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File: 156 KB, 500x761, tradition-is-the-new-counterculture-revolt-against-the-modern-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17043143 No.17043143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the trad movement? Any books on what it means the be trad?

>> No.17043157

It means being historically illiterate, American, and spending too much time on the Internet

>> No.17043168

>What is the trad movement?
petit-bourgeois moralists with tacky tastes. after the communist revolution they will be put in re-education camps.

>> No.17043170

Thing about tradition is once you are consciously aware of it, or worse trying to reclaim it, it is dead. We have traditions now, they're mostly progressive shibboleths, they mutate a bit rapidly but antiracism and antisexism are fairly steady as guiding principles.

>> No.17043177


>> No.17043178

That girl dresses like that for 1 week a year while she gets drunk at Oktoberfest.

>> No.17043191

Coping racists, 'trads' will pay after black emancipation

>> No.17043200

>What is the trad movement?
dysfunctional powerless teenagers thinking up reasons they don't have a girlfriend

>> No.17043208

I'm not seeing it. You can still be pro-marriage or something, but after the feminism of the thirties, that ship has sailed. Even if your woman believes she is your property, the divorce court won't see it that way.

>> No.17043215

There are movements all over the world seeking to return to some form of tradition, and there always have been. Many of them don't even speak English let alone are American. Part of it is unrealistic idealization of a past, and part of it is recognition of genuine cultural loss.

>> No.17043239

>thinking up reasons they don't have a girlfriend
How is that bad? If I describe the workers' movement as a bunch of powerless boomers thinking up reasons they are poor does it make their points automatically invalid?

>> No.17043245

I'm always torn, because the Christian community of my youth was preferable to any of the cities or situations I've lived in since. Sadly, I am no longer Christian, nor do I believe in marriage or children, but I yearn for the homogeneous culture that had less crime, fear, and conflict, because of its shared values. In retrospect, I wish I'd never left, but life had other ideas. You can never go home again.

>> No.17043284

ah yes, dirndls! that must have been the primordial Principle Guénon talked about.

>> No.17043287

It's weird because they invent a fictionalized version of the past while claiming to revive it.
Instead of having values and activities which are alien to the modern world, the "trad" just orients their activities and beliefs against the modern world. It's still directly a part of it, in fact reinforces it's hegemony by re-structuring our view of the past so as to make it appear to revolve around the present.
So trad is still extremely progressive. Which makes it pretty gay, by my estimation. I say, move forward with creativity and spirit.

>> No.17043319

Would you guys say the same about the Amish? They've been rejecting modernity for over a hundred years.

>> No.17043324

"trads" are just consumers of a subculture like anyone else, they subscribe to a commoditized identity, meanwhile the actual material relations that allowed for the traditions they seek to ape have all been destroyed; agriculture is done by corporations and satellite-guided tractors, a man working a blue collar job can no longer afford to support his family, meaning women have to enter the workplace; and the actual work that housewives traditionally engaged in, the cooking, cleaning, washing and child-rearing, has been drastically reduced by the invention of various appliances. do you really want traditionalism? it's called being Amish, and they don't post on imageboards.

>> No.17043330

>How is that bad?
oh it isn't. of course there are people who are perfectly happy to live life solo and not be bound by society's expectations
however, they tend not to bitch about it on the internet quite so much

>> No.17043338

yeah, and they've had to undergo a series of bizarre modernist contortions to keep at it. their position in the structure of their communities, governments, the way they maintain their cultural guards against the modern world are forced to contend with it and thus are by nature extremely modern- even to the point of being progressive.
I'm saying do something new, just like your ancestors did when they created their traditions. Obviously we feel the power and mystery in our heritage, it's our job to use it as inspiration to create more, not try to replicate.

>> No.17043355

By your own theory the Amish are doing something new('thus are by nature extremely modern'), and they are clearly rather different than most progressives.

>> No.17043358

the amish were recently shown to have a problem with pedo rapists in their community, that they have been covering up for generations. so "trad".

>> No.17043387

I mean technically yes

>> No.17043406

That's what I'm saying is they're not all that different from progressives, even though on the surface they appear to be, from the specific standpoint of their relationship to and function within modernity.
Whatever will escape from, reject, or overcome modernity needs to be creative, alien to, and outside of it. Otherwise you're just updating the old model and shoring up its hegemony, like the amish or the libs.
So I appreciate trad-kids entrylevel criticism of modernity and their willingness to try something out, but I think if they're actually going to accomplish their goals they are going to have to surpass their current methods and become something much more useful/dynamic/novel.

>> No.17043407

The Amish don't complain about not having a girlfriend on internet forums

>> No.17043408

This is a major issue in every abrahamic community.

>> No.17043438

I think they are really quite different than progressives, they have very different social structures and material experiences. I get what you're saying but I think you are overstating it. You are right of course that the Amish are not 'overcoming modernity', modernity permits them to exist because it sees them as irrelevant and not worth the effort of aligning.
It's an issue everywhere in the world, and it is the most serious in relatively undeveloped, tribal settings. There was/is a tribe where they literally rape every boy when he turns 11 or thereabouts, the abuse rates in eg. Australian Aboriginal communities is insane.

>> No.17043462

And makes a special modernist place for them within modernity. Consider how they continue to exist- as a tourist novelty.
Trads, by orienting themselves against modernity, reinforce it. It's that simple, I think you're overly attached to this specific solution because it's aesthetically nice and overall fairly comfy which I totally understand, but you've gotta realize that traditionalism is not even the beginning of whatever is going to accomplish the goals of traditionalism.
It's bear hunt rules out here bro.

>> No.17043495
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>> No.17043499

absolutely obsessed

>> No.17043500

isn't that what fundamentalism is? looking back and romanticizing a culture through rose-colored glasses, and donning a narrative for yourself that goes against the natural flow of things?

i agree with this anon, people should strive to create, rather than replicate. otherwise you get all this weird shit, like these new-trad folks, and people unironically larping as witches and vikings.

>> No.17043514

I'm not attached to the Amish solution, I just see them as a distinct thing and I suspect they are happier than most modern people. As for an actual to modernity, I am pessimistic, I don't think we can really contend with the systems that technology causes to emerge, and where political action is possible it is ruled by groups of sociopaths. This has always been somewhat true though, where the 'traditional' past was politically superior, at times, for the common people, was due to elites not having the capacity or incentives to fully oppress them. Technology does also bring benefits to the people of course, it is not black and white.

>> No.17043526

4chan is not a secret club for reactionary hicks

>> No.17043530

What a LARP!
What is black emancipation?
It was Abraham Lincoln's declaration that all slaves would be permanently freed in all areas of the Confederacy that had not already returned to federal control by January 1863.

Still making the black folks look stupid, I see.

>> No.17043537

Your pessimism might be well founded but it's also useless.

>> No.17043542

>what is the trad movement?
unpopular 13-year-olds jacking off to pictures of white women with big titties and yelling "heil hitler" so that they feel powerful

>> No.17043549

This is the entirety of the liberal playbook. If you don't like someone's views, you attack their manhood.

>A REAL man would... [Insert liberal bullshit]
>Only a virgin would... [Insert liberal bullshit]

You are so mad that I'm going to church tonight with my wife and blonde, blue-eyed son lol

>> No.17043551

Being a single, powerless person, anything I believe is useless. Even a powerful person can't do much if anything to change the actual systems in place.

>> No.17043557

German supremacists don't exist, and its the left that wants socialism. Learn what a Nazi is you illiterate.

>> No.17043561

Guilt-riddled teenaged chronic masturbators who spend too much time on the internet looking for a place to belong, often looking back to times when no one thought about masturbating. Discontent with materialism and nihilism, they look towards perennial philosophy or political movements for spiritual answers, but aren't able to take either seriously unless it's spliced with meme racism and wheat fields.

On a more serious note, while trads are fags, people who make fun of them tend to be dismissive fags denying they have similar issues

>> No.17043583

this is painfully accurate except for the part about not taking traditionalism seriously

>> No.17043588

Sorry bro but I reckon you have a couple decades in front of you rich with work and suffering- best make it meaningful in some way. What you have right now is a decently accurately sense of reality, but you need to mix it with some delusional optimism, or grandiose belief in your own abilities, or a stoic resignation to sisyphean effort. Think of all the improbable shit that's happened throughout history- doing tough shit against all odds is a tradition you can definitely adopt. We don't have another option, just like every human before us.
Well, I guess the other option is feeling like shit all the time while doing nothing, or killing yourself, which are basically the same thing.
Unironically I recommend looking into the teachings of self psychology and doing more cardio/stretching. When these activities get especially hard they teach you to relax, empty yourself, become a vessel for action. Good shit.

>> No.17043600

Sure that would improve my own life, but it would not change the systems, which is what I was talking about. Two different subjects really.

>> No.17043602

This "movement" does not exist outside of the internet.

>> No.17043605

name the church

>> No.17043611

Bear hunt rules bro, coordinate with people. Solve problems.

>> No.17043634

Tradfaggots in the West cling desperately to a bastardized melange of concepts they have no roots in because they are too afraid, or simply unwilling, to adopt real traditional values and lifestyles accurate to their history. Simultaneously these people are too afraid to erect anything new on which to base their culture.
It's LARP and an admittance of defeat. Throw your cottage-made clogs in the gearworks!

>> No.17043637

Read Roger Scruton

>> No.17043653
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>> No.17043659


>> No.17043682

>nobody thought about masturbating in Christian agrarian societies
No, nobody thought about writing it down. The aristocrats and the Church wouldn't commit vulgarity to paper, and the yeomen weren't writing much of anything. So you only got references to sexual behavior in either extremely negative commentary, legally punitive texts, or the occasional pointedly transgressive cultural work like Canterbury Tales.

>> No.17043723 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 563x599, 563pxRoger_Garland_Gandalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditionalism is impractical
>perennialism is heretical
>trad women are weird and typically gross
>neofolk neopagan bullshit is not a tradition
>larping as varg is certifiably gay
Just read the Inklings, some Eliot, and some Catholic revival like Macdonald and Chesterton. After that Burke and Pobyedonostsev for politics, add some theology and medieval poetry, then boom you're comfy. There's no need to go further because this whole thing is really dumb once you get outside the comfy zone into the retarded primordial schizo bulletin zone. I do highly recommend Charles Williams, easily the most overlooked of the inklings, and also getting a grip on reality.
t. christian

>> No.17043748
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 804279B536DA428B9489D30DC1366838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditionalism is impractical
>perennialism is heretical
>trad women are weird and typically gross
>neofolk neopagan bullshit is not a tradition
>larping as varg is certifiably gay
Just read the Inklings, some Eliot, and some Catholic revival like Macdonald and Chesterton. After that Burke and Pobyedonostsev for politics, add some theology and medieval poetry, then boom you're comfy. There's no need to go further because this whole thing is really dumb once you get outside the comfy zone into the retarded primordial schizo bullshit zone. I do highly recommend Charles Williams, easily the most overlooked of the inklings, and also getting a grip on reality.
t. christian

>> No.17043766
File: 20 KB, 256x382, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My opinion? Get into permaculture with pic related. Get into homesteading, woodworking, farming.
I'm not embarassed to say Reddit has good suggestions for these activities.
If you're talking about trad politics well, IDK read old pioneer literature and LARP I suppose.
If you want an ideology that fuels traditional interest I like Bookchins form of Social Ecology, particularly his book The Ecology of Freedom.

>> No.17043852

not true. weddings, frühlingsfest and any local festivals they have in her village will warrant her wearing her Dirndl if it were a proper dirndl and not a cheap "made in balkans one" like hers is; its not horrible but it is not traditional, so maybe that is her "get Michi to stare at my breast and dont mind puke on it" dirdnl

>> No.17043858
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>> No.17043884

"liberals" attack your masculinity because they know it's fragile

they're not the ones obsessed with cuckolding or calling people trannies for consuming the wrong media, anyhow, you are

>> No.17043889

>This is a major issue in every community.

>> No.17043911

Masculinity is "fragile", but liberal society completely collapses when someone says nigger?

>> No.17043941

You would lose your entire identity if you could make your xbox gamertag niggerkike120 wouldnt you?

>> No.17043949


>> No.17043975
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>"liberals" attack your masculinity because they know it's fragile

>> No.17043978

"liberal society" is fine. what collapses is the social standing and career of the person who says it, which rules

>> No.17043996

Just another kafkatrap.

>> No.17044101

They will eat you alive, if you ever manage to accomplish anything. I can hear the cannibal lip gnashing. You pathetic little power seeker. If you are here, you should be able to separate the work from the person- in the Nigerian Spitwad Target Panopticon. You'll be that Unsafe Space Drip, "How I quit being a Soc Justus Whiner in seven Easy steps."

>You have to be 18 and male to post here. You wouldn't last five days without the protection of the herd.

>> No.17044104

>"liberal society" is fine
Doesn't seem to be the case

>> No.17044119

take your meds

correct but probably for the wrong reasons

>> No.17044130

Not on meds. Project much?

>> No.17044133

>for the wrong reasons
The ephemerality of sophistic complaints about racism is exactly the same as the ephemerality of the taboo nature of the word nigger.

>> No.17044145

Black people say the N word all the time, Do they lose social standing? Or don't they have any?

>> No.17044175


>> No.17044195

prog antiracist leftists are the biggest pussies in the history of political positions

>> No.17044197

As a true Bavarian I feel offended by this Dirndl, but it speaks for the trad movement - empty signifiers for slightly racist people who seek a new identity they can slip in for a few years.

>> No.17044207

says the guy who won't even let his gf peg him

>w-wouldn't that hurt?
>b-but I poop from there!

>> No.17044208

Based. Tell me something cool about the cultur

>> No.17044214

>randomly bringing up your desire to be assfucked
thank you for providing evidence of what I was saying

>> No.17044234

>a true Bavarian
that's not a real thing you bigot, Ahmed is as Bavarian as you are

>> No.17044239

Trad God put your pleasure center in your rectum

>> No.17044240
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>liberals aren't obsessed with cuckolding and trannies
Then why are trannies and cucks almost exclusively liberal?

>> No.17044245

loyal to the onions-ell

Enjoy your ass cancer

>> No.17044248

the ancient greeks fucked each other in the ass. it was seen as manly. men just aren't what they used to be anymore huh

>> No.17044256

>"m-my masculinity isn't fragile... I collect ar-15s..."
>won't even take it up the ass

fucking pansies

>> No.17044262

They arent. Cuckholding is the conservative defacto and NeoNazi traps are a very real and strange thing.

>> No.17044263

They were pretty clear about the dominant/submissive roles, they were not into their 'gfs' pegging them. If you want to return to Ancient Greek social conditions though I wouldn't disagree, slavery, militarism, and extreme patriarchy are nice

>> No.17044269

You just can't imagine someone not being gay. This is why they hate you, always so desperate to convert people to your degeneration. Straight people don't care if you're gay, but you want to perpetuate the same abuse that created your monstrous vile identity on everyone else.

>> No.17044270

Don't you think marriage and children and faith necessary conditions for that homogeneous culture?
>You can never go home again.
t. Prodigal Son

>> No.17044271

Kek. I swear, a bunch of basedboy weaklings.

>> No.17044274
File: 38 KB, 700x394, 2098297122-939341_1_reisner_maibaum20lauterbach20016-1JEesXd9BI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every five years your village erects a Maibaum by hand, which is essentially a big pole. The makeup varies from region to region, but where I live it is painted blue and white and contains signs of all the crafts in the town. There is an implicit set of rules on how to paint it, what happens the month before (you have to guard it every night), who erects it and how to erect it. Most villages now do it by hand but using a crane or similar as a safety measurement, because from time to time it can crash. It is also custom to erect one for a wedding. Apparently this custom is also a thing in the rest of Europe but never have I seen whole regions celebrating it like in southern Germany. Everyone is outside on the first of May for the Maibaum and the accompanying festival.

>> No.17044275

Dropping by this already devolved thread to say that the new counter-culture is Stoicism, not Traditionalism. Don't (you) me if you don't know the difference between the two

>> No.17044276


notice how it's CNN, not a conservative outlet publishing this

>> No.17044277

>T-t-hey were pretty clear about the dominant/submissive roles...it wasnt gay!!!
Lmao the state of Right Wing cognitive dissonance.

>> No.17044278

Sure, kid. Whatever makes you feel like more of a man.
Look, I'm way more on the left than the right but the American left is too degenerate even for me. Some exceptions don't prove the rule.

>> No.17044279

Nobody said that an Ahmed cannot be a true Bavarian.

>> No.17044287

It was gay sure, it wasn't desiring your gf to peg you

>> No.17044292

That's pretty cool anon. Wish America had culture, it's cheeseburgers all the way down. I do remember Americans used to have may day and erected a may pole to dance around, but since that was a celebration of working class labor organizing it got cancelled and moved to september and called Labor Day, so now instead of factory workers getting a day off it's the banks that close.

>> No.17044294

I'd say that Ahmed is even a truer Bavarian than a 'native' german(not even a real thing), since he can understand the culture better, having more outside reference

>> No.17044296

>a man working a blue collar job can no longer afford to support his family, meaning women have to enter the workplace;
You have your cause and effect mixed up
>the actual work that housewives traditionally engaged in
Houswives weren't just laborers. They also formed clubs and networked, establishing strong ties in a community. As for child rearing, no appliance can replace motherhood
>do you really want traditionalism?
I've yet to see anyone actually provide a real definition of tradition. Only pseudo marxists circle jerking. I dont think traditionalism is synonymous with being a luddite

>> No.17044297

some historians suggest it was more of a mentorship thing. hell, it was even a rite of passage in certain militaries. the recipients of pederasty would eventually become the dispensaries as they grew older and accrued fuccbois of their own. really that's what life is all about. growth. giving and receiving. anal sex that is

>> No.17044304

No sense locking the barn once the horse has bolted.

>> No.17044306

>You have your cause and effect mixed up
he doesn't

>> No.17044308

I'm not gay at all. 100% straight. which makes taking it up the ass even more of a trial, which makes it even manlier

>> No.17044318

In the Suburban Baths at Pompeii Italy, a mural has been unearthed which depicts a threesome with male anal penetration. Another mural at Pompeii that’s especially exciting, shows a woman penetrating another woman as well as males with a strap-on according to Roman Scholar John Clarke. These murals seem to prove that sexual exploration, as well as strap-on sex, was embraced and celebrated in ancient Italy. It’s no wonder the bathhouse was such a popular place.

>> No.17044328

Another ancient painting, from Athens and the Corinth Archaeological Museum, portrays a female figure dancing while wearing a strap-on dildo and a tail, before a seated Dionysus.

>> No.17044329

>a mural means something was celebrated and embraced
Look it's fine if you have a submissive nature, that's what progressivism is for, naturally submissive people

>> No.17044332

Women entering the work force devalued labor, you stupid shitlib

>> No.17044333

Too many mental gymnastics for me. This doesn't make sense to anyone but you.

>> No.17044339

They entered out of necessity. The necessity predated the desire and the feminist movement was about being hired for better jobs long after they were already forced to work regular shit jobs.

>> No.17044344

Based. Fucking love Oktoberfest. Really sad it got cancelled this year.

>> No.17044348


>> No.17044352

Likewise, Seneca the Younger, a Roman philosopher makes mention in Epistle Morales ad Lucilium of women penetrating men. Strap-on sex is also talked about in the Secret History of Prociopius; where Theodra, wife of the Emperor Justinian, is depicted as penetrating the ‘hinder parts’ of her male lovers.

Progressivism is manly. It says fuck society, be who you want, do what you want. Even brain scans show the enlarged amygdala of the trembling conservative. Similar to cattle they are, fearful and anxious.

>> No.17044358

whether or not that's true they still have a right to self-determination

>> No.17044359

based leftist coward believing whatever capitalists tell him to

>> No.17044363

Revise history if you want to libcuck, it's what happened though.

>> No.17044367

it appears the retards have collided into each other

>> No.17044370

No one has a right to self determination

>> No.17044372

>Similar to cattle
So true, they're fat as fuck and form herds at walmart to consooom

>> No.17044374

>progressivism is many, it says fuck society
lmao, you can't even THINK a single thing that society would judge you for. Every opinion you have is tailored for social acceptance

>> No.17044382

They're not as fat as blacks and hispanics though

>> No.17044383

>Historians are capitalists ackshually. Not like the pragerU

>> No.17044393

based bootlicker, do and think exactly what they say

>> No.17044398

fucking take it away then fascist

>> No.17044404

ZOMG yer so cool and based senpai.
Saying nigger on an anonymous board doesnt makebyou brave you weak little child.

>> No.17044413

Im still right though, you're such a pussy your mind literally blocks the possibility of considering ideas that could get you in trouble lol

>> No.17044420

I cant take away something you dont have

>> No.17044421

>t. projection
I form my own opinions, fuck your echo-chamber, you're nothing more than a lap dog yipping and biting at my heels.

>> No.17044430

>I form my own opinions
do they happen to coincide exactly with the opinions of those in power and be perfectly selected so that you would never face criticism for espousing them lmao

>> No.17044437

Idk, never really been a pussy at all, never list a fight either, been thrown in jail for my opinions. You just shitpost and jerkoff at your battlestation. You seem to be trying really hard though, must've struck a nerve when you heard the truth, you and all of your ilk are fatass terrified cattle men being driven around the ranch by your masters.

>> No.17044443

you are literally scared of thinking things lol

>> No.17044446

Oh not at all. I doubt Biden plans to go Robespierre on America Inc. anytime soon. It must seem foreign to you, someone forming their own opinion rather than suckling it from pols teet

>> No.17044452

your opinions are given to you by a subset of Harvard and the NYT
Yeah real edgy, you'll definitely face consequences for praising the fucking French Revolution

>> No.17044472

Why do progressives believe in racial equality when every single black country, city, and minority population are dysfunctional, poor, violent etc.? I mean all IQ tests, crime and education statistics, even brain sizes, show the same thing. Are they just afraid?

>> No.17044480
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Stopping this from happening

>> No.17044577

What’s wrong with this?

>> No.17044611

Not everyone is interested in playing make-believe as adults.

>> No.17044612

gosh i remember when cartoons were about animals chasing each other and being hit in the face by a comically large frying pan or tied to an anvil with "acme" written on the side, and thrown off a cliff
simpler times

>> No.17044730

You might not know this because you're liberal, but just saying something does not make it true. This is a good example.

>> No.17044895


The good ship Tradcuck already set sail, my well intention-ed fren. I remember waving fondly as it heaved anchor.

The culture or environment has to support the traditions. If half the population is single and trying to sleep with the married half, no one wins.

Can't change the courts.
I can't make the parents not raise Burgerwhores.
I can't make a woman trad. I can't make women not monkey-branching-hypergamous. I can't make them marry me. I can't force them to abort or include me in any decision. Who is oppressed, exactly?
Nothing about feminism is good for the survival of a society.
>enjoy the collapse.
The longer I'm here, the more indifferent to women I become. Enjoy your hijab, ladies.

>> No.17045022

Reminder that the average peasant had far less involvement in his own life from his monarch than the average citizen of a neoliberal society does today.

Who really had the highest freedom?

>> No.17045032

This is just rural/urban divide.

>> No.17045034

Also they had fewer mental issues.

>> No.17045040
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Was Uncle Ted right?

>> No.17045049

Isn't this the Aesthetics guy? Which books of his do you reccomend?

>> No.17045053

About 85-90% of what he discussed

>> No.17045062

You're both correct and both wrong. According to a study by Dr. Lehmillar

"Democrats were more into BDSM and gender-bending, while Republicans craved orgies, swinging, cuckolding, and fetishes."

>> No.17045083

It's 100% about buying beard oil

>> No.17045133

>Learn what a Nazi is you illiterate.
If I call myself a flamingo, am I one?

>> No.17045946
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I'm increasingly thinking the only way forward is forward.
Any recommendations of books citing examples of a people succesfully adopting previously rigorous cultural customs once their culture has decayed? Surely the end result would be the same by nature of the fact the 'trad' customs disintegrated in the first place? If the traditions are so great why were they superceded by what it is we have now?