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17034904 No.17034904 [Reply] [Original]

rec some nationalist lit, everything written by the left is complete trash

>> No.17035524

Read Marx engels and lenin

>> No.17035549

>that pic
>"written by the left"
>most likely doesn't know what nationalism means
Start with the greeks, get fit and healthy, get a job or go to school, stop being depressed, then you earn the right to complain about people who think differently than you. Not until then.

>> No.17035945

This is good advice, but you should remain a nationalist throughout this and not allow yourself to be gaslighted by the masochistic mainstream that apologizes for inbred immigrants running rape gangs and homosexual pedophiles until it's blue in the face but pounces on any excuse to criticize honest patriotism.

Just read literature from the days when people were normal. Read some Kipling, it's good for your soul.

Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods."

>This is my country,
The land that begat me.
These windy spaces
Are surely my own.
And those who here toil
In the sweat of their faces
Are flesh of my flesh,
And bone of my bone.

>> No.17036042

>inbred immigrants running rape gangs and homosexual pedophiles
But the local pedophile rapists, they're all good

>> No.17036076

Nationalism is just a stepping stone to globalism, and like globalism it erases local culture and history, only on a slightly smaller scale. See: China.

Take the communitarian pill.

>> No.17036095

Just read Mein Kampf.

>> No.17036198

>and like globalism it erases local culture and history, only on a slightly smaller scale
Scotland is actually a great example of this. The Southern Elite proscribed the tartan, abolished the clan system, and disarmed the Celtic Hyndlanders completely destroying their culture.

>> No.17036238


Pretty much. The nationalism of the 1700s and 1800s in Europe pretty much eradicated all local cultures and languages other than the state approved one in every country it was adopted in. Globalism doing the same on an international scale is basically the end result of it.

>> No.17036292

Nationalism is one of the worst things that ever happened to the human race. It wiped out whole races of people without leaving a trace. It did the same thing to the Native Americans, the Tasmanians, and a bunch of other people. It's artificial. It's a disease. It's an obsession. It's a blind, maddening, soul-collecting, dead-in-the-head-hanging-from-its-tomb kind of thing that you can't believe anyone sane would ever think of, let alone try to live and let live. It's the sort of thing that would make you—or your still-existing goddamn ancestors—curse Silas Hill all the rest of your natural life.

>> No.17036356

Correct, that is why imperium combined with regionalism is the only possible solution. At least for Europe.
I would say it's materialism, of which nationalism is an offshoot.

>> No.17036419

The reason I hate materialism is that it robs us of our mysticism. I am a spiritual being. I know that I am a spirit. I know that I came from somewhere and that I have always had a body and that I am going to somewhere. I know the meaning of life, and I know the way to attain it. I have looked into many worlds and have seen many things, but I have never lost my wonder and awe. I am a seeker of strange and hidden things. I am an artist. I am a dreamer. I am a mystic. And I hate that damned stuff about success and failure, happiness and remorse, courage and cowardice, greed and satisfaction, health and illness, age and death. It all comes from the meaningless confusion of matter when everything and everybody is dead and the void reigns.

>> No.17036438

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal
>In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white British girls,[15] had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men (Kurdish and Kosovar men were also involved).
Derby child sex abuse ring
>At the time of the Derby case 50 out of the 56 men convicted in English courts of on-street grooming of girls, the majority from the British Pakistani community.[8] The significance of the race of the abusers was hotly disputed.
Huddersfield grooming gang
>The first 20 men convicted are all of Asian – mainly Pakistani – origin.
Manchester child sex abuse ring
>Newcastle sex abuse ring
>“the majority of the perpetrators have been British Pakistani”. She said: "We have got now, hundreds of Pakistani men who have been convicted of this crime, why are we not commissioning research to see what is going on and how we need to change what is going on. (...) I genuinely think that it’s because more people are afraid to be called a racist than they are afraid to be wrong about calling out child abuse.”
Oulu child sexual exploitation scandal
>In December 2018, it transpired that adult migrant men were grooming[1] (i.e., raping and otherwise sexually abusing) girls under 15 years of age in Oulu, Finland.
Oxford child sex abuse ring
>people of "Pakistani and/or Muslim heritage" constituted a significant number of the perpetrators.[4]
Rochdale child sex abuse ring
>Forty-seven girls were identified as victims of child sexual exploitation during the police investigation.[2][3][4] The men were British Pakistanis, which led to discussion on

>> No.17036468

>I would say it's materialism, of which nationalism is an offshoot.
I don't doubt you just based on the effects of nationalism, but can you explain how.

>> No.17036504

Understand that the word Nation historically does not mean an arbitrary area of land but instead a people.

>> No.17036513

>But the local pedophile rapists, they're all good
It's easier to deal with them if we don't have the rape gang problem sapping resources

>> No.17036534 [DELETED] 

In short, nationalism is just the commodified version of ethno-cultural identity. Evola wrote a lot about this topic if you're interested: http://www.juliusevola.net/excerpts/Modern_Nationalism,_the_Masses_%26_the_Democracy_of_the_Dead.html
>The reason I hate materialism is that it robs us of our mysticism.

>> No.17036580

>read marx engels and the man who completely inverted their philosophy
why are domesticated assets like this?

>> No.17036598

politics is for cattle. you're politicized? you're trash, you're dumb, your mind is clouded by ideology, you might have a chance to turn back if you're not the product of 12,000years of domestication, as in a literal, physiological domesticated animal. if you are then sorry, there is no hope for you, cattle.

>muh reformm utopia any day now!

>> No.17036600

I'm assuming your a burger, in which case you are an incredible midwit. Burgers cannot be nationalistic, in order to have valid nationalist values/concerns you must have ancestry that goes back more than three measly generations in the country you claim to be yours.

>> No.17036608
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Here's a (You), tourist.

>> No.17036613

In short, nationalism is just the commodified version of ethno-cultural identity. Evola wrote a lot about this topic if you're interested: http://www.juliusevola.net/excerpts/Modern_Nationalism,_the_Masses_%26_the_Democracy_of_the_Dead.html
>The reason I hate materialism is that it robs us of our mysticism.

>> No.17036619

Nationalism is bourgeois modernist larp-tier.

t. what /leftypol/ would call a rightoid.

>> No.17036622

Did posting that make you feel better about yourself?

>> No.17036630

Is there an analytical nationalist book that isn't like some esoteric conspiracy type shit.

>> No.17036638

Sure, Schmitt.

>> No.17036648

I tried to read him but once but he kept throwing out references to shit. Seemed like a book you read after you have a decent knowledge of political philosophy.

>> No.17036649

The difference is that the European culture of that time was quite literally High culture, with greatest aesthetic and spiritual standards. The contemporary american culture being globalized is Barbarian in contrast. Maybe even globalism isn't so bad if it's in the interest of Culture instead of Capital.

>> No.17036661

Nationalism is garbage invented in the 19th century kek

>> No.17036675

Nationalism is a product of ancient panhellenism.

>> No.17036808

Imagine being this much of a revisionist bullshitter. I bet you believe it, pseud.

>> No.17037386

Why can't the left meme?

>> No.17037394

But what is a nation?

>> No.17037790


>> No.17037805
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My books. They're horror, but I'm pretty far right.

>> No.17037911


>> No.17038126

I do all of this, am good looking, and financially secure. I simply do not like leftists and what they stand for.

>> No.17038150

why is everything calling?

>> No.17038231

Because the books are connected.