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/lit/ - Literature

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1705494 No.1705494 [Reply] [Original]

I used to buy individually, then for a couple of years I bought batches of 4 or 5, now I'm trying to buy in batches of 10 each time, with the intention of them lasting me for a month or slightly more.

>> No.1705513

Worst tripfag on /lit/

Retarded thread.

Buy (lol) as you need.

>> No.1705517

what does him using a tripcode have to do with anything?

>> No.1705522


>> No.1705524

I buy second hand books in batches because the guy who owns the shop near me gives me a discount when I buy lots of stuff. New books are too expensive for me to buy more than one at a time.

>> No.1705526

Why would you pirate something a library can give you for free?

Who's the retard now?

>> No.1705531
File: 171 KB, 453x604, 1299728024927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying pirating

>> No.1705542

Anonymoose is trying my patience today.

>> No.1705550
File: 26 KB, 500x375, herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I want to spend a few hours of my life at the library + gas money to hold a book temporarily when I can just download it instantly and keep it forever

>> No.1705552

Sorry. I am responsible for all of the saged anon posts in this thread.

I am sorry if I put you under undue stress. Let's be friends? No kissing on the lips, though.

>> No.1705576

I buy books one at a time.

I steal books from BnN two or three at a time.

>> No.1705584

Tripfags are the cancer that is killing /lit/.
seriously. that could be such a good board. instead it is the worst highschool-poetry-bullshit-brain-cell-killing-fuck all of a board.

fuck you tripfags. fuck you to hell.

>> No.1705604

Tripfags don't kill /lit/
People kill /lit/

>> No.1705606

Rage impotently, Anon. Rage impotently.

>> No.1705608


Sunhawk is a mexican

It all makes sense!

Seriously though, can't we all just get along?

>> No.1705610

Anons whining about tripfags are the cancer that is killing /lit/.
seriously. that could be such a good board. instead it is the worst highschool-poetry-bullshit-brain-cell-killing-fuck all of a board.

fuck you anons whining about tripfags. fuck you to hell.

>> No.1705614

Personally, I think it's Anons whining about Anons whining about tripfags that are killing this board.

>> No.1705623

You dicks should spend an hour on /tv/ or /gif/.

>> No.1705641

My dick spends 18 hours a day in /cm/ as it is!

>> No.1705650

hey look, its a tripfag with insightful post. oh wow.