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17043731 No.17043731 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17043755
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Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots

>> No.17043760


>> No.17043767

I'm a J.I. Picker... its a real bad habit

>> No.17044154

I rate RC Sproul

>> No.17044524


>> No.17044766
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N. T. Wright's book on Paul is excellent.

>> No.17044784
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>> No.17045167
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fear and trembling

>> No.17045198

I listened to the audiobook version and liked it a lot

>> No.17045202

How difficult is Kierkegaard? I've been wanting to get around to reading this one for a long time

>> No.17045300

You will eventually succumb to the truth of Arius. Kicking me was only prolonging your ignorance!


>> No.17045534
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Augustine's Confessions

>> No.17045632
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The Imitation of Christ

>> No.17045751
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If this is going to be a Christianity thread, can somebody help me understand this part of Job 8?
First it sounds as if the life of an atheist is built on nonexistent foundations but then it sounds like he has a hardy constitution. Can somebody tell me in plain terms what "the joy of his way" is?

>> No.17045814

I got Audible maybe 2 years back and this was the first thing I listened to. I was so dissapointed that it wasn't thae author himself reciting the book. It was good anyway, but N.T. Wright has an exceptionally powerful voice.

>> No.17046023

Matthew Henry's commentary might be helpful:


>Verses 1-7 Job spake much to the purpose; but Bildad, like an eager, angry disputant, turns it all off with this, How long wilt thou speak these things? Men's meaning is not taken aright, and then they are rebuked, as if they were evil-doers. Even in disputes on religion, it is too common to treat others with sharpness, and their arguments with contempt. Bildad's discourse shows that he had not a favourable opinion of Job's character. Job owned that God did not pervert judgment; yet it did not therefore follow that his children were cast-aways, or that they did for some great transgression. Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, sometimes they are the trials of extraordinary graces: in judging of another's case, we ought to take the favorable side. Bildad puts Job in hope, that if he were indeed upright, he should yet see a good end of his present troubles. This is God's way of enriching the souls of his people with graces and comforts. The beginning is small, but the progress is to perfection. Dawning light grows to noon-day.

>Verses 8-19 Bildad discourses well of hypocrites and evil-doers, and the fatal end of all their hopes and joys. He proves this truth of the destruction of the hopes and joys of hypocrites, by an appeal to former times. Bildad refers to the testimony of the ancients. Those teach best that utter words out of their heart, that speak from an experience of spiritual and divine things. A rush growing in fenny ground, looking very green, but withering in dry weather, represents the hypocrite's profession, which is maintained only in times of prosperity. The spider's web, spun with great skill, but easily swept away, represents a man's pretensions to religion when without the grace of God in his heart. A formal professor flatters himself in his own eyes, doubts not of his salvation, is secure, and cheats the world with his vain confidences. The flourishing of the tree, planted in the garden, striking root to the rock, yet after a time cut down and thrown aside, represents wicked men, when most firmly established, suddenly thrown down and forgotten. This doctrine of the vanity of a hypocrite's confidence, or the prosperity of a wicked man, is sound; but it was not applicable to the case of Job, if confined to the present world.

>> No.17046060

>Can somebody tell me in plain terms what "the joy of his way" is?

Job 8:19 "Behold, this [is] the joy of his way, and out of the earth shall others grow."

Bitter irony. The hypocrite boasts of joy. This then is his "joy" at the last.

"And out of the earth": Others immediately, who take the place of the man thus punished; not godly men (Matt. 3:9). For the place of the weeds is among stones, where the gardener wishes no plants.

“And out of the earth shall others grow”: A fresh crop of weeds always springs up in the place of those torn up. As there is no end of hypocrites on the earth.

Each plant lives for a short time, and then another takes its place. That was what Job's friend was saying here. Job would be replaced by another.


>> No.17046730
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>> No.17046797
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>> No.17047472

Fear and Trembling isn't really too difficult, at least not compared to Either/Or.

>> No.17047562

WAYYYYYYY too many Protties in this thread. Educate yourself on the church fathers, honestly.

>> No.17047588

Based, I just finished his Scholastic Metaphysics book

>> No.17048336

boethius bros in here? TS Eliotchads?

>> No.17048889
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>study ECF
>become Protestant

>> No.17049086

catholics cherry pick the church fathers to hell and back. augustine was purely calvinist in his soteriology.

>> No.17049504
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>> No.17049543
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Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

>> No.17049828
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Christianity and Liberalism