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17045972 No.17045972 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favourite contemporary philosopher

>> No.17045978

I just watched his debate with the distributist today. Cuck got completely BTFO’d and revealed to be a complete brainlet.

>> No.17045993

>first reply is "I watched his e-streamer meme debate, BTFO BRAINLET EPIC FAIL" mindless zoomer babbling

You reap what you sow

>> No.17046005

I am my own favorite contemporary philosopher.

>> No.17046015


>> No.17046022
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If that's all you've obtained from that talk then you're a brainlet.

>> No.17046042

No, I thought there was much more to it, in particular I think it shows how the marxist economic critique is clearly inferior to the third positionist critique. I’ve always wondered whether economic factors truly are primary and felt like this debate helped develop that idea. But also Cuck got BTFO’d hard.

>> No.17046047

>internet debate
holy cringe

>> No.17046064
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>> No.17046066

Oh I thought the debate was today, but you meant you watched a two year old video today.

>> No.17046081

Yeah. But I mean, this is the closest thing we have right now to a Socratic forum. If I want to go hear someone speak I might as well turn on youtube, the alternative are today’s shitty public intellectuals. Its low, but whatever man, lets people enjoy things.

>> No.17046091


>> No.17046102

Yes. I quite enjoy his videos.

>> No.17046134
File: 26 KB, 400x400, mGouhUcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man Gregory B. Sadler has one of the best philosophy channels in my opinion. His video's aren't bite sized and edited for entertainment, but they're very thorough and he talks about a wide range of philosophy.
Of particular interest is a series where he meticulously reads each passge of Hegels Phenomenology and helps the viewer understand what Hegel was stabbing it. He knows German well and is a career philosophy professor so his explanations are concrete and effective.

Here's a bookshelf review of his. https://youtu.be/wCsLFSR_Y94

>> No.17046148

isn't he a big fat person?

>> No.17046152
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dont eat de animals

>> No.17046185

Yes he is. And although I'm relatively skinny, I find that his largeness only adds a bit of joviality and warmth to his papa bear personality. Idk man fuck, he's American, what'd u expect

>> No.17046238

Cool bookshelf, funny he has nearly no analytic works.

>> No.17046259

I’d consider watching his videos if his name weren’t so cringe. There’s no way to frame being a duck as a good thing, so trying to reclaim the word is a futile endeavor.

>> No.17046305
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I'm in love with the CoCo

>> No.17046423

Good thing he renamed his channel then.

>> No.17047715

Yeah, he has a few though. Witti, Moore, and Whitehead. Iirc. At least I knownye has videos about wittgenstein and has mentioned Whitehead.

>> No.17047779

economic factors are never primary

>> No.17047804

I would like it if he had more. I can't be the only person who likes both traditions. We won't get the next Kant til somebody does.

>> No.17047967

Economic factors are completely primary, regardless of what post-modernist hacks say. Post-modernist are just grifters trying to sow doubt and pessimism within the working class and are class struggle denialists.

>> No.17048038

He wasn't trying to reclaim "cuck," he was presenting the argument that as all modern political discussion was cucked by the realities of the capitalist power structure, all philosophy and politics are that of cuckdom. Or some shit like that.

>> No.17048881

It is underated, but I think what happened was it got too complex and algebraic. Try to read one of Putnams masterpieces without a working knowledge of modern physics.

>> No.17049000
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Nicholas J. Fuentes

>> No.17049050

Sadler makes great content. I don't know if I would have ever understood The Preface to The Phenomenology of Spirit, if I hadn't watch Sadler's Half-hour Hegel series.

>> No.17049290

>emancipatory leftist interpretation of pop-culture phenomenon, ad infinitum
Does this faggot ever do anything new?

>> No.17049344

Holy cope

>> No.17049365

wtf is this Commie Cringe?

>> No.17049392

Nah he just didn't put that much thought into it. He said did it as a joke off of the channel "redpilled philosophy" and didn't expect his channel to get as big as it did. The fact that he changed it shows he probably regretted it to some degree

>> No.17049401

He's not really a philosopher though. He's a good essay writer, clearly he's well read and was made for academia but I don't really see him as a brilliant mind or anything. He's an intelligent young guy and I'm sure he'll have a good career as an educator

>> No.17049423

I know, glad I found him.

>> No.17049442

Cuck did lose but only rhetorically

>> No.17049482
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> 9000

>> No.17049506


I like him, Daniel bonevac just kinda spergs about any topic that interests him without any rhyme or reason between videos, feels like he’s much more passionate because of that.

>> No.17049701

How about reading philosophy yourself instead of listening to your virtual commie friend regurgitate it to you

>> No.17049863

That's the only way to lose (and win)

>> No.17049913
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shut up, dummy
I do both because I don't have any friends to discuss the stuff I read

>> No.17049937
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