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17037914 No.17037914 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post and talk about ACTUAL banned and censored books. Shit that even Amazon won't sell and finding a PDF can be hard, let alone a physical copy without paying high prices.

picrel, tho you can find it on libgen and the national alliance website

>> No.17037935

I heard it was a very poorly written book with no character development and a plot full of deus ex bullshit and prose as stale as week old toast.

>> No.17037967

ya it kind of is but its still p censored and hard to find

im really tired of looking up "top 10 banned books" and its shit we read in 8th grade like huck finn or to kill a mockingbird

>> No.17037980
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Are there any books banned in briatain or the US currently? I know the US has the first amendment so it must be pretty hard to get a book banned and I'm sure Britain had a law about no longer allowing books to be banned but I'm curious if nowadays they've reversed that.

>> No.17038018


>> No.17038044

Some of these are outdated though, right? I was wondering what books are currently illegal to read instead of just being banned at somepoimt in the past.

>> No.17038058

Generally speaking, within criminal law, you wouldn't be charged with "reading" a banned book, but most likely possession. Remember it's always about property, not mens rea.

>> No.17038109
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>a school banned the dictionary because there was an entry for oral sex

>> No.17038118

Not really censored but the anarchist cookbook will land you in a boiling pot of hot water. It was found on a person's computer computer when searched and is was used as an argument successfully in court. Made a joke about shooting up a school and they found that book and made an example of him. Obviously you don't really want the police to find a book about building bombs if you are not working in the demolition or pyro industries.

Canada will probably arrest you for any books that deny the holocaust or put blacks or Jews in a bad light.

>> No.17038136

there's that one how to be a hitman book. forgot what it's called. got banned after someone used it to successfully pull of a hit.

>> No.17038202
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Idk about states tho

>> No.17038218
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>this was the last book ever banned by the US government
>other books have been banned since

>> No.17038223

Seej was shit

>> No.17038227

Culture of Critique
The Transgender Industrial Complex
Mein Kampf
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

>> No.17038230

I was getting advertised ISAIF on Amazon the other day kek

>> No.17038845

>The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Didn't the FBI post a pdf of that recently on their twitter account.

>> No.17038864

It was an automatic boy tweet, I think they got it deleted.

>> No.17038869

I once saw that in a bookstore and wanted to pick it up out of morbid curiosty, but refrained from doing it because the bookstore was pretty popular and I assumed it was some sort of honeypot.

>> No.17038872

bot tweet*

>> No.17038876

Is the Anarchist Cookbook still banned?

>> No.17038995

Anarchist cookbook is more of a meme bc it tells you retard shit like getting high off banana peels

>> No.17039109

In Australia some guy went to prison for having a PDF of a Victorian erotic novel called ‘The Pearl’ on his computer until the court realised you could buy it in the bookstore chain Dymocks.

There was also were some pedophile was charged with a bunch of shit but possession of some of Peter Sotos’ work was added to his list of charges.

>> No.17040168

Where do you get a hold of pdfs like this?

>> No.17040182
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>discussing the Turner Diaries over beers with my Nazi book club
Good times.

>> No.17040225

Welcome to America, friend, where we're so free that we have call things by different names so we can rule with just as much of an iron fist as any other nation.

>> No.17040311

Wouldn't 120 Days of Sodom be banned somewhere?

>> No.17040431

>the anarchist cookbook will land you in a boiling pot of hot water
no it won't, they sell that in mainstream bookshops

>> No.17040933

damn niggas rlly getting mad at words on pages

usually libgen or bookz
your russian shadow libraries are good bc in the 60s ruskies had banned and censored books from the cccp so they had black market books
and then when commie fell books were too expensive and still kind of had access restricted so they started putting books online, esp uni people bc in the 90s only uni people had computers but as time went on more ruskies had access to computers so ur shadow libraries manned by russians grew

tl;dr russian shadow libraires

holy mother of based

ya probably

>> No.17041166

They banned the fucking Decameron. Americans really can’t be intellectuals

>> No.17041194

That was over a hundred years ago you dumb bastard

>> No.17041206

whenever i have trouble cumming i just think about the day of the rope and i just cum instantly

>> No.17041270

A lot of the anarchists cookbook is just about hacking payphones

>> No.17041295

amazon refused to sell my diary, does that count?

>> No.17041374


I think David Irving and Kevin MacDonald are banned on amazon
I’ve looked into this book called Lord Horror, it was banned in the UK in 1991. I think it’s part novel, part comic but it’s hard to find more info on it.

>> No.17041398

>commit blatant copyright infringement and surprised why a book is banned
heres a hint, it's not because of any of the intellectual content

>> No.17041566

"Banned" doesn't actually mean banned, it's most challenged, which is a meme since any religious soccer mom or liberal tranny enabler can demand her school's library remove Harry Potter.
Actual banned "you're on a watch list" books like Industrial Society or the Great Replacement or the Anarchist's Cookbook are never available to be challenged to begin with.

>> No.17041598
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>land of the free
>cant read Decameron, Candid or Canterbury tales without FBI knocking down your door

>> No.17041657

We had a "printing budget" of like $10 a year in highschool, at 10c a page I autistically printed off the Anarchists Cookbook page by page and bound it myself with a hole punch and wire. It might still be in a box at my parents house, good times.

>> No.17041707

you can literally buy the unabomber manifesto on amazon in 3 different formats

>> No.17041748

>paying to put your name on an fbi watchlist

>> No.17041843

>a hundred years ago is a long time in America
Truly a country without history.

>> No.17041868
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>It's not banned if it's never published :^)

>> No.17041875

As if we aren't in all the alphabet soups' files already, with threat ratings, daily habits and addictions mapped out by algorithms.

>> No.17042096
File: 242 KB, 1059x874, 2020-12-16_12-57-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David Irving
there are several of his books available on amazon uk
most of his books appear to be out of print and are only available from marketplace sellers.
>banned on amazon
i hate this fucking stupid statement. amazon are a powerful retailer but cannot "ban" anything. they can refuse to stock things, as is their right.

>> No.17042106

The Anarchist Cookbook you find in stores nowadays is usually a censored version. It doesn't contain all the information of the original first edition.

>> No.17042142


>> No.17043571

Very autistic and very based
The issue is that Amazon is so big them refusing to stock something is akin to banning it