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17055841 No.17055841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books does your gf read?

>> No.17055847


>> No.17055853

She mostly reads the Bible and other historical textbooks on Biblical scripture. She does share my love of poetry though. Her favorites are John Donne, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Elizabeth Barrett. She doesn't read much fiction, but twice a month she'll read a comfy British murder mystery

>> No.17055856


The Secret.

>> No.17055861

hands don't read, they only turn pages

>> No.17055862

cartoons cant read books anon

>> No.17055863

im so lonely

>> No.17055885

She doesn't read a word of any book;
She has no eyes with which to read or look.
You see, my friend, my girlfriend exists not;
Not then, nor now, nor ever reads a dot.

>> No.17055892

When I had an internet gf I made her read de Sade.

>> No.17055904

My ex read Game of Thrones (before it was cool, naturally) and Ringworld. Not sure if based.

>> No.17055935


>> No.17055990

My internet gf read /lit/ stuff. My current irl girlfriend has read nothing, and I'm thinking of breaking it off.

>> No.17056002

Yesterday my ex sent me a message. Tried to lecture me on books lmao.
I think the girl I'm currently trying to get with doesn't read.

>> No.17056013

How do I get a gf? Like how does getting a gf work out?

>> No.17056020


>> No.17056025

and dont say tinder because i cant get a girl to even fucking respond.

>> No.17056033


How well do you clean up?

>> No.17056039

I've only had success with tinder. I'm not social and I've never asked a girl out in person.

>> No.17056041

I am 6', muscular, and relatively attractive. in the past ive dated good looking girls. but since like march i cant even get a fucking response. it feels like a waste of time. and theres no other way to go out and meet people right now.

>> No.17056052

I really dont know. I talked with my ex while being extremely drunk and she said I said lovely stuff or some shit like that.
Current girl I dont even know if may be a possibility. She's becoming an influencer so she might just be playing with me desu. I'm too naive to notice.

>> No.17056053

I follow this girl on twitter

>> No.17056061

Where do I get a gf?

>> No.17056063

whats her @

>> No.17056067

I'm like a 6-7, live in a rural area, only have one pic of myself, and I still get matches. Maybe you're just autistic. When I get a match I just write something like "hell yeah," wait for them to respond, ask them a couple simple things, and then I ask for their snap. After maybe a day of snapping I suggest meeting up.
What have you done in the past?

>> No.17056073


Oh, you want a gf *now*.
Besides sheer dumb luck, it isn't going to happen during social isolation. Cope with that.

>> No.17056074

yeah i dont know. i think im just too old for the app. im 25 and feel retarded getting girls snapchats.

>> No.17056080


>> No.17056083

What about instagram

>> No.17056087

why not just text

>> No.17056089
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this and the English Patient are the two books my gf talks about

Nothing else rly just these two

>> No.17056103

Marxist critical theory and other nonfiction. A lot of times she'll give up on stuff but she'd never admit that it's because it's boring, so I try to encourage her to read more fun stuff.

>> No.17056107

I met mine at school during our undergrad. We had a Victorian Poetry class together.

>> No.17056112

Tell me more

>> No.17056121

She speaks French and loves Hugo.

>> No.17056134

We got into a spirited debate over Tennyson's poem "Maud," which after class I asked if she wanted to go for a drink after at the pub and continue our discussion. We had a lot of chemistry and we started actually dating like two weeks later.

>> No.17056142

beautiful anon

>> No.17056180
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The gamasutra

>> No.17056195

gf read a lot of books of science and medicine, she is a doctor

>> No.17056216

why are the only girls with some taste always russian?

>> No.17056220

She's an Italian Brooklynite

>> No.17056230

Most girls aren't going to just give their number to guys on tinder

>> No.17056236

>how do I get a gf?
>in the past I've dated good looking girls
Wtf nigga, is this the same anon? Also, let me explain tinder to you, since you seem to be a well adjusted person IRL. #1, take some good photos of yourself in different nice outfits. This may be tricky. I asked my friend to do it because she has a Canon. #2 put some short tagline in your bio about how you are dedicated to X and Y activities. #3 avoid all mention / association / imagery of trump and conservatism. #4 don't be autistic, just open with a "Hello [name], how's the season treating ya?" #5 you'll want to get snap and insta because that's how a lot of girls chat these days

If you're as decent-looking as you say, you can't fuck this up. My guess is that your pics aren't good enough, or women are judging you to be boring / conservative.

>> No.17056258

my gf doesn't read she just spends her free time on her iphone, on social media mostly.

>> No.17056262

>My guess is that your pics aren't good enough
Not that guy, but probably this is it. I'm 6'1", fit, handsome, have all my hair. But since I don't have any friends, I have no good pictures of myself. And women I've worked with in the past said selfies are a red flag.

>#2 put some short tagline in your bio about how you are dedicated to X and Y activities
Is it really that simple? I was trying to make jokes in my bio.

>> No.17056263

Weird that Fanny's now a Penguin classic. Does your gf have you dress up in pantaloons, blouse, and a tri-corn? Perhaps the sexiest book in English.

>> No.17056265

Why would you date anyone like this

>> No.17056266


>> No.17056286

My last gf spent a lot of time reading gay fanfiction about actual people. She seemed confused when I told her it was pretty weird and morally questionable. She also didn't listen to me when I said The Iliad is pretty much the same thing, no idea why I stayed with her so long desu

>> No.17056303

because life is short and if you don’t settle you’ll die alone.

>> No.17056312

Yeah its pretty simple like that. Save the jokes for the actual conversation. Humor is situational. And yeah, one thing I read from women is that they want to see group photos of you so they know you're not a weirdo.

>> No.17056314

no one is perfect anon, I do things that she doesn't like and vise versa. It's part of dating a person.

>> No.17056348

yeah spoke too soon, thought she was half russian or something
probably true

>> No.17056364

what do you guys do together

>> No.17056393

Lol I wanna see that screenshot

>> No.17056413

I'm not sure which is worse: a girl who name drops Bouguereau, or a normie.

>> No.17056429


>> No.17056435
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Unironically tons of fucking yaoi fan fiction

>> No.17056441

I bet her cunt tastes like marzipan.

>> No.17056444

cook, bake, hike, bike, watch movies and shows. We live together so pretty much everything. We even use to work together but have since been able to get robs in our fields. She doesn't read, but everything else is pretty comfy.

>> No.17056449

she's a maoist third worldist

>> No.17056451

Angel Tech & Land of Lisp

>> No.17056460

>women are judging you to be boring / conservative.
well then fuck them whores I don't want any of that dumpster fire shit lmao

>> No.17056465

Because that girl awkwardly name dropped some artist on Twitter. Both extremes are quite insufferable.

>> No.17056476

>if you don’t settle you’ll die alone.
Sounds based... I think I'll go with that option.

>> No.17056484

My diary desu

>> No.17056491
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I love her. It's too bad she's such a COMMON 21 year old upper middle-class white leftist. Real shame.

>> No.17056568

My ex read faster than me and read classics and books I lent her. She also was fucking hot. I want to die

>> No.17056732

tell me about her anon. what's the story? why is she an ex now?

>> No.17056739

how did she "awkwardly" name drop him? are you not allowed to talk about any artists?

>> No.17056743

where did you work together? what are your fields?

>> No.17056762

Why would someone say they want a gf, when they could say they want a wife?

>> No.17056768

She's not talking about them. She's just referencing them.

>> No.17056776

I'd rather not lose half my belongings when it inevitably breaks down

>> No.17056832

where does one get a gf like this?
do i need to move to new york?

>> No.17056846

if girl has a crush on you wait till she invites you home for the night. That's pretty much it.

>> No.17056860

No but I’ll ask.

>> No.17056918


>> No.17056950 [DELETED] 

females should not read

>> No.17056963

women ought not to read

>> No.17056986


>> No.17057006

Some restaurant in our city. We actually were going to the same university and didn’t even know until we started working. I’m a geologist, project coordinator and she’s a paralegal assistant.

>> No.17057057

You don’t want to date a girl like that. She seems full of herself.

>> No.17057082

she seems nice to me

>> No.17057113

I'm sorry about your imaginary gf anon. Have this.

My girlfriend reads, she reads a lot,
She reads quite a bit for a common thot;
She writes some too, I never could,
She think's she'll be the next Atwood.

>> No.17057122


>> No.17057133

Never said she wasn’t. But anyone who goes out of their way to specially articulate whatever they’re saying to sound more quirky seems full of themselves. Hit her up on the dm’s though, maybe you’ll get a date.

>> No.17057154

she has a bf

>> No.17057167

Do it anyways. Be the Chad.

>> No.17057180

Based Seuss anons

>> No.17057203

This. And then don't bang her. She will never be able to get over you.

>> No.17057278

nah she will just move on to someone else

>> No.17057318

It's awkward because it wasn't really relevant, and her comparison was trash.

>> No.17057369

How do you do it?!
I can ask a girl out in person no problem but I'm completely stumped on tinder. This lockdown has been a nightmare.

>> No.17057387

This could be improved anon , a little clunky

>> No.17057416

You could be improving your prose and writing poetry but instead you're forced to small talk with a dummy who has no interest in understanding your love of litterature. Sounds so much better than "dying alone" , haha!

>> No.17057442


>> No.17057458

Doesnt exclude this>>17057203
From beeing true
My first and my last gf (2 different ones hahaa anon) both almosz had a mental breakdown when they couldn't make me cum the first time (first time i was nervous second,... Well i just last long kek) the first one got angry first then told me about how it made her feel insecure the second one just straight up started crying (which made it easier for me after)

>> No.17057472

Currently, Blood Meridian; I didn't think she'd like it but she seems to be enjoying herself.

>> No.17057492

Gone girl, AI Apocalypse and dune

>> No.17057530

Where do I get a gf like this? Fuck i'm so lonely.

>> No.17057583

Be black

>> No.17057618

Unfortunately true in 2020

>> No.17057626

cooking books
cleaning books
blowjob books

>> No.17057631

implying she's allowed to read

>> No.17057646

based patriarch

>> No.17057715


>> No.17057724

They're the least appreciated ethnic group on dating apps. So for even more serious prospects than the ones common on those, you can only guess. You Americans are weirdly obsessed.

>> No.17057862

I hope you've read it

>> No.17057880

Harry Potter and Roman history

>> No.17058127


>> No.17058185

Homosexual MCU fanfiction

>> No.17058341

>started crying (which made it easier for me after)
Based sadist

>> No.17058470
File: 161 KB, 853x1066, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlaine Harris hahahhaha.
Seriously though, you don't want to start a family with the sort who read.
Shag a few (protected sex) art hoes by all means, but marry a low iq beauty student who smiles a lot, you owe it to your children that they should have a proper womanly mother.

>> No.17058483
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Attain power and then be selective, don't defer this selection to women.
Women don't know what they want beyond that they'll leave you if you don't have your shit together.
If you can't attain power and resources then you shouldn't breed.

>> No.17058490

YA/crappy female writers but still better stuff than 50Sog etc

>> No.17058694

Based and Old Assyrian pilled

>> No.17058732

Don't be autistic.
T. Autist

>> No.17058915

My girlfriend likes to read (I’m told)
Some news to me, to which I lolled.
And when finished with her nightly book,
She dims the lamp and calls me ‘cuck’!

>> No.17059109
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>rhyming “book” with “cuck”

>> No.17059135

Because we were both really fucked up at the time. We had huge problems that were not under countrol, we were having discussions all the time mainly because of my irritability, symptom of my depression, and her emotional insability and sometimes irrationality. She has a 10/10 body and a beautiful face. Sex was insane though, we fucked every time we had the chance and I came on her face and in her mouth as we both enjoyed. We were literally interested in the same topics like philosophy, literature, psychology, etc and she also had really good taste in films, literature, music and aesthetic. I see her from time to rime because of mutual friends and wish things turned out different

>> No.17059144

>since [the onset of widespread lockdowns in the face of disease spread] i cant even get a fucking response
Anon, this doesn’t take a genius to determine, especially considering you’ve had past relationships. Just wait a bit longer, complaining about going so little time without dates shows a remarkable lack of inner peace.

>> No.17059193

I was at the dog park reading yesterday and this girl with glasses kept looking at me. She would come within like 15 ft of me and then walk away. Come back then walk away. She had no bra so I could see her perky nipples and she was kind of cute. Did she want me bros? Can the book help me score?

>> No.17059207

>one thing I read from women is that they want to see group photos of you so they know you're not a weirdo.
Welp, there go my chances.

>> No.17059211

I can't forget about her bros. I miss her so much

>> No.17059934


>> No.17060295

>not knowing braille

>> No.17060317

She must’ve somehow got away from her handlers, but go for it nonetheless!

>> No.17060326

My gf only reads Savitri Devi and Miguel Serrano.

>> No.17060363

It rhymes in my accent/dialect.

>> No.17060413
File: 99 KB, 720x547, 130708522_3404311939617411_969948468606760260_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her favorite author is salinger, I think she has an unhealthy crush on secretly suicidal elder brothers like Seymour.

>> No.17060443

She mostly just reads IT fanfiction. In terms of actual books, she's read Call Me by Your Name, The Goldfinch, and The Silence of the Lambs.
She told me that she has trouble reading because she doesn't have the ability to picture things in her head. For example; she can't exactly remember what her ex looks like - not to say that she has completely forgotten, just that she only has a vague recollection.

>> No.17060989

Just don't bang her. You can make out and edge each other. Just don't bang her. Chicks fall apart if they don't have sexual control over you.

>> No.17061188

Your gf literally doesn't exist fuck off.

>> No.17061206


>> No.17062513

She doesn't read, I gave her a few books tho, I'm trying to make her a communist but lately we had a few fights and she is too sad to read

>> No.17062517

Stop dating my gf.

>> No.17063520

Have friends incel

>> No.17063538

Ha, alright bud. Seethe as much as you want.

>> No.17064604

Yeah, I agree. To add to this, if you imagine yourself to be a girl with standards proportionate to your own right now, would you willingly breed your current male self? I highly doubt it — I'm sure you and most anons here would want to fuck powerful men if they were chicks.

>> No.17064606
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CS Lewis and P. G. Wodehouse

>> No.17064659

Aside from law books, some history and a bit of fiction

>> No.17064866

>be weird quiet guy growing up
>no girls are interested in me
>go to law school
>become practicing lawyer
>women are interested in me now
>no experience with girls when younger, so no idea what to do now
Anyone else find themselves in this situation?

>> No.17064879

yeah except the law part and the women being interested in me part

>> No.17064903
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>> No.17064969

Man, you have no self-respect.

>> No.17066618

I have minimal self-respect. Chasing puss is just a pastime, like watching porn. But I still workout, read, and write. Maybe you'll see my book in 3-5 years, cheers faget

>> No.17067018

She barely reads but she did buy a bunch of entry level /lit/ stuff one time. Stoner, No Longer Human and Lolita

>> No.17067193

She used to read psychology books and biographies in high school, then she became interested in prose and started studying literature. She's read a lot of contemporary lit, mostly Houellebecq. I've introduced her to DFW's shorter works and she loved it. She also wants to read some of the books in my (now our) library, such as Hamsun, Celine and so on.

We're all going to make it bros.

>> No.17067242

who's that? give source pls

>> No.17067253

fuck off

she's my new WiFi

>> No.17067574

Is this bitch in Turkey or what?

>> No.17067828


>> No.17067862


>> No.17067873


* archaeologist * for I understand from the nobility of my soul / that in suffering for sublime love, I conquer. *
Joined October 2019
529 Following

yeah she is a slut isn't it

>> No.17067879

All women are whores

>> No.17067889

>>She speaks French and loves Hugo.
No point in orbiting a plebeian, make her read baudelaire.

>> No.17067898

That's bad news, medicine is for drone Normies who want to feel scientific and all doctors are technicians, not even engineers and even less scientists.

all nurses are gigawhores, full of herpes and they give handjobs to the patients who have the biggest cocks

no joke

so it is normal for coomers and whores to idolize other coomers and whores.

Same thing for women and law schools.

>> No.17067905

Crime. I know she will kill me one day. That s why i read only true crimes myself.

>> No.17067922



Dec 14
loved my nyc school... while my friends abroad were learning dante or quran or whatever & studying classical languages in their schools, we were watching the rocky movies & getting assigned YA books. but i learned how to be cool and play dice games so who’s to say which is better

definitely learned more about literature from hanging out with high school dropout heroin addicts and talking about milton than from school, well educated euros don’t get this

Girls doesn't have introspection.

>> No.17068050

She goes to Cambridge and is back in Brooklyn for break. She.went to Turkey before before for an excavation I think.

>> No.17068101

>I didn't have a TV growing up I'm OVER reading forever.

>> No.17068115

She is a pretty devout catholic

>> No.17068229

Stephen King. Burgess. Orwell. Christie. Capote. Jeff Eugenides.

>> No.17068441
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>> No.17068477



>> No.17068498

Nah she went private. Looks like she caught wind of this thread lol.