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/lit/ - Literature

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17046399 No.17046399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Somebody tldr what this is about please

>> No.17046409

cringe LARP for pseud zoomers and other internet-addicted lowlifes

>> No.17046411

conquer men and fuck their wives

>> No.17046426

Sounds based

Sounds cringe

So what is it

>> No.17046432

It was written by a """fascist""" twitter larper and bodybuilder, that's all you need to know about it.

>> No.17046445

>fascism and bodybuilding are bad things
good to know who inhabit this board

>> No.17046446

Why is that hot girl reading incel shit?
Pretty pathetic attempt at advertising.

>> No.17046448

return to monke

>> No.17046455

a """fascist""" who just turned out to be another boomer trumptard. the absolute state of edgelords

>> No.17046461

He's more of a larper than an actual fascist. He's an autist who wrote a book with a bunch of fantastical ramblings, the fact that he's also a gymcel is only incidental.

>> No.17046467

you need to go back

>> No.17046470

They have convinced themselves he might pull a Caesar. It's a rather misguided belief but it's not actually contradictory to their neofascism I guess.

>> No.17046473
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no only us scrawny nerdarinos can write books

>> No.17046479

I wanna read it now. Thanks.

>> No.17046480

this but unironically

>> No.17046664

at least you're honest

>> No.17046758
File: 62 KB, 512x512, https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_97529dcc-ca7c-46fd-810f-4f38cc72f5eb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTFO'D by GREEK BVLL and dialectics master Ted Metrakas/@FredNietzky

>> No.17046784

People bitch but reading it was more interesting than anything you’d find in the entire front half of Barnes and Noble

>> No.17046841
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>> No.17046854

what is this silly cat doing

>> No.17046859

this a big monkey

>> No.17046910

Read the book anon.

>> No.17046965
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did he retroactively refute his own bodybuilder-barbarian anti-modernity will-to-power Nietzschean ideas by blindly supporting a fat billionaire fully in alliance with modernity?
I have serious troubles taking him serious at this point.

>> No.17046988

>I have serious troubles taking him serious at this point.
oh no

>> No.17047092

Based, this actually makes me want to read it lmao

>> No.17047182

That's not what he said. """Fascism""" isn't fascism.

>> No.17047296


>> No.17047305

added to reading list then, thanks

>> No.17047353

Maybe you should stop, most of what you write isnt worth reading, let Chad take over.

>> No.17047403

It's Nietzsche rewritten by a caveman who browses /pol/

>> No.17047420

Your local Barnes and noble has a relatively better back half? Where do you live?

>> No.17047778

based. i had it on my amazon wishlist but now i am ordering it

>> No.17047835

thanks, it'll be here on wednesday :)

>> No.17047852

So that's leftoid for based.

>> No.17047873
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>paying for eceleb meme books

>> No.17048130

The front is where they keep the hardcovers and new releases. Which is exclusively YA, pop lit, pop sci, self help or gone girl knockoffs

>> No.17048363

Bodybuilding is gay cope for nerds who reached their early-mid 20s without ever having played sports. Chad is fit because he's been playing sports all his life, and you're not going to catch up through SS+GOMAD.

>> No.17048373

If you had played sports you'd know that they work out too. That is why I started working out in the first place, my hockey coach told us to in middle school

>> No.17048511

>If you had played sports you'd know that they work out too
I did which is why I'm saying that. Surely you see the difference between somebody who fixates on masculinity in a compensatory way because they're at heart a sheltered bookworm (and then starts following a bodybuilding routine), and naturally confident individuals who were motivated by athletic contests?

Think about what lifting is, as an activity. There is no opponent, it requires no cooperation or teamwork. It requires no reflexes, stamina, cardiovascular fitness, or adaptiveness.
What does lifting reward instead? Making spreadsheets to track progress. Fine-tuning the percentage of your 1RM that you're lifting today. Autistically accounting for your protein intake and your caloric balance. I think bodybuilders have more in common with gearheads who tinker with cars than they do with football players, basketball players, or wrestlers.

Lifting is the go-to physical activity for an unathletic dweeb who decides that his life needs a change. You'll notice a lot of these dweebs start jogging too-- a similarly gay activity.

>> No.17048541

there are lots of autists in the lifting world sure, but you seem unnecessarily opposed to it, nothing wrong with lifting weights. I prefer bodyweight stuff just because it's less of a hassle than having to go to the gym and all, but that's just laziness really. It can be hard to find time or to organize actual sports, especially after college, so it is good to stay in shape somehow, you don't have to sperg about it, just do something or other.

>> No.17048603

So it's a satirical comedy? I need a laugh.

>> No.17048607

how to milk zoomer incel money off the internet

>> No.17048945
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twitlit general?

>> No.17049007

yeah I'm opposing it a little bit performatively (just the nature of caustic 4chan arguments) and all real athletes have to lift weights too, I just don't see it as the modern-day equivalent to a martial existence the way BAM-style twitter community pretends it is. I'm a little bit biased because I fucking HATE twitter and I see them say a lot of really retarded shit with total sincerity

>> No.17049016

this is getting very meta

>> No.17049267

>Fascism is bad is a controversial take
Good to know whom inhabits this board.

>> No.17049335

Lol damn worlds colliding>>17048945

>> No.17049345

I saw a shitpost I wrote on /pol/ blind drunk posted on right wing twitter a month or so ago with like 1k likes on it and I almost had a panic attack

>> No.17049623

Wow seem based, just ordered it :^) thanks anon

>> No.17049719

>Takes a selfie at a public library to use as his profile picture

>> No.17049926


I hope it arrives before the 24th. *Fingers crossed*

>> No.17049958

It's his favorite place

>> No.17049977

Weight lifting and exercise promotes health and longevity, so that's reason enough. I see your point though. Also if you genuinely get fit it isn't hard to find some local sports to do. And then it's actually fun since you're built for it. Highschool isn't the end all be all and people who peak there or think it determines everything are retarded. Most people aren't fully developed by the end of it.

>> No.17049980

All these faggots who say they bought are in for a huge disappointment

>> No.17050100

Be a pirate who goes on murdering adventures in different countries to 'conquer space'

>> No.17050145

I'm still here and yeah it's good enough that people are getting off the couch. I just cringe when I see internet macho men who claim to live and die by the barbell without a hint of irony. It's the most sheltered and nerdy physical activity possible-- there's more honor in a game of badminton for fuck's sake. If you're down a set you got to dig deep and start scheming your way back to victory; bodybuilders just dump the weight and go home lmao

>> No.17050335

Unintentional bait? Everyone can't seem to understand the triple quotes means the dude wasn't a real facist.