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/lit/ - Literature

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1705991 No.1705991 [Reply] [Original]

So, tell me /lit/, any of you writing at the moment?

>> No.1705995

If they were, why would they be looking at this thread.

>> No.1706010

Kinda, I'm editing! ;D

>> No.1706018

I'm taking a break to study for my exams instead. Of course, this would be the time when I have as many ideas as the last six months put together :/

>> No.1706030
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Lazy bastard God tier checking in.

>> No.1706042

Starting to edit now... Me no likey.

>> No.1706051

I forgot how. feelsbadman

>> No.1706104

I need to write a greek myth of 2,000 words or more and illustrations in two weeks

>> No.1706133

Fuck. God. Cunt. Spiffer. Nina Hartley is so fucking hot.

>> No.1706136

Writing book: This worlds not big enough for the one of me. Currently on page 35.

It's about the things I hate, and why I hate them, and the things I like, and why I like them. Nothing controversial, nothing bashing other people. It keeps open minded, and just merely states my opinion. So basically a bunch of rants XD

>> No.1706173

If that's all you're writing about, then you might as well start a blog. Seriously.

>> No.1706187

a short story and a longer thing and a longer longer thing and a play but the play's on hold for the forseeable future

>> No.1706197

naw. That would take WAY to many blogs.

>> No.1706212

I am writing a satirical novel on modern living.

>> No.1706216

Series of interlinked stories, held together by a fictional history of a city governed by non-humans. The stories largely concern a group of sewer workers and a priest who separately move towards the uncovering of an enormous secret that threatens the city.

>> No.1706219

can this thread be about Nina Hartley?

>> No.1706300
File: 132 KB, 336x500, sad_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw none of us will ever be published.
pic related, it's mfw

>> No.1706303

who cares about being published

get a real job
write to write

>> No.1706308

I was published in Analog Science Fiction and Fact twice and Asimov's Science Fiction once.

I was also published once in my community college's literary magazine.

>> No.1706328

i fapped to her like three times, it was a very cool experience

>> No.1706340

More or less.

I’ve just been drafting a few louse ideas, adapting concepts into short segments with-out developing anything in-between. I’ll just assess what I’ve got at some point, put what’s suitable in and add some branches and way-hey; shitty novel that a publisher would laugh at is complete!

It’s a Science Fiction Military, pretty cliché but the setting is particularly foreign; the protagonist is a traditionalist though, or rather he studies Terran Culture (long gone, assumed to be a mythic analogy for the evolution of the dominant species), so he’s the bridge between the reader and the setting.

Other than that; I’ve written a few segments for a novel based around the Killzone Franchise – sort of like a Science Fiction Vietnam.

>> No.1706395

Secular Scripture in Cormac McCarthy's The Road

>> No.1706402

This struggle.

>> No.1706407

I'm enthusiastically working on my novel again. I adapted a small portion of it for my graduate fiction writing class and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, even with my professor who is a tough sell.

>> No.1706415

Yes. I'm excited because I'm on page 48 which is the farthest I've ever gotten in an original story. It's about a town where the citizens wear blank faces at all times and is probably going to show the very early stages of a distopian society. The main character sacrifices all his friends and his life in the town to "make things more interesting for everyone else's live's."

>> No.1706717

Yes. I'm writing a short story, or novella, not sure how long it'll go. Here's a summary, things are still being worked out :

An extra-dimensional princess is kept in isolation for eons, and is sent to earth to validate the worth of mankind, and destroy us if we lack any.

She ends up entangled in a gang located in the slums of new york, but eventually deems them 'worthy'. Things seem okay for Earth's survival, until the King arrives, complicating things with his paranoid wide-scale agoraphobia and control issues.

Themes : Innocence, conditioning, and the worth of the human system of inter-dependency even when it causes misery.

>> No.1706770



>> No.1706784


>> No.1706817

Revising my honors thesis on postcolonial landscapes. FUUUUCK

>> No.1706856


Not the guy you're replying to, but seeing as he'll probably never reply I'll fill you in.

He was in all likelihood referring to the premise of your story sounding similar to that of the comicbook series "Thor", albeit with a female Thor.

>> No.1706862

i'm currently writing this post
op pic is pretty sexy

>> No.1706870

Aah, okay, thanks. It's a character study more than an idea story, so that's just fine.

>> No.1706874

Dabbling in banging out a shitty formulaic supernatural romance and sending it to Harlequin to see if they'll actually publish it.

... and some /tg/ setting stuff for a Mages in space campaign that I'll probably never finish. But I don't think that counts.

>> No.1706908

I'm spending my time writing a paper for my 18th century lit class on why Macheath is seen as the hero in the Beggar's opera and a short story about a woman who suffers from a mental break down.

>> No.1706909
File: 107 KB, 628x473, Fucking Dignity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing erotic lit at the moment. It makes me the monies.

>> No.1707026

I keep trying, but I always always ALWAYS get frustrated with how my stories start. I'll write maybe about five or six pages, reread it, decide the overall idea is crap, and delete it.

I've got an idea buzzing around my head about a ghost who haunts couples in distress and how he does what he can to help them to get out of purgatory. Nothing concrete, and it sounds more like a kids book than anything right now. Got a long way to go.


>> No.1707033

I've never written before, but I'm interested in it (and film, and music, and acting...), should I just jump write in and write myself a short story? I wouldn't know where to start and what to avoid!

>> No.1707052


>I've got an idea buzzing around my head about a ghost who haunts couples in distress and how he does what he can to help them to get out of purgatory.

Wow that was written terribly. Let me try again.

It's an idea of a ghost who haunts couples, helping them out with their own troubles, so that he can gain freedom from purgatory.


>> No.1707071

i cant find a single video where nina hartley gets completely nude. she always keeps on a garter or stockings or something. i cant watch her porn because it irks me so much

>> No.1707077
File: 25 KB, 291x286, 1302771366016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this one floating around in my head about a woman who hires herself out as an independent consultant; trend-hunting for corporations. Her hobbies involve tracking down the creator of an art house film that has been slowly, virally, leaking on the the Internet, and the search for her missing father (whose body was never recovered from the rubble of the world trade center where he was [presumably] when it was destroyed).

>> No.1707082
File: 42 KB, 201x216, 29surprise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im working on a story about a skeleton who lives in a closet and then.... pops out!

>> No.1707091

NEVER incorporate the internet into stories. Ever.

>> No.1707092
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>> No.1707093
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1299116205065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to better myself with a series of private 'études' describing the friendships and co-mingling sexual activities of a group of disparate, casual drug users in their early to late twenties. Not a lot of personal experience- but I've known some- I'm trying to imagine the characters in situations first and intuit what they'd do; really let my imagination go on them.

The overall structure of them is (hopefully) going to be referential to Charlemagne's Roncesvalles campaign, which I've been dabbling in reading to get a mind for referencing historical precedent in stories. The Basques are HIV.

>> No.1707094
File: 38 KB, 250x250, Reaction Poe (1300594828012).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.1707095

because it's not literary.

>> No.1707100

I keep submitting, one day an agent will pick me up. Just keep revising, editing, writing.

The day you stop submitting is the day you are guaranteed not to be published.

>> No.1707101


Man, you will hate my book. its basically Micromeges, except for the alien visiting thee heads of states he visits a series of tribes that represent communities on the internet....

>> No.1707102

I've been thinking of writing a story about an emotionally unstable teen, and the summer before he goes off for somewhere.

>> No.1707105

ohhh I hope there is a quirky, but endearing love interest!!!

Perchance there be some tragedy as well??

>> No.1707115


No, probably not. Jungian psychology has always kinda interested me from a literary standpoint, so I really want to explore a character and how he interacts based on who is around him. I also kinda want to write something about alienation and isolation, though not to an extreme or nothin'.

>> No.1707121

My notebooks a mess of ideas. Trying to connect, so far I've gotten 2 solid structures, I just need time to being writing.

>> No.1707126


Anyway, in relationship to this, how difficult/worth the effort is it to write a story that doesn't really go anywhere? I have this idea about how the characters would work out, but aside from the setting, there's not really any backbone or driving force, just peoples' actions and interactions. Would it be a boring read, or could I pull it off (assuming I don't turn out to be a shitty writer, anyway)?

>> No.1707127


Also, I wanna try writing in free indirect, 'cause I'm a total faggot and love Austen.

>> No.1707138

How do you get involved in doing such a thing?

>> No.1707849

I'm adapting Twilight into a good novel. I find that switching the gender of the characters is really all that's required.

>> No.1708779


>> No.1708788

so that's what jenna maroney looked like before the nosejob

>> No.1708793

If Twilight were exactly as awful as it is right now but it was directed towards a male audience, it would definitely have a /lit/ following

>> No.1708815

Or it would be another dumb harem anime where one guy is swarmed in chicks for some reason.

>> No.1708823

Short story. It's a folk tale pastiche, no meta-commentary, no inversions of tropes, no derp-i-made-a-dark-thing-dark, just trying to cook something slightly different with a handful of the usual ingredients.