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17031605 No.17031605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the Second Sex worth reading?

>> No.17031614

Yes, I enjoyed it and it's a good text to understand Feminism.

>> No.17031630

This strange webm is disgusting. This man needs to be thoroughly tarred and feathered and beaten with a sack of oranges immediately or the old gods will punish us for our hubris.

>> No.17031662

>s3xual @ssault
Why do they do this? Is just saying "sexual assault" too extreme? It's already a poltically correct euphemism for rape.

>> No.17031664

Eh. I just feel sorry him.
Sure it's fun for him now to prance around and pretend that men not expressing their emotions is a trait of patriarchy and not a learned response from interacting with women, but sooner or later he'll sit down and realize he's addicted to emotional symptoms and his siren song of "be a pussy" was the actual toxic masculinity.
Men can cry, but not for tiktok views

>> No.17031669

You lads know this is a registered sex offender right. Somebody post the link

>> No.17031672

Ah shit what's that historical fiction book that takes place in the year 1984 where external forces keep restricting language more and more to silence dissent.
Should've taken place in 2020, am I right?

>> No.17031713

HOW the fuck does it make sense that in a PATRIARCHY fathers are viewed as the less important parent?

WHy do I even bother reasoning?

>> No.17031721

Yes, but only in the original French. The translations are garbage.
It’s to bypass a filter I think

>> No.17031736

I think it's meant to be ironic you guys

>> No.17031744

The lack of sound really adds to how indescribably stupid tiktoks are.

>> No.17031761

Because as far as I know, in feminist theory the mum having to watch the kids is a remnant of slavery and the original patriarchal order where the dad had to go fight, hunt, etc. while the mother had to watch the kids for him. Of course maybe this isn't what they say nowadays but from what I've read it's claimed. Even though the "mother right" was around in many cultures so idk how they explain that.

>> No.17031762

I didn't even have to read the text to know I wouldn't agree with what he said. His face said it for him. I feel kind of bad saying it but damn, nothing you say matters when you have that physiognomy. I don't even really disagree with his message, though I wouldn't call it "patriarchy" but I can't get behind him because of how pathetic he looks.

>> No.17031769

It's not. He thinks dancing like that is dunking on traditional men

>> No.17031804

absolutely not, everything french is trash

>> No.17031816

Only funny post here.

>> No.17031819

This is why the social sciences are a joke, it's all weak hypotheses claimed to be true without significant evidence whilst also ignoring biology, including mathematically proven beneficial evolutionary mating strategies.

>> No.17031983

Does anyone have the one where he's pretending to defend a woman from another guy?

>> No.17032002

I'm still working on the first sex.

>> No.17032013

Yeah, it's one of the few feminist books that is reasonable and right on most things.
Although, don't expect mainstream modern feminism from it. It was written by an existentialist in the 50s, so a lot of the communitarian-type stuff (women help women!) that has co-opted the feminist movement is not present in De Beauvoir's books.

>> No.17032039

It's not he's just actually like that. You can look on his tiktok if you dont believe me. He makes videos of himself pretending to white knight for women who arent actually real and are in situations that arent real. He gets high off his own "male feminist" fumes and thinks hes a hero. To give him some credit though he isnt some man hating feminist like a lot of feminists. There was a video where some guy was getting his shirt pulled off and he was clearly not into it and this guy made a point to talk about it. Hes still massively gay though so that doesnt really matter and he takes himself and his tiktok activism about 10000% more seriously than anyone should with that sort of thing.

>> No.17032069

The father is viewed as less essential to parenting because taking care of the kids is traditionally a woman's job. This is a dialectical outcome of modernity though. Things go roughly like this:

people care about authority more than they care about kids -> fathers are dominant and thus don't have to bother with their kids -> society starts caring more about kids -> mother become guilt-tripped into taking serious care of all their kids -> children become dominant and the central element of the family -> fathers guilt trip themselves into caring for the kids -> father feel left out of the family for not being associated with child care

>> No.17032174

The Eric Zemmour book?

>> No.17032210

This. A man brings home the bacon and rent while the woman provides the emotional education. The absolute state of incelism is the just desserts of incapable mothers who should've aborted like their milenial and zoomer contemporaries who acknowledge their incompetence.

>> No.17032214

Whoa what a midwit take

>> No.17032222

Isn't this the same dude from that webm where a mod tells a guy he can no longer interact with a discord, but then the banned guy just gets around it, comments "sneed", and the video ends with the mod throwimg a punch? Am I thinking of someone else or does he do feminism stuff and 4chan memes on tiktok?

>> No.17032223
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No. The one where I stick my penis in a woman for the first time

>> No.17032251

Feel free to tell me why my take is "midwit", I like to ask because the responses are wither one of the following:
>no reply because of inability to reason
>insults because of no ability to reason
Feel free to break the cycle.

>> No.17032288

>talking about 1984 makes you a midwit regardless of what is said

>> No.17032533

Showed this to a girl and she saw me as masculine af

>> No.17032538

Damn he's got moves!

>> No.17032587
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Only the improved version

>> No.17032623

it sucks to be ugly
all personality is halo effect

>> No.17032886

Jarobe is based

>> No.17033688
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>> No.17033870

>s3xual @ssault
Its other even for them. Advertisers will remove social justice from ze content.

>> No.17033897

Web developer I imagine

>> No.17033921

iirc that was misinfo, the guy people are claiming was him had a facial scar which he doesn't, and their ages don't match up. still pretty cringe but i kind of admire his lack of self consciousness.

>> No.17033926
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>> No.17033928
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his face is very punchable
i want to punch him in his face

>> No.17034139

Ofcourse the dysgenic inbred incel resents the Jorobe Chad BVLL

>> No.17034721

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.17034766

It's bad enough when women do this shit. This is horrifying.

>> No.17034970

>the old gods

>> No.17034979
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>the old gods

>> No.17034983

>have sex
That'll teach em.

>> No.17034996

from what i understand tiktok, a chinese company, formally filters out words like sex, gay, rape, trans etc or restricts them from going into trending.

>> No.17035039

turbo sneed

>> No.17035059

English professors

>> No.17035344

Wait a second, that was my take not your take! I'm the 1984 goblin! I'm the guy that shoehorns that book into as many threads as possible!

>> No.17035354

Anon i thought the same but its not

>> No.17035378

In cameroen they burn people like this in a huge tire and let his body melt with the tire

no, Judith Butler is retarded and scientifically wrong (inb4 scientism tard, no)
You can literally guess the sex of someone 90% of the time correctly by skull measurements alone, you can also do that with brain MRI's at birth. Gender is biological to a significant degree.

>> No.17035383

Second sex? I haven't even had my first sex yet!

>> No.17035387


>> No.17035399

>filters out gay and trans
Wtf I love TikTok now

>> No.17035416

I love to hate these people. It's unhealthy, but I do. I can't really be mad at the blacks or the transgenders or women, because at the end of the day they all have legitimate struggles. At worst I pity them. But I have nothing but contempt for men who debase themselves like this. I love the soiboy cringe threads more then anything else because it's a reminder of what I could have been. No matter what happens in life I didn't go down that path. But the fact that I care is a huge problem. I need to let go of this loathing for the person I once was.

Anyway, I can't stand existentialists, but I recall enjoying Beauvoir's essay's more then Sartre. That's a very low bar tho. Camus is the best of them.

>> No.17035898

The absolute state of white """"""men""""""

>> No.17036106

He 100% sincere, and to top it all of, he's a convicted sex offender. It turns out it's always psychopathic and manipulative people that turn out to be the most insufferable of moralists.

>> No.17036301

>he's a convicted sex offender.
Is he? Link?

>> No.17036331

It's a meme. Some guy with the same name is but looks nothing like him.

>> No.17036358

Congrats bro. You’re posting on an image board in the middle of the day, you made it

>> No.17036371

>The Eternal Young and Eternally Old God

>> No.17036418

Fair, but I'm still pretty happy with life. Couldn't say that back when I was like him.

>> No.17036445

It's the same guy. Compare the locations of residency with the scenery in the videos. It checks out.


>> No.17036542


Talking about some guy getting his shirt pulled off against his will is not a redeeming factor. MRA shit is not the answer to feminism. Guys who let that happen to them should be shamed into getting their shit together and growing the balls required to not letting it happen if they don't want it, not babied like victims.

>> No.17036616
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Never take ideological advice from people who are physically repulsive.

>> No.17036634

It isn't just his appearance that's ugly, it's his behavior. He also has a certain amount of control over each that he is not exerting, so he can be faulted for it to a certain extent.