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File: 7 KB, 274x184, Heidegger with Viktor Frankl 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17033953 No.17033953 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Heidegger friends with a holocaust denier?

>> No.17033957
File: 155 KB, 1000x727, Heidegger with Viktor Frankl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17033958

Why aren't you?

>> No.17033962
File: 136 KB, 905x728, Heidegger with Viktor Frankl 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17033968

I haven't met one in real life

>> No.17033975

Frankl was in a concentration camp, not sure what you are getting at.

>> No.17033976

>holocaust denier

>> No.17033996

He made most of his experiences up though
The real question

>> No.17034000

>He made most of his experiences up though

>> No.17034011

Because his lover was a Jew, so he needed to even things out.

>> No.17034015

That means he was a holocaust denier, otherwise he would have documented the what actually happened. Why were the actual stories not good enough?

>> No.17034077

Because after the war and after he got disavowed by Jaspers he was desperate for friends, whoever they might be: Jünger, Celan, Char, etc. This is the first letter he sent to René Char (who was a French resistant):
>Dear Monsieur Char,
>Paul [Celan] told me you were pretty nice and you wrote pretty poetry.
>Do you want to be my friend? We could play tag in the woods and hide and seek in the mountains.
>Your friend (hopefully)
>Martin Heidegger
This is Char's answer:
>lmaoo what a small german loser
>I bet I noscoped several of your friends in the maquis
>what are you going to do? cry about technology and dasein?
A few days later a new letter arrived:
>my wife said I shouldn't be mean with weaker men
>she also said you could come at our house for an after-school snack
Heidegger brought an apple pie, René's favourite meal and they became friends. He did that with pretty much everyone and sometimes it worked.

>> No.17034084

Because he was a careerist hack

>> No.17034114

He was a nazi with a Jewish lover...

>> No.17034205

I think he did worse than that brother lol

>> No.17034210

you are retarded

>> No.17034231

Why is this so believable?

>> No.17034248

top kek

>> No.17034250
File: 159 KB, 1010x1500, cutiepie heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just is.

I love him so much.

>> No.17034252

Wait I thought it was the best documented atrocity in recent history, why did he need to make up stories about how bad it was then?

>> No.17034254

why are heidegger pastas the very best /lit/ has to offer? someone post the russel heidegger pasta

>> No.17034267

because Char was an absolute chad and Heidegger an insecure manlet

>> No.17034584

>Les mêmes coups qui l'envoyaient au sol le lançaient en même temps loin devant sa vie, vers les futures années où, quand il saignerait, ce ne serait plus à cause de l'iniquité d'un seul. Tel l'arbuste que réconfortent ses racines et qui presse ses rameaux meurtris contre son fût résistant, il descendait ensuite à reculons dans le mutisme de ce savoir et dans son innocence. Enfin il s'échappait, s'enfuyait et devenait souverainement heureux. Il atteignait la prairie et la barrière des roseaux dont il cajolait la vase et percevait le sec frémissement. Il semblait que ce que la terre avait produit de plus noble et de plus persévérant, l'avait, en compensation, adopté.
>Il recommencerait ainsi jusqu'au moment où, la nécessité de rompre disparue, il se tiendrait droit et attentif parmi les hommes, à la fois plus vulnérable et plus fort.
Was this actually about Heidegger?

>> No.17034668

Why did Churchil never mention it?

>> No.17034743

Why is he wearing a yarmulke??

>> No.17034779

Holocaust denier.

>> No.17035102
File: 93 KB, 1522x1867, soyhemian rhapsody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17035658

How long until Heidegger gets cancelled? Political correctness gone mad

>> No.17035692

Neat story. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.17035708

>He made most of his experiences up though
How do you know?

>> No.17035722


>> No.17035725

because the book is auto-fiction?

>> No.17035746

at my university in germany (LMU) Heidegger specialists said they feel remorse towards teaching Heidegger after the "schwarze Tagebücher" were released, and one prof omitted him form his modern times philosophy lecture because of this.
I am not joking.

>> No.17035756

I don't know germ. What is "schwarze Tagebücher"? Googling it just brings up articles in German.

>> No.17035767

he was literally involved in the nazi movement

>> No.17035777

"black diaries"
recently released diaries of his, where he showed too much sympathy for them ebil nazis.

>> No.17035787

Do they do the same to Sartre for his Maoist sympathies I wonder.

>> No.17035795

No, but people have criticised him for apparently being something of a "short sited man" in his university days in 30's Germany.

>> No.17035797

I was being ironic because I thought Heidegger had already been mostly excluded long ago

>> No.17035809

he was fired during denazification of germany

>> No.17035829

So kind of like Celine's pamphlets?
I guess they could give Heidegger the same treatment, and still talk about Being and Time like how Journey to the End of the Night is still studied but avoid discussing any of his other work.

>> No.17035891

I'm your friend, OP. Now you're friends with a holocaust denier, hahaha!

>> No.17036008

those were released decades ago you devious kike

>> No.17036015

>He made most of his experiences up
Your source being?

>> No.17036166

>when writing philosophy, act like an atheist
>actually be pious Catholic
>Be nazi
>Bang a Jewish woman for years
Was Heidegger a schizo?
He was the first to be cancelled if anything