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/lit/ - Literature

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17055801 No.17055801 [Reply] [Original]

last thread >>17037978

>> No.17055820

the worst part of reading is knowing you have nothing worthwhile to say.

>> No.17055846

Everything is so weird why do we exist. This place, this reality, it's such a weird experience. To realize I exist, to be at all. To experience anything is a paranormal supernatural experience.

>> No.17055877

I don't want to be one of those generic, cop/authority/government hating types, since I see the value of power systems. But I wonder if the value I see in them is a byproduct of them in the first place.

>> No.17055893

It is. The only people who defend corrupt institutions are those who are either stupid enough to believe in them, or those who are profiting from them.

>> No.17055896

I've been having recurrent panic attacks from mid-October. I haven't properly read anything since then except for a few short stories written by F.S.F. I haven't written either. I keep drinking to the point of insomnia and self-destruction. I stopped smoking but that is inconsequential. My panic attacks keep getting worse. They are insufferable. I had to take time off work. I've been given a prescription now to combat my depression and anxiety. I just want to get back to reading and writing. I thought I had been making progress but these new mental conditions are dousing my soul and creativity.

Join me in a drink anons.


>> No.17055921
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Have my exam on 19th Century Literature. Wish me luck /lit/!

>> No.17055934
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How radical is it to think that current (a least American) society has been hollowed out by pleasure entirely? We've become more specialized in our skills and narrowed in our goals for the sole pursuit of cash.

It started with a thought: what if institutions today are hollow shells of their former selves, staffed with various shades of unwitting neoliberals? Example: Chinese infiltration of American institutions is simply because the important defenders no longer have complex interests like patriotism, racism, pride, paranoia, depression, or hatred. What if it's just easier to let the markets take their course? Everyone gets a little richer, little fatter, and a little less sharp.

We can apply this notion to anything really. Privacy, speech, free association give way to job security, access to technology, reputation-derived dopamine, etc.. All non-nuanced pursuits of pleasure.

I just need to know that things are different now, and any good will is coattail ridden.

>> No.17055936

I meant to add in 2 hours from now.

>> No.17055947

But that's what I'm saying though. It's not the "institution" that's the problem, it's the "corrupt" part.

>> No.17055967
File: 162 KB, 1080x1350, put them up anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are few things more erotic in this world than a woman wearing boxing gloves.

>> No.17055976

Yes, but there is no way to remove the corruption without fundamentally breaking the Institution. This is why civilizations fall and rebuild themselves.

>> No.17056006

The longer I stay alive, the more that you and everyone else will grow to resent me. If you don't hate me already, just give it a few years and you'll become more and more fed up with your sadsack loser of a brother, a person who does nothing but spread misery and drag everyone down to his level, a person so pathetic he can't even hold a conversation with people he's known his entire life.

Killing myself would benefit everyone around me. Killing myself is the only good deed that a worthless subhuman like me is capable of.

>> No.17056056

Why do you think yourself worthless, anon?

>> No.17056057

Basically yes, people have become completely self-absorbed and focused entirely on monetary pursuits, look at popular music/books/entertainment it is all spectacle with an open door of "THIS COULD BE YOU!!". Western culture has devolved entirely to consumer culture.

>> No.17056060

yeah, you're a whiny cunt
i'm sure there is a 12 gauge and a slug with your name written on it at your local walmart

>> No.17056081

Aristotle’s The Metaphysics filtered me last night. Had no problem whatsoever with Plato or A’s Ethics+Politics, but legit did not understand any of his arguments about metaphysics. I’ve got a long reading list and I buy books in advance, so I flipped open to a random chapter in A Critique of Pure Reason to see if there was any hope for me, and I could understand what Kant was saying (at least what I read). When I try to read any part of Metaphysics it’s legit like I’m reading another language, like I do not understand a single sentence. What the fuck?

Anyways, skipping Metaphysics for now and I’m moving on to the Stoics and then the Roman Christian theologians. I hope Aquinas can shed some light on Aristotle for me.

>> No.17056098

i have a lot of professional anxiety right now, and its bleeding into my mood

>> No.17056111

Damn this fellow! Do not listen to him.

>> No.17056225
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I can't really fault other people because if I were in their shoes, I probably would have done the same thing. If I were a girl, I would probably have a Onlyfans too.

>> No.17056252

Why is life so fucking monotonous? Shouldn't there be more to life than the same activities every day, the same problems every
person is "supposed to go through"? I don't want to die but I have lost faith in humanity. My point is proven over and over by the average sheep.
They imitate eachother, they mindlessly follow trends like zombies, consume new products, and spend their whole lives being a burden toward others. They lack
basic skills or understanding. They do not understand simple concepts because their attention span has been reduced by social media and smartphones. Kaczynski was right.
Is the only way out to end it all? I am ashamed to be a part of the same species as these "people". Life should be more than this. I am so fucking tired bros

>> No.17056264

I am far too saturated and engulfed by simulacra. Everything I deal with is twice removed, a symbolic substitute for the real thing or a virtualization of it. There is a surfeit of abstractions encasing me in transparent, immaterial yet still paradoxically impenetrable walls. Symbols regulate my existence, from the symbols in my bank account to the ones in my computer I use to type this. My dream is to cut loose and live simply and in agreement with nature.

>> No.17056277

I hate women (I don't believe that but it was the first thing in my mind when I saw your post. Maybe it's compulsion at this point Idk)

>> No.17056304

It really annoys me how drumpf seemingly singlehandedly lowered the intelligence level of the entire United States. He has conditioned his followers over the years to believe ever more farfetched claims, each time lowering their threshold of credulity and softening up for the next big lie. The result is stupid conspiracies like QAnon are circulating with virulent rampancy and its harder than ever to cut through the political fog.

>> No.17056305 [DELETED] 

boozehoundery beckons here too

>> No.17056308

Maybe try dealing with your issues instead of medicating them away.

>> No.17056332

>implying a complete collapse of trust in information wasn't planned from beginning

Information age -> collapse of traditional information structures -> competing information -> plot to undermine all information -> reconsolidate trust in information -> control narrow channels of information

>> No.17056344

I don't think that's actually Trump's doing, Qanon is basically boomers realizing that the mainstream press are dishonest assholes and latching onto something else.

>> No.17056358

Any experience is worth telling if it's told coherently enough, anon.

>> No.17056406

Literally killed my boner. I've stuck my dick in crazy before, and I don't have to learn that lesson twice.

>> No.17056423

god anon this is shlock.

What more do you want?

>> No.17056428
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Things aren't going great with my girlfriend. There have been arguments, secrets, hurt feelings. There have been a lot of tears. There's strain on our relationship. I sleep in fits from the stress. I feel shame for having hurt her deeply. Yet a not insignificant part of me is taking some joy in the whole experience. I haven't had many relationships, and what I have had have never lasted long. I feel like I am finally experiencing something every other normal person experiences. I feel experienced, I can relate to my friends. I'm an adult human being. Would I sound like a sociopath if I said that I am happy this is happening and that perhaps I am sabotaging things on purpose just for the novelty?

>> No.17056447

Been there too.... Twice... Why is it always the crazies who like me.

>> No.17056648

oh yeah you're so smart bro. i bet you have a reddit account with 1,000,000 upboats
meanwhile i voted for trump purely because he makes midwits seethe. i don't give a single fuck about politics. hell, i hate some of his policies. but the salt is so delicious it's haute cuisine. stay angry. only retards take politics seriously.

>> No.17056669

The first guy to invent a perpetual motion machine is definitely going to use it to make some kind of really complex jacking off contraption

>> No.17057022

Tylko jedno w głowie mam
Koksu pięć gram, odlecieć sam
W krainę zapomnienia
W głowie myśli mam
Kiedy skończy się ten stan
Gdy już nie będę sam
Bo wjedzie biały węgorz

>> No.17057027

It's all too tiring.

>> No.17057034

I would like to think that the first perpetual motion machine is actually going to be a byproduct of someone trying to create a really complex jacking off contraption.

>> No.17057397

start with a rib then

>> No.17057424
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I think I might've passed the point of no return for my social life. I'm in university, and last year was the best for me socially. I was massively depressed, but I had some close friends I saw a lot and met many acquaintances through them. Never really went out, but we were all massive nerds anyway so I did;t mind at all. even had a long-distance gf. Over the summer I ended the relationship, and this term only a handful of my friend moved back to university. I didn't mind, since I was used to being single and I'd never had more than two-five friends in my life before last year anyway. Thing is, my friends have stopped talking to me. No idea why. we didn't have an argument, we still (seemingly) had a good time the last time we hung out over a month ago. So at this point I have no social connections. I spend all day every day alone aside from when I go home for the holidays. I guess my concern is this; if I'm completely alone in university, the easiest time in one's life for making friends, am I doomed to live alone forever? I've never been social, so my lack of initiative in seeing my friends more probably contributed to my current situation. even so, I would still lie to have a friend or two, and maybe even start a family one day. seems like that's out the window, though. aside from the anomaly that was last year, I've been sliding more and more into antisocial tendencies my whole life. I knew that I would eventually end up completely alone aside from seeing my parents/sibilings on holidays eventually since that's the logical endpoint of the general trends of my life. I guess I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. I could well have 70+ years of isolation ahead of me.

>> No.17057429

On this board? not at all. that's probably one of the major critiques I and many other right-wingers on this board have of modernity. Outside of /lit/? yeah, pretty radical.

>> No.17057462
File: 278 KB, 1024x846, weegee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nervous excitement waiting for a girl to message back. trying not to bore her, trying not to scare her off. i feel good for once, and optimistic. i might get to really like her.

>> No.17057478

I know I'm a tech pleb...but 4chanX Chrome Extension (image-disabling for the most part) and the "iPieta" IOS App has given me strength

>> No.17057484

I sincerely think "iPieta" is the most /lit/ app possible. The amount of features.....dig deeper and you'll find things you've never heard of. Anyone unfortunate enough to own an iPhone, and who reads Catholic texts or the bible, check it out immediately. Serious. It's too great to explain here...

>> No.17057510

It's not just pursuit of pleasure in general, it's the fact that the expectation of pleasure is now embedded at the instinct level so that every person effectively has ADHD and is constantly fiending for a cigarette of stimulation. Supply meets demand, and the market churns out forms of stimulation that are smaller, more parcelled-up, more bite-sized. The loop between craving-hit-craving-hit-craving-hit is getting tighter, shorter, more binary.

These basic drives and instincts are supposed to be built up into complexes of behavior, with holistic and emergent properties, ultimately forming a personality with life goals etc. Instead, we are "atomizing" down to our most basic pleasure-seeking drives, until all the machinery of our evolved consciousness exists only to satisfy the craving-hit-craving-hit loop in as rapid an alternation as possible.

This makes our higher conscious functions vestigial, especially all the unactivated, merely potential ones that are lying dormant. We're at a real risk of dying as a species this century and giving birth to something much uglier, some kind of hybrid of animal and machine that probably exists to service a larger machine, whether that is literally mechanical or distributed and cybernetical.

My bet is that a subhuman beige worker class will emerge, like the deltas in Brave New World who only want their fix of soma, and these will be ruled by a cognitive "elite" (probably retarded by mid-20th century standards, but smarter than the deltas) descended from the present oligarchic class. Basically Brazil on steroids: if you are on the favela side of the tracks, your offspring will become more animal, and if you are on the oligarch side, your offspring will regress to midwit level (think the typical college-educated but useless functionary from a well-off family) but rule over them in an unquestioned neo-feudal arrangement. This elite will itself be integrated into a cybernetic global structure of some kind, but one that isn't very interesting, just despotic and stagnant.

>> No.17057538

Still being ignored by my close friend. I sent her a snap of a poem I knew she would like this morning, but she didn't bother to open it or the message I sent her on Monday. The worst part is not knowing what the hell I did for her to start ignoring me, since we had plans on Sunday and then I just never heard from her. I had a conversation with my best friend of 10 years earlier and he basically told me that he isn't interested in talking to me beyond acquaintance level anymore because of his inability to forgive me for something I did last year (which wasn't even that bad). My mom is very sick and isn't showing any signs of improving. I took off of school this semester to help care for her. I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to right now and it hurts

I wrote a long poem today to take my mind off things. It had been sitting in my mind for the past couple weeks, so it felt good to get it down on paper. I think it's pretty decent, with a few nice lines, but it needs a lot of work. Normally I would show my friend who is ignoring me for feedback, since she really likes my poetry. Feels kinda bad that I can't really get feedback on it from anyone

>> No.17057654

I hate reading arguments between posters on this site because it always devolves into one guy quoting the other guy's posts and vice versa, until the thread is one long string of posts all formatted like:

I wish more people would take the time to type out actual responses to other peoples' posts, rather than use memetext like a crutch. It's sophistic and encourages picking holes in other posters' language rather than saying anything interesting yourself.

>> No.17058355

I have ocd and I have a crush on a coworker. I truly believe my obsession is beyond my control. I'm thinking of telling my gf. I don't want to feel like this. I feel odd and manipulative but it's real feelings.

>> No.17058549
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I've spent the last 9 months of Corona lockdown time "planning" to do something fun and interesting instead of actually doing.

This "planning" has been the default state of my life for my entire life. You could say my entire life has been "planning" instead of doing. I now understand so much more that one depressing anime comic about how "and on their deathbed they realize; their life was the one they lived" as I am currently living it.

>> No.17058759

It does not matter if you know about the secret classes or not. People that claim to have a higher understanding of how things work in our society are just as much part of the system, as in slaves, as people that simply don't care and often stopped caring after realizing it makes no difference.

>> No.17058778


>> No.17058804

I have a mental illness. I have a gf I bought a ring for and I still love her. My OCD and something else is lusting after another. It's my insecurities maybe, or being a guy. I don't know it makes no sense. Maybe it's a game I find interesting. Will they or won't they. I'm taking some time off work to get away. It's weird. I'm just typing to let it go and also I know some of you anons just like reading curious things.
The stereotype of the guy that cheats and wants it all is always of a manipulative psycho. An uncaring leech just making his way through life. Or a well off usually white guy that's open minded and into polyamory. I don't feel like I'm any of those things but obviously I'm something like the first type.
Maybe it has to do with rejection and wanting to be accepted from childhood trauma.

>> No.17058937

ive been on 4chan for close to 12 years now...
at this point it is probably a permanent fixture and defining feature of my life, i hate to say.

all the worse for i have to hide it from all my normie (and most of my lefty) friends and gfs.

i told my dad about 4chan a few years ago and how it basically raised me in absence of him being there in my adolescence and he seemed glad having read all about 4chan on his breitbart and whatever else like even though i am a degenerate leftist we are on the same side of the culture war after all etc. i really hope he in his 70s is not posting on /pol/...

fuck you moot.

>> No.17058990

Life is what you make of it. Don't go playing the victim.

>> No.17059010

I feel like all ideologies are just cope for some inner problem the person who made it has. And if a lot of people have that same issue, they project it onto that movement. So rather than facing their inner problems, they would just make that ideology the embodiment of it.

>> No.17059017

It's never too late to change things. So you can start by changing the story you tell yourself about who you are.

>> No.17059027

this seems to be the most likely outcome of the next few decades unless someone just destroys the internet.

>> No.17059052

I used to be that way until I read how most people mistakenly live by seeing --> thinking --> moving.

But it's actually better to do the reverse which is moving --> thinking --> seeing. Which basically boils down to taking action first then reflecting afterwards. So rather than overthinking the future and visualizing everything that can go wrong and right, just stop that inner monologue inside your head and just do move.

>> No.17059060

What else is there to play?

>> No.17059101

>they they they they they

and what are you? you post on 4chan, retard

>> No.17059146
File: 45 KB, 593x593, 84D1CE1F-8CC1-4500-B4CA-ABB7D8C59049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a couple days im doing 7 grams of shrooms, in one last ditch attempt to just get some help, I admit i havent tried everything possible to fix my default state of depression, but i have done a lot, the most recent being antidepressants themselves which just made me feel numb so of course i quit, and im going back to the only thing i know that helps from experience in the past, at the very least i feel better for a couple months after the trip.

I will go to the dessert here in my city las vegas, and do them alone, going way off trail on a hike. No plans, no technology, no people, im just going to sit there and do nothing, see what happens. Friends say be careful, but I find myself scoffing and have chosen to not tell anyone the day or time im doing them. But have warned them incase my behavior after changes at all.

I think back to the times i did them in the past, the first when i was 17 and a young lad, a good time with some friends, I cried from happiness and all I remember was feeling that I didn't deserve the pure bliss, the second, last year, 18, december, when i was just as depressed as I am now, I cried to god for forgiveness from sins, repentance. It helped until I fell back to addictions and vices again after some months. And as time went on, this sense of hopelessness got worse and worse, to bring me right here, right now, 20, december again, if this doesn't help, im not sure what ill do, its scary to think about it so I stop there in the train.

The second trip brought me feelings of hope, for a short tine I believed everything would be okay in the end. But my impatience won.

They say when you do psychedelics be in a good headspace, but such a thing is pretty rare for me.

I have my own theories as to the why for such a poor mental state, maybe shrooms allow me to cope for some time so i don't make an effort ti change.

>> No.17059389

I don't want to just study

>> No.17059448

you stimulate my creativity
something that i sometimes fear has left me
not died, just gone somewhere better without me

>> No.17059510

the two truths, me and silence.
All else is refutable.

>> No.17059525

If you don't consider yourself refutable (by yourself) you should retackle them self-awareness skills buddo

>> No.17059534

try nofap

>> No.17059560

>Life should be more than this.
So stop being a loser and start being an overaccomplisher. Sounds to me like you're coping with your inadequacy by averting your eyes from yourself and instead focusing on the bad parts of everybody around you.

>> No.17059881

I've been on 4chan since late 2006 and I've never told anyone ever that I come here.

>> No.17059945

my attention span is really fucked up.

>> No.17059971


saved, thanks for the reply

>> No.17060117

but at the same time, it's the most normal, the most natural, by definition. what's really weird is the fact of being weirded out by existence, what's weird is not being itself but being conscious.

>> No.17060126

for instance, a woman wearing mma gloves

>> No.17060140

thanks, man, I hope I can change. don't want to be an extrovert or anything, I just don't want to be completely alone

>> No.17060154

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Please substantiate your claim with an example.

>> No.17060192

if she actually just stood you up irl and then ghosted you, either you're not as close as you think and you need better friends, and you shouldn't put up with someone treating you like that, or something happened. are you sure she didn't get into an accident or some shit? like you can't just have someone you consider your *best friend* stand you up and vanish and ignore you without thinking something's really wrong, right?

>> No.17060368

Reading some twitter posts is like stepping into a topsy-turfy funhouse world of impossibly oblivious self-parody. I actually can't believe some people think like that!

>> No.17060647
File: 355 KB, 1000x525, 1597338564776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what's up with this hipie renaissence we are living in this decade.

Lemon tek em. Also, do 10g pussy

>> No.17060732

>this hipie renaissence we are living in this decade
Seems like nothing more than a big LARP to me. Say what you will about the 60s counterculture, but they actually scared their governments enough to be considered a real threat to national and international order. These new protestors don't seem to scare anyone other than the small business owners who get caught in the crossfire. They don't have any goals, they're not trying to burn down government buildings or bomb politicians. All their protests amount to is going out into the street and acting like the scary guys from 50 years ago in order to convince some politician to say the right words on TV.

>> No.17060764

A few days into my limiting internet use to 3 hours a day thing, and it's a very good change so far. I'm spending a lot more time on the concerns of my life that really matter, even if they're difficult, rather than just distracting myself. Most of the time is still spent playing video games but I'm at least reading 50 pages a day consistently now, which was hardly possible before.

>> No.17060826

I'm using my shrink as a vending machine for pills and turning my brain into a chemistry experiment. I figured might as well try it and see where it gets me. I'm as inert as a rock when I am not chemically augmented anyway, so anything is better than that.

>> No.17060841

You're 100% right on that, and yet everyday we have a new ambiental law, everyday psychodelic consumption rate goes higher globally while tobacco and coke are being less and less consumed. Weed market is due to surpass even alcohol market in the not-so-distant future. Even tye-dye shit is back.
Nowdays hippies aren't what they used to be, but all that we need is a couple of eco-terrorist and they'll be back on track.

>> No.17060912

>These new protestors don't seem to scare anyone
Which is why they set up a whole cop instigated riot and phony race war to keep people distracted from the worsening economic hardships.
There isn’t a hippie movement coming, there’s a socialist movement. No one wants the wars but those who profit from them, and the legal wrangling to make pot legal is still resisted by big pharma.
>they don’t have any goals
That would be online/vidya chuds. Anonymous has no goals.

>> No.17060934

>addled junkies overthrowing their governments
The hippies were proof that there is no higher understanding through drugs.
Enjoy permanently lowering your IQ and leaving the door open for extradimensional demons to rape your soul.
The government BENEFITS from you junkies buying. Every time you buy from your dealer you are making the same narcos cartels that murder people on Liveleak richer.

>> No.17060949

Americans are embarrassing.

>> No.17060973

That was my first thought, so I checked to make sure she was alright. I ended up finally hearing from her this morning, and she apologized for avoiding me (she was stressed out over finals), so all is well I suppose

>> No.17060995

Humans, young and foolish, everywhere, are always embarrassing.

>> No.17061059

Americans remain always young at heart; their culture is shaped on that. Their greatest strength and weakness.

>> No.17061067
File: 20 KB, 285x327, 1590010978384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I synthesize my own stuff and do it for kicks, but if I see some extradimensional demons I'll send 'em your regards

>> No.17061351

2020 was a year that took something away from me. It was the year where I felt like I became old. My mortality was impressed on me not as an abstract thought, but as a concrete fact. The difference between last year and this year is extraordinary and abrupt, like a phase transition in matter from a fluid to a solid.

>> No.17061370


Shut up faggot

>> No.17061790

I've come to the painful realisation that online friendships lead nowhere, and making real friends in your mid 20s is fucking hard as a good for nothing autist, especially with the pandemic bullshit.
I'm so fucking lonely.

>> No.17061864

>It was the year where I felt like I became old
says the 22 years old 4channel user.

>> No.17061937

If only

>> No.17061951

17 then I guess.

>> No.17062035

Nah. I'm a 30 yo boomer

>> No.17062861

I have become self-conscious about my weight. I don't really think it's a good thing, but it might be. I thought I didn't care so much but I found out today that no I'm wound pretty tight about it. not crazy obese or anything, just a lil chunky

>> No.17063068
File: 296 KB, 1254x706, 1605413363403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought "I am going to kill myself" very many times a day for a number of weeks now, maybe a month. this is the only sign that anything is wrong though, everything else is between fine and good as far as I can tell.

>> No.17063609

I see nothing, so I put myself in its place

>> No.17063616
File: 53 KB, 354x286, adc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im listening to linken park and imagining being 12 again

>> No.17063783

I have been falling sort of in love with an artist for a while. At first I only cared about the art but in time I also got to like the person. We are close in age which is not the youngest. It's very unpleasant to feel like this because I know it's just daydreaming. There are probably massive differences in mindset, socio/economic class, and other things that I wouldn't want to deal with even if it were just about reaching out and talking. I have little human resources to offer, so it would be silly either way without working on myself first.
So not only I realize I have completely stopped believing in these things but I also have to exorcise this stubborn ghost of an emotion that I never wanted before it starts living rent free in my head, and stifling it is somewhat painful nonetheless. Thankfully I hate the whole parasocial relationship thing and there's no way I would compromise to something like that. I've been going through a few things like this in the past years and every time I have come out hardened, and not in a good way. I am only soft with animals at this point.

>> No.17063808
File: 123 KB, 436x301, ohdear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're girls, please post jailbait

>> No.17063891
File: 54 KB, 811x539, 1608022056528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that I'll never have to ask a girl "Who does this pussy belong too?" because if she says that it doesn't belong to me I might cry and cum.

>> No.17063960

I just went to warosu to look at the post with the most (you) I ever got. I am drinking alone again. I'll never write the novel I've been wanting to write. I am incapable of talking to women. I am tired and pathetic.

>> No.17063964

but in the end that wont even matter

>> No.17063995

I like read advanced scientific and mathematical research papers just to gauge my own ignorance. It's clear that there are people who, at least in particular specialized fields, operate on a level high above me. But only by throwing myself against these papers can I keep fighting I go beyond my current limitation. It's like the classic fatherly practice of sink or swim, throw your son in the pool and force him to find out how to flap his hands correctly (and obviously intervene if he begins to breathe water). To cease pushing yourself beyond your limit is to degrade and decay, there is no other option.

>> No.17064139 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 250x250, 250px-201Unown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many insects for the same reason that there are many notionsigns: diversity from biological, and logological, dissemination of university.

>> No.17064160
File: 36 KB, 250x250, 250px-201Unown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many types of insects for the same reason that there are many notionsigns: diversity from biological, and logological, dissemination of university.

>> No.17064320

Jeff Bezos could have given every single one of his employees a $100,000 bonus and he still would have gotten richer this year.
Let that sink in.

>> No.17064341

purple haze, all in my brain

>> No.17064455

But what if it's more complicated than that?

>> No.17064535

Bro how are billionaires going to buy that 4th yacht if they give away such huge bonuses to their employees?

>> No.17064554 [DELETED] 

That's not really how it works since most of his wealth is in AMZN shares not cash. Moreover, you think the other AMZN shareholders might have something to say about such a handout? On the other hand, if you had bought AMZN stock any time in the last 20 years, you would have also gotten richer this year. Did you? Or did you choose to spend your money on something else?

>> No.17064609 [DELETED] 

Do you suppose if Bezos dumped 90 billion in AMZN shares onto the market all at once it might result in some major slippage? Not to mention an absurd tax bill?

>> No.17064665
File: 231 KB, 768x417, 1604539018044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to this anon, I don't want to whine about the things I don't control, but it feels nice to vent. I'd also like to note that I'm writing this from the perspective of an American, so it may not be applicable in other situations.

As a citizen of a representative democracy, I feel as though that the average person is not properly represented by the living fossils at the podiums, and is disrespected by their superiors on the regular. It angers me to see elderly people working when they should be retired. It pains me when people working constant overtime are still unable to afford to progress. I hate how the path to happiness feels pre-paved and doesn't leave wiggle room. You will never own a home or land if you're not born middle-class and up, and even that's a stretch. You will be forced into the wage cycle and sucked dry to make rent. You will be subjected to the full extent of the surveillance state. Your taxes will fund these invasions of privacy, while schools will remain massively underfunded, ensuring that the future youth are too stupid to ask if this is how life should be. To add to this, nobody wants to make themselves uncomfortable with this question, because we would have to ask ourselves if there's something more worth doing than watching the Sunday game or arguing if Democrat or Republican is the way to go. Life for the average man has turned into bread and circuses, and we're all too distracted to even question the audacity of those sitting at the top.

>> No.17064684

I feel like a horrible human being even though I can't pick a specific thing I've done that proves it. Do most people feel like that?

>> No.17064696

I think I hate how much "good writing" is determined by who writes it.

Liking or hating the author has too much of an effect on the reader. Writing should stand alone by itself.... I think.

>> No.17064697

what's the point of being that rich I wonder. As the other anon said, half that shit is in stocks anyway. It's not like he has direct access to all of his money. And it would likely be impossible for him to spend it all before he dies. What's the point?

>> No.17064731

There is no point.
Capitalism is inherently nihilistic.
It's all about making money so you can buy stuff so you can make money so you can buy stuff until the day you die.
Make no mistake, things like better medicine, space travel, art, technology, better understanding of science, better education, etc only come as a result of being profitable.
The "benefits" of capitalism are only a side effect. If they cease to be profitable, such as with Big Pharma focusing on making treatments that just suppress the symptoms of disease instead of curing them to keep patients buying their overpriced medicine, then they won't get anymore funding.

>> No.17064751

It's a good thing that it's nearly impossible to hate Joyce

>> No.17064753
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>benefits in quotes

>> No.17064796 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's too bad big pharma kept the vaccine for a polio a secret so they could keep selling treatment to all the people crippled by it! Hopefully a communist country will figure out some kind of treatment that could make people immune to polio. Ahh, well that would never be allowed in capitalism!

>> No.17065011
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You: Posting edgy racist internet comments
CIA: Putting agents in literal blackface to spy on Africans

>> No.17065034
File: 156 KB, 850x623, What the elites want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude, capitalism has lifted millions out of poverty!
Take 3 people: Sanjeet, Joao and Cletus.
Sanjeet is a homeless child living in Mumbai, India. He lives and sleeps on a pile of garbage. Sanjeet lives on less than a dollar a day.
Joao lives in Sao Paolo, Brazil. He lives in a favela. His house is made of corrugated metal and other assorted trash. He lives on more than a dollar a day.
Cletus lives in West Virginia, USA. He lives in a trailer park. He lives on more than a dollar a day.
There might be less Sanjeets living in the world today, yet the number of Joaos and Cletuses has either remained the same, or increased.
Saying that capitalism is reducing poverty because there's less people living on less than a dollar today is incredibly misleading because there's LEVELS of poverty.
I don't want to live like a hobo or Sanjeet, but I also certainly don't want to live like Cletus or Joao. And with the shrinking of the middle-class, more people are going to be living like the latter two while capital is accumulated in fewer hands.
You still haven't refuted my claim that the benefits of capitalism are only incidental.
Fuck anyone who uses this incredibly fallacious and underhanded argument.

>> No.17065040

same, 12 years. feels weird when a normie admits to me in some kind of secret hushed tone that he visited 4chan once. and i'm standing there looking at him like he's retarded because i come here every day.
same. realized 2 days ago that i've gotten chubbier since lockdown. now on a hardcore diet to drop it and more. i want to be slim and more athletic. bought a weight set and enjoy using it. i always hated going to the gym because it felt like normies were always staring at me. now i am /comfy/ when lifting and do whatever i want.

>> No.17065043

And I forgot to add that due to inflation, every dollar is worth less as time goes on.

>> No.17065049

Disenfranchisement of the younger generation, few prospects for the future, little to no respect for authority, belief in nature or distrust or hatred for industrialized society, etc. These will then create a longing for the counterpoint- returning to nature and/or drugs and other forms of civil disobedience.

BLM and Antifa are not the "new hippies" nor are they really the "counterculture".

>> No.17065065

I am an American as well. Everything you just said is the exact reason as to why people are unhappy with, distrusting of, or downright hostile towards authority and politics. Democracy doesn't really mean representation if the only two "real" political parties don't actually represent you at all.

>> No.17065264
File: 8 KB, 474x266, adamsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's of great interest to me that Adam Smith is upheld as the prophet of free market capitalism when he was one of the most explicit critics of what is happening today and made a note to mention how the system he was describing could degenerate into what it is now. He has more in common with Marx than any neoliberal apologist. The evidence for this is overwhelming. The so called father of capitalism was not shy about listing everything that was fucked up about it.

>> No.17065442



>> No.17065443

It is more complicated by the fact he’s a shitbag
Not only does he plan on getting i to space like Musk, he’s got his on on the post office

>> No.17065474

Don't try and predict the future. You don't know what other people think of you, let alone what they will think of you in a few years. It's nothing more than what you think of yourself, you can deal with that.

>> No.17065480

I must continue practicing my Chinese. I have to sleep too.

>> No.17065510

>What's the point
Growing his company and maximizing his legacy. In 1000 years Amazon will probably be the sole logistics company on the planet ran by an AI or some shit paid for by Bezos bucks.

>> No.17065518


>less poverty is bad because I don't want to live like people who arent well off


>> No.17065529

>In 1000 years
Capitalism is either going to be shut down or it will kill us off in about a hundred.

>> No.17065534

Whats your solution to this problem that doesn't create a much worse different problem.

>> No.17065538


There are already dozens of trillionaires on the planet, although their wealth is through illegitimate gains
Bezos just wants to be the first, legal, recorded trillionaire.

>> No.17065551


>> No.17065552


>> No.17065557

Name them

>> No.17065565

Mohammed Bin Salman

>> No.17065572

Always trying to romanticize everything, turn it into something you can wear on your sleeve. Then the emptiness in your chest comes, and does not allow you to even become slightly delusional. It is like staring into the clearest mirror, seeing it exactly how it is, completely unable to cope with it. Every time you try to run from it, distract yourself, or try and use it for something productive, it will not allow itself to be controlled. All you can do is hide it in the back of your mind until it decides it's time for another check-up.

>> No.17065650


>> No.17065654

I am nothing to her anymore.
She is still everything to me.
I will have to learn again to Be.

>> No.17065667

Where to begin. First of all, Smith needs to be situated within the context of enlightenment philosophes. He was good friends with philosopher David Hume for over 20 years. Adam Smith was not like these economists of the modern day who were on the payroll of multibillion dollar investment banks. He was a seeker after the truth. He thought of himself as a moral philosopher, modeling himself after his friend and inspiration Hume. Alongside his great work o economics The Wealth of Nations, he also published a work of moral philosophy, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. He was not creating a system but describing one. He wanted to know what's up.
Modern arguments about capitalism versus socialism seem like childish games compared to the depth and sophistication of his thinking. He was not restrained by these distinctions.

Probably most of all the way that Smith differs from modern day capitalism is that he stressed the moral element. He was concerned about what would cause the most amount of benefit for the most people, not about what would make the most profit or concentrate the most capital. He viewed the police as unjust defendes of private property. He didn't view the "invisible hand" as some all knowing, ideal economic problem solver , but as a chaotic and unpredictable force . He wrote about how various class interests would conspire to game the system. He understood that capitalist processes would result in an unstable concentration of wealth and property in the hands of the few, while making others prosperous as a side effect and coincidence.

>> No.17065717


>> No.17065734
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>> No.17065762

Dead. The family would need to combine it. Also “legal”
Is this a drug trafficker? Illegal trillionaire?

>> No.17065879
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x1440, Ocelot(PP).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were graced with the unfathomable privilege of welding the military. Everything, ultimately, is done by the military. This is the forbidden truth, the ultimate fact that militaries are the ultimate arbiters of the world, and military powers determine all social realities.
In another life I would be a soldier. I understand the solider without being a soldier and to understand soldiers one must at first listen to them. History is the consequence of soldiers, and will forever more be the consequence of soldiers. It is folly for peace to deceive us as to the reality and truth of war, which is, vile or not, the cause of movement of all history.

>> No.17065966

From the way you write, it sounds like Adam Smith was something more akin to a distributist rather than a capitalist in modern parlance: private ownership of goods is a good thing and should be given to all men, but we should make pains not to have wealth too concentrated in one area over the other lest in order to promote the common good, which is the ultimate goal of economics, not the infinite accumulation of profits.

>> No.17065980
File: 546 KB, 2082x728, cdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is "ruining things" the only sense in which trannies are actually like real women?

>> No.17065992

Why the fuck would the janny anchor this thread or all shit threads?


>> No.17066006

Have they? Looks almost slid off the board to me

>> No.17066019

How's a library profession? I'm going to school debt-free and I've been thinking about getting an MLS and becoming a librarian. I'll be able to occasionally help people and read when I'm not being bothered.

>> No.17066042

I commented twice and it wouldn’t bump

>> No.17066087

oh sorry i had anchor and pin mixed up.

>> No.17066107

I have an urge to start practicing screenwriting. I've always enjoyed watching movies and with my reading experience I feel like I can do it but I feel like originality will die in less than 20 to 30 years. Hundreds of thousands of movies have been made and you see original ideas becoming non existent by the day. Everything will be plagiarized by one another and you'll keep seeing the same trope over and over again. I feel like art will be dead in the future. Studio companies will probably turn into large conglemorates and you'll see big money going into uninspiring and unmotivated work. That's the reason why quenton tarantino is leaving movies is because he thinks movies will be dead in the upcoming generation

>> No.17066115

Conversationally, that last sticky got restickied at the end of page ten for a little while.

>> No.17066488
File: 533 KB, 1065x633, 20201215_122819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no stars here, only eyes.
When you were young you were swallowed whole,
Bye these eyes.
Your mother is there.
Hating you.
Your father is there.
Lying to you.
The eyes are there.
Their lids are bending into milky crescents.
Like smiles.
The eyes are smiling at you.
Drinking you in.
And you ask,
"Where did the stars go?"

>> No.17066742

Yeah, whenever people feel uninteresting they engage in delusions of depth (hidden evil, potential of greatness, secret insight) to cope.

>> No.17066749

How hell did Cyberpunk sell though? If it sold more than W3, mission accomplished.

>> No.17066757

I honestly can't tell if I've made any progress in becoming a more confident person. I don't even need to be good at the things I want to be good at right now, I just want to be able to know with certainty that I can get there. Does it just come down to simple belief? I know this is a common spot for a lot of people, I'm just not sure how to grow.

>> No.17066774

Try doing the things that've made you realize you'd like to be a more confident person and see if it's easier now. This is generally a good rule of thumb, seeing where you are by trying to do the things you want to do. That's all there is to it, after all.

>> No.17066778 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 453x900, 1606021196165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I was a young boy I've lacked impetus. Two sentences were all but poison to me and ruined my childhood:
>Love others as you do yourself
>The meek shall inherit the Earth
My father, the fucking idiot, favored my brother because he was the more aggressive. Could he not see how hard I tried to live up to his Christian ideal? It was in part cowardice, I admit, but they were his ideals in the first place. And like a dumb workhorse, the contradiction never even entered crossed his empty mind! I hate Christianity for maiming me. I shouldve been a conqueror. And now I limp through life having forfeited my prize before even competing. I'll survive, scars and all. I'll face the meaningless of this world with eyes wide open; and I shall conquer it.

>> No.17066797
File: 142 KB, 453x900, 1606021196165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I was a young boy I've lacked impetus. Two sentences were all but poison to me and ruined my childhood:
>Love others as you do yourself
>The meek shall inherit the Earth
My father, the fucking idiot, favored my brother because he was the more aggressive. Could he not see how hard I tried to live up to his Christian ideal? It was in part cowardice, I admit, but they were his ideals in the first place. And like a dumb workhorse, the contradiction never even entered his empty mind! I hate Christianity for maiming me. I shouldve been a conqueror. And now I limp through life having forfeited my prize before even competing. I'll survive, scars and all. I'll face the meaningless of this world with eyes wide open; and I shall conquer it.

>> No.17066849

Didn't know what you meant at first, but I think I'm getting it. A lot of stuff to try my hand at again, so I think I'll just try to be more conscious during those attempts. Thank you sir.

>> No.17066938

Guilty as charged

>> No.17067028

Just dreamt this conversation, and I want to share:
>What the hell have you been doing?
>He's been living with me, and we do drugs.
>And play hide and seek!
>You two live in a one-room apartment.
>They're... really good drugs.

>> No.17067088

no offense but this is webcomic tier humor

>> No.17067095

now that you mention it, you're right.
It was funny in my dream.

>> No.17067111

I wish I had funny dreams. Mostly mine are horrific in some way

>> No.17067116

Deep down we all dream of being a happy midwit

>> No.17067131

I had a dream where I slapped random people on the back of their heads with a comically long paddle that made funny wobbly noises, and after I hit them they would start chasing me with throwing insults at me, but I was so far away they would never reach me. I was cackling the whole time. The setting was some sort of open cave, with stony surfaces, so I made constant use of the high ground to hit them while they tried to climb to me, just for fun.
By the end of the dream I had a mob of some twenty or thirty people with sore necks trying to get me.
Maybe it doesn't sound very funny but it was the most fun I have had in a long time.

>> No.17067177

No, no, that sounds absolutely hilarious

>> No.17067194

don't worry, that was only a little dream. One of my larger dreams last night was a gothic horror about a young woman moves to the countryside and starts to mingle with the rich, where she slowly starts to realize that there's a demonic entity killing off the gentry. A lot of women getting distracted from the parties, staring ominously out the window, but dismissing it when our heroine asks if anything's wrong.

>> No.17067202


I love Jeff Bezos and his ascent to the very pinnacle of our civilisation is our only hope in reclaiming the aristocracy of yesteryear.

>> No.17067310

I'm concerned that the requirement of a perpetual underclass is an intrinsic feature of all human society. That it comes about from human nature itself. I'm compelled by the criticisms here and elsewhere of the present state of affairs. But it seems to me that there is no period of significant human civilization that has come and gone without slavery, serfdom or dominance and subjugation to the extreme. I simply don't believe that we are capable of allowing equality, not capable of wanting it in earnest, en masse. Even with the succession of the Plebs, they seemingly had the upper hand they were talked down from wanting *too* much.

The misery of poverty in capitalism resembles precedent far too much to be a mere coincidence.

>> No.17067319

the particularly nefarious thing about capitalism is that it wants that underclass to grow forever.

>> No.17067325

You take that shit from a manga

>> No.17067401

>tfw found the obscure 1600s essay never translated into english and will translate it for my students so the class will be on a little hidden treasure

>> No.17067420

You need to stop reading Shirley Jackson for a while anon

>> No.17067422

This was true of older times. The difference is that presently we talk our way around it whereas there was no mistaking the relationship between an ancient conqueror and the increasing population of former natives--now slaves and plebs. Consider the Spartans and the Helots, the expansion of the Roman Empire, the Viking pillaging, the subjugation of the Irish by the English... there's no end.

>> No.17067609

nigga don't give up on goodness just because your dad did something or other

>> No.17067622

sounds a lot like shitposting desu

>> No.17067650

I had a dream where I fucked my mom, but I don't actually want to fuck her or anything. I think the part my subconsciousness really cared about was how my dad led me to her and guided me into her vagina. Probably only opted for my mom because she and my dad go hand in hand or something. I told them about it and they just laughed.

>> No.17067660

I dont know what to do anymore, dropped out of college, living with my bitch mother is terrible, and my best option in terms of career is a trade apprenticeship. I know what to do and honestly Im on a good path by not wasting time in college but I feel so fucking lost like Im in limbo. To add to the confusion I figured out I might be schizophrenic and really need a psychiatrist, fuck me

>> No.17067670

Read Hesse's Demian

>> No.17067673

I need to go to the bathroom and make No.2 but I'm out of toiletpaper. Thinking my printerpaper could help in a pinch!

>> No.17067735

Do you have no kitchen paper towels?

>> No.17067876

So here we have him; King Shit on his porcelain throne
after a cup of coffee and more than one scone

Audible to all is his moan and grunt
Toilet water splishes and sploshes, facing the brunt

Take a look before he flushes
A feast for your eyes as grand as last night's feast of fries.

I struggle with constipation

>> No.17067923

i think i have asperbers

>> No.17067928

Nothing makes me feel more alive than the end of a Bruckner symphony

>> No.17068448
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>> No.17068460

Is there anything that exists today which remains untouched by city slickers?

>> No.17068752

Your relationship with your parents is incestuous

>> No.17068760

Ack ack ack ack ack


bingeing on bonge

bongo binge

Cantankerous colonoscopy

Cranky crankhead craneing caruso

Calming goo, calming goo


no more childhood son

can you even TAKE a job

leopard leonard


ack ack ack ack ack

double the rent, tree's no good withouto leaves

lots and lots of leaves

>> No.17068791

What's good about slave morality?

>> No.17068853

the only way I can express it is to say that love is no word. all the other things are, but love is not. I don't know what love is, but I know it is not what the other things are. I believe all human beings know this deep down.

>> No.17068861

they going hard on twitter screenshot threads

>> No.17068956

I can literally observe the fact that egalitarian policy, while uniting the genders socially is dividing them biologically.
I can actually feel more hate for women welling up inside me every day. I see no end, I see no solution.

Is this real life?
This is like some miserable nightmare.
This existence I live.

>> No.17068965

fuck im so horny all the time, i thought you were supposed to become less horny as you aged. i feel like an actual cooooomer

>> No.17069265

Something I wrote at work last night

A bowl shattered in two surrounding the cacophony of motors and rubber. The concrete and metal with living fillaments inside, keeping its inhabitants warm and safe for their enjoyment. These miniature towers which symbolize our achievements, are icons of our present time. Yet there are few who see these icons as burdensome and resent what they mean, for all they see is the rubble of their future. There can be no certainty whether these symbols shall fall eitger violently or peacefully.

All is uncertain except that half shattered bowl. Its dark so deep, it fills one who sees with comfort and imagination. The bowl of rock, or the bowl of something beyond our imagination. The one thing this half shattered bowl brings is that feeling of awe.

The bowl can't distract from the horrendous feelings. The feelings of lustful sympathy for a girl who lives and loves on the inside like the lowest. This bowl I wish could truly bring me away.

The bowl has comrades, its shattered pieces some as dark and some lighter, only lit by that last glimpse of sun behind, as it retreats into the mountains. For this sun knows these thoughts and feelings of demons comes now.

The thoughts of the lowly girl shant be true, for they are brought upon lust. The lust comes from bellows where desire boils. I shant ever know where thoughts and feelomgs come from, the lens used to peer into this wretched canyon changes every cosmic hour.

>> No.17069333
File: 309 KB, 626x704, 1567262545580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine myself leading a raid at Xinjiang re-education camp, slaying dozens of H*n guards with my bare hands to rescue fair Uyghur maidens.

>> No.17069336
File: 315 KB, 414x410, 1589382095428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Life! Here i'am, proud as Greek god, and yet standing debtor to this block-head for a bone to stand on!

>> No.17069342

>Watches Parasite

>> No.17069444

life lives itself. that leaves for us to do... what

>> No.17069463

i was more referring to inspansion than expansion. capital just wants more souls in the factory. it doesnt care about being emperor of big land.

>> No.17069507

I've never seen it. My friend tells me it is good and that I should watch it. I don't really care for films, but maybe it would be interesting.

>> No.17069559

In a funny, every time I try to write something in one of these threads, I quickly come to a halt, like I feel the superficiality of it all, and the degree of absurdity of a situation where I would write something to people that woyld would never recognize what I create as my creation, since I write for people who don't, and most likely never will, know. It's like something Derrida said about Deconstruction, the first step is to recognize the unnaturalness of the setting. (P.S: I never read Derrida, I saw it in an interview, funny how easily one can manage to appear smart on the internet)

>> No.17069605

Writing out thoughts and ideas is a good way to stumble into new gaps in your head to tumble down through. I feel the same comicality but find it pushes me on to give less of a fuck and just post. In a sense I exist only to post. That sense being your sense. Now isn't that funny, my entire existence boils down to this one post. Would my life be better or worse if I approached real life interactions the same way?

>> No.17069808

I can't take people's extreme stupidity lightly and I don't know if it should be bothering me for the sake of my own mental and physical health. I do not get uncontrollable anger, but nonetheless. I can laugh off 90% of the stupidity but then something so stupid happens that a huge stream of misanthropy, hopelessness and pessimism hits me and I can't just laugh it off anymore. Should I learn to cope better with the extremely idiotic shit that normies say or should I try to calibrate my hate for stupidity and spread it more evenly for all the stupid shit I hear instead of lashing it out for the minority.

>> No.17069897


>> No.17069968

Learn to understand the reason they do/say what they do/say. I.e. stop picking the comfortable route of "xd they just le stupid xdd." Figure out the reason. Trace it to an origin you can calmly accept. If you can't rationalize it to an extent where you can accept it without irritation then you are too lazy/stupid to understand and need to work harder. This isn't my advice, it's Plato's, Nietzsche's, Goethe's, Spinoza's, Tolstoy's, really just about everybody worth listening to will tell you the same: If you understood it you'd forgive it.

>> No.17070141

Jannies are out for blood today what the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.17070185

i like cookies. mostly the soft chewy kind. like the ones in the store. the ones in plastic boxes with cream smear on the front side. I don't know why people hate it. I don't think its that bad.

>> No.17070222

>consider myself a decent writer
>have several completed manuscripts
>can't get published
>incidentally meet someone who says he is being published soon
>ask him what he wrote
>essentially an anime isekai but as a novel

I don't know why I bother living.

>> No.17070226

>comfortable route
I had 2 bloody fist fights due to that just this year, how is it comfortable. The reason is not hard to figure. Some people are just irreperable idiots and you know it. Different genes, different early formative years in our lives and bam, gods and filth are created. The issue is these creatures drag down every society they are part of, which includes me and other decent people who believe in consistency of beliefs and thoughts.

>> No.17070361

Read some books.

>> No.17070751

been going throug an era of confusion. been about 10 weeks now I think. I have no fucking idea what's going on. nothing is fixed, most of it hurts. it's probably a good thing, possibly even an honor, but I don't know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.17070895

Publishers' first and only goal is to make a buck. Basing your self worth on them isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.17071214

>To experience anything is a paranormal supernatural experience.
I agree

>> No.17071221

semen tastes salty

>> No.17071301
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>I cried to god for forgiveness from sins, repentance. It helped until I fell back to addictions and vices again after some months.
you know what you need to do

>> No.17071500
File: 53 KB, 1180x842, 1547176203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish someone had impressed more strongly on me the importance of getting out of your autism hole at as young an age as possible. I'm just making progress now at the age of 23. While I don't think it's over for me I do think it's going to be a lot harder than if I had done it in college, or more preferable in high school. You have all the time in the world when you're in school, and countless opportunities to socialize with people in your cohort. Now, even absent covid, I can easily go months without meeting someone new my own age. It sucks.

I had so many chances too (tfw got asked out by a qt girl who then moped for weeks after I sperged out and turned her down), but I was too afraid and retreated back into my comfort zone. If there's one thing I've learned it's that fear is a meme, it's all in your head bitch (only in your head, so forget your head and you'll be freeeeeeee).

Thanks for reading my blogpost.

>> No.17071507

>haven't played videogames in a year
>got back into literature, have finished 40 books this year
>decide to give videogames another go because bored
>pop in FF XII: The Zodiac Age for PS4, play for about an hour
It's kind of shit. I'll give it a few more sessions to see if it gets good but I think that maybe after reading such engaging books, videogames might have lost their luster for me.

>> No.17071668

I know that intellectually but it doesn't stop me from feeling like shit emotionally.

>> No.17071716 [DELETED] 

>was frustrated for a while because didn't have any good music
>kept trying to find new bands for a long time, only a small amount of success
>sudden explosion of finding total hits
>more new bands that are personal 10/10s than i can even keep track of

>> No.17071783

"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

>> No.17071834
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She dropped me for no reason after texting for a week. I thought I had found some happiness. I feel without purpose again, I had invested so much in her.

>> No.17071875


While >>17070226 views may be somewhat flawed, I believe there is some basis in the notion that some people / animals are predestined to do things in offense to logic that they wouldn't have otherwise done if it weren't for their nature. While I agree that we should strive to understand what set forth one's silly actions, I would also ask what you'd say and do if you had evaluated an opponent who's actions were only the result of, as >>17070226 put it, one's genes.

>> No.17071915

I have gone through something very similar recently. We talked for several months and had even met twice, but she dropped me. That is, not before letting me know just how uninteresting I am in the most blunt way possible.

My advice to you would be that sometimes a good thing can't be forced, and to keep your patience.

For the record this advice worked for me.

>> No.17071943

The completely retarded nature of most FF plots has its own appeal, at least to me. I've never played XII though.

>> No.17071950

Yeah. If it was meant to happen it would have happened. And I thought we had a lot between us, but obviously a week of back and forthing is nothing in the long run. It's stupid, but I just can't help getting ahead of myself and getting excited sometimes. I will have to forget her face, which was pretty if not ideal.

>> No.17072033

>forgetting her face
And that's the biggest hurdle for me as well. Even though I've found someone else, the memory of previous partner's faces always sow a question of doubt and reap regret that I couldn't have ever been good enough women of such caliber.

>> No.17072189

ach you're alright anon, at the very worst of it everyone's a hack so it wouldn't make a difference

>> No.17072283

>everyone's a hack
Fair point. I'd say that's certainly the bloomer's train of thought. To acknowledge that everyone you know is only what they're willing to show is to imply that everyone has doubts and insecurities, making them not so different from yourself.

>> No.17072294

I've talked to a woman on and off for a couple of months (long story but she lives in another country, so we haven't met). she comes and goes, acts seemingly inconsistently. for a long time I thought this was an elaborate mind-game, or some form of mystique. then one day it dawned on me "no she just doesn't have a fucking clue what she's doing either". and that was pretty liberating. it was like a spell was broken.

>> No.17072362

People like you are why democracy is error. You vote out of emotion. You're no better than the midwits.

>> No.17072400

Yeah, that's kind of fucked up. Does she love you? you're young, you might not understand this now. Something like 3-5 people in your entire life (besides family) will ever truly love you. Don't push them away so rashly. On the other hand, maybe she doesn't love you that deeply. it's a young relationship after all

>> No.17072422

you're the emotional thinker. i'm the sane rational one here. you're nothing but a monkey with gradiose delusions

>> No.17072429

What did you do to your bestie?

>> No.17072504

I've gained more from my effort posts than any other anon could have. The mere act of writing my thoughts is a kind of eloquence practice. Ive turned some of my effortposts into literary pieces

>> No.17072517

>fighting people over stupid shit
Maybe you are one of them

>> No.17072529

Heh. Did you ever bring this up to her?

>> No.17072572
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it hadn't occured to me that I could... hm, no, I think I like this fumbling. I don't know, as time goes on I believe in it less and less but talking to her's pretty fun so it can roll on

>> No.17072619

Fair enough, the road leads somewhere anyway.

>> No.17072654

Pathetic larp. You're here with the rest of us

>> No.17072668

had rain not fallen on her sky cast face
before fate was cruel and in dear moon light
a star did blink and through unprompted fate
the brightest light did fade and then her night

im in the midst of writing this since someone asked me
>would you be sad if i was gone from this world
and i don't know how to take it. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I want to die and i want to stop others from feeling like they want to die

>> No.17072687

Lol, pretty gay. Don't send that poem to your friend, it'll send them over the edge

>> No.17072695

I would like to learn German (no I'm not a /pol/tard, I just think it looks cool).

>> No.17072717

Only women become less horny with age. I used to think it was weird that older men fucked and married women half their age. But now, it makes perfect sense. Women lust over status, while men are vain, sex-driven creatures. My own consternation at such couples was merely a form of jealousy. If I'm ever in that position, I'd do it without a second thought.

>> No.17072767

why would i send it to them lol it was just me writing in response as an outlet of my feelings, hence wwoym lmao

>> No.17072793

I need inspiration more than oxygen right now. Existing without a sense of purpose or a creative drive is physically painful

>> No.17072799

You need to get off the internet right now and pick up a random book from your shelf and start reading it

>> No.17072833

guardian angel appears
>you have a choice. say yes and your life from this point will be a journey into heaven limited, slowed only by your own free will
ok, 'yes'.
>pinch yourself anon

>> No.17072839

Just don't pinch yourself and you'll get to heaven lmao

>> No.17073078


>> No.17073115

I violated my resolution today. Honestly I'm just conflicted what to do. Back in October I bought a lot of books to really get back into reading with, and I've read several, but I feel like it hasn't been helping my life any. In other words, sometimes things are unpleasant no matter what I do. Until I can escape depression I feel I might as well waste my time to make it go as quickly as possible.

>> No.17073130

Try an introspection exercise. What do you want in life? How much control do you have over the means to accomplish it? What are the barriers?

>> No.17073209

That was the motivation for taking a break from the internet for me. I realized I was using it to forget about real-life problems. The issue is that once I determined what steps I need to take, and took the initial ones, the problem became largely out of my hands and depends on cooperation from others for at least the next part, which won't happen until 1-2 weeks from now at least.

That's the difficulty. I'm a one-track minded person so this stuff is always painful, but since the issue is mental illness and it prevents me from enjoying life like a normal person, all these books and games I have feel pointless when I can't invest any hope in them to make me feel happier. In literal terms, the main pleasure I get from my hobbies isn't what they are in themselves, but being able to divest hope in them to make me happier. This is why they're so effective at distracting me from the true problem.

I suppose as I allow myself to keep up with working on my true goal, indulging in whatever time-wasting activity should be fine, but as soon as it takes precedence over it then I'd have to stop. That sounds reasonable.

>> No.17073351

I hate weekends.

>> No.17073455
File: 23 KB, 560x300, 1449027055-35069f5c83e53b09985addca9df176ed[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i havent seen buttercunt in a while
is buttercunt still alive
is buttercunt doing well?

>> No.17073469

If I show you my cock would you leave me alone?

>> No.17073628

If you would simply put a name on we could filter you. No nudity required.

Are you 50 yet?

>> No.17073656

Why? Is she your friend now?

>> No.17073770

Well, hope you get to do oily humiliation with her

>> No.17073778

what are your plans for the holiday buttercunt

>> No.17073964

What makes you think I fight people over stupid shit you imbecile. The people get aggravated by having their "beliefs" exposed as idiotic and hilariously inconsistent with their other beliefs and I'm not going to let some normie nigger shout at me or insult me because they're retarded. Normies are very attached to their beliefs, you call a belief dumb they start throwing tantrums. If a person can't rethink his beliefs he is a subhuman in my book and there is no reason why I shouldn't deal as much damage to him as possible

>> No.17073991

Bet you faggot never seen a fight let alone been in one

>> No.17074039

Why would you assume that, you know nothing about my life. You are the kind of guy who legitimately believes everyone on 4chan is an incel because that's what he is himself.

>> No.17074049

I have good intuition

>> No.17074122

It is wrong in this case, and your "intuition" told me much more about you than about me.

>> No.17074146

I appreciate this post

>> No.17074171

It rarely is. Highly unlikely for your case. Wanna throw fists and see faggotboy?

>> No.17074181

Understood, it was projection all along.

>> No.17074200

actually projecting homosexual fantasies onto another person because they cant form a coherent thought of their own that hasnt been posted about on lit by a larper who has long since left

>> No.17074210

Topkek, anon. This shit is golden. Keep it coming, im honestly laughing my ass off at the idea of you trawling around a cookout, you interrupt a convo to call people retards and then palm-striking them when they ask you whats your fucken problem. Holy shit the lack of awareness is comical, do you have any stories?

>> No.17074218

American barbecue needs to be recognized as a great world cuisine, on the same level as something like Spanish food or Thai food. What the United States does with barbecued meats is really very interesting and extremely good in its own right.

>> No.17074292

I think the degree of recognition is correlated to the degree of exportability. Street vendors can sell tacos, pho, kebabs quite easily, as they only require a basic stove. Barbecue probably hasn't cracked the international market yet because it requires a higher startup cost, more space, and more time, and all the people who are good at it are firmly rooted in the US with no plans to move.

>> No.17074334

Many important literary works were serialized, like Anna Karenina, like television episodes, but no one sees Anna Karenina differently than a book that's been published at once, like a film. So why do we see television so differently from film and often separate them?

>> No.17074336

My IQ is really low

>> No.17074533

If this is unironic you're worse than a midwit; a brainlet

>> No.17074738

I.. love getting knowledge. All sciences are so fun to read. Asking questions is fun.

>> No.17074775

so i decided to blow £14,000 on a masters in philosophy because i kept hearing that self-studying the subject is inferior to academic study
i feel like i've wasted the money, now, 4 months in, because it really is no better
also i'm getting 90%+ on every assignment which refutes the idea that you can't perform well unless you are "classically trained" as they say

>> No.17074787

what's the reading in a masters philosophy course? ive talked to people with bachelors degrees and they dont even read entire books like e.g. the cpr

>> No.17074802

we're told to read chapters of several books. we don't study particular texts in full we study particular questions which span a range of texts

>> No.17074809

How do you feel about that approach? It seems like it's got value. If you want to educate a generation of philosophy students, I can see it being better to focus on issues rather than individual philosophers. That said, it seems like everyone I think of is directly reactionary to one particular philosopher over others, eg Kant and Plato.

>> No.17074818

yeah thats about what ive heard from my bachelors friends. it seems like such a shallow approach. like having a piecemeal assortment of fragments without depth

>> No.17074821

yes i don't have a problem with the methodology. my problem is that the university experience is intellectually no different to doing your research in philosophy. in some ways it's worse because you're forced to study topics that you really don't care about (whether affirmative action is good or bad, snooooore).

>> No.17074824

>whether affirmative action is good or bad
this is sounding worse and worse

>> No.17074833

yeah the problem is that universities feel the need to bring topical issues into the discussion, and most of the time that means race and gender crap

>> No.17074885

>What makes you think I fight people over stupid shit you imbecile.
I've just scrolled down this thread reading random posts and this is the only line from this interaction I've seen. Is this a joke/copypasta or is that line uniroinic? If so, fucking lol.

>> No.17074907

Did they vote for drumpf, or are they atheist, anon?

>> No.17074998

Fuck the jannies. Stop deleting my thread. God I hate trannies.

>> No.17075721

Happened to me, too. I wish I knew what's happening inside her mind, maybe some kind of mental breakdown, but she chose to self isolate

>> No.17075727

And yes, I was so invested in her and I felt so close that this shit hurts a lot. At least it was a particular experience that I've never had before.

>> No.17076078

Karate Kid is lo-fantasy. everything is the same except everyone has this anime-plotline obsession with high-school-level karate. it's pretty nice to be honest. magical realism.

>> No.17076377
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Feels like life is still gonna get worse until it'll get better. If it gets better.
I'm just exhausted.

>> No.17076519

it goes on

>> No.17076530
File: 40 KB, 800x450, pepelaughz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a concept for a character i found amusing, it does sound more funny in my head
>late 20s-mid 30 something
>a do-gooder character that is smart, almost too smart for their own good, but it comes off as a sorta moralfag OCD and he tends to overthink things to a silly degree
>character is going to order pizza
>before he goes out he has to make sure the ENTIRE apartment is completey spotless clean and the table is pre-set with fork and knife
>gets to the pizza place and looks at what's on the board
>considers pepperoni and the line of the line of thought quickly goes down a rabbit hole into the evolutionary psychology , philosophy on power dynamics and the Jungian shadow and history somehow all tangentially related to eating small slices of pork on a pizza

>> No.17076532

The only hippie renaissance occurring today is the widespread acceptance of psychedelics and marijuana by the government, academia, the entertainment industry, and idiots. Which imo is a huge red flag.
>they actually scared their gov'ts
As if their governments weren't involved in their "grassroot" movements to begin with. Its not absurd to conclude, given what we know about Project Monarch, MK Ultra, and Operation Midnight Climax, that at least the US intel agencies were deeply involved in the "counterculture" movement. I see the 60s counterculture movement as an orchestrated effort by the deep state to divide the population from within using drugs and ideologies that benefit the establishment.

>> No.17076574

dude, you're buggin. nixon started the war on drugs specifically to crack down on counter culture hippies. moreoever, i remember in the 90s some dickhead like colon powell bitching that ever since the 60s the us military had to deal with a permanent anti-military subculture ever since vietnam. the reason "the left" stopped caring about wages and materialist shit was because in the 60s the us economy was literally peaking, so no one cared about labory shit, meanwhile rich kids were at risk of getting shipped off to asia to get smoked by non-larping communists, so the antagonistic counter culture changed its focus

>> No.17076652

And look at how the counterculture movement benefitted the establishment by allowing them a way to create a domestic war against drugs. The gov't played a role in the counterculture movement that's undeniable. The gov't was not scared of the hippies; the hippies were a useful way for the gov't to issue far-reaching policies to restrict the liberty of its people. Not only that, but what's a more effective way of defanging your citizens by addicting them to drugs, and then punishing them for using said drugs with prison sentences and fines. I don't disagree with what you've said. I guess you have to explain to me why I'm buggin.

>> No.17076658

good luck anon. I know that feeling well, and I'm hoping things pan out for ya

>> No.17076664

>To experience anything is a paranormal supernatural experience.
This is true. This is why "the hard problem of consciousness" is cringe, and I don't use that word lightly. To try to systematize and classify qualia as a "problem" that can be "solved" is The Cringe Problem of Science. I cannot take empiricism seriously as long as people unironically keep insisting that "nothing" is "gained" by Mary seeing the color red for the first time after having only studied it.

>> No.17076696

you're buggin because it's not true. "the establishment' did not create hippy culture just so they could crack down on hippy culture. that makes no sense. all of the fbi files from the 60s are open today, go read what they were thinking for yourself

>> No.17076727

I got my bachelor's in EE at a random shit uni, and it was easy and I did well enough to get into a pretty good uni for a masters in a more specific field.

To me, it seems like there really is a difference between shit unis and good unis, and if I say the reasons they might seem trivial but they aren't. It's not just that your peers are smarter, and it's not just that there's more funding for better labs, but that the homework is way more difficult and they are not willing to make it any easier. It takes me a full week of non-stop work to finish an assignment at a nicer uni, in every class. I can't just do it in a couple hours the night before, which was the case with every single assignment I had (even semester long projects) for my bachelors.

It's as if shit unis are so desperate to appease students that they will bend backwards to make everything as easy as possible. Even if something is technically difficult, like an exam, which they won't change, they will give you all the answers to identical problems. This just doesn't happen at the better uni I'm going to. You are forced to learn through assignments, which then puts you in a position to do well on exams. I learned so much this semester compared to the years prior to this

>> No.17076732

I didn't say they created hippy culture. I said they played a role in it. But if you can point me in a direction to find the files I would like to read them.

>> No.17076757
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yeah that seems to be a common story in modern romance these days.

I went on this date with a girl this past august that I thought went perfectly. She invited me back to her place to hang out afterwards and everything. We continue texting for a while and her responses start coming in slower and slower. It got to a point where she'd reply to my message a week later. Then, fully ghosted.

It's sad, but you gotta keep your chin up. If she spent time with you at all, that means she must have appreciated you to some degree. Even then though, your value isn't determined by what others think.

>> No.17076764
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yeah happens to me every time man, except i never make it past a few messages. and not because i'm boring either, but because i sound neurotic and schizophrenic when i message women. oh well

>> No.17076769

That was my disappointment upon looking into my university's sociology department and finding it's like 3/4 about race.

>> No.17076791

are you projecting, anon?

funny type of guy regardless

>> No.17076801
File: 72 KB, 381x595, 1540939534866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and id like to add that, as >>17076757 said, the fact that she messaged you at all is skepticism towards any doubt you might have about yourself. she wouldn't have wasted time on you if she didn't see something in you, and the fact that she STOPPED messaging you over nothing is skepticism against any rebuttal that she wasn't necessarily ever interested in you in the first place. personally i know i will never be able to hold a conversation with a woman long enough to get under clothing, even though on tinder, i get women that message ME first, somehow, before i crash and burn 5 messages later, and the self-confidence that gives me is the only thing t hat keeps me going in life.

just be happy it ever happened imo

>> No.17076883

I feel nauseated whenever I read about what a mess dating in 2020+0 is, these replies are insane. I'm just going to see if I happen to meet a nice girl and fall in love, if not I'll just double down on the spiritual path. I'll have no part of this nonsense.

>> No.17076884
File: 42 KB, 760x358, you-never-let-a-serious-crisis-go-to-waste-760x358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US government clearly subverted the counterculture, that much is obvious. I find it easier to believe that the subversion was a reaction against a genuinely unruly public, rather than an elaborate double bluff that was all planned from the start. I don't think the CIA niggers knew what they were doing when they gave random college kids LSD, but that didn't stop their successors from taking advantage of the fuck-up. Pic very much related.

>> No.17076934

reminds me of focault's pendulum a bit. the issue is that that gets boring very quick for the reader unless there's some bigger message it feeds into, especially if that character isn't likeable

>> No.17076947
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I refuse to be let my life be led by others, led by addictions, and led by neglect any longer. Everyday shall be one of concentration and presence, until I return to the dirt.

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

>> No.17077274

Bump limit reached.

>> No.17077374

I think that quote is extremely relevant to the events of this year

>> No.17077618

who can say what's right, if there is no objective morals?

>> No.17077642

My perfectly arranged life is such a clusterfuck now. I wish I could travel back in time and slap the hell out of my past self before I have even begun to respond to her messages.