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17053005 No.17053005 [Reply] [Original]

It is my birthday today, /lit/. Turning 20 this year, so I'm no longer a teen. I was wondering if you had any books to recommend for someone who is very interested in the history of philosophy and such. Or something which you think a person my age should read to get to know the world better.

>> No.17053011

A history of western philosophy by Bertrand russell

>> No.17053055

>Or something which you think a person my age should read to get to know the world better.
Rilke’s Letters to a young poet
Pascal’s Pensées
Montaigne’s Essais
Easy reads with very important lessons inside.

>> No.17053063

Thanks. Those seem like very good picks.

>> No.17053118

I started with this and it was a bad choice. Russell’s particular lens distorts the thinkers beyond recognition in some cases (Hegel e.g.).

I think the podcast History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps is a great resource. They also compiled the show notes into books. But they’re only up to the Renaissance so far.

Kenny’s Brief History might be what you’re looking for. But really you should just read all of Plato, figure out which dialogue most interests you, and read SEP articles on the field that that dialogue spawned.

>> No.17053143

I read some of Copleston and thought he was very good. German histories seem to be more comprehensive though.

>> No.17053176

You're welcome anon. Good luck out there!

>> No.17053206

Bump. I'm 22 and I'd like the same thing

>> No.17053492

Well what I had in mind when I wrote the last sentence was Lord Chesterfield's letters to his son, in which he gives advice and guidance to his young son about matters of politics, history, rhetoric and so forth.

>> No.17053552

Hey me too, happy birthday anon

>> No.17053773

Thanks! Haply birthday to you too.

>> No.17053783

>Turning 20 this year
>very interested in the history of philosophy and such
you are in the prime of your life. this moment will never come again. don't waste your time on such things.
learn to play an instrument and join a band, learn to drive, learn the languages of the countries you want to visit. learn survival skills, how to cook, personal finance. think for yourself.
you can read all that greek shit when age has caught up with you.
t. oldfag

>> No.17054035

>learn the languages of the countries you want to visit
I'm learning German rn and intend to learn some other modern languages as well down the line. Greek can come later lol.

>learn survival skills
Do you mean bushcraft? I got a digital copy of the Household Cyclopedia 1881 that I wanted to print out for some time now, do you think it's a good book?

>> No.17054098

just watched the anniversary concert in bonn. the third piano concerto was very good but I hate barenboims fifth symphony, especially the last two movements sucked

>> No.17054345

What do you think of the third movement of the Waldenstein sonata? It's one of my favorite pieces. Btw, I posted a pic of Beethoven because he was supposedly baptised today.

>> No.17054811

If you're interested in the history of philosophy, then read The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant. It's a historical narrative which goes from the Greeks all the way to 19 century philosophy.

>> No.17055035

its great, one of the sonatas I like the most with 11, 23 and 29, starting your day with a good coffee and it is a bliss

beethoven is by far my favorite composer and Im a real enthusiast about him, which is why I judged barenboim so harshly in the first place

this is the symphony cycle I would recommend giving a listen to, the approach is great, especially the eroica and choral

>> No.17055762

Lol, I should look such things up before I type them. I'll have a listen to what you sent me. Cheers man.