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File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17058933 No.17058933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Inceldom breeds geniuses. In the past, when you couldn't get laid by your looks or personality alone, you had to make it up by at least being intellectual. This is why so many great minds were ugly and also incels. Nowadays, thanks to the internet, incels have woken up and realized that only face matters and everything else is cope, therefore they decide to either looksmax or LDAR and spend the rest of their lives complaining about women online. There are probably many geniuses in the incel community, many people that could change humanity as a whole but bring it forward, but sadly they know that intellectualism is ultimately a cope. Men realizing the true evolutionary nature of women was even worse than the death of God itself.

>> No.17058938

didnt this guy simp for a third rate woman philosopher that just leeched his fame for her own shitty theories? She didnt even fuck him and friendzoned him lmao

>> No.17058947

He simped hard for Wagner as well.

>> No.17058953

Unsurprisingly, you have zero understanding of the history. You aren't intelligent, you are a pseud who is grasping for a trait of distinction to buoy your otherwise unremarkable ability and less than unremarkable achievements. Go back to >>>/r9k/ where some equally ignorant idiot might agree with you.

>> No.17058960

Cope, incel theory debunks all previous philosophy, science and even history.