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File: 86 KB, 634x594, EcoFash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17055621 No.17055621 [Reply] [Original]

What is some good anprim/ecofash literature?

>> No.17055675
File: 35 KB, 380x288, unnamed (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reading about dumb 4chan memes dumb faggot

>> No.17055903

have sex

>> No.17055906

The big book of having sex

>> No.17055922

Linkola I guess

>> No.17055945

My diary desu

>> No.17057611
File: 73 KB, 301x475, Ecotopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach.
Unabomber Manifesto too, I guess. Idk.

>> No.17057637

Why does it matter? We will never go back, unless WW3 happens.

The only options is, no matter how crazy it sound, to push forward.
We need new technology to fix all problems.
This will bring new problems but we are so fucked that the only thing that can save us now is to hope we can get such cheap energy we can throw enough energy and automation at any problem to create temporary fixes that outweigh the consequences of the newly created problems.

>> No.17057640


>> No.17057747


>unless WW3 happens

do you honestly think it won't? It's not a matter of if, but when. No civilisation will last forever. Never have and never will

>> No.17057803

You know your ideology is shit when you start a thread and get recommended a fuxking manifesto lmfao

Try having a girlfriend maybe even one that isnt as retarded as u

>> No.17057808

Try having sex op

>> No.17057809

Any post WW3 ideology is moot since everyone will be dead.

>> No.17057817

Never has *
>recommending a manifesto
kys op or try to get laid instead as other anons have alrdy recommended maybe u wont die as an angry incel then

>> No.17057827

im asexual guys what should i read for fascist lit in general that isn't having sex. sex is gross, both gay and straight make me queasy.

>> No.17057831

The Impeachment of Man

>> No.17058113

Ecofascism is the only form of environmentalism that doesn't get immediately blown the fuck out just by bringing up the third world.

>Oh okay so we need to reduce carbon emissions and stop destroying the rainforests. Should we exterminate the Africans first, or the Hindus? Because when those guys are finished industrializing it's going to make Beijing look like the Sentinalese Islands.

>Oh, oh so we're not going to kill anybody, AND we're going to import hundreds of millions of these people into western countries to increase their carbon footprint? Fascinating.

>> No.17058116

my diary desu

>> No.17058124

the west continues to develop sustainable technology like vertical gardens and regenerative agriculture etc and then we make sure that those nations develop in a way that avoids americas industrialisation.

there's an answer for you that you're welcome to discuss, although you'll probably just dismiss it because your interest in ecofacism is just racism, which you should be honest about so we can skip the rigamaroll of it.

>> No.17058159


>> No.17058243
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I don't think it's wise to lay all our hopes on techno-optimism. South Asia+Africa are valid concerns in terms of both population and pollution. You may not think there's much we can do about that, but we at least don't have to make it worse by bringing them over to populate the West more densely.

>> No.17058248

Also, agriculture isn't just a matter of space, there's stuff like potential phosphorus shortages to think about.

>> No.17058256

i think there's a lot we can do about it. population control deserves to be spoken about but i have conversations like these a lot and "ecofacists" crawl out of the woodwork yelling about glassing china and india instead of being productive. if you're truly interested in international affairs you could devote your time trying to do something about it instead of just seething and calling all other environmentalist concerns and effort horseshit.

>> No.17058258

also despite plastic pollution coming out of those chinese rivers a lot of corporations responsible for that waste aren't neccesarily chinese. that's a fun little game racists like to play and it is also a very tiring one.

>> No.17058261

Pentti Linkola. Time to drown cats

>> No.17058266

phosphorus shortages are a concern, but regenerative agricultural practice, agroforestry etc (changing agricultural practice and consumerism is what i'm getting at) is a reasonable solution. i dont think agriculture as it exists now is sustainable.

>> No.17058270

furthermore, i was just giving vertical farms as an example. human waste recycling needs to be seriously looked at, because the system we've developed now is probably one of the worst technologies to have developed in the last 300 years.

>> No.17058389

Well I don't think we should outsource all our manufacturing there either (we should do it ourselves, cleaner), that's sort of implied. I'm only a racist in the sense that I don't think Whites should surrender the Occident, and unfortunately the attitudes of many non-whites regarding that issue makes them my enemy. It's not that I want to be enemies.

I agree.

>> No.17058414

i'm also a racist more or less, but if you think that the "Occident" (lol) is immune to globohomo you are wrong. furthermore, if you think that environmentalism isn't a global problem you are wrong. it is in our best interests to develop solutions instead of virtue signalling racism whenever environmentalist conversations happen. chinks and poos hate us as much as we hate them but we have to put that aside in order to make things work. they know that as well. wether or not that happens remains to be seen, but if you think drawing boundaries and working out our side of the fence is going to solve environmental issues you are a fool.
i'm not making a case for holding hands and singing kumbaya. fix agriculture and environmental issues, implement oversight then we can all fuck off back to our own plots of land. half the reason they come over here is because their countries stink like shit and have no waste management/environmental policy etc.

>> No.17058432

Seething & projecting lmao

>> No.17058538
File: 36 KB, 434x427, 1608288110337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething and projecting

>> No.17058586


>> No.17058597


>> No.17058602
File: 211 KB, 775x1024, b808df240e5cd6adac0119260ac4f941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the real greenpill

>> No.17059347
File: 2.50 MB, 1500x2247, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone so mean to OP?
I feel like the majority of responders are on suicide watch and want to be a woman, but will never be able to.

>> No.17059377

why are far right ideoligies are so concerned with conservation of nature? God theyre so faggy almost as bad as climate change idiots

>> No.17059422

>Why do people want to preserve a good environment for their ancestors
I can understand that most faggots and trannies do not care for the future of mankind and what happens to this planet, because they are either only focusing on drowning in hedonism and coincidentally degeneracy or are nihilistic and will probably neck themselves in the upcoming months or years.
This is in my opinion the reason why you people must never be given a platform, for you do not care as to what happens.
Moving on, right wing people care because we care about preserving what our ancestors fought for and leaving the planet in a good shape for our descendants. Unlike left wing ideologies that pretend to care, so that they could virtue signal, launder money and traffic joggers from Africa, we genuinely want to save the planet for the white race. And the solution we'd use would unironically solve that issue once and for all, because whites if left to their own devices and not concerning themselves with faggotry, feminism and other forms of degeneracy will develop better ways to exploit energy and save the planet, as of now the future is looking bleak until this issues get addressed.

>> No.17059433

their descendants**

>> No.17059441
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>> No.17059511

keep coping chuds science will eventually far surpass nature your beliefs are long outdated

>> No.17059519

No matter how advanced science may become, you'll never be a woman.

>> No.17060878

No matter how advanced science may become, you'll never breed.

>> No.17060895
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>> No.17060918

Murray Bookchin Ecology of Freedom. It's not fascist, but I don't personally feel like Nationalism is the best approach to environmental concerns. Why? Because we could be a Nationalist Fascist nation and the Amazon burning would still destroy our environment. Latin America will be the first area severley impacted by rising sea levels, and they will go somewhere. Also, it's inherently cope since the very wide majority of people prefer to be open-minded and not racist. They also love freedom.

>> No.17060932

Based. These faggots never googled Bookchin.

>> No.17061771

>muh science
>your beliefs are outdated
I remember being like this when I was a teen, you'll grow out of it someday (if you keep developing yourself that is)

>> No.17061792

omfg nigga have sex LMAO 100