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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 599 KB, 2000x1053, One-Day-in-Brooklyn.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17060383 No.17060383 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ place to live and why is it Brooklyn?

>> No.17060387

lol its not 98 anymore. that place hasnt been "cool" in fucking years.

>> No.17060395
File: 1.03 MB, 1429x949, City-of-Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Paris was the City of Lights

>> No.17060399
File: 86 KB, 625x488, 26EB1FF9-FE00-45A8-8641-7A31CA02FAEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking the flyoverpill

>> No.17060411


>> No.17060415

suburbanites and ruralite hicks don't even bother replying lmao

>> No.17060417

The rockies aren't flyover states

>> No.17060424
File: 133 KB, 330x490, ITSA ME, JOEY WHEELA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most /lit/ city cannot be in America. Period.

>> No.17060423

>Most /lit/ place to live
>A city
You guys are disgusting, you know that?

>> No.17060425

heh heh you got those ruralite hicks. us city folk are much more cultured. sure we step in bum piss and pay $1200/mo for our studio apartments, and inhale

>> No.17060428


>> No.17060439

i lived in brooklyn for 8 years and moved upstate during the coof. i miss what it used to be, but it's a poor shadow of its former glory.

>> No.17060444

Cities are shit, especially New York,

>> No.17060450


>> No.17060454

You just know somebody is writing sooner kind of great satrical novel in silicon valley right now

>> No.17060462

Jewyork breaks your creativity wit dem 5g waves doe!

>> No.17060471

t. coping uncultured suburbanite/ruralite hicks.

>> No.17060479

>cities bad, country good
Constantly. You guys are such tiresome dullards

>> No.17060490

Any state between Illinois and California is a flyover state (maybe excluding Texas, and Nevada for LV’s sake).

>> No.17060493

Post /fa/ meetup and writing.

>> No.17060495

I live in New York. I’ve lived in this are my whole life albeit at one point way way out in the edge of the commuter region in Pennsylvania. I don’t think there’s anything /lit/ about New York. I’ve been to Europe btw. I don’t think there’s anything /lit/ about any city in Europe either. Maybe Moscow, Shanghai, or Tokyo but I doubt it.

If you ask me, the only remotely /lit/ places nowadays are the places that are totally dropped out - so find some places with an extremely low population density and take your pick.

>> No.17060509

Colorado and Montana especially are turning into Californian colonies. Parts of Wyoming as well. Why exclude Texas but not Arizona, for instance? Indiana and Ohio are infinitely more "flyover" than any Rocky Mountain state, at least those have some natural beauty which could attract people. Much of the midwest is just dismal.

>> No.17060514

Also, I’ve heard Prague, Krakow, Vienna, and Budapest are great but I have never been and I highly suspect they’re not /lit/ even if they are nice.

>> No.17060518

Cities are gay

>> No.17060521

What qualified a place as "lit" to you?

>> No.17060523

Because Texas is an economic and industrial powerhouse that is developing at a rate faster than almost anywhere in the world. I totally see your point but the guy is right that everything the East Coast to West Coast with the exceptions of Illinois and Texas are still flyovers.

>> No.17060532

Post crawlspace

>> No.17060542

That’s a good question. I don’t really have a defined set of characteristics. I guess what comes to mind to me is like a reading/writing subculture, maybe a big academic scene even though I personally detest academia. I just don’t see any of that here.

>> No.17060567

NYC certainly is a hub for both academia and publishing, though it's kind of cloistered from the general population

>> No.17060574

>it is important to have a useless room under your house

>> No.17060598

Just because they pump out a large quantity of books and academics, doesn’t make it /lit/. In fact, New York is the epicenter of this whole consultant-journo “How to be F*cking Awesome and Kick *ss” plague that’s infected the publishing scene over the last 10-20 years or so. Academics are a joke so no comment needed there.

>> No.17060605
File: 389 KB, 1024x683, 1997_08_08-Luftbild-Berlin-Siegessaeule-91767-1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Berlin for the next 10 years
After that probably somewhere in Africa, either Johannesburg, Lagos or Addis Ababa
>inb4 /pol/posting

>> No.17060624

It's sort of like that Woody Allen movie Midnight in Paris. This guy goes to modern day Paris and finds it is all a homogeneous commercialized mass. He instead hallucinates the 1920s when it was cooler and hangs out with all these cool writers.
Every city is becoming more or less the same thanks to globalization, a multicultural and consumerist grey zone without distinguished character. New York is no different.

>> No.17060626

>He doesn’t live in a dugout under a field

>> No.17060644

>hohoho let us eliminate all of le stars and le night sky ahh le light bulb. Beautiful.

>> No.17060682


You must be kidding. Anyone who thinks NY is still alive for writers must be an MFA on handouts from their mom.

>> No.17060692

my mom's house

>> No.17060718

>woah nature so bootiful xD
What are you a child. Who cares about nature. You are going to stare at it for a minute than feel bored. Sure maybe taking trips to the country could be fun but it's no place to live in. There is nothing to do in the suburbs or the country except get bored and become a druggie and drive around. In the city you are around an array of people and culture. Sure, a lot of shitty people but it's good to be around people no matter what because they make you think and otherwise your mind will deteriorate and you will end up shooting yourself one day.

>> No.17060724

Ok explain

>> No.17060731

Are you 16?

>> No.17060738

Capitalism ruined the idea of culture by making it a selling point

>> No.17060742

Can you even take a step outside there without getting assaulted/robbed/stabbed/shot?

>> No.17060753

I'm afraid he's right. New York in the 90s was the best place in the world. I remember skating and drinking and hanging out and everything was affordable. Now it's tourists and bankers.

>> No.17060756

African IQ is going to rise across the continent in the future because they'll finally build infrastructure and better schools.

>> No.17060765

Meme. African american iq is still 15 points lower than white russian IQ even tho russians from siberia have infinitely worse schools.

>> No.17060768

Is New York really shit now or are people just memeing?

>> No.17060777

No. It sucks and is actually getting worse.

>> No.17060783

Moved from Brooklyn to KC. Much more /lit/, easier to find literary groups, doesn't smell like shit all the time.

>> No.17060784

They are coping suburbanites and rural hicks.

>> No.17060798

American education is legendarily bad. Not to mention that African Americans and Africans might are different groups.

>> No.17060800

Yes, how is this even a question? You suburban kids are so jumpy

>> No.17060816

>even tho russians from siberia have infinitely worse schools
Doubt. All I learned from American public school is board and card games.

>> No.17060825

Well now you can take those skills to Vegas and make the big bucks

>> No.17060845

I might know you. Did you skate at Tomkins?

>> No.17060886

Gentrifying made bk gay as hell. Every libshit is the fucking same there. Queens is where its at rn, but even still its pretty shit

>> No.17060897

A small villa in some rural place probably.
I hate living in a city so much, everyone is so selfish so prone to being assholes. Every time I go out I get into arguments with someone and they think they’re right when they’re fundamentally wrong, worst shit is they do it in front of their kids.
Construction noise everyday and invisible stars every night. Dear God, what have we done. This development is awful, stupidly disgusting I hate it so much.

>> No.17060916

Nice villages and townships seem to be the most kino places to live especially in europe, Not some hodge podge of every culture watered down, not as much cookie cutter cardboard suburban homes, actual proximity nature, no smelly hobos, actually have a decent living space that isnt a overpriced shoebox. God I hate NYC

>> No.17060938

>Every time I go out I get into arguments with someone
The common factor here is you, buddy

>> No.17060950

Yes, but that risk is almost zero out of the city so I get what you’re trying to say

>> No.17060960
File: 1.02 MB, 1242x1528, sexcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berlin is one of the most disgusting cities I have ever had the joy of living in. Main issues? Sky high rate of violence and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else. Can’t deny it; it’s all true... but everybody still wants to live here. This city’s always got a promise for you. Might be a lie, an illusion, but it’s there... just around the corner - and it keeps you going. It’s a city of dreams. And I’m a big dreamer...

>> No.17060963

>lived in a small town in Montana
>constantly accosted by meth heads

>> No.17060970


Cities are soul-draining rat cages and you know it.

>> No.17060986

Everytime I read posts like this the more I agree with Ralph Emerson.

>> No.17060987

NYC is a shithole full of homeless, criminals, and unbearable, disingenuous hipsters.

>> No.17060997

I fucking hate people.
I have really fond memories of an uncles house that has a vineyard, he used to sell wine to the local chapel and a local spirit to people nearby. The guy had a wife and sons. They used to travel and he would stay alone at home, his only contact was when having visitors or when he was out to supervise the wine production.
I’ve never seen someone more complaced with life than that old dude. It was a rather big house with lots of rooms, had a couple of bikes and a buggy. Dogs where cool and fuck I hate the city so much really.

>> No.17060998

>Cities are soul-draining rat cages and you know it.
this is the perspective of a misanthropic and contrarian suburbanite/hick that has barely been in a city. cities are great.

>> No.17061008

The worst American writer. A dumb reactionary.

>> No.17061010

pretty much. also, kill a leftist.

>> No.17061015

I lived in a city my whole fucking life.
There are a million reasons why rural (not suburban) life is better.

>> No.17061019

>kill a leftist
dumb hick

>> No.17061029

I lived in 2 big cities, a smaller city, and the country, and the country has been the best and the big city was the worst.
NYC and San Fran are shit. Spent 2 years as a kid and 2 years as a teen there. The only appeal if if you like clubbing. Otherwise living in big cities like that sucks dick.
Lived in a few different rural Idaho areas. Loved it. Playing with cousins, visiting great grandparents, going and fucking around in federal land. 10/10 experience.
Boise is the place I've lived the most and it's decent but as more people move here it becomes more and more miserable. Especially all the hipster fucks downtown. Fuck them.

>> No.17061030

>There are a million reasons why rural
Only dumb "trads" (contrarians) think this. Rural life sucks and it's boring. Not even people that live in the country like the country and want to get the fuck out. You romanticize it too much.

>> No.17061035

Cities can be great. None of the biggest ones in the US are. They're all so homogenized that they have no character.

>> No.17061039


>> No.17061041

Probably yeah, I stand out for my shit.
If I’m waiting for a spot at the parking lot and some dude cuts me off and takes it while I’m waiting for the guy currently going out, shouldn’t I be angry?
If some guy litters a huge bag of papers, shouldn’t I be angry?
If some guy is insulting a random worker, shouldn’t I be angry?
I smoke daily and I don’t go around littering, I save my shit until I find a trash can or store it for home. I know how to properly complain to a service worker without making them feel like shit. I might declare myself as an egoist but I can’t stand still while people are being pieces of shit.

>> No.17061044

What's so good about living in the city anon? What amazing experience do you get there that would make you want to live there for your life?

>> No.17061048

This is such a giant meme.

>move to the country
>cheapest place I can find is $800 a month to live in a basement with a total psycho landlord living upstairs
>only job available is working at a failing motel
>have to drive everywhere
>the few neighbors I have are assholes

>move to the city
>get a 3 bedroom house for $900 a month
>get a better job immediately
>almost everything I need within walking distance
>neighbors are mostly cool
>fall in with a very active group of artists
>competition and collaboration push me to develop my craft

Live where you want, I don't care. But stop being such a bitch about it.

>> No.17061057


I would think the cheaper NYC satellites - Boston, Philly, and Chicago would be /lit/ but Philly is a dump and Chicago doesn’t seem much better.

>> No.17061062

>If some guy litters a huge bag of papers, shouldn’t I be angry?
>If some guy is insulting a random worker, shouldn’t I be angry?
Thank you anon. You are justified I agree.
What are his flaws anon? His writings on Nature make sense, along with the innate human connection we have to it. How is he the worst?

>> No.17061069

>>get a 3 bedroom house for $900 a month
What? Where in NYC do I find a deal like this?

>> No.17061072

Boston is full of hipsters driving up the rent.
Chiraq's name is well deserved.

>> No.17061103

Maybe in the shittier parts of bk or somewhere in queens. No way in manhattan.

>> No.17061114

I lived in Greenpoint for a year in 2011. It was a cultural shithole aside from a few eateries and the Richard Thompson concert I went to.

>> No.17061122

this is true and sad

>> No.17061130

What's /lit/ about Brooklyn besides it being a hotspot for talentless jewish hacks?

>> No.17061167
File: 103 KB, 960x772, 1597220608052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros of living rural:
-Cheap and plentiful amounts of land
-Cheap houses
-Access to forests and woods (if in the right place)
-The ability to hunt for sustenance
-The ability to farm for sustenance
-The ability to shoot guns on your property
-The ability to own and raise livestock
-The ability to drive vehicles without restriction on private property
-The lack of crime (if in the right place)
-The lack of noise
-The lack of light pollution
-The lack of melanated fellows
-The lack of riots and protests

"Cons" of living rural:
-It's slightly harder to consoom meaningless shit
-Leftist faggots will call you contrarian

>> No.17061172
File: 274 KB, 962x641, buenosaires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North America simply can't compare.

>> No.17061174

Well, I don’t know what’s left then. One American city that I personally really like is Pittsburgh but I totally hesitate to say it’s remotely /lit/ despite all the colleges and such. I’ve been to San Francisco. It’s not /lit/. Seattle maybe? Idk.

>> No.17061192

A barcade sounds fun though.

>> No.17061196

Fag I live in Dorchester for dirt cheap. Even JP is still cheap. Greater boston hoods are great, the diy music scene is god tier, overall just a very effay place to live rn

>> No.17061198

The novelty wears off pretty quick.

>> No.17061201

Less jobs too though. I was a fucking retard that got pushed into taking on $45k for a bachelor’s degree and no I basically have no choice but to work and live in a city.

>> No.17061210

>Seattle maybe? Idk.
No. Same with Portland. Those places are the epitome of consumerism.

>> No.17061211

Amusement parks can also be said to be fun. Would you move to a city just for an amusement park? What about a monthly comic book convention? An pro football team?

>> No.17061228

Memevirus should make remote work way more popular and not actually need to live in a city so I could live wherever the fuck but normies will fucking RUSH to get back into their wagecages

>> No.17061232

Pretty good, but your dead wrong about:
>-The lack of melanated fellows
The most rural areas I've been to in the US had the most density of blacks as far as I can tell. Yes I know that urban cities do too but that doesn't disprove my point. It's a damn near regrettable experience just getting gas in the south where every station has a literal gang of dindus.
>It's slightly harder to consoom meaningless shit.
Why? Wal-mart is the modern day agora in rural areas and the postal service fuckups up a lot less in the county than in cities.

>> No.17061239

Yeah, I guess nowhere in America is. I suspect the /lit/ move these days is to just drop out and go rural somewhere in New England, or the Pacific Northwest or Alaska maybe.

Honestly, this whole question is kind of fucking dumb lol

>> No.17061248

If you think Klaus Shwab is going to let people get away with avoiding being herded into mega cities, you just haven’t been paying attention.

>> No.17061252

What's the best bookstore/record shop in the city that isn't in the east villa?

>> No.17061276

Nah, it's totally bk

t. Traveller, local vagrant est. 2019

>> No.17061292
File: 52 KB, 500x460, the-sprawl-78311b28-7c17-48ef-8a44-c59fa1e673f-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is and I don't get why people defend American cities as a result.
The next time American Cities will be interesting is when Mega Cities develop in 50-100 years. And even then it'll be more out of sick curiosity of what sort of life can be lived in these overpopulated hellscapes than anything else.

>> No.17061326

Bostons always been good-having 35 colleges in one city does that

>> No.17061363

>even then it'll be more out of sick curiosity of what sort of life can be lived in these overpopulated hellscapes than anything else.
I’m pretty much at this mindset in NYC right now. It’s like a personal way of experiencing something valuable amid the insanity of it all.

>> No.17061375

Give me the rundown on Boston I'm compiling a shortlist of places to move to when I go to uni.

>> No.17061379


>> No.17061385

It’s filled with those NYC consultant-banker-investment-tech researcher corporate careerist types. All those colleges create an air of pseudointellectualism. This is the prime cause of shit like Neil Gaiman books, feminist classics, and the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and all the shallow urban millenials who read them. Boston is maybe even worse than NYC in this regard.

>> No.17061392

rightists are misanthropes and contrarians that's why they hate the city

>> No.17061396 [DELETED] 

I'm >>17061196
Born and raised in boston went to uni in NY tho. It has the artistic culture of the shilled California cities and NYC without bullshit pretentious faggots, save freshman uni students. Rich with history and still affordable outside of Boston proper. Has a great Chinatown, fantastic transport system (the T) and there's always shit cool shit going on in neighborhoods like Allston. But honestly don't come gentrifying the place so forget I said this

>> No.17061404

>Boston is maybe even worse than NYC in this regard.
And here I thought nyc was the hipster urban pseudo-ironic mecca of the modern world.

Books that deal with this topic?
Recently thought about getting into Bret Easton Ellis, not sure if it's worth the time

>> No.17061407

Not often but I was in lower east side.I don't live in nyc any more but last time I came back to see my parents everything was expensive as shit and there's zero culture

>> No.17061429

Astoria is nice, it's like a cheaper bk with a few distinct cultures. Sadly the pretty cool and unique greek populations seems to be dwindling and getting more how do you say... Mexican

>> No.17061431

I was there 94-98... lower east side too... I haven't been back since, I can't stomach how much its changed... its like so sterile now

>> No.17061436

Idk dude. Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago have always felt to me like sort of smaller satellites of NYC. Boston was the bourgeois suburb city of NYC, Philly was the prole city, and Chicago was basically just an exact replica of NYC but downsized and with a price reduction. I say all of this having literally only ever lived in NYC and none of the others.

As for books, i don’t know. Bret Easton Ellis I guess, yeah.

>> No.17061444

Living anywhere good these days? I'm actually thinking of relocating because the suburbs of bumfuck town aren't great either...

>> No.17061446

Is Portland Maine /lit/?

>> No.17061465

NYC is the de facto /lit/ city for the current era of diversity/feminism/Democrat-corporatist culture.

>> No.17061477

as i said here>>17061392

>> No.17061487

Had considered Philly given its proximity, but Chi-town is an interesting one.
I always figured that was seen as more of a midwest-industrial town like Detroit or Minneapolis.

Just move to Williamsburg. Far Rockaway is the only decent thing in Queens.

>> No.17061490

Chicago is not NYC.

>> No.17061491

I live in montreal now. its like 1k a month for me and overall its a great city for me. depends on what you're looking for though

>> No.17061504

ITT: people coping with being too poor to afford big cities
Sure, cities are expensive when you’re poor and have to get roommates or live in a shitty studio but there’s a reason people with billions of dollars choose to live there

>> No.17061505

Man I want to but its a little to rich for my blood atm, hopefully will get a new job next year hopefully

>> No.17061507

Obviously not but if you don’t see the similarities that exist between NYC and Chicago to a far greater degree than any other cities in the US, then you’re just not paying attention.

>> No.17061514

People with that much money have multiple fucking homes though and probably travel constantly

>> No.17061519

Ok, many millions of dollars then

>> No.17061522

I live in bk, and it is most decidedly not lit

>> No.17061530

>little to rich for my blood atm
Yeah, that's how I felt when I moved here and then realized it's the only thing decent about Brooklyn. Ridgewood and Bushwick are college-galore, Bed-Stuy is Bed-Stuy, and everything west is Hasidics and families. Red Hook is nice but there's nothing over there and it isn't worth the 30 minute drive.

East Village is the dream, but you have to have money-money to get in that area at this point.

>> No.17061551

Live among the most retarded people in the country

Retards throw garbage on the ground everywhere, their retarded kids vandalize shit up anything nice

The one family who obtained the most land a hundred years ago runs the town like its their own little kingdom

Not enough of a tax base so shit like ambulances are 3 thousand dollars if you fall and break your arm and even though taxes are crazy parks or libraries are shit

Library sucks and you have to drive 25 miles to a town that has a movie theater or bookstore

Internet sucks

Private land owners illegally block public land or illegally log/use it

>> No.17061555

Yeah bullshit

>> No.17061570

>Cities are soul-draining rat cages and you know it.
Prove it.

>> No.17061578

yeh I liked when the murder rate was 3x what they are now

>> No.17061583

No there isn't. Even the rich areas stink and are full of bums now in many cities. If you are only upper middle class then enjoy living in a stinky dangerous hellhole people say is "one of the safer neighborhoods" though. Not even your $3600 rent split three ways with two other yuppies can save you from living on a shitty dirty sidestreet. There is no reason to live in these dumps.

>> No.17061584

>what are the NIMH Rat Universes
>what are the compararitive crime, depression and suicide rates of cities

>> No.17061595

>Not even your $3600 rent split three ways with two other yuppies can save you from living on a shitty dirty sidestreet
If you’re living with roommates you’re not rich. If you’re truly rich then cities are just better, cope seethe and post soijacks

>> No.17061600

I’d go to somewhere like Ann Arbor-Boston is cool to live after college but going to school in a city doesn’t appeal to me. Anyway you gave art hoes from Berklee, nerds from MIT, snooty chicks from Harvard and regular students from a Northeastern, BC and BU. About 60% of the students are female.

>> No.17061603

Feel like some secluded mansion or some richfag mansion neighborhood is way better.

>> No.17061608

Illinoisian detected, nothing except for maybe the Chicago area makes Illinois anything more than a flyover state.

>> No.17061618

The people who live in those hipster patronizing trendy loft things are the people whose dads make millions a year and let them live and do whatever they want, and they still live in dirty shitholes. That's the point I was making.

>le epic i am just trolling cope soijak.jpg
Lurk before posting. Whatever you may have heard about 4chan on twitter, this isn't twitter.

>> No.17061619

Maybe but how is a mansion different from a spacial rural house? Its just bigger. A large apartment in the city or even a house if you can afford it is just better

>> No.17061628

Yes and the point I am making is that the dirty shitholes have something going for them which is why people choose to live in them even if they can have a large spread in a rural area, and that if you’re rich, they don’t have to be dirty shitholes

>> No.17061631

Most richfags live in the rich outskirts of cities not in the cities themselves usually

>> No.17061636

I am a coastalfag, not an Illinoisan. But yes, it’s because of Chicago. Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the US and considering Los Angeles isn’t really a city, it’s basically the 2nd largest city in the Us and will be considered a mega city within a few decades. Not saying the rest of Illinois isn’t flyoverish, but that’s true in every state.

>> No.17061645

How is that bullshit? Are you really going to try to pretend that Boston isn’t full of these white collar types, consultants, pe investors, researchers, journos, spoiled college kids, etc? It obviously is.

>> No.17061652

The rich don't live there idiot. They usually have mansions somewhere out in the suburbs, they only go to the cities on business. Why do you they remain rich?

>> No.17061654

boston is probably the nicest big city in the us but it still sucks

>> No.17061658

>what are the compararitive crime, depression and suicide rates of cities
And you say this without citing any actual statistics?

>> No.17061662

Gotta disagree with this guy. I understand his rationale about places like Ann Arbor, Madison, and such. I went to one of these college town type places and I frankly think all college in the US is basically bullshit but if you’re gonna go, just go to the city since that’s where employment with a college degree is going to send you anyway.

>> No.17061666

I lived in one of the most trendy areas in one of these cities and my girlfriend lived in another one that is famous for "up and coming" hipsters. They don't have anything going for them unless you are these people, but maybe you are.

Enjoy getting stabbed by the indian guy when you go to the hip grungy record store with the black mold, before going back to your $2500/mo one bedroom apartment with black mold and mice. Either that, or live in a vacant secluded mansion like the other anon said. Trendy=dirty and filled with hipster faggots. How does Portland look to you?

>> No.17061709

Keep fucking coping. Your whole argument is based on stereotypes of leftist types that you can avoid if you want to. Places are called up and coming because hipsters move in there and hipsters move there because they’re relatively cheap compared to other neighborhoods. You only have to deal with one bedroom apartments if you’re poor. If you think 2500 is a lot for rent you can’t afford a city. Hipsters live in Williamsburg or bush wick or whatever, rich people live in soho

>> No.17061721

Stop saying "I learned about 4chan from twitter" tourist buzzwords that give you away. At least pretend to belong here. No, like I said I learned by living there. And I linked a video of what one of the trendiest neighborhoods in Brooklyn, at least a couple years back, actually looks like. You can see for yourself. Looks like shit and it's filled with faggots.

>stereotypes of leftists
Definitely a tranny.

>> No.17061725

>Enjoy getting stabbed by the indian guy when you go to the hip grungy record store with the black mold, before going back to your $2500/mo one bedroom apartment with black mold and mice.
A Dominican gang banger walked into a convenience store and straight up shot and killed the clerk to rob it and not leave any witnesses in my area. He was an an Indian immigrant just working to feed his family. Pretty sad. It’s unreal how much filth this city’s built up over the years. It should be washed away by another flood.

>> No.17061726

0/10 reading comprehension “you don’t belong on 4chanz+tranny” spergout

>> No.17061776

>gets upset at being called tranny
Confirmed tranny. Enjoy dodging hobo piss and schizophrenics in soho and getting coronavirus from a guy on grindr. I'm sure the city is about to boom!

>> No.17061780

i'm not the guy you're replying to but
>hipsters move there because they’re relatively cheap
That's somewhat of an afterthought, first they identify which neighborhood is as close to the largest metropolitan area (Manhattan). The "compared" part is key here. Honestly I don't think they give a fuck where they live, it's all decided by these comparisons-- which areas they can shit up closest to the most populous part, compounded by what price they can afford to shit with.

>> No.17061791
File: 3.15 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20201208_145531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not choosing horse anon's schizoid suburban Eden
enjoy your HUSTLE and BUSTLE of a big city senpai

>> No.17061824

If /int/ is any indication of current lit obsessions then the most /lit/ city is some small city in Europe with medieval architecture like Aachen or somewhere with Hindu temples like Delhi.

So there you have it.

Aachen and Delhi.

>> No.17061833

Delhi is a shithole I lived there

>> No.17061851

My mind is still in '07, whenever I read le something or spurdish I chuckle outloud

>> No.17061877

Viennese cafes were the most /lit/ place to be until they banned smoking in restaurants

>> No.17061893
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That's 70s tier. The thing is, most of the minorities don't mind living like this. They either have recent memories of squalor or they are already living in squalor, so they don't mind when the city looks like a Mad Max movie. They just switch to day by day survival "at least it wasn't me" mode. So when things start to get worse and worse, this time with no booming economy or middle class to get outraged and make a cause out of addressing it, there is no knowing how low it will sink. New York will look like meme Detroit, meme Detroit will become Mexico/Africa, and eventually everywhere will be the same.

Are you this horseanon? I've been saving his lovely pictures but I'm a bit worried about him. He seems to be having an episode.

>> No.17061901

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.17061923

I was kind of joking but only kind of

>> No.17061925

I’d rather go to school in a cozy safe town

>> No.17061935

>New York will look like meme Detroit, meme Detroit will become Mexico/Africa, and eventually everywhere will be the same.
Agree 100%.

I thought it was funny when a couple of months ago there was that headline about whoever wrote whether or not New York was coming back after coronavirus. He said basically New York was dead and it’s not coming back and obviously this triggered people. So all sorts of people started responding usually saying things like “Well, once the prices drop you’ll see the artists and urban explores will move back in and revitalize the city and there will be a renaissance” and my response was always “What fucking artists?”

>> No.17061944

Wolves live in the village/small town, roaches in the city. Simple as that. If you don't become at least slightly misanthropic being surrounded by thousands of unknown faces, you are dysgenic filth.

>> No.17061980

It is literally an American thing though. Our cities are shitholes because our citizens are shitheads. I’ve spent time in Chinese and Japanese mega cities and I can tell you’re significantly better than anything we have.

>> No.17061998

>t. a frail city slicker with lungs blackened by smog and a brain fried from the incessant noise
You've never looked up and seen the stars in the sky, have you?

>> No.17062005

If you become misanthropic by seeing people you don't know you're pathetic. Does the bee know the inner life of the flowers it fucks? Does the hunter know every tree by name?

>> No.17062014

Hobart, NY

>> No.17062029

Nah, you mean to say that cities NOT being shit is a thing in SOME parts of Europe. I live in the capital of a post-Soviet state and it's fucking awful, disgusting. If there is any shed of humanity and divinity in a person, an understanding of beauty, he will definitely discover it in himself is he lives in such an ugly shithole as suburban Tbilisi. I am sure though Indian and Nigerian slums are worse.

>> No.17062031

All the lead in the water really did a number on your head, huh?

>> No.17062063

You dumb, uncultured swine. The average person is foolish and of weak character compared to an amateur polymath with a curious mind such as myself. Trying to evade this reality is nothing but a Stockholm Syndrome. Only way for a proud, intelligent man to overcome his disrespect and disregard of the normie is to actually get to know that person and live in one community. The mind of a normie cannot retain its individual self within a group as numerous and densely packed as the population of a large city, he becomes a mindless part of the hive. I do not wish to have anything in common with such a rat, a dysgenic, immoral filthy rat reminiscent of a literal rat of the Universe 25. Fuck you, you weak, half-brained son of a whore.

>> No.17062081

My mother is a whore and my father was a pimp, but you my dear midwit are nothing but a fart-huffer. Grow some balls you pathetic weakling.

>> No.17062092
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>I've been saving his lovely pictures but I'm a bit worried about him. He seems to be having an episode.
i kinda am, but what made you think so? just curious
(yes it's me)

>> No.17062094

>violence in Berlin
Where? I lived there and never felt even remotely close to unsafe.
Kreuzberg, Gesundbrunnen, and Mitte were all like Disneyland compared to North American cities. Hanging out and smoking weed with the west african drug dealers in Gorlitzer Park was one of the best memories of my time there.

>> No.17062102

No, I agree that European cities are also mostly shit. They’re just slightly better than American. I was just referring to American specifically to make a point.

>> No.17062115

Every silicon valley dickhead who packs up and decides to move to williamsburg to work for the NYC facebook campus because it's "so cultured" is another nail in the already buried coffin of brooklyn's reputation as cool

>> No.17062127

Which euro cities? Are you talking Paris or Prague ? München or Marseille ?

>> No.17062133

Are you sure you're the same guy? The ones I was waving were from /pol/ and looked like they were taken on a dusty ranch down south. I didn't mean to freak you out if you're not the same guy (or even if you are). I just liked that guy's horse pics.

But I only say he seems to be freaking out a bit because he was posting weirdly on /pol/, like lots of commas and typos. He was posting helpful stuff in a /diy/ style homesteading thread on /pol/ so I was sad if he was having a rough time that's all. If you are a different guy and also having a rough time, sorry too bro.

>> No.17062149

Oh god, you have no idea how many confidently self-righteous roaches like yourself I have beaten up to half-consciousness, but it's expected that the faggots drowning in fear become the alphas on internet boards. I say this as sincerely as I can, I would immensely enjoy slamming your head on the sidewalk in front of your family.

>> No.17062160
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>were from /pol/ and looked like they were taken on a dusty ranch down south
ah nah, must be another horse anon. i dont go on pol and my stable is in moss cow suburb

>> No.17062172

And I say to you sincerely: it is self-evident how high your self-opinion is, and I tell you it devalues yourself and your words. You're like the man who pathologically tells everyone he isn't gay even though they didn't ask.

I will come for you in your dreams :)

>> No.17062180

Yes I remember your pics from here, your horses are also very nice anon. Sorry again if I spooked you, I was like oh shit maybe this guy's already in a paranoid mode and now he thinks some 4chan dude is estalking him.

Either way hope you are doing well.

>> No.17062195

I have a high self-opinion, but you, a complete stranger whose face I have not seen, will come in my dream. What an idiot you are, your stupidity and extremely tragic lack of self-awareness alone makes the specie you are part of deservant of extinction.

>> No.17062207

You obviously have no proper concept of guilt or even value, or else you wouldn't write nonsense like that. Keep seething midwit

>> No.17062217


>> No.17062225

As a young man living in flyover country, it's really pathetic to see all these middle americans pretending like middle america is anything but a vapid, hopeless wasteland of corporate chains, obese people, and unparalleled ignorance.

>> No.17062232

Mexico City

>> No.17062242

The midwit resides in the city

>> No.17062255 [DELETED] 

shut up hick

>> No.17062257

Western Europe. Prague is nice.

>> No.17062260

>/lit/ place
>anywhere in the USA
shiggy diggy

>> No.17062266

Why do cities make /pol/ seethe so much?

>> No.17062271

Bring back helvetica

>> No.17062272

There’s a not so little spot between the West Coast and the Plains that is basically the only place a young man will find a way to test his experience and do something really worth doing in this country. I’m talking about climbing the Rockies btw if that wasn’t clear.

>> No.17062274

I did my undergrad at NYU. Was a lot fun. Lots of arthoes (beware of herpes) to pump and dump and a ton of addy to sniff while binge drinking. Must suck now with the COVID restrictions.

>> No.17062279

Same reason usury does.

>> No.17062280

>What fucking artists?
New york hasn't wanted artists in a long time

>> No.17062281

>ability to hunt/farm for sustenance
spotted the delusional suburb-dwelling sam hyde stan

>> No.17062294

? Are you under the impression rural people don’t hunt?

>> No.17062303

>college in suburban nowhere-ville surrounded by farmland
>rent was 800 for a room in a houseshare, plus utilities
>place was a dump, there was nothing around and no jobs
>the lack of an internship killed my career

>move to major city
>rent 900 for my own place, just moved to a 1200 place that has a view better than 3k/month places
>100% mine, no roommates
>center of everything, can walk everywhere, can walk to a grocery store in 5 minutes, every train and bus route comes right through my neighborhood
>best place i've ever lived, apartment is magazine tier gorgeous and i get compliments on it from everyone who comes by
>just laying on my bed and looking out the window is an amazing experience, i love every minute being here and am always in a good mood now
>jobs pay 2-3x what they do in suburbs/rural and i'm stacking cash in my bank account

>> No.17062304

Everyone in this thread except horse anon is a fag.

>> No.17062327


t. city anon

>> No.17062330

Hunting and farming is delusional? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.17062335

Most American cities have all that shit in spades too...

>> No.17062338

>-The ability to hunt for sustenance
>-The ability to farm for sustenance
How much of one's diet every year can realistically be supplemented with home farming and a bit of hunting? I don't mean meme self sufficiency, I am not that badass and never will be, but could I really grow most of my staples on a few acres with some old fashioned hard work?

I have no desire to consoom or live fancy. I do want to eat more diversely than 100% potato though for health reasons.

>-The lack of melanated fellows
Please, don't make me dream like this... it's not good for me

>> No.17062392

I really don't understand the american urbanites superiority complex . At the end of the day youre an american, just another shit version of it

>> No.17062398

Lake District

>> No.17062419

If you can't live somewhere cheaply then it isn't /lit/

>> No.17062426

cool story, Abdullah

>> No.17062470

How is B.A.? Is the crime that bad there?

>> No.17062489
File: 39 KB, 500x309, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the right places, you can hunt for meat all year long. Farming is a little bit harder but definitely doable even on small bit of land. info on this type of stuff can be found everywhere

>> No.17062523

This is the actual correct answer

>> No.17062556
File: 261 KB, 281x399, wefgrht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been living in the Brooklyn heights/carroll gardens area for 4 years now, definitely been the most /lit/ place I've lived at but that's likely circumstantial. However the caveat is that you'll lose all sense of that ethereal magnitude and creativity once you step into certain areas. Just like anywhere else I assume, you have to find your little bubble to stay within otherwise the degree of difference and diversity here is too overwhelming to maintain a solid grasp on an idea for a prolonged period of time, but perhaps that's just me. Of course assuming that the overall price for amenities, food, and living cost is not a concern. Bottom line is that if you have the chance, you should go visit a different array of cities/towns or rural parts to live at for a few months or a handful of years just to get a taste. Each place has it's own ambiance and you should live in one that is parallel to your endeavors. Just avoid the trains if possible as they can and will drive you into madness for every reason imaginable.

This is true, I've caught chlamydia twice from numerous NYU undergrad art hoes.

Lived in NYC, Seoul, Alaska, Beijing, Hong Kong, Florence Italy within the span of 19 years

>> No.17062562

>I lived there and never felt even remotely close to unsafe.
That doesn't make statistics go away abdul

>> No.17062576

I'll be honest there's something pretty /lit/ about being in an east coast university town with barely no infrastructure outside of one main street with small businesses and then university or universities. The establishments and schools have these old cozy buildings, and there's cafes and bookstores you can go in. Kind of nice, and you get to see pretty green springs, lovely orange-red autumns, and white snowy winters. I agree New York City is pretty /lit/ too, I lived there growing up til end of high school, but depends where you are, if you're in Chelsea and Greenwich Village it's nice, though a bit hipster now, but if you're in Flushing yeah not so much LOL

>> No.17062583

Live anywhere but the suburbs. I hate living here so much.

>> No.17062590

>all the urbanite cumbrains ITT
enjoy your behavioral sink

>> No.17062633

Wish I lived in a city so bad. There is nothing to do where I am and I am bored out of my mind.

>> No.17062639

Even though this thread seems to be near the end of its life, I'd like to posit that perhaps a "literary" place to live isn't, in fact, an exceedingly nice place to live, but rather the opposite. If you were to look at Joyce's Dublin or Miller's Paris, you'd find cultural stagnation, despair, and filth. In my view, what makes a place literary is not necessarily the place itself, but the soul of its people. What can be said about the modern day inhabitants of Brooklyn, New York– and more importantly what do *they* say about the times we live in? Is there a quality there that is unique enough to warrant writing about?

I live in a middle class suburb of Los Angeles county and it's awful. Everyone here is dead. It's so far removed from the world, from any actual truth, that I can't begin to write here. I'm not even complaining about my circumstances, it's not a bad deal living out here, it's just not /lit/. In my view, anywhere is better for writing than Agoura Hills, CA.

>> No.17062642

Was like this too and now I live in a city and don't do anything since it's mostly just consooming tbqh

>> No.17062659

Move when you have the chance

Opportunity is a piledriver

>> No.17062672

what city anon?

>> No.17062681


>> No.17062695

>Is there a quality there that is unique enough to warrant writing about?
Seeing how it's been the epicenter of youth culture for the last 20 years, I'd venture to say

>> No.17062697

why do you like pittsburgh? Im going to school there in the fall

>> No.17062728

Fair point, but what's the nature of that youth culture? My impressions of Brooklyn just based off of what I gathered from this thread is that it's filed with trendy yuppie strivers, not really of any substance. Would probably be a great place to live if you were a parodist though.
I also say all this with a pretty strong desire to move to NYC and probably Brooklyn at that kek.

>> No.17062776

>Would probably be a great place to live if you were a parodist though.
Think of hipsters as ironic, self aware beatniks. How many layers are you willing to put on?
I'd venture at least a winter scarf over a t-shirt.

Stick to north Brooklyn if you do.
It's a serious shitstorm to wade through, but you'll be glad you did in the end.
Avoid the overpriced cocktails and organic dog treat stores and you're good, but that goes for any decent yuppie city (Portland, Austin, Minneapolis).

>> No.17062777

the most /lit/ place to live is invariably the place with the highest concentration of artsy sluts to bang. be they art hoes, literal prostitutes, or whatever, you gotta be bustin unironically.

>> No.17062793


>> No.17062860

This, really. Love rural Mass.

>> No.17062866

based heavenly trips of truth

>> No.17062891

how's the city life, faggot?

>> No.17062907

It’s Brooklyn because in Brooklyn you can’t leave your tiny studio apartment for fear of violent minorities.

>> No.17062914

You missed the entire point of the movie

>> No.17062955

I just think it’s a decent place. It’s not too big and the people are pretty down to earth. It’s also not expensive. The one big downside is the weather but otherwise I like it.

>> No.17062969

i dunno, hard for me to throw an elbow and not hit a writer in crooklyn.

and the smell is more concrete soaked in urine than shit. the smell comes out whenever the heat and humidity makes an appearance.

the biggest turn off though, is there seems to be a bit of elitism/snobbery about. significant number of groups want something retarded like a cv to be considered for joining a group.

much more recently, people are moving out of manhatten/brooklyn to outskirts like nj, buffallo and the like. might get interesting in 2021, especially around summer.

>> No.17062989

dunno about the whole of brooklyn, but in crown hieghts area, lotta asian investment via speculation + dumping collateral that's harder to trace through shell investment co's; i'm wondering what's happening there. last time i was able to get out, 80% of store fronts were shuttered.

big question is if either they (the not well to do) were pushed out via overpricing and squatted on until they were forced to move, leaving a blank storefront
or the investors abandoned the area

>> No.17063011

The midwit thinks circumstances make the man, and not his will

>> No.17063014

So close to Calabasas yet so far.

>> No.17063028

So is Amsterdam, and Munich and Hamburg and Brussels and Vienna and Harlem, and every city that hasn't traded old buildings for glass and steel "architecture".

>> No.17063109

you must live in a small world if you think brooklyn is scarey

>> No.17063166

The /lit/ place is just the place you can coom, huh?

>> No.17063289

South Brooklyn is kino but North is the yuppie part

>> No.17063322

>This is true, I've caught chlamydia twice from numerous NYU undergrad art hoes.

>> No.17063336

I wasn't making a point about the movie, dumbfuck. I was using it to accentuate the claim that cities have become homogenous.

>> No.17063344

Have any of you nyc fags managed to find Pynchon yet? He lives in the Barrington buliding on W 81st St.

>> No.17063432

someone beat him up please, his books are trash

>> No.17063776

Not NYC, Philly

The dumpiness of Philly is a big part of the appeal. Keeps prices down and there are plenty of neighborhoods where the yuppies are still afraid to go for no real reason.

>> No.17063779

Show statistics

>> No.17063786

the first time i drove to philly i had to stop just off the exit ramp at 2 pm because a car was stopped in the middle of the road with the driver vomiting into the street.

>> No.17063807

>tfw toronto

i wanna move to mtl so bad but fucking francos

>> No.17063827

That's Philly, man. Some people think that it's gross but I love the "anything goes" atmosphere. Also, growing up in rural PA everyone would always say that Philadelphians were assholes but the hostility that exists here is very amiable for the most part. Like you'll get into an argument with some random italian guy on the street but it's all in good fun

>> No.17064012

Bro, I also grew up in rural PA and moved to Philly but this place is just trash. Are there redeeming qualities? Sure. Are there enough of them to actually redeem the place? Not really. Most of all I really hate this whole “Philly is gritty, man” attitude. It’s such a cope to justify the fact that the place you live is a fucking heap.

>> No.17064122

Any NY anons here?

>> No.17064148

Absolutely the boonies. Cities suck the soul. I've lived in cities for far too long and despise it with all my being. Everyone is a "coomer" if not sexually motivated then motivated by the coom of material gain. Nature is the inspiration.
If I had to pick a single city to tolerate it would be Reykjavík, Iceland. That's because compared to other countries it is just a large town and if you walk in any direction you will find nature and everyone is weird there so wandering around aimlessly in the countryside is seen as a reasonable activity. I despise cities and fashionableness.

>> No.17064175

Eh, whatever. I love it here and feel like the good absolutely outweighs the bad. I lived here for a number of years, left, and eventually felt like I had to come back. The allure is strange and not quite rational. My dad's family is from here and there was a strange familiarity to it even when I had just arrived.

>> No.17064229

In general Latinamerican cities have lower or similar murder rates to large American cities.

Philly and Washington have the same or higher murder rates than Bogota and Medellin in Colombia.

Muggings and break ins, thats a different story. But you probably wont get killed in Latam unless you're really fucking stupid, which most gringos usually are.

>> No.17064244

I've been often enough that I can agree with that assessment. It's just so.
It's gritty and filthy and run down but it has soul. I've been to some cities that feel sterilized and artificial, and honestly Philly is better than them. Boomers especially are obsessed with creating disney park tier fake-facaded artificial little villages, and they leave me feeling uneasy and creeped out. Philly might be a dirty trash heap but it's a real place.
Also their food is legit. But all in all the crime is too out of control for me to ever live there.

>> No.17064321

Are Seattle or Portland /lit/?
I'm in California and want to move but I can't see myself leaving the west coast.

>> No.17064377

They’re certainly more /lit/ than California

>> No.17064396

>It's gritty and filthy and run down but it has soul
It doesn’t. This is a Philadelphian delusion. This is a city of industrial parks overseen by law firms and healthcare bureaucracies. There’s nothing soulful about it. The food is also not even good. Philly cheesesteaks are slop on a bun. Everything else is the same restaurant shit you’ll find anywhere. How soulful is the damn Cheesecake Factory?

To each their own. As for me, I won’t pretend it’s not a dump.

>> No.17064406

holy fuck you are dumb as shit. the best chinese i ever had was in philly's chinatown, walked into some random place and it was the most delicious thing i've ever eaten. cheesesteaks are also divine.

>> No.17064422

Calabasas is just filled with nuevo riche housewives and persian hypebeast faggots anyway. Least interesting place in the SFV imo. That said, I think the san fernando valley actually might be pretty /lit/, might move out there or Van Nuys and start writing short stories once COVID ends

>> No.17064445

i'd argue the place where you can have as many sexual encounters as possible; be they fueled by romanticism, narcisissm, hatred, hedonism, jealousy, all very /lit/ emotions that are only really brought out when whoremongering in some form or another

>> No.17064469

You had some good Chinese takeout in Philly on one time and think that means it had a good food scene and somehow I’m the retard...?

>> No.17064474

this is low-key extremely based but also dangerous advice

>> No.17064574

i've eaten food in a lot of cities and I have to say Philly and Portland have the best food, hands down. Everything else is shit. SF has good Japanese but that's it.

>> No.17064583


>> No.17064612

I think all the cheesesteaks burned out your taste buds.

>> No.17064670

t. assmad flyover because i don't recognize his trashcan plate BBQ sloppile as being worthy of mention
protip m9: just slopping more cheese on shit and packing tea with enough sugar to kill someone does not good food make.

>> No.17064766

Boston, Chicago, and selected places of NYC (South Brooklyn, Staten Island, and Queens) are the only bearable parts of Burgerland.

>> No.17064795

cuándo sale una mitap porteña

>> No.17064839

You must really love getting mugged, raped, and murdered, huh?

>> No.17064881

dumb hick

>> No.17065020

>staten island
>non-n chicago
he didn't say camden dude

>> No.17065024

manhatten is more lit than brooklyn OP

>> No.17065035

>plagiarizing videogames in chinese sex-cartoon forums

>> No.17065036
File: 99 KB, 1200x675, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this reminds of the chick who went to Columbia and got shanked to death

>> No.17065037

Fresno, California
Lynwood, California
El Paso, Texas

in that order

>> No.17065057
File: 2.54 MB, 960x540, cyb_rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that I prefer long walks in the woods, watching the sun set over a lake and seeing the stars at night to unimaginable crime rates, loud streets and disease ridden slums. But I guess if you like being part of the system, that's your business.

>> No.17065283

I live in Philly retard.

>> No.17065293

I live in one of these and I hate it. It really loses its charm after age 23 or so especially when you can’t go anywhere without college kids around fucking it up.

>> No.17065313

thinkin bout that corn

>> No.17065314

I don't live in a big city, and although I'm aware of the soft, homogenized 30 year old urbanite, I never truly comprehended its being until I went to Berlin. I was disgusted by the amount of people that fit this criteria, especially in the newer economic areas. There was also this really sinister degenerate energy flowing around in the air. The east German areas had a lot more of the grandiosity I was expecting. Such a shame. Really, the biggest disappointment out of any city I've been to. Pretty good tram system though.

>> No.17065349

Probably some place like Shamokin

>> No.17066233

the only /lit/ place in Texas is Laredo. Like a fucking Cormac McCarthy novel

>> No.17066309

lol no

>> No.17066321

Honestly, I think you're right. The diaspora will be more to surrounding working class towns than to the midwest. I moved out here for a job and enjoyed it, but it isn't for /lit/ related reasons.

>> No.17066350

>Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin.
Stefan Zweig

>> No.17066422

would like to live in Louisville

>> No.17066426

>Cyberflop 2077

>> No.17066459
File: 75 KB, 640x433, Zonta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoHoHo is Santa

>> No.17066477

did i just experience the ereignis of "honhonhon"

>> No.17066504

I can tell you are a lying far leftist

>> No.17066510

IQ is your innate biological IQ, nothing will change to Africa, equally better schools wont make leftists smarter.

>> No.17066813

Unironicly one of the most soulful large city in Canada and USA. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.17066952

Not in your lifetime bucko

>> No.17066973

Sure, if you want to deal with this everyday.

>> No.17066985

small town northern england

>> No.17066990

>What is the most /lit/ place to live
Wet rocky field in western Ireland. Extra points if it's an island.

>> No.17067664
File: 653 KB, 1500x1000, move-to-brasov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-capital eastern euro cities are pretty comfy overall

>> No.17067680


>> No.17067971

for sure anon... my favorite place ive ever lived, by far. coming up on 20 years here next Feb.

>> No.17068060

>This city’s always got a promise for you. Might be a lie, an illusion, but it’s there... just around the corner - and it keeps you going.
Every mega city function like this. You think you will be on top of the world, and you end up in a small 2 room overpriced flat. It's especially hard for roasties, living in a one room appartment, alone, approaching 35, alone. At least, at this age, a man can get his shit together, lift metal like his life depends on it, and find some women. For women, at 35, alone in a megacity, working in an office in some obscure company, it's over.

>> No.17068114

Sounds like most western megacity again.

>> No.17068141

fwiw i grew up in nyc and have been to every major city in america and a few in canada and mexico.
to this day, even now no city compares to nyc. idk what the criteria these people are judging nyc by.. but in terms of nightlife, things to do, things to see, even the grittiness, nyc still comes out on top. toronto wishes it was nyc. la has good weather and beaches, but no. i liked iquitos in peru, because its literally right next to the jungle and you can do ayahuasca with natives...but other than that no place really comes to mind.

i have also been to rural areas in america and other countries though and i do prefer the rural areas. people are overrated.

ive never been to cali, colombia but i heard that place is coming up.

>> No.17068239

>numerous specialty and ethnic grocery stores
>unbelievable indian and ethiopian food in west philly
>best beer bar in the country and tons of great breweries
>reanimator coffee
>temple university food trucks
>fine dining for any cuisine imaginable
>lorenzo's pizza
>water ice and soft pretzels
>the so-called "philly muffin"
I could go on. Cheesesteaks are fine, the most popular ones do them a disservice. But you're crazy if you think the food here isn't good.

>> No.17068371


>> No.17068548

Lived both in Budapest and Prague. They are shitholes. But I guess having a thousand year or so history does appeal to uncultured amerifags

Now I live a 20 people populated village in the hills. Tending to animals, daily forestwalks and hiking, actual work where I do something with my body not just rot away in a chair.

It's great. It can also suck, as having 20 people around you is still too much people

>> No.17068581

lmao. Why do people say shit like this. You have never been there, what makes you think you can pass judgement on it.

>> No.17068798

Towns AND cities suck. Everything about living is fucking gay. Both places are filled with degenerates, white trash, non-whites and drug users of the hard variety.
Nuke everything and let this gay earth end already.

>> No.17068807

You could make a list like this for any major city. Our food is not good. Period. I don’t really know what else to say.

>> No.17068817

Okay asshole. Your opinion sounds pretty much worthless.

>> No.17068888

Says a monolingual amerifat who can't even own guns in the small cage which takes away 80% of his wage

>> No.17068929
File: 171 KB, 800x945, 800px-Notre_Dame_Villeréal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I end up following my curiosity on wikipedia, I find myself looking at small towns in France.

>> No.17068995

I speak 4 languages and have lived in 5 countries

You’re a misanthropic retard and your opinion is worthless

>> No.17069001

I also probably own more guns than you count so cope and seethe harder

>> No.17069062

Nice cope, cityboy

>> No.17069130

Lol, why retards talk about owning guns like its something to be proud of?

Good job wasting your money on shit you'll never use, I hope you feel like special forces now.

>> No.17069172

Why do you assume I don’t use it?

Fwiw the reason I own so many guns is because my grandfather started a successful firearms related business so I have that collection as well as his personal collection and use many of them for hunting. I also wasn’t bragging about it. I was just dismissing his allegation because he was using it as a way of attacking me by insinuating something. I’m not even a city boy (anymore) like he’s implying. I’ve lived in New York (and cities overseas) but I don’t anymore and I didn’t grow up there.

He just started with insults for no reason at all by calling me uncultured. Basically, fuck him and his opinion is all I’m trying to say.

>> No.17070095

the only right answer

>> No.17070235

>Spent 2 years as a kid and 2 years as a teen there
>San Fran
You ain't never lived in the bay bayby