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/lit/ - Literature

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17028909 No.17028909 [Reply] [Original]

We stack a few books and other Anons rank them

>> No.17028919

Divine comedy>paradise lost >metamorphoses>Aeneid>>>Fahrenheit

>> No.17028990

Based Christian

>> No.17029108 [DELETED] 

Switch the Aeneid and Metamorphoses and that's correct.

>> No.17029124
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Right, let's see if anyone manages to rank all of these then.

>> No.17029148
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OK do me

>> No.17029275

this is fucking stupid you stupid consoomer

>> No.17029292
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>> No.17029705

I only know the Gulag Archipelago because it was recommended by Jordan Peterson, what do you think about it anon ?

>> No.17029733

8/10, not a bad book there

8/10, that Goethe book is fantastic

6/10, Cancer Ward is great but his other stuff is just okay

>> No.17029843

you don't know what a consoomer is you low iq negroid zoomer

>> No.17029878

why do you have so many copies of the gulag archipelago

>> No.17029893
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Mom I posted it again

>> No.17029901

Latin bros, Aeneid must be good in the original right? Because it's absolute trash in translation.

>> No.17029909

I've only read the Ted Hughes limited translation of Matamorphoses, what am I missing out on?

>> No.17029915
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PL is a library book but just finished it and it was superb.

>> No.17029984

You don’t know what a zoomer is you consoomer boomer doomer

>> No.17030429

Worth reading despite its girth and tiny font. Slow moving car crash. It's not stream of consciousness but it's prose is very hypnotic
Idk maybe because it's a fucking trilogy anon.

>> No.17030461


>> No.17030470

451 is actually shit novel

>> No.17030565

Why did you crack poor Miltons spine?

>> No.17030574

>hue hue hue, I shall call a popular, well standing novel bad without further comment whatsoever
>I am an undisputed genius, hue hue hue

>> No.17030603
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just bought suttree, excited to spend my time off doin some reading

>> No.17030664

hes right tho lol

>> No.17030677

Have you already read The Elegant Universe?
Fabric is pretty much a dumbed down version.

>> No.17030702

It's silly fanfiction in any language

>> No.17030708

I'm really enjoying this so far but it's definitely a bit too hand wavey. I'll add elegant universe to the list

>> No.17030711

I just finished the 2nd chapter and its pretty meh. There are flashes of something interesting, but they don't last long. It is some weird middle ground between a novel and short story where the characters and pacing isn't developed enough for a novel, but still too long for a short story. Beatty seems like a character though

>> No.17030746
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R8 mahfuckas

>> No.17030784

Nice to see Ray Bradbury finally being shoehorned in with the timeless classics.

>> No.17030803
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>> No.17031129
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>> No.17031131
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Bought these for my father. I don't live in Argentina anymore so I told the seller to ship them to his workplace.

>> No.17031412


>> No.17031475

shut the fuck up

>> No.17031509

It's entertaining but it's not deep or anything. What is it about dystopian fiction that attracts so many lit babies? You know what I mean? It's like a stepping stone between YA lit and more respectable literature.

>> No.17031518

Origin of Consciousness, CCRU, and the divine comedy are all based. Unfamiliar with the others but the Tibetan book looks quite good too.

>> No.17031685

Agreed, the book really underwhelmed me. and beatty is my favorite character lol

>> No.17031692


>> No.17031784

Get the fuck out of my thread or I'm going to call the cops

>> No.17031952


>> No.17031960

nice. I love hemingway and kerouac

>> No.17032019
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>> No.17032731

Too much information pal

>> No.17033955


>> No.17034080
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>> No.17034158

Basado argiebro

>> No.17034169

One of these is not like the others

>> No.17034200

Norton... Ovid... is that the magnificent Charles Martin translation? Anon, you're a man of taste.

>> No.17034264

an award winning translation... Emily Wilson, Robert Fagles, all the giant of the classics bow down and worship him

Excerpt #1
Your rhymes are fake: accept our wager
Learn which of us is minor and which is major
There’s nine of us here and there’s nine of you
And you’ll be nowhere long before we’re through
Nothin’s gonna save you ’cuz your songs are lame
And the way you sing ’em is really a shame

Excerpt #1
’Cuz Jupiter laid low as the leader of a flock
And Delius his homey really got a shock
When the Giants left him with no place to go:
“Fuggedabout Apollo—make me a crow!”
And if you believe that Phoebus was a wuss
His sister Phoebe turned into a puss

>> No.17034606

Yes, the Divine Comedy is a hardback

>> No.17034680
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very good taste, on what website do you buy books in english?
are you familiar with all of western philosophy or do you just dive in to Being and Time? Kinda jelly about the Baudelaire book
2/5 Farewell and storm are good

>> No.17034812

Cheers mate, I just get them off of Amazon or Ebay or wherever Bookfinder says I can get a book cheapest. For me it's way harder to get books in Polish, I've only just recently found a couple of different places where I can get some decent stuff from so I'm no longer solely dependent on my nan and uncle sending me a few books from Poland on my birthday and for Christmas. Oi and how's the Baudelaire in Polish mate? I've read a load of his poetry in an English translation, I've enjoyed his work tremendously, and I just like reading poetry in Polish quite a bit more than I do in English so yeh

>> No.17034868

Oh and forgot to mention that there's a Co-op sort of near my house that's had a charity sale going on for months now, and whilst there is usually nothing at all worth buying I have managed to nab some really good stuff for very cheap, like that big book of Orwell's non-fiction, the Shakespeare History and Poetry anthology that's like some sort of special edition made for the army in the 1920's and a copy of Walden from the fuckin 1800's and they all only cost me a quid each

>> No.17034965

Absolutely based. I'm going to start reading him soon. Just got a copy of the Accursed Share.

>> No.17035042

based charlottebro, Villette's my favorite

>> No.17035149

Wanted to read The Story of the Eye, but got this one for free shipping on my other deliveries. It seems like I should like Bataille very much. I'll read it over the next couple of days or so. Have you read TSotE?
Ohh that changes everything actually, I thought you were in Poland like me so nevermind the question hah. That makes the collection all the more impressive, how is your Polish bro? is it your first language or something you learn to connect with your roots?
This is the 'poems in prose' work of his so I thought I wouldn't miss all that much, but I'm not sure about it. I'll probably compare it with the original since I've been studying French for quite a while, it's a pity foreign books are rather expensive in Polish currency.

>> No.17035272

No I only read Batailles Peak which deals with his philosophy. I really liked his ideas and now want to start reading him. Accused Share was referenced a lot so I am starting there.

>> No.17035309
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>> No.17035343


>> No.17035361

So this is Geunons legacy

>> No.17035941


A particularly bad translation of Ovid, good luck anon.

>> No.17035959
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>> No.17036112
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How’s this

>> No.17036150

I smell an american

>> No.17036185

bardzo sympatycznie anonku

>> No.17036218

Do you speak Hungarian and Polish?
dzięki senpai

>> No.17036227

Only the former, Quo Vadis is also a Hungarian translation.

>> No.17036249

I’m pretty under-read, familiar with Kant and Husserl enough so that I’d never felt lost reading B&T. Also kept a Heidegger glossary handy along with video lectures accompanying each chapter, I feel competent so far (I have about 150 pages or so left). I’ve been able to discuss Heidegger with more astute readers than myself without feeling lost so I think if you have a background similar to mine you should be good. Baudelaire is fun, mainly got it to practice French though he’s not my favorite.

Villette is underrated as hell. Sometimes I think I’m falling in love with Lucy Snowe (or maybe Charlotte herself).

>> No.17036270

What are top 3 most influential books by Hungarian authors?
Yep I also think that if you surround yourself with secondary sources you'll be mostly fine to discuss it. I've got a long way to go when it comes to philosophy.

>> No.17036399

What do you mean by influential? Hungarian literature very rarely had an effect on world literature, but there are a ton of great works none the less. Poets were always more celebrated in Hungary than writers, but Kosztolányi was both a writer and a poet, I'd say he's the most celebrated literary figure here.

>> No.17036582

Alright thanks mate, and good luck with your French studies. My Polish is yeh fluent and that, I was born in Wejherowo and knocked about there until I was like 5 and then got shipped off to England. I did get made to go to a Polish school on Saturdays for a few years, which definitely helped me learn and not forget how to read and write, since all I did was a bit of nursery back in Poland. So I did that until I was 10 and we moved all the way from a little shithole town outside of London to the south-west of England where I'm still at now. And then fuckin 10 and 11 is that age where basically everyone who was well into books stops reading them altogether, so I've only got back into reading anything at all in the summer of last year, when I was on holiday in Poland, my uncle gave me some books and I was reading like The Hobbit and Animal Farm na działce (idk what a działka is in English) and enjoying reading for the first time in years, because of course school and I'd say especially English school really fucks you off reading. So yeh started, I've only got into Polish lit probably about 6 months ago, I was really, really fucking bad and rusty at it at first, it was taking me fuckin 15 minutes to read a single page, I'm still a fair bit slower at it than I am reading in English, but I enjoy just the language itself more, and I'm only 18 so I've got a lot of time to catch up and that.

>> No.17037074
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>> No.17037263
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r8 me up bros

>> No.17037356
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I'm using an ereader, so here's my virtual stack.

>> No.17037696

beyond help

>> No.17038734

What would Guenon think of this?

>> No.17039864
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read recently

>> No.17039887

get off that fagles shit. get lattimore iliad

>> No.17040273

I might read Poe after I read Fagles.

>> No.17040390

9/10 because no Bible but still epic

>> No.17040517

B&T is one of the best things I've read, and I read him with about the same background as you. it's weird that people say he's impossible to understand, he actually seemed pretty clear to me

>> No.17040872

This makes my sad because It reminds me that Poland didn't have a epic movie trilogy since ogniem I mieczem

>> No.17042248

>the pillow book of sei shonagon

>> No.17042257

>utas es holdvilag
Very nice, he was right to leave that slut of a wife

>> No.17042495

ovid above virgil...? anon...

>> No.17042510

Kinda based but is that "Courage to be disliked" not just some airport circlejerk?

>> No.17043795

They made eight leprechaun movies?

>> No.17044004


>> No.17044137
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two of your books say wojak lol

>> No.17045522

Anon... I don't see the letters "KJV" anywhere... Would you like to explain?

>> No.17045532



>> No.17045563

>that 30yo boomer who still denies Fagles' superiority

>> No.17045575
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>> No.17045670

is that Hemingway an Easton Press?How much did you pay?Either way, it looks nice

>> No.17045687
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The book on the bottom is a Douay-Rheims bible I read the daily Mass readings from every night.

Really nice
A lot of Polish stuff I can't comment on but the English stuff is solid
Never seen a Solzhenitsyn stan before
These all look really interesting
>Loeb Horace
>Pillow Book
>Rereading A Christmas Carol
Best in the thread
>120 Days of Sodom
Your dad wants the big coom
Weird neo-puritan
No opinion on the titles but the stack itself is aesthetically pleasing
Manga or LNs?
How the FUCK are there this many Poles on this board?
A lot of nice titles there
Based fa/tg/uy
Good on you reading the Iliad but yeah, Lattimore is really good as a translation >>17039887

>> No.17045911

It's like stoicism but as psychology. I'll have to read some opposing viewpoints and see why Adler's ideas aren't mainstream, because this book is personally helpful, but very biased.

>> No.17045927

>Manga or LNs?
the latter,

>> No.17047146

Mistaking Hungarian for Polish, baka

>> No.17047158


>> No.17047160

Fahrenheit ruins the stack

>> No.17048169

Pliny the Elder's delightful, anon; a kind of Roman Herodotus except the subject's natural not social history. Can't make out the bottom volume but assume it's a Bible; if so, which?

>> No.17048196

Ok, got it there

>> No.17049299


>> No.17049382

>Ovid over fucking VIRGIL
Virgil should be number 1 retard. Your number one submits himself to Virgil, take notes