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/lit/ - Literature

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17030766 No.17030766 [Reply] [Original]

What inherent advantages do books have over more immersive mediums like VNs and games?

>> No.17030776

>poorly drawn anime tits and public domain background music

>> No.17030778

perfect reflection, you can advance in the work at your pace, go back anytime you want, thats why its the deepest medium intellectually, but its not very visceral compared to games, reading is really not visceral at all.

>> No.17030786

You get to imagine all the women as traps and futas

>> No.17030788

Books aren't limited by software compatibilities, off-hand concerns like game design, voice acting, etc. The imagination does everything good graphics, voice acting, etc. can do but better anyway, so no books and games are not inherently more immersive, unless you're one of those heathens who can't imagine for shit because your brain is fried from overstimulation.

To expand on my initial point. If you want to read an old book you can just download it. To play an old game you have to dig up and emulator and hope it works on your machine, isn't subject to crazy ass glitches, needing patches, etc.

tl;dr read faggot

>> No.17030794

Games need gameplay, and interactivity doesn't suit all stories. Visual novels are just shitty books with anime drawings.

>> No.17030821

I think it's that books have been filtered through the centuries so the ones you're told to read represent peak human experience. When you consume games etc you're the filter... there might be something on the same level as the greatest books, but you're mostly going to waste your time on irrelevant garbage. If you care about that sort of thing.

Then of course there's the imagination argument, that if you're not a brainlet you can imagine a world far better than what makes it through the PC/Chinese pandering filter of game devs.

If you are a brainlet though you should keep playing your VNs.

>> No.17030832

I see that you are a fellow Chad connoisseur of western-style trap hentai OP

>> No.17030834

If your mind's eye isn't better than a VN, God help you

>> No.17030840

>he only reads old books
Pleb and dilettante-pilled

>> No.17030841

I dont mean rendering, I mean something like playing MGS and being on the verge of detection and alarms, having to think on ur feet and make fast decisions, totally different realm of experience than book can provide.

>> No.17030847

No way! Really?!

>> No.17030864

True, it's easy to pull out of book immersiom, harder with a movie, even harder with a game. It's no wonder theatre has been around as long as books have

>> No.17030869

literature encapsulates the best ideas and experiences of human civilization. games and VNs are vapid playthings.

>> No.17030872


>> No.17030884

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17030892
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Books are fucking cool, weeb shit is not.

>> No.17030893
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>literature encapsulates the best ideas and experiences of human civilization

>> No.17030895

That looks like a pretty good experience to me

>> No.17030896

what does pic related have to do with literature?

>> No.17030897

His point is that there is shit books too, same as there are shit games and shit VNs

>> No.17030899
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>> No.17030905

his point is retarded, because literature and books do not mean the same thing

>> No.17030907

Well OP was asking about books

>> No.17030909

OP's question is retarded too. not my problem.

>> No.17030923

The best VNs are still genre fiction tier. I say this as a fan of the genre. OP, start reading good books, that's the only way you'll understand.

>> No.17030928

Hey look it's The Sphere Hunter from the youtube channel The Sphere Hunter.

>> No.17030966

I think it’s quite funny how they call them “novels”. In reality, both visual novels and light novels lean more to comic book than novel.

>> No.17030970


>> No.17030974

>reading anything that came after 1850

>> No.17030975

light novels have only occasional images, they're closer to illustrated novels than comics

>> No.17030986
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This is cropped from gay hentai

>> No.17030989

It’s not about the images. It’s the fact the writing is like 8th grade reading level. It’s a solid step below YA. Maybe it’s just the ones I read but idk.

>> No.17030992

>we both knew that
We're too far, bro

>> No.17031063

>books require you to actively engage in the text mentally and emotionally
>trying to argue this isn't more immersive and demanding to the psyche than a constant stream of stimuli shoved down your throat

>> No.17031077

You only post a bad book to mock us, because you know you will be mocked moreso by posting what you consider an excellent game that can compete with the best of literature.

>> No.17031110

Gay Rights ruined a whole generation of children raised on digital simulacrum.

>> No.17031222

Books are vastly more immersive, so wrong your premise does be.

>> No.17031369

I don't think video games are inherently a lower form of art than literature is. That being said as far as I know there are no video games that are on the same level as the best books right now. This is because video games are more a product than they are art. It is a team of people working for a company who are being paid to make a product that will turn a profit. Good literature on the other hand is created as an artistic expression, or to convey thoughts an opinions. If an artist or intellectual wants to share their ideas, the easiest form of doing so is through literature. As a result books tend to have more depth and value than a video game.
The target demographics of video games and books also affect this. Video games are made for a younger audience of children and young adults, whereas literature is usually written for educated adults. As a result you don't see video games being made that are any better than YA fiction.
It also helps that there are thousands of years of literary history, compared to around 40 years of video games.

>> No.17031411

everrything a book can do, a videogame can do. books are limited to text. videogames can use text, and also have more tools available.

It's only a matter of time until we get a shakespear of videogames.

>> No.17031421

already happened with Doom II, it's been 30 years of darkness since

>> No.17031429

The fact that videogames are mostly made for profit by a cultural industry doesn't mean that art videogames cannot possibly exist. It's just a matter of time, you idiots. There's nothing inherently lower or childish about videogames, or interactive experiences. They are the inevitable evolution of written media.

>> No.17031438

No, no. I don't mean a really good game. I mean a game that pushes the boundaries of games and is not a game anymore. It is an interactive digital experience mediated by text (code).

>> No.17031439

>Good literature on the other hand is created as an artistic expression
That is, until your publisher tells you that you need to include more gay niggers

>> No.17031450

>books are limited to text
But text is not limited like software is. It is infinitely portable and the best literature maintains a timeless quality to live on through the centuries.

>> No.17031455

What's wrong with gay niggers you fucking racist bitch. Go back to the KKK meeting with your alcoholic dad.

>> No.17031460

>everrything a book can do, a videogame can do.
Yes, with an additional superfluity that detracts from the firm wholeness you get from reading literature.
>It's only a matter of time until we get a shakespear of videogames.
Delusional retard.
I can't tell if these posts are satire or sincerely written from some weed smoking junkie that still watches 90s cartoons and listens to Heavy Metal.

>> No.17031472

lol. Literally the Call of Duty for millennials.

>> No.17031483

Opera combined poetry, dance, and theatre.

The same way, videogames will someday combine literature, cinematography and *games*. (And music, and poetry, and thatre, and everything).

Nietzsche opens his critique of modern artistic culture with a fierce attack on opera, which he sees as a completely degenerate form of music. The three elements of opera that he finds offensive can be defined as follows. First, opera, as a recitative art, combines text with music in such a way that the music must always be slave to the text. Second, opera champions an idyllic conception of primitive man that sooths us with its quaintness but that cannot satisfy our metaphysical needs. Third, opera suggests that every man is an artist, and thus it must cater to the cheerful tastes of the laity.

>> No.17031500

People will shit on you for saying that but it's actually true.

>> No.17031503

Videogames already do combine those things, but rarely in a masterful way. If you really want the best each medium has to offer, go to the pure forms.

>> No.17031506

Well said. The Gesamtkunstwerk is indeed a flawed convention.

>> No.17031526

I'm confused, are you arguing for or against video games? See:

>> No.17031539

call of duty was a millenial game retard

>> No.17031553


>> No.17031557

The idea that some VN or game is more immersive is wrong. Books are far more immersive once you release your mind to them.

Also: good writing.

>> No.17031559

do both of them have dicks?

>> No.17031564

Late Millennial, but not early. Early millennials were definitely playing Doom on their school computers at 10-12 years old.

>> No.17031569

We will never get it because good writers just write books. In fact, videogames have only gotten worse as they copy film shit.

>> No.17031589

I want a game like Elona without the autistic japshit number crunch and good. Until then video games will be shit in my eyes.

>> No.17031599

Yes, and they most certainly have anal sex on a regular basis.

>> No.17031607

I´m not saying current videogames are on level with literature, you can´t compare those. As you wouldn´t compare a song to a book.

I´m just saying videogames as a medium have the potential, and will inevitably, become more than games.

It´s like the tools of interactive fiction have only been used so far for power fantasies and ludic mechanics, with rewards, etc. But they will be used in another, more artistic and free way. Someday in the next 20-50 years.

>> No.17031634

>People will shit on you for saying that but it's actually true.
Only nostalgiafaggots and zoomers that ate up their "Doom is a sublime masterpiece" narrative without any understanding of the context which they speak will disagree with me.

>> No.17031679

in the ideal, you can actually live and decide as a character in a video game. There is nothing more immersive than that, though books always have the most ethereal quality of imagination, next to music

>> No.17031738
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Putting myself into the mind of the author, who can be a man of our time or from centuries ago, experiencing his thoughts, feelings, and vision of the world, is far more immersive and edifying than choosing my character's dick size.