.

>> No.17062602

Have you seen the state of their birthrates?

>> No.17062617

The chinese are corrupt, I think it's going to fall apart

>> No.17062618
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Reminder that steve almost died from eating a Chinese ration

>> No.17062640

Japan lacks in resources but if they could, say, mine asteroids, or create super AI or something, maybe. But Asians can’t innovate. They can make improvements on existing tech but they can’t become leaders in anything.

>> No.17062645

The future is clearly the Esperanto speaking mulatto.

>> No.17062662

And you think theywill be able to keep their 1.whatever billion people repressed for the next 80 years while their society ages badly. Forcing your society to have only one child will go very well once you have half a billion people that are too old to work.

>> No.17063325

>In terms of total articles published, top 5 countries are in Asia
Yes, their populations are huge and this isn't weighted for number of times a publication is cited or anything like that. Still a win in absolute numbers though. Even if Asian people are not as innovative, which seems plausible given these data, does it even matter? The West prides itself on its liberalism and scientific openness. All East Asian countries have to do is just copy Western countries to stay on par in science while they supersede them in other respects, or am I missing something?

>> No.17063362

Same. The fact that it's actually quietly rethinking itself while it faces rivalry with China and a demographic problem which at least currently it isn't trying to solve with migration is a good sign for Japan's future.

>> No.17063374

No it wasn't. China didn't exist in the modern sense until recently, and it has spent most of its history in a state of relative embarrassment with only a few bright spots between.
This meme is just propaganda to make you think Chinese dominance is inevitable when really it was only possible because western leaders sold you out.

>> No.17063378

In China they're now trialling requiring women to be married and have children to be employed.

>> No.17063420
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>> No.17063425

As Hegel pointed out, the Orient has a fundamentally conservative, regressive stage of historical development. It is unable to progress beyond a despotic, in which individual will is confined by the universal will and power is typically invested in a singular figurehead embodies by the Emperor (think Xi Jinping or Kim Jong-un). The oriental world-historical consciousness seeks only to perpetuate its own stasis; it is defined by its own immobility and seeks to preserve it.
Western world-historical consciousness is instead characterized by a diffusion and complexification of power, the rule of some rather than one, and an increase emphasis on subjectivity.

For these reasons, China, India, and Japan would have never changed unless Western influences came into play and provided them with a different template. Their tendency is toward one of caste, hierarchy, static social relations, regularity and the repetition of the past.

>> No.17063572
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>> No.17064258

Damn. Can't believe you can regurgitate all that and your prof still gave you 72% on your term paper

>> No.17065054


>> No.17065075

Khanna is a competent IR theorist but his analysis is thrown off by Anti-American/Pro-Indian biases. The future is 'Asian' in the sense that IN and CH have a billion people each but the idea that either can simply 'win' the 21stC is just silly.

>> No.17065154

The Chinese will come to dominate simply because
>The government controls the corporations rather than the other way around
>They do not tolerate divisive behavior that threatens state unity, unlike the west where racial, religious, and gender idpol are omnipresent
>They aggressively fund public projects rather than leaving to the free market like in the neoliberal west (which leaves most forms of development impossible because they fail to turn quarterly profits)
>Social credit and enforced family creation programs create social sustainability
>Their military is made up of zealously loyal fanatics, while western militaries have become welfare programs where the majority don't give a shit
>Engages in a more covert form of imperialism that is subtle enough to avoid the public resentment that western imperialism causes
That's not to say that China is a socialist utopia that evil western propaganda is smearing, it's just that they figured out how to create a state that understands modern problems while the western powers are full of Davos men who want to privatize everything in order to fund their parties all over the world.

>> No.17065181

Yes, but we have God on our side at least. We'll see who wins in the end

>> No.17065210

So Hegel’s a liberal and we are too and that means we can innovate down to individual level and they can’t. So do you see much innovating going on over here anon?

>> No.17065267

good shit my man

>> No.17065281

Idiot. Fool. Christcuck.

>> No.17065292

>Chinese alone outbreed you at least 2 to 1
China has Japan-tier demographics; they are screwed in the long run

>> No.17065302
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Never read it but the title is fucking retarded so it's probably gay and not worth my time anyway.

>> No.17065315

probably refers to trade or some shit

>> No.17065345

Sinophilia is absolutely hilarious, the truth is everything is going to be in decline in this century because like it or not we're all tied together.

>> No.17065350


You guys really don't get it huh?
The fact that Asian countries are seeing declining birth rates is the tell tale sign that they're already far ahead of everyone else
They're tapping on the glass ceiling right now and they'll break through before all the other nations even get close

>> No.17065427

Yeah really it's a billion people with a central government trying to wrangle them into not eating bugs.

>> No.17065458

Not an argument. If I was a prof I'd give you far less than a 72.

No, much profound technological innovation is happening in places like China, and off an on Japan. China, as Hegel stated, is the birthplace of history, and thus it is tied to a despotic origin which it cannot escape. China is indeed developing advances in AI technology which ware the wonder of the world. But it is not using them for the betterment of all humanity, for the higher universal ideal. It is using it to devise a way which repeats the concept of China, forever and forever more. China's advanced AI technology is turned inward to surveil and monitor its own populace and censor its internet. China cannot fully grasp the whole world within its concept, because its Confucian and Taoist and other cultural primers teach it to remain inward. It is an "introverted" cultural phenotype through and through, while the west is more extroverted.
I'm no western chauvinist by the way. If China were to see beyond itself I would be its absolute supporter and fellow traveler. But as it stands China currently seeks to do nothing but recapitulate its form with slightly better characteristics and play into the same petty power politics which has dragged the world into ignorance.
China right now if it chose to fully deploy itself for humanitarian ends would win the undying admiration of the mass of humanity. Its own communist upbringing stays in the back of its mind, and I do think that leaders such as Mr Xi in the back of his mind retains an idealistic remnant of communism rather than raw pragmatism and national self interest. If given a chance. Some argue that China is communist in name only, but there is a reason they have not dropped that designation. It's because some among them believe in the ideal.
Socialism with Chinese characteristics has become an autonomous ideology unified under the consciousness of 1/6th of the world's population. My belief is if China, as the origin of history, can view itself as the future of history unselfhishly, the human race can progress into an age of peace and harmony.

>> No.17065502

>We’re taller, tougher, stronger, higher stamina
Nigga this aint some goddamned truck commercial. Go back. We're overwhelmingly fat as fuck and pampered and theres 3 times as many of them.

>> No.17065523

>globohomo secular countries
>God on our side

>> No.17065540

well the Chinese military and its people do seem much more fanatic, the West has grown to complacent.

>> No.17065541

>They do not tolerate divisive behavior that threatens state unity, unlike the west where racial, religious, and gender idpol are omnipresent

The thing that bites me about this is that we can mostly stamp out racial divisions with media control, yet media corps do the exact opposite and fan the flames.

>> No.17065686

We couldn't stamp it out with media control but we could at least make things less terrible. Ideally, we should be striving to create a more homoegenous society by encouraging the nonwhites to leave or live in their own separate zones.

>> No.17065944

>China, as Hegel stated, is the birthplace of history
Anyone who believes this is a fucking idiot

>> No.17066043

i heard they just spam out useless articles though

>> No.17066093
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Asian, African, won’t matter because it will be the people’s

>> No.17066101

never gonna happen lol

>> No.17066109
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>> No.17066123


>> No.17066127

read "Unrestricted Warfare" instead.

>> No.17066151

China is helping African nations they way western nations used to exploit them.
Also, since the one child policy left the country with far too many males and the prosperity with quite a few independent women, Chinese men are looking around for alternatives. This guy married an African woman.
Implying African is going to be doing better than the US. We are in a Depression now, and doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

>> No.17066156

>The government controls the corporations rather than the other way around
Generally accurate. The government is basically a mafia that monitors and contains anything that could be a threat to it.
>They do not tolerate divisive behavior that threatens state unity, unlike the west where racial, religious, and gender idpol are omnipresent
Another way of looking at this is that they are obsessed with the idea of stability to the point of paranoia, and their desire for homogeneity and conformity will damage them in the long run because it will reduce the diversity (in the evolutionary sense) of their society and enforce dependence on centralised systems of governance.
>They aggressively fund public projects rather than leaving to the free market like in the neoliberal west (which leaves most forms of development impossible because they fail to turn quarterly profits)
Yes, but China will (if it has not already) reach a point where all the low hanging fruit of modernisation, urbanisation, and public infrastructure investment has been picked. After that, this investment becomes malinvestment because the government is just spending money and gaining debt without getting enough productivity benefits back. There are some who say their growth model is actually significantly based on building craploads of unnecessary apartment buildings - often of questionable quality. Similarly, the belt and road projects are also often uneconomic but are done partly for make-work or geopolitical purposes.
>Social credit and enforced family creation programs create social sustainability
But they are still facing an incredible demographic decline over the next couple of decades thanks to the one child policy. This is partly why they are acting so aggressively right now - they will soon be unable to fulfill the promises of growing economic prosperity to their people, their urbanisation and industrialisation boom is going to dissipate as supply chains diversify post-COVID, and they need to secure some value-added industry before they smash into the middle income trap.
>Their military is made up of zealously loyal fanatics, while western militaries have become welfare programs where the majority don't give a shit
You're mistaking indoctrination for courage. Their military is basically made up of random peasants who have been taught to believe in China's superiority. In a real conflict, even with a foe like Taiwan, these sorts of people will be vulnerable to disillusionment and low morale precisely because they have been inflated with unrealistic delusions and high expectations.
>Engages in a more covert form of imperialism that is subtle enough to avoid the public resentment that western imperialism causes
They pretty much only have money, their diaspora, and cyber espionage... so that's what they use. Many populations have a very unfavourable view of China, especially after COVID. They don't even have the soft power of Japan or Korea.

>> No.17066158

Oh yes, all that technology we gave Africa, such exploitation lol.

>> No.17066165

forget this pipe dream, the second subharan africa stops receiving massive wealth injections, it'll collapse back to its natural state. it'll never be a significant independent world player, no matter how many chinese marry african women. (what even the fuck was that supposed to mean lol)

>> No.17066173
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>wealth injections

>> No.17066198

god imagine how hideous their spawn will be

>> No.17066239

I'm interested, what leads you to believe China is helping rather than exploiting Africa, especially when so much says otherwise? They aren't building infrastructure in Africa out of goodwill.

>> No.17066291

Don't suggest that they won't simply kill all the old people.

>> No.17066297

>>Their military is made up of zealously loyal fanatics, while western militaries have become welfare programs where the majority don't give a shit
only thing China has is it's ability to manage it's people like resource and move them around

>> No.17066298

That's further along the line. The Spanish-speaking Panamerican future will come first.

>> No.17066323

>WWIII will be fought in man-to-man combat
fucking lmao