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17027186 No.17027186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any book recommendations to help me understand the unique struggle of African Americans living in the US?

>> No.17027210

Jannies will delete this

>> No.17027215

For asking for book recommendations on a literature board?

>> No.17027242

>Student Dr. Kendra
She's not actually a doctor yet, right? Or is student doctor a legit title?

>> No.17027250

No, she's a third year medical student. But I think Dr is only a nickname, like Dr Dre

>> No.17027268

Baldwin, Du Bois

>> No.17027307

Are there any books about the American black struggle that aren't about REEEE YTES

>> No.17027316

/lit/ would you want her operating on you?

>> No.17027431

If she made it through and managed to become a surgeon then sure. Can't trust her any less than I can trust someone else who has gone though the process.

>> No.17027492

Just Mercy I guess

God I wouldn’t want this bitch operating on me though.

The “struggle” doesn’t even exist anymore other than them being more naturally predisposed to crime and not having fathers. They have better chances in getting into colleges, scholarships, awards, grants etc. all because of their color. Everyone also wants to hire some black for that +diversity check too regardless whether it’s the best candidate.

>> No.17027524

>work offers me free therapy
>decide to check it out
>it’s a strong black womyn
>nope’d tf out and never attend
Since we still live in a capitalist society, can we, as consumers, suppress or end the obvious lefty push of unqualified women and poc in industries?

>> No.17027532
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Very insincere

>> No.17027537

Paved with Good Intentions

>> No.17027570

Oh, well in that case I am also a doctor.

>> No.17027574

are you really willing to bet your life on the process still being fair

>> No.17027589

Can someone tell me the logic of black people playing football or basketball or rapping as a way to get out of the ghettos? From my standpoint, they could simply make good grades in school and then go to a normal local or state college. They could probably even get a full ride just for being black, getting good grades, and never having been to jail

>> No.17027620

There aren't many good role models for making good grades and going to college for them. Not only that but i'm sure you can see how it is really not as appealing a path as being a rich and famous rapper or football star either. And getting good grades isn't fun.

>> No.17027633

There is a lot of cultural-shaming from getting an education in certain black environments -- often lamented as one acting "white."

>> No.17027642


>> No.17027643

Getting good grades can be fun. You get to see an A or B on your tests or essays, even. Whereas what is the reward for a medicare athlete or singer? Second string draft or 300 views for your song on Soundcloud

>> No.17027648

*even as an average student

>> No.17027656
File: 82 KB, 853x504, Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality. - The New York Times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17027666
File: 226 KB, 1898x904, Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality. - The New York Times (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17027677
File: 31 KB, 330x499, 41dz3crw1TL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17027686

Happens a lot to affirmative action students unfortunately. They get in but can't compete the degree. I actually knew a Hispanic girl in my college who had to drop out for poor grades

>> No.17027696

It’s not “cool” to be smart in the hood

>> No.17027705

That school lost its accreditation status and had a scandal for teachers abusing their students. How the mighty have fallen


>> No.17027707

Civil Rights: Real or Rhetoric by Thomas Sowell

>> No.17027733

what a coincidence, so am I

>> No.17027738

They don't think they'll be mediocre. Getting good grades really isn't much fun. Maybe if happen to like the subject I guess. the costs outweigh the benefits until you reach like 25 and you look back and you realize damn i should have paid attention in school and so then you halfheartedly tell your kids to pay attention in school but they also don't because they just want to become rappers and athletes too

>> No.17027751

Their entire predicament makes sense once you realize that they're dumber than Whites, Asians, and Latinos. Once you understand this, all of the puzzles pieces fall into place. Liberals and academics, however, would rather break their backs attempting to conjure up complex sophistries for why black people aren't successful.

>> No.17027764 [DELETED] 

>It’s not “cool” to be smart in the hood
It's not limited to the "the hood". Do you see how many huwites are convinced that college is a talmudic trick to put you in debt and turn you into a homosexual?

>> No.17028490


>> No.17028581

I rather be an athlete or a musician than a college educated whiteoid like I am

>> No.17028601

if you ain't runnin trains on hoes and trappin out da benz, youse a pussy nigga

>> No.17029497

>I rather be an athlete or a musician than a college educated whiteoid like I am

Your chance of making it as either would be super low. Only something like 5 percent of Division 1 (the best of the best) college football players go on to the NFL, and its probably easier to win the lottery than to become a great success in music. White families understand numbers games like these, which is why they encourage their children to pursue career paths that aren't such a crapshoot and which will offer reliably mid-level success. Meanwhile, blacks are engaging in pipe dreams about making it as basketball players and rappers which will only happen for the tiniest fraction of them, which is why they're poor.

>> No.17029599

Anon, getting into med school isnt the same game as graduating med school.

>> No.17029611

Invisible Man (1952) haven’t read entire book but highly recommended.
The Other Wes Moore, mandatory reading for college lit class

>> No.17029625

You get free money from gubbmnt crippling your will to achieve. You end up never educating yourself, get addicted to crack, and get mad bout it everyday

>> No.17029631
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>> No.17029636

Its the same with soccer in poor countries.

>> No.17029654

Great thread. Topical discussion. So many recommendations that the OP sincerely wanted.
Neck yourself jannies.

>> No.17029655

there are entire in house industries surrounding tutoring blacks through med school and having those tutors advocate on their behalf to professors, giving them special times to take the test or allowing open books or extending the times and then passing clinicals despite shoddy performance and lack of professionalism and the list goes on.

>> No.17029670

Be honest, if you went in to have a major surgery done and you realized it was an obese black woman who was going to cut you open, would you panic?

>> No.17029985

Unless it's an emergency surgery you usually have discretion in choosing the doctor.