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File: 430 KB, 664x874, Rimbaud-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17048633 No.17048633 [Reply] [Original]

>racist against blacks
>self-hating french
>based drug abuser
>physically went to hell and survived
>colonized continents with his penis
>great poet
>even greater visionary
>somehow never got cancelled
>arthoes will be impressed
Why haven't you read this based little twink yet, anon?

>> No.17048638

wasn't he gay? very unbased.

>> No.17048649

disregard roasties, acquire bussy and laurels

>> No.17048659

He's on my list. Unfortunately I still don't know french.

>> No.17048702

>wasn't he gay? very unbased.
That's precisely why he's based.

>> No.17048771

Yeah man, he's a honorary fag. A great twink poet that we only get to see once in more than a thousand of years.

>> No.17048808

Aside from the "great poet" part he sounds like your average 4chan shitposter.

>> No.17048839
File: 72 KB, 774x700, 1583400183473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based drug abuser

>> No.17048913

>he's never had the pleasure of taking pure Turkish opium and smoking a cigarette on a terrace in Venice next to his ebony gf

>> No.17048916

>next to his ebony gf

>> No.17048919 [DELETED] 

Naah man, the average 4channer wouldn't write something like this:

The Sleeper In The Valley
It’s a green hollow where a river sings
Madly catching white tatters in the grass.
Where the sun on the proud mountain rings:
It’s a little valley, foaming like light in a glass.

A conscript, open-mouthed, his bare head
And bare neck bathed in the cool blue cress,
Sleeps: stretched out, under the sky, on grass,
Pale where the light rains down on his green bed.

Feet in the yellow flags, he sleeps. Smiling
As a sick child might smile, he’s dozing.
Nature, rock him warmly: he is cold.

The scents no longer make his nostrils twitch:
He sleeps in the sunlight, one hand on his chest,
Tranquil. In his right side, there are two red holes.
That said, I know precisely who OP is. He's that fag who can't see art (or philosophy for what matters) beyond a political agenda, so he keeps making these dumb tiresome threads.

>> No.17048924

Naah man, the average 4channer wouldn't write something like this:

The Sleeper In The Valley
It’s a green hollow where a river sings
Madly catching white tatters in the grass.
Where the sun on the proud mountain rings:
It’s a little valley, foaming like light in a glass.

A conscript, open-mouthed, his bare head
And bare neck bathed in the cool blue cress,
Sleeps: stretched out, under the sky, on grass,
Pale where the light rains down on his green bed.

Feet in the yellow flags, he sleeps. Smiling
As a sick child might smile, he’s dozing.
Nature, rock him warmly: he is cold.

The scents no longer make his nostrils twitch:
He sleeps in the sunlight, one hand on his chest,
Tranquil. In his right side, there are two red holes.

That said, I know precisely who OP is. He's that fag who can't see art (or philosophy for what matters) beyond a political agenda, so he keeps making these dumb tiresome threads.

>> No.17048930
File: 210 KB, 1400x1400, 71VWumBjm1L._SL1400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder.

>> No.17048932
File: 34 KB, 105x469, Rimbaud_par_Verlaine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know who this is except for the name and the description you gave but Wikipedia doesn't even mention his supposed racism or anti-Semitism (both of which you would expect to get mentioned on that site even if most people don't care), just his adventures in Ethiopia.
Was he not canceled because he's some obscure Frenchfag poet only educated Frogs (and Bob Dylan) know or is OP lying?

>> No.17048946

>who can't see art (or philosophy for what matters) beyond a political agenda
I don't care for Rimbaud's politics. I just think the racist stuff is funny and would appeal to 4channelers and get more people to read him, which is the point of this thread.

>> No.17048966

He's only an anti-semite by 2020 standards, desu.
>For sale what the Jews have not sold, what nobility and crime have not enjoyed, what the fatal love and the infernal honesty of the masses do not know: what time and science need not recognize.
The implication here is that the Jews sell/have sold everything.

>> No.17049035

Oh I see, pretty tame and folksy kind of anti-Semitism lol.
The type normies embraced before PC became the norm and when "He justed Jewed me out of my money" was an acceptable phrase to utter.

>> No.17049058

He cute.

>> No.17049076

don't conflate your ignorance with his obscurity. he is quite the well-known 19th century figure.

>> No.17049091

Nonwhite normies still talk about Jews that way, especially Muslims obviously, but even Hispanics and Blacks do. Actually even like Balkan whites do

>> No.17049218

I'm sure he isn't exactly super obscure and I'm pretty sure he's probably more famous in the francophone world but there are just so many literary and poetic giants from the 19th century that you could probably go your whole life not knowing this guy and still calling yourself reasonably well read in that area (where as if you didn't know who Kipling was you would just not come off as credible.). If we're honest with ourselves Anglos just dominate :\

>> No.17049236

His early work was inspired, even when translated to English, or maybe its better in english. Sad how he peaked so early and became a gross old fuckup

>> No.17049237

There was literally a Leonardo Dicaprio biopic about Rimbaud, that is the level of ''''''obscurity'''''' you are dealing with, every single artho and artfag in the West knows who this guy is from age 15.

>> No.17049256

>or maybe its better in english.
Rimbaud declared himself untranslatable in his Season in Hell, but yeah, true about his peaking.

>> No.17049285

I couldnt tell you. I can barely read French. I would say my fluency in French is equivalent to my understanding of english in the drunkest stupor imaginable.
But those side by side translated books of poems seem to show a perfect parity in the translation of his work, aside from some verb conjugations and sentence order. Maybe its cultural references that words carry in french that add weight i dont see? Even without it, his ability to evoke imagery and emotion are intact

>> No.17049418

>I made rules for the form and movement of every consonant, and I boasted of inventing, with rhythms from within me, a kind of poetry that all the senses, sooner or later, would recognize. And I alone would be its translator.
I mean, it's vague, but this is what he said. I guess he might not mean linguistic translation here, but just translating the actual sense.

>> No.17049509

Rimbaud is indeed the teenager poet by excellence with a purity that only the greats could have had.

>> No.17049558

It's not a very impressive poem. Highly descriptive no doubt, but still dull and one dimensional, the ending is predictable and falls flat, and this is a poem whose only struggle is toward that ending.

>> No.17049667

I wanna have and sell weapons to blacks with him, but I'm afraid of drugs.

>> No.17049862

>>self-hating french

>> No.17050014

Read it in french