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/lit/ - Literature

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17034392 No.17034392 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend blackpilled satire. Examples:

>Anatomy of Melancholy
>Gargantua and Pantagruel
>Tale of a Tub
>Tristram Shandy
>Lucky Jim
>Pale Fire
>Timon of Athens
>The Vanity of Human Wishes

Aesthetics help anesthetize against the enormity of human folly.

>> No.17034402

>Gargantua and Pantagruel
you didn't read them did you? A modest proposal I guess

>> No.17034415

I read everything in the list except Theroux, Lucky Jim, and early Gaddis.

And Tale of a Tub is Swift's best work.

>> No.17034421

>Lucky Jim
Either blackpilled has no meaning and only means "books I like" or you don't know what blackpilled means. Also you're a douchebag for using the work blackpilled in relation to literature.

>> No.17034425

well then I don't what blackpill is then

>> No.17034449

Black humor. I don't associate it with the incel or reactionary stuff.
My understanding is that Lucky Jim is cynically funny. But it's one of the few in the list that I haven't read.

>> No.17034478

Lucky Jim is cynically hilarious, but both short and light; really just a very good campus novel.

>> No.17034496

The Sot-Weed Factor by John Barth is another really blackpilled satire

>> No.17034499
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>OP uses blackpilled to mean black humour
Do you think using meme words will make people more likely to respond?

>> No.17034501

>Black humor. I don't associate it with the incel or reactionary stuff.
Alright didn't get that at all. You might want to check out:
On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts
Cruel Tales (a personal favourite)
Songs of Maldoror
The Supermale

>> No.17034504

I mean that premise is true

>> No.17034516

Is the Everyman's edition translation good?

>> No.17034525
File: 729 KB, 1336x2672, doomer-core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17034528

I forgot to mention Torture Garden

>> No.17034532
File: 585 KB, 3264x3264, Wow This Is Litreally Me .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real blackpill my cute fag

>> No.17034547

Oh I forgot about Barth, that was high on my to-read when I was reading Mason & Dixon. His earlier, pomo, nonhistorical books are bleaker, right? But maybe over-bleak?
Thanks for reminding me of that DeQuincey—puts me in mind of Hitchcock's Rope (1948).

Cruel Tales by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam?

>> No.17034554

This isn't a depression thread, it's a Juvenalian/Menippean weltschmerz comedy thread.

>> No.17034564

>Cruel Tales by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam?
Absolutely. Brilliant short stories!

>> No.17034580

How tf is Tristram Shandy blackpilled? It's incredibly optimistic and life-affirming.

>> No.17034618

On blackpilled topics. Thus, blackpilled satire. One of its centermost themes is our mortality and general lack of control over our own lives or even personalities.

>> No.17034795

which one

>> No.17034807

how's borges even a doomer

>> No.17034817


>> No.17034823
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>Tristram Shandy
>Lucky Jim
Kek, oh anon

>> No.17034831

he is a pessimist

>> No.17034869

>On blackpilled topics. Thus, blackpilled satire.
I guess, but it mocks the pretentiousness and self-seriousness of the whole "blackpilled" mindset in the first place. Plus it doesn't have a hint of misanthropy which is a defining feature of all the "blackpilled" shit on that list.
>our mortality
Like every other novel in existence doesn't have something to say about mortality?
>general lack of control over our own lives or even personalities
You're making it sound fatalistic when in fact it's more just a recognition that we're often carried through life by whims and our own particular hobby horses. It's more like a celebration of arbitrariness and chance rather than some lament about our inability to control ourselves.

>> No.17034881

You should read Anatomy of Melancholy, it's the single biggest influence on Sterne.

>> No.17034892

I know it is, but that doesn't say shit about "blackpilled" being a stupid label for TS.

>> No.17034960

Because the person who made that chart identifies as a doomer but really likes Borges. Therefore Borges is a doomer.

>> No.17035044

Borges is at least a quietist, to be fair. A similar genre to the depressive or to the satirist.

>> No.17035077

what does this mean

>> No.17035094

yet his literature is not.

>> No.17035111

read Kolyma Tales by Shalamov. surprisingly it's not entirely cynical, and not a cheap misery porn either, at times it'd wrench a wicked laugh out of you.

>> No.17035136

>Quietism in philosophy sees the role of philosophy as broadly therapeutic or remedial. Quietist philosophers believe that philosophy has no positive thesis to contribute, but rather that its value is in defusing confusions in the linguistic and conceptual frameworks of other subjects, including non-quietist philosophy. By re-formulating supposed problems in a way that makes the misguided reasoning from which they arise apparent, the quietist hopes to put an end to humanity's confusion, and help return to a state of intellectual quietude.

Captures the gist. Think something like Pyrrhonic mysticism. Acceptance of one's own smallness. Shedding needless presuppositions about the nature of things. Like Ecclesiastes's simplicity: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.

>> No.17035260

Is nietzche a quietest

>> No.17035355

A noisy one, but yes. So long as your preserve his sarcasm and irony, and don't read him too literally.