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17045790 No.17045790 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on violence? I can't stand how society represses violent urges

>> No.17045805

Nietzsche, Geneology of Morlas or Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.17045885

What would Mishima have thought about the knockout game?

>> No.17045906

>I can't stand how society represses violent urges
that's because you're filled with violence.

>> No.17045973

Sometimes I wish every computer monitor were equipped with a bludgeoning implement that other people can use remotely. Everyone gets say three strikes per week. Phones could have a little mace spray device right next to the selfie cam.
You could even monetize this with microtransactions, like if you pay a bonus you can play a little song on the poster's device that says he's a faggot.

>> No.17045976

A clockwork orange

>> No.17045977

ever feel like you want to slap a bitch?

>> No.17045979

Incredible idea

>> No.17045983

The wasp factory

>> No.17045987

Kek why are homosexuals so violent? Mishima and other homofascists are severely mentally ill.

>> No.17046020

That's not the political, well thought out sort of violence, that just niggers being niggers.

>> No.17046118

Might is right

>> No.17046151

Yeah man that’s what we need. More concentration camps and truncheons. We need more people screaming and more hate, and we need more sex on every corner so that it oozes out of every pore of our worlds. Maybe a nuclear blast and a highway of blind men. That sounds wonderful and not where the world is heading already

>> No.17046161

You can be violent as shit and get away with it, society depends on most people just not wanting to be like that. Seriously you can go beat the shit out of someone in a park right now and almost certainly nothing will happen to you. It's not society stopping you from doing that

>> No.17046242

>Seriously you can go beat the shit out of someone in a park right now and almost certainly nothing will happen to you.

spoken like someone without any life experience, it's the damn opposite. You get sued and get fucked over in life, that's why all men are so sissified in this day and age, the law fucks them over real hard for violence

>> No.17046255

You're wrong, they probably won't even call the cops, and if they do the cops aren't going to do anything about it, they'll just take the report.

>> No.17046258

If only anon

kys disabled pleb faggot

>> No.17046269

well that depends on what country u live in doesnt it? if u live in a shithole then yeah police won't do shit, if u live in a first world country then no my dude, you're wrong, people who sue you (people with a brain) fuck you in the end

>> No.17046286

How are they going to catch you? You realize that even murders are only solved like 50% of the time in first world countries, let alone just beating someone up

>> No.17046313

>You realize that even murders are only solved like 50% of the time in first world countries, let alone just beating someone up

I have the strong feeling that you are citing facts you made up from ur asshole so I decided to look it up, in my country 80% of murders get solved. You must be American or something

>> No.17046327

Oh so it's only okay when militaries do it. Good to know this is to do with just another conformist view.

>> No.17046343

that's still a 1 in 5 chance, and consider how many murders are really easy to solve, like a husband killing his wife, or just perpetrated by a retard. You can easily beat someone up and not have anything happen to you. Also check the rate for your city specifically

>> No.17046347

I'd say the chance of you getting caught for beating someone up is more like 75%

>> No.17046353

Stop making excuses, pussy, bar brawls happen all the time without consequence.

>> No.17046362

I don't understand how you can say this, of all the fights I've seen in my life, and the handful I've been in, I have never once seen anyone call the cops after losing. Most people don't even bother reporting robberies

>> No.17046363

Imagine comparing bar brawls to randomly beating up someone outside in public in clear daylight

>> No.17046368

They can only sue you if they know you or get arrested and get your identity revealed.
A lot more people get away with it but we're a social beast so more likely when you want to be violent it's more likely someone that knows you and rat you out.
You know that "snitches get stiches"

>> No.17046385

> gay retard
> pro-violence

>> No.17046421


>> No.17046422

Then go at night, but even in the day, in the middle of a park you could get away with it. I've seen hobos randomly attack people on busy streets even

>> No.17046866

Sorel, Reflexions on Violence

>> No.17046922

>Any good books on violence? I can't stand how society represses violent urges
You've never taken a punch to the face

>> No.17047104

OP here, I have taken several punches to the face but in a gay martial arts setting. I'm annoyed that we have to create spaces for violence rather than it spontaneously occurring (as it should). Imagine if some caveman with a club was transported to the present day and you told him he could NEVER swing it. You're telling me he can't swing it even once? Not even ONCE?? Ridiculous.

>> No.17047264

Georges Sorel

>> No.17047275

Why are you such a bitch?

>> No.17047339
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Rising Up and Rising Down: Some Thoughts on Violence, Freedom and Urgent Means by William T Vollmann. In its original run this was a 3352 page 7 volume autistic deep dive into all things violent. The original unabridged version is out of print but there is an abridged version.

>> No.17047592

The Metaphysics of War.

>> No.17047598

Homo detected

>> No.17047630

blood meridian is a pretty violent book.

>> No.17047641

georges sorel reflections on violence

>> No.17047642
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Ironic, though not really surprising, that the glorification of violence usually comes from people whose experience of it is most limited. Still this is full of aphorisms and anecdotes about the value of violence, and most of it's pretty good. Ultimately it's more about being a good man/vassal though. Violence just happens to be part of that.

>> No.17047673

>I'm annoyed that we have to create spaces for violence rather than it spontaneously occurring
What's stopping you? The fact that they'd come enforce their rules (with superior force, no less)? In that sense it's just like the old days. You obey the chief or he makes you a non-person and takes all your shit.

>> No.17047698
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>> No.17047808

Thanks /lit/bros. Guess I'll start with Sorel's reflections on violence

>> No.17047816

I suppose that's true, but still quarrels amongst those of similar class should be settled with fists, not petty social maneuvering

>> No.17047831

Missed this, I'll check this out too, thanks

>> No.17047893

I sympathize. Social violence is a lot more insidious than physical, but its potential for abuse and general damage is lower. It does seem like two consenting parties should have every right to settle their differences by harming each other, but historically when that's been allowed it's been just another method of petty social maneuvering. Not much to be done about it, the world is just a sneaky-ass place.

>> No.17048204

Hence the abundance of sneaky-ass books like the infamous how to win friends and influence people. I will admit it's a bit interesting that repression of my urges for physical violence has led me to explore social/psychological violence

>> No.17048218

Maybe it should hurry the fuck up as I've been hearing that for decades?