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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 1000x478, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17047333 No.17047333 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons. Wanted to remind you all that /lit/ wrote a magazine:
And about some of the things happening regarding that.

>> No.17047351

>all those pepes and wojaks
dude you are crashing the market

>> No.17047352
File: 867 KB, 1707x2158, 99C0E860-DE0D-47EB-B895-18F91FE34BCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares faggot we here for the funnies fpbp fippy bippy cope and seethe basado baste holy baste based department

>> No.17047358

we need fiction. I have received some submissions so far; i know a lot of you are taking your time and plan to submit closer to the due date, so it is entirely possible that this will even out, however as of right now most of the submissions have been nonfiction, barring poetry.

>> No.17047371

that was the webdesign anon.
not sure why its there but it could probably go.

>> No.17047399

how is the nonfiction so far? dry academic academic papers that didn't made to anons schools? or schizo crackhead fun?

>> No.17047413
File: 693 KB, 2048x1536, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminding anons who don't already know to submit anything they want to lamp.lit.magazine@gmail.com

we need:
flash fiction,
short stories,
long stories.

trying to limit anons to six pages max that doesn't seem to be an issue so far.
anyway im gonna let the thread float down and whoever catches it catches it. thanks bitches.

>> No.17047437

actually they are based. there are currently three..? intermediate sized nonfiction submissions , two are about commie blocks.
only one of these are formatted from canva (it looks dope); most of the submissions are unformatted. there are some cool memes this time around too im stoked on that.

REMINDER to go to canva.com and start making designs. it is so easy and satisfying and once you get into it you will probably relish producing a whole magazine of stuff like i did.

>> No.17047843


>> No.17048168

I'm surprised to hear that fiction submissions have been minimal.

>> No.17048217

it hasn't been a week even so these are just the ones that didn't make it into 001 or from anons that were around on the weekend who submitted stuff for 002.
i'm counting on getting more submissions in jan

>> No.17048721

man /p/ has been a goldmine.

>> No.17049508

What is the theme for this issue?

>> No.17049679

A lamp thread?
Lamps are a better light source then other light sources outside of the sun or a campfire.
It gives a nice feel to the place.
Why do you guys like lamps?

>> No.17049728

commie blocks; aesthetic, opinions, PHOTOS (OC)
survival/outdoor; rural, guides, innawoods
maybe cults? i was thinking cults.
otherwise its a free for all.

>> No.17049732

they're lit

>> No.17049805

i tried making something similar earlier this year. good to see something like this gain traction

>> No.17049829

o no doubt. you should consider submitting something anon.

>> No.17049836

>Unfortunately, we've had to cancel x order due to a problem printing the file.
>We have reached out to the author of this project to make the necessary changes to fix this error.
Any news? I really wanted a physical copy.

>> No.17049866

o seriously? brb

>> No.17049904

okay wups so yeah a guy from Blurb emailed me i guess on behalf of MagCloud and told me they couldnt print our PDF as is so he sent me a fix, and i just tried to upload it and got a bunch of errors so i sent support the errors hopefully i'll hear back soon.

>> No.17050132

why does &amp -> lamp? explain it

>> No.17050139

not sure if i said this in the last thread but &amp is a great title btw

>> No.17050143

This is better than I expected it to be. Pleasant surprise.

>> No.17050204

because the ampersand kind of looks like an L.
also there is a play on words between lamp and lit.
thanks anons. i will be stoked when copies are shipping. some like 24 anons just got their orders refunded i think so hopefully i can sort that out in the morning.

>> No.17050230

A cursive capital L I'm guessing

>> No.17050754

Really like what you're doing, OP. Gonna try submit something soon.

>> No.17050979

here's some fiction
>i have a gf

print that

>> No.17050986


>> No.17051001
File: 2.71 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20201216_162458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of a closed store, maybe you can use it too as a bgor some shit

>> No.17051056
File: 2.75 MB, 2957x2998, IMG_20201217_165522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats probably it.. just sketched (if that term applies to writing) some logo ideas, kinda like the top right one, rest are shit kek (or need a less crooked redoing)

>> No.17052528

how's that for a short story starter?

> I fuck cops.
> In my mind, from time to time.

>> No.17052996

top 2 both look great

>> No.17053022


>> No.17053223
File: 1.13 MB, 2746x1563, IMG_20201217_224024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17053380

Are we going to have to reorder it or will they automatically do it? That's kind of a pain in the ass

>> No.17053435

I love you for this dude lmao

>> No.17053470

top right is great

>> No.17053536

A few nights ago before I fell asleep I recieved what will most likely be a piece of flash, maybe a short story if it develops itself outward. So far I've only jotted down the outline, but I'll submit by the deadline for 002

>> No.17053611
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>> No.17053620
File: 1.44 MB, 3623x1590, IMG_20201217_232955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another alt and some minimal signs

>> No.17053900

I could try to write some flash fiction, but all I've written so far are short stories. Any tips?

>> No.17054241

Shorten them

>> No.17054269

i don't know yet. have you received your refund in full? if so then yes you'll have to reorder. if not then maybe not.

its been a fucking headache trying to get at them. i've sent them an email and i'm still waiting for a reply. i figured they would be on it today though.
what i may try to do is find a different service.
i used MagCloud, and the support email came from Blurb. so i might just go straight to Blurb and try to get it printed.

>> No.17054489

Haven't gotten a refund yet, nice get

>> No.17054509

okay so i'm going to work right now. i'll be able to work on this from there.
i'm switching over from MagCloud to Blurb directly. so i will have intel regarding that soon as my feet hit the ground.

i'm bringing in another designanon to help with layout for 002. just sent him the WIP.

>> No.17054619
File: 119 KB, 883x551, Screenshot_20201217-164452_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I getting an extra rare fuckup copy? What's going on bro

>> No.17054666

Yooo thanks anon. Consider emailing more to the email address.

>> No.17054721

Lolll I have no idea. If it has a purple spine and the obvious fuck up on Thine is the Kingdom, then yeah it’s the special pdf. If it has the custom spine with no fuck ups it’s the standard. If it has a saddlestitch spine then it’s turborare and they’re ripping us off. I’ll need comprehensive pics once it’s delivered.

>> No.17054793

You got it

>> No.17055452


>> No.17055485
File: 277 KB, 1600x900, 123081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17056222

I got the same. Will post pics when it's here.

>> No.17056595

I guess anons whose orders were shipped will have rare copies because the new file has a different spine.
I’m going to have to download indesign, canva can barely handle a 100 page document.

>> No.17057259

just send your short stories in

>> No.17057621
File: 10 KB, 275x183, jgdxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$15 for nontracked shipping

>> No.17058153

good grief. they ship from california so hopefully shouldn't take too long but god knows.

>> No.17058176
File: 37 KB, 556x720, 1605875033068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sourcing material from
/fit/ and
everybody else told me to fuck off.

>> No.17058214

Do it. The deadline is January 15th.

>> No.17058328

3 to 6 weeks

>> No.17058832
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1067, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's pretty rough.
right now is also probably a shit time to have anything shipped.

>> No.17059644


>> No.17060008

No offense but that sam hyde article sounded like it was written by a 15 year old

>> No.17060400

How is that not supposed to be offensive

>> No.17060486

Maybe the anon that wrote it is 14?

>> No.17060892 [DELETED] 

Hey OP I have an idea for a series of article. It would be about a semi-known author's biography in a /lit/ style. I think that concept may help anons discover gems they may not know about. Also, would the magazine be monthly? I can probably do that every month for a bit.

>> No.17060959

I'm concerned that the plethora of lolsorandumb crackhead schizolology in the magazine is going to threaten to bury good expository writing, which I want to contribute. However I also recognize that restricting people's freedom of contribution is against the basic values of the publication.
The only evident resolution to this dialectical problem is for me to create and submit fiction of my own to counterbalance the dryer articles, which I loathe to do.

>> No.17060981


holy based

>> No.17061719

stick around til feb doubtposter you have a cameo in 002

>> No.17061729

LMAO alright sure

>> No.17061875
File: 796 B, 20x20, pepeicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a status page so that normies can't find us thru the webpage and nobody submits content but /lit/


>> No.17061891

can i submit my homoerotic love poetry about anons dad?

>> No.17061903


holy shit that sites cancer

>> No.17061914
File: 633 KB, 1080x1929, Screenshot_20201218-124418_Chrome.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this?

>> No.17061936


lmao fucking kill me that FUCKING site is a meme

>> No.17061957

>can i submit my ho—
SURE BRO. i look forward to reading it.

>> No.17061991
File: 31 KB, 372x225, metoo (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally an outlet for my autism

>> No.17062033

i would love to see more gnarly shit.
this one is from issue 001

>Onto my knees and crawl to some doped up gook and pull down his filthy pants and just start going to town on his tiny desensitised prick just slobbin up and down his little one inch cocklet. He’s probably pissed himself from the dope so it tastes extra bitter and briney.He can’t do anything to protest because he’s too drugged out of reality. He probably thinks some GLEAT LED DLAGON is licking his noxious and unclean peasant cock.He cums quick, thin jets of foul sperm water into my mouth before he shits himself and comes to. Opium shit fuckin.Pickled bat foetus with rice. All over the floor, me.Get the fuck out of there before he stabs me or something and up the stairs and back over to the compactor where I just give up my whole guts onto the pavement. Soaked now. Pull the glass and load it this time with the horse from my shoe.Hit the pipe again.Way too strong.Have a little lay under the compactor. It makes noise all night but I don’t hear a thing.

>> No.17062189


holy based autism that made me COOOOOM

>> No.17062670

/lit/ vs /g/

>> No.17063137

Bottom right.

>> No.17063187

Ur an e-nor-mouse faggit

>> No.17063208
File: 721 KB, 1352x1920, vintage-kids-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issue 1 was surprisingly good. I like the look of it, and a lot of that shit was quite funny and high quality.

Keep it up. Looking forward to February.

>> No.17063265

Hello fellow redditors,
are you interested in working with /fa/? We want to release our own magazine but since our lead writer is an inactive cunt who keeps ending up homeless, we havent done shit in months. We have material in the forms of stories, guides, outfits, tips, etc, and are eager to publish. (Or at least i am, as i am right now speaking for the entire group).

>> No.17063341
File: 591 KB, 1920x1280, fameetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stories, guides, outfits, tips

>> No.17063370
File: 334 KB, 320x496, image1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair point
i should have mentioned that we are a discord server with people from /fa/ that were fed up with the state of the board

>> No.17063422

>i should have mentioned that we are a discord server with people from /fa/ that were fed up with the state of the board
it's probably the way it is because of subhumans like you

>> No.17063465


GTFO /fa/ggot

>> No.17063563 [DELETED] 

discord link so I can cuck you basedboys with images of my BIG and BLACK dick

>> No.17063577

s o y b o y changes to basedboys admins confirmed coons and/or maybe autisitic, history will decide

>> No.17064769

For 001, I published everything that was submitted. Going forward I will do more edited, as submissions are denser.
this means the quality will go up.

>> No.17064989

Will his post go in the next edition of the magazine?

>> No.17065649

idk. should it?

>> No.17065788

Not him but I agree. That post and the thing he replied to should be in 002

>> No.17065808

yes lol it's meta and funny

>> No.17065836


>> No.17066106

I'm the one that got the 88 dubs. Don't know who the other faggots are

>> No.17066295
File: 39 KB, 187x787, 20201219_000535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would bang

>> No.17067652
File: 1.10 MB, 1545x2000, carrion extravaganza - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time trying Canva out and decided to wing it, what do you guys think?

>> No.17067842

Justify your text!!!!! It will make it look infinitely better!!!!!

>> No.17067884

how would i go about doing that? my bad, i had to look up what that means. i tried to have the right side of the paragraphs wrap along the vulture's face.