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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 500x500, bertrand_russell_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17060658 No.17060658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>btfos religion
>btfos Plato
>btfos Kant
>btfos Hegel
>btfos Nietzsche, exposes him as a larping loser
>btfos relativism
>btfos capitalism
>btfos USSR
>btfos democracy
Nothing personal faggots

>> No.17060673

None of this is true btw

>> No.17060678

>atheist and literal cuckold and idolized by subzero IQs turns hindu


>> No.17060686

>literal cuckold

>> No.17060717

Russell was swimming in pussy 24/7, COPE.

>> No.17060726

It's all true, /lit/ just can't cope with the undeniable Anglo supremacy

>> No.17060766

>btfod by Wittgenstein

>> No.17060771
File: 204 KB, 397x514, 1607107483271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.17060773

>didn't understand argument from motion

>> No.17060776

his wife had sex with many other men
he was swimming in Tyrone's cum after Tyrone creampied his wife

>> No.17060795

He got more pussy in a year than you will get in your entire life faggot

>> No.17060799

>got filtered by Hegel
>contributed nothing of substance to mathematics or philosophy but parasitized others
>had 0 political impact
>his own pupil betrayed him and rendered him irrelevant
>his politics was so incoherent he had to join a club whose goal was to do absolutely nothing and hope for la revolution

>> No.17060807

Cool, at least the pussy I get isn't filled the Jamal's semen. I'll take less pussy if that means the pussy isn't infected with AIDS.

>> No.17060821

>he had to join a club whose goal was to do absolutely nothing and hope for la revolution
He didn't want revolution, he wanted rule by experts tempered by Christian moral sentiment, which is exactly what we now have

>> No.17060824

>at least the pussy I get isn't filled the Jamal's semen.
it is or he gets none

>> No.17060839

>loses debate

>> No.17060852

But rule by experts is retarded, as is evident by the present condition of governments in technocratistan in the West
Against all odds, experts are wrong where basic human intuition is often right

>> No.17060882

Yeah basically idgaf I just made this thread because it made me laugh, fuck Russell lol

>> No.17062293

The literal eternal Anglo, he was still around in 1970 despite writing his famous papers in the 1910s

>> No.17062345

>experts are wrong where basic human intuition is often right
Strong contender for the most preposterous statement in the history of political philosophy, alongside such classic as "the state is the people" and "power doesn't corrupt"

>> No.17062357

>literal cuckold

>> No.17062358

>btfos Plato
thanks for confirming you've never actually read Russell
from The Problems of Philosophy
>The problem with which we are now concerned is a very old one, since it was brought into philosophy by Plato. Plato's 'theory of ideas' is an attempt to solve this very problem,and in my opinion it is one of the most successful attempts hitherto made. The theory to be advocated in what follows is largely Plato's, with merely such modifications as time
has shown to be necessary

>> No.17062370

>Russell was about to enter a plane, and was asked where he would like to be seated. He asked for the smoking area, saying: ‘If I cannot smoke, I shall die.’ The plane later crashed into the ocean. Everyone on the non-smoking side of the plane were drowned, whilst the smokers had survived.
Truly the literal eternal Anglo. Smoking couldn't kill him, airplane crashes couldn't kill him.

>> No.17062377

my hs philosophy professor once said that Russell had such a huge dick that he would pass out when getting an erection. Is that true? It's not on his wiki page.

>> No.17062382

Wow, such is the power of cuckoldry, huh.

>> No.17062393


>> No.17062441

This is true, people don't like to talk about it though