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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 253 KB, 600x400, Lamp-mockup01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17023925 No.17023925 [Reply] [Original]

&amp by /lit/.

Download it for free:

Buy it in print:

Want to participate? Send me your submissions:

ITT we discuss the next issue, themes, goals.
Submissions for Issue Two will close on January 15.

Right now the price for a physical copy is ~$25 plus shipping. I'm taking $2 from every sale in an effort to fund a website where the publication (and all pertinent information) can live permanently. I'll only need about 15 sales until I have enough to do that, then I'll take that $2 off. If any anon wants to donate $30 in bitcoin for the website, I can take that $2 off sooner.

Keep in mind that this issue is 96 pages long and it contains your literary highs and lows, so I don't THINK $25 is too bad and I'm a poorfag so take from that what you will.

NOTE: The magazine is in the public domain, so you are well within your rights to download the PDF, print it, and sell it for cheaper.

>> No.17023962

Thank you Anon

>> No.17023990

Highlights include:
>decent fucking prose
>touching moments
>laughs (out loud)
>at least one Esquire-tier article
>jokes that only you will understand
>good (and bad) poems
>classified ads (place yours today)
>gorgeous photography
>a single dfw quote
>Nael, age 6
>a leaked manuscript
>writing prompts (kind of)
>original prayer
>schizo ramblings
>ALL THIS AND (a little) MORE!

>> No.17023997

no sweat. was my pleasure. still is actually.

>> No.17024001

what will you do when anon inevitably posts the pdf?

>> No.17024007

actually i will say that going into the project i had no idea what burgerpunk actually stood for. and now i think we may have completed the most comprehensive exploration of the topic.

its cool because i wanted to know what burgerpunk is. like i wanted to read some. but i couldnt find any. and i got an article kind of explaining why, which led to a photo essay exploring the themes of burgerpunk and goddam if those photos arent just incredible.

photographyanon thanks again.

>> No.17024014

PDF is in the OP.
the magazine is technically free and public domain, just costs to print copies.

in fact i would love it if anons downloaded the PDF and posted it to the wide corners of the web.

>> No.17024018

oh sweet, didn't even notice, excuse my retardation

>> No.17024036

i was inspired after reading Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra. its cool cuz it has all these disparate styles and themes (like it was hobbled together by randos (it was)) so i wanted to make something like that. to be honest, i havent tried to find /lit/ Quarterly yet.

theres a chance i should have maybe tried to revamp that first.

>> No.17024046

oh its legit right and still going strong. guess they don't need help. also it has a .ca TLD so chances we live in the same city.

>> No.17024135
File: 888 KB, 1514x1516, IMG_20201212_143639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the farm/tedpill feature i will submit a meditation on actual fruitful labor healing one's soul. see you in january, bros.

>> No.17024137

but are all women whores?

>> No.17024143

go back to the containment thread faggot

>> No.17024148
File: 84 KB, 403x523, 026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anon should buy a copy and post it here because i have no idea how some of the low res images will turn out lel. all in all though most of it was print worthy, the cover being an obvious exception. pic related are the classifieds, which if you look closely, you will see a lost dog meme naturally emerging.

>> No.17024154

i'm serious, i identify as the masculine antidote to all effeminacy and i want to know if i am well represented in these writings, why else would anybody read anything?

>> No.17024156

Buy a cheap domain name and use github pages to host the information, it is free and easy to setup. You can set the DNS entries for the domain name quite easily and the yearly fee would be minimal with the right provider.

>> No.17024157

do it please.
be sure to send all submissions to the email so they dont get lost. i look forward to that bro.
we haven't discussed that yet but the following is the official policy on politically incorrect or offensive subjects:

Regarding censorship: I don't censor anything. If you send me a racist manifesto I will likely field /lit/ for advice. There is a place for that kind of literature and maybe this is it, but its up to the board, not up to me. Also: this is a /lit/ collab and not a /pol/ collab. I've already turned down some very low effort racist submissions so if you are intent on submitting something racist, make sure its high quality.

I might copyedit the very high quality literary submissions (because they are already good so copyediting is very simple) but I will not make your shitty story good (we need shitty stories too). I will not edit your work for you (aside from fixing typos etc (in high quality works only)) so make sure that your submission is just how you want it. Sometimes when formatting I fuck up so when your submission comes up in the live development of the magazine, check it out for problems and let me know.

>> No.17024181
File: 18 KB, 1058x147, 027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know that. nice.
the domain itself shouldnt be much i imagine.
wish i could get this though:

but yeah that is a great suggestion.
i really hope anons arent too turned off by the price of the print copy. i thought it was a good price for a hundred page magazine but i'm a fucking leaf so i think campbell's soup is a luxury.

>> No.17024198

>am i well represented
nobody is well represented here kek

>> No.17024243


>> No.17024300

Feature topics for Issue Two that require content (literature and photography):

Commie Blocks
>hopefully some non-english stuff
>moderism, minimalism

>rural lifestyle

Also, suggest some feature topics if want to get the ball rolling in that direction.

>> No.17024340

the next issue will be cheaper: i won't include the custom spine for $1, the website tax won't be on it, it will be smaller, and most of it might be in greyscale, which hopefully will all add up to about a $15USD pricetag.

also this one is worth the price because it says right on the fucking cover that its a Luxury Periodical™

>> No.17024351

>>hopefully some non-english stuff
surely i can, but who the fuck would read it.. on the second thought, i could include a (intentionally wonky and machinic) translation on the side

>> No.17024364

Nice. I will order the book but amazon would have been much easier for me

>> No.17024380

i'd seriously consider buying, visuals just kick ass in this one, but with postal fees in mind thatd be way too much for a poorfag russian. just checked the local printshops and it kinda costs more here anyway, guess i'll stick to digital for now

>> No.17024401

yeah i wanted this issue to have more than just english but the one germananon didn't think his stuff was good enough yet. so hopefully there will be some german shit at least in 002.
>include a creative translation
this is a great idea. there are a lot of creative things that can come from this
i'll go to amazon right now and see if they will do magazine printing on demand.

>> No.17024415

Cool shit

>> No.17024421

idk if i'm retarded or what but i can't seem to find it. if you can find where amazon will print on demand for magazine link me here. i'll keep looking.
yeah. i should ditch the custom spine and maybe just get them to staple it. wouldn't only take a dollar off though. when i get paid this week i'll take the $2 website fee off and just buy the domain myself. still though $3 off i can't imagine will make or break the sale for anyone so we'll definitely see about getting 002 under $19USD.

>> No.17024442

try the coupon code:
for 25% off (until tomorrow). the website is telling me to use that.

>> No.17024444

Don't trouble yourself because of me, it's just cheaper to get it in europe and I would have bought two copies but the 25% magcloud discount sounds good.
I can donate you some bitcoin if it helps.

>> No.17024453

send me ideas or images for the next cover.
i dont wanna hog all the design aesthetic.

>> No.17024490

nice digits. checked.
i'll be in a better position to buy copies and ship them to interested anons after i get paid. so i can email you later this week see where we're at. if you want to donate bitcoin you can do it here:

>> No.17024493

I am working on a poem about the banana trader turned chimp. Gonna submit it to the email once it's done, I hope it will be fucking hilarious.

>> No.17024496

kek. its going to be funny seeing the Steal These Stories bits turn up as articles in future issues.
that reminds me, one anon wanted me to write prompts asap so he could use them for 002.

>> No.17024527

world peace essay was pretty good will read the rest later

>> No.17024529

Bro, I will make you a custom website, nothing too fancy some simple HTML/CSS, but it it will be nice looking. Might even make a github so other anons can contribute to the code

>> No.17024531

Can't believe I actually skimmed through all this. Btw, MDE is about as funny as the Eric Andre show. That's to say, mildly.

>> No.17024592
File: 383 KB, 1230x1633, 89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a web developer by trade kek.
but if you're willing to pay the money and do the work fucking rights doggy go hard.

my vision was to focus on the print (pdf) version for now (as opposed to online content (like point and click content specifically for the internet)) mostly because this is just the beginning, but in the future (if it blows up) an online publication is what's happening (that's if we wanted to make actual money (clearly not my thing)).

that being said, all we need right now is a place where people can go to get the gestalt and download/view, and maybe click to purchase.

the reason i haven't set up a free website already is because i wanted a domain so all anons had to remember was a domain name (as opposed to something like geocities.com/lamp or something).

but i'm all for it man the less i have to do the more will get done.

>> No.17024594

dude MDE is (was) a national treasure. much funnier than Eric Andre who, last i checked, just barfs on stuff for fun.

>> No.17024607

you skimmed so it held your attention for at least a few moments. im going to take that to the bank.

>> No.17024627

>the reason i haven't set up a free website already is because i wanted a domain so all anons had to remember was a domain name (as opposed to something like geocities.com/lamp or something).
I don't have to put up a website online right now, with some random shitty domain, I can just develop it. Once the domain is available we can set it up

>> No.17024637

i find that its humor caters to bored stoner types, but then again, i never got into it so I don't know the target demographic. not a huge fan of comedy as a whole, books provide better laughs than skits and standup for me
yeah, the steal this story segment gave me a good giggle. /x/ pasta was also engrossing. I found that the essays were, across the board, written at an undergrad level, not quite schizophrenic, precise, or erudite enough to keep me engaged. The photos were quite nice especially at the end. I want to see more neon and more bokeh the next issue

>> No.17024662

This is beautiful. Feels like a genuinely unique aesthetic. /lit/, you fuckers might be onto something.

>> No.17024687


Was it necessary to put 10 pages of yellow text on a red background?

>> No.17024690

Yes. Read Kafka.

>> No.17024707

is it something to do with "the most important things look unappealing at a glance" or some bs like that, or am I way off?

>> No.17024711

I was off the board for a while
Wasn't there another journomagazine thingy going on or did it die?
Anyways seems cool, will go through the notebooks for something coherent

>> No.17024721
File: 1.35 MB, 1203x523, 028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be fucking dopamine. go heavy. i appreciate it a ton. email me. once i have money for the domain (should be circa thursday) i'll hit you back and we can do it. i'm fielding bitcoin donations right now too so maybe sooner we'll see.
i agree. i get sensible chuckles from tv but real lols from books.
>/x/ pasta
yeah man i've actually read that pasta before on /x/ too. this board and that board are bae for me. i'm thinking of asking /lit/ to let me make Issue Three &amp /x/ Edition.
i agree here too. what i didn't want was for bored anons to just submit academic papers they wrote because i don't think people would care about that, but clearly they are going to be a staple of the magazine so i'll be up for refining the submissions down to the best ones.
>neon and bokeh
fuck dude i took out soo much bokeh and neon thinking "o dude thats just my aesthetic but anons won't like that" kek.
i actually figured that anons would appreciate a more scholarly, distinguished aesthetic (like Lit Quarterly) but it went over well.

the thing about images is that i want to make sure the photos are cleared.
now that i say that though what could happen if we stole someone's photo or work? they can't sue anonymous kek

>> No.17024731

that one was submitted like that. i didn't format it. i'm not a huge fan of it either to be fair but the title page is pretty fucking cool. (i did put pepe at the end of it tho)
checked. Lit Quarterly. i googled it earlier and apparently it is alive and well. almost looks to me like he moved on from /lit/. also it has a .ca TLD which is a weird choice. i live in canada too but i wouldn't give this project's website a canadian TLD. o well. i'll email him after Issue Two and ask if he want to collaborate.

>> No.17024743

file size?

>> No.17024745

I enjoyed Thine Is The Kingdom. I just wish I could read / envision it in a form that isn't greentext, because I think it's funny and vague and translatable enough to crack the mainstream. Would that destroy the strange, rapid, disjuncted feeling of the vignettes and make it into something unrecognizable? Probably, but the task would be worht it I think. Maybe the story is unfinished, maybe there's more to be extracted from those archons and this netrunner dude. Or maybe vignettes are necessarily discrete and free-floating antitheses to plot. I hope that anon continues to edit.

>> No.17024751

>actually figured that anons would appreciate a more scholarly, distinguished aesthetic (like Lit Quarterly
I bought the first issue of LQ to show support and am glad I did. I want these projects to grow. But &amp is much better. The content, the layout, the colors--it feels very alive and fresh. LQ is primp and proper. This is wild and overflowing with its own culture. I think you've stumbled onto magic here. Stick with it. I'm dirt poor right now or otherwise I would buy a copy of this just to enjoy flipping through it. Thanks for the free version and looking forward to part 2.

>> No.17024763

162mb big guy it has photos and lots of colour

>> No.17024768

I guess....

>> No.17024769
File: 268 KB, 199x233, o8hA3vHHdh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the " be anonymous" art thing and the pepe :)

also, is the cost a flat rate? could you just have 95 pure black pages and its the same .30 a page or whatever, because you do have a bunch of pages that are just full-colour art and I would think it would add to the price

>> No.17024772

based take. what about porn and particularly touchy subjects? i imagine some aussie cunt wont be able to get the mag if someone submits An Ode to Cunny

>> No.17024783

There's this fucking piece of modern architecture, its a white tower made of three rectangles stacked across each other. Was going to recommend if as a cover image but can't find it.

>> No.17024796

anything too big and i'll bring it down myself.
with regards to photos the bigger the better.
the filesize for the magazine pdf is 162mb
yeah that ones specifically says To Be Continued so i imagine anon will submit more before the deadline.
i wasn't sure how to format the greentext stuff, and i think i did a very poor job designing Thine Is The Kingdom, its ugly.
same with the /x/ creepypasta.
i haven't come into my own in that regard yet.
i was attempting to preserve the 'greentext' feel and idk if it worked. maybe in the future ill just keep the greater than symbol and let it rip right aligned without trying to keep it imageboardy.
thank you i appreciate that. i slept for a few hours this morning (not like i'm good at sleeping anyway) so its been a labor of love.
but to think that all it takes to make a full issue of a magazine are some contributors and a weekend. i didn't even buy the design suite used to make it (canva.com for curious anons (its super fucking useful and i suggest fucking around with it)).
also for the record none of this magazine is basic ass template work. its all original.
my design for Divorcing America from Americana was my proudest moment. looks like a template.

just got our first bitcoin donation of $20USD!
that should be enough to do the website i think!
fuck it i'm going to take the web tax off the purchase page now.
Webdev anon email me.

>> No.17024819

for you.
idk actually it doesnt say on the site so i'll email them now.
it just says 20¢ per page.
plus i chose the perfect spine with color,
plus a couple bucks tax i put on for the website (which i'm about to take off)
i refuse to censor anything. if there is something touchy i'll take it to /lit/ and let them decide. artistic merit trumps all political correctness. with porn, idk yet actually. idk... guess i'll think about it. all final decisions about the project i'd like to fall to board consensus though, otherwise then its just my magazine that you guys are writing for me. i've never read Ode to Cunny kek i should find it and put it in.
search, find, submit. i'm becoming engrossed in the commie block thing. i think that's gonna be a good one.

>> No.17024866

here's a question thats come up.
how should we handle anons that want attribution? anons that prefer to have their name attached.
personally i dont really want that. reminds me of namefagging or tripcoding. however i do appreciate wanting credit for good writing.

it just made me feel so proud when anon who wrote The Justice System didn't care at all. maybe that's dunning kruger idk. maybe pseuds want credit for bad works and geniuses dont care for credit on their good works. i fully understand the desire for attribution i just dont know if its appropriate for the project.

for example. one poet anon asked me for a shoutout. so there's a shoutout to his instagram account hidden in the mag, but he didn't ask for attribution, so you don't know which poem is his (unless you scour his IG i imagine).

>> No.17024882

Just take the submissions as they come. If there's an identity given in the submission keep it. The problem would be people attaching their submissions to tripcodes or other social media handles.

>> No.17024885

is maja in this edition?

>> No.17024886

>Webdev anon email me.
Mailed you bro

>> No.17024939

I think it would be nice to have these "steal these stories" prompts each issue and in the next page one of the topics of the previous issue turned into a short story or whatever

>> No.17024950

>i've never read Ode to Cunny kek i should find it and put it in.
ah sorry man i just invented it on spot for comedic relief. someone should write it fr for the next edition

>> No.17024957

Seconding this. "Steal These Stories" is a good feature

>> No.17024958

there have been a few submissions with names and i always ask 'hey do you mind if i replace your name with Anonymous' and they're always like 'sure bro'. good suggestion tho, just keeping it. i noticed that Lit Quarterly keeps attribution. Legacy is what inspired me to do this and its just like BOOM by Anonymous and that sort of attribution-free aesthetic was a big inspiration for this project.
in my head now i am imagining that one tripcode butterfly anon spamming the magazine. i hope he shows up eventually kek.
no. idk what that is. what is that? should it be included?
loud and clear thx bud

>> No.17024996

Thank you very much OP, it turned out to be a great work.
I think this has serious potential. Despite the schizo ramblings, just as other /lit/ projects, the magazine form is a much better medium for this kind of content. The aesthetic helps it a lot too. Will definetly buy when I have the money.

>> No.17024999

This is entirely my personal opinion, but I'd hard-reject submissions by people using tripcodes or requesting social media attributions. They don't respect the spirit of the board itself, so they don't deserve the platform.
People who use pseudonyms and such besides Anonymous is fine, since it establishes a thread of their submissions which allows greater comprehension and dialogue in the audience, while also being prone to anonymous subversion and duplication just like a normal 4chan post. But death to the tripfags and clout-chasers.

>> No.17025001

thats settled then. yeah it should make for comfy readings nestled up near the beginning after the first feature. all of those were lifted directly from this thread:
so all i need to do is make sure to find another one of those threads before deadline

>> No.17025015

checked. actually thats not bad. i forgot that two anons did use pen names, Trashcan Philosopher and Dewd-Breaux

>> No.17025043

much appreciated. the real challenge like all things isn't necessarily finding genius but harnessing it. if i can do the same thing in one month then we'll really have something.

i just took the $2 vig off the print edition, so anons can bank those savings and i'll see you on white beaches.

>> No.17025054
File: 2.96 MB, 2480x3508, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey OP. I sent you the poem in the email. Hope it arrived, give me your feedback please.

>> No.17025074

Best article in this?

Tell me a page to skip to and read and I'll give it a try.

>> No.17025081

Literally the first story, The Justice System, is a knockout.

>> No.17025103

i'm surprised at how well designed this is

>> No.17025112

the page numbers for magazines start on page 3 for obvious reason but i'll give you the PDF page numbers.
all submissions have value but here are my faves
>best feature story
The Justice System (page 7). like i said this shit should be in Rolling Stone.
>best essay
Divorcing America from Americana (page 52). also Abstract is good (if you like dry bitcoin essays)
>best poem
not to shit on the talent that we have in-house but The Tiger by Nael, Age 6 has a great centerfold on page
>best flash fiction
Crossboard Contamination (page 30). spoiler alert dude smokes crack and sucks dick
>other highlights
Steal These Stories (page 10).
Dewd-Breaux (page 68)

and Burgerpunk.
man the Burgerpunk featured turned out so fucking good in my opinion. really fucking comfy.

also i honestly love all of it so obviously its tough to drill in faves. its maybe like having fave children, you love them all but you don't want them to know who your faves are.
i do love them all.

i kekt. if the grammar and typos were intentional, seriously all the better.
feels like JohnJohn almost had a hand in writing it. if that was unintentional then i'll let myself out pardon me.

>> No.17025114

>now that i say that though what could happen if we stole someone's photo or work? they can't sue anonymous kek

if this work isn't tied to your name or anyone else's, no one can do shit. i personally like the idea of people stealing everything and reworking it to their own taste, that's a big part of what 4chan is imo.

>> No.17025119

Yeah it's written in bad grammar intentionally, to give it a little more edgy web "4chan" feel.

>> No.17025124

that is funny and true.
i guess i would keep the disclaimer at the top of the table of contents but you're right.
plus i haven't been checking to see if anything is plagiarized and i'm not going to start.

>> No.17025126

I argue to keep the final work anonymous but tabs on who submitted what in the event it ever blows up and past contributors want to cite their work. What really made the first issue feel great was this sense of being underneath a literary tidal wave; numerous voices rushing in the same direction untethered to identity. It's true to the spirit of the site and the sort of content it's created. I don't think you should waver on that.

>> No.17025127

thats great. reminds me of the retard chapters from IJ, or Pygmy by Palahniuk.

>> No.17025152


If you get a domain name, I have experience hosting/designing websites. I already have a few servers not doing much so will be no issue for me.

>> No.17025157

well said.
that feeling you described is what happened when i read Legacy. it really looks and feels like a hundred dudes just smashed a book together. that feel is fundamental to the project.
you're right about attribution too.
for example i plan on getting Mantelpiece published when i'm done, so if i don't use a pen name then that work will be deanonymized lel. i certainly would never stand between a good writer and his just desserts.
if this gets any attention outside of this website, it will be for the quality of its articles, and unless those writers get paid, logic dictates that we'll get less and less.

i had an idea earlier that IF this were to catch on culturally (and make money) then we can still pay writers to contribute under Anonymous. we'll see whats in the weather. this effort will be month by month.
thanks! i am not a designer; i've never designed anything before (save for websites for my job i guess). it was so much fun to design that i slept five hours all weekend.

also i don't wanna hog anything. anons go to canva.com and start fucking around. they make it easy and fun. would be cool to see anons slap together vignettes and ads etc.

>> No.17025175

i'm a web developer by trade AND there's an anon already tasked with designing the site however hosting it for free on your server might actually be cool. send an email and i'll have your contact info. i'm looking into domain names right now because Russian anon sent some bitcoin.

not finding anything hits me.
i wanted LampMagazine.com
but thats $3000 a year.

LampMagazine.net is cheap and available i think. being a webdev i have this fucking thing where the domain branding should be perfect but it looks like i may have to compromise.

>> No.17025180

really fucking wish there was a .LIT or .MAG top level domain.

>> No.17025224

holy fuck i just realized that the burgerpunk essay has a fucking STAR right in the middle of the words. fuck my life.
o well i will go in a fix it i guess. sigh.
continue to share the download link. i'll reup it by tonight.

>> No.17025243

Steal this stories prompt:
"Anon starts writing for an online magazine. Never having written before, he treats it much like shitposting. However, people start noticing his work, and soon flock to find the undiscovered literary genius. Anon tries to claim authorship of his anonymous pieces, but is unable to. He then attempts to replicate his previous successes, yet, inexplicably, fails miserably each time, falling ia downward spiral of loss and battle against the self. "

>> No.17025247

actually this is okay. it wont affect either link, i'm able to update the file on google drive.
whew. for anons who downloaded already, you're in possession of very rare one-offs. i heard those are fetching decent coin at auction. updating files now.

>> No.17025248

*these stories, fuck

>> No.17025251


>> No.17025256

also for real email me it so it doesn't get lost.

email me anything at all big or small. i am a meticulous reader and scavenger but i wont have the autism to sift through archived chan pages

>> No.17025257

Perfect price with the sale. I don't have to pay import charges.
I think there is a confusion, donation was from europe

>> No.17025282

>The publication you're looking for can't be found. It may have been deleted or removed from public view.

>> No.17025285

it was from somebody in europe? i think thats what i said isnt it.
i'm glad to hear it. i updated the file on MagCloud just now so if you already ordered it, theres a chance you will get the one and only one-off with the star marking the burgerpunk article.

>> No.17025290

Google is currently down.
fucking topkek boys we crashed the mainframe.

>> No.17025296


>> No.17025298

which means i'm unable to update the file,
which doesn't matter i guess since you can't download it anyway. i'll keep F5ing it works again.

>> No.17025311

i always wondered about why an international service would have a fucking .ca TLD. what the fuck is with that hey? anyway the service is pinging (or trying to ping) the one and only google drive so you can ignore the leaf top level and Trust Me Bro™

at least i think. anons try to access google drive or google docs interactively.

>> No.17025319

i'm not the only one having the problem so its not a 'me' issue at least.

>> No.17025323
File: 63 KB, 700x643, 1569873356045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it anon, looking forward to finally reading it when it gets here

>> No.17025327

>implying that that isn't the first step of my descent into madness, since it could be another anon emailing you

>> No.17025328
File: 56 KB, 596x714, 029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17025351


>> No.17025353

>what if there were no anons that emailed the emails just showed up

>> No.17025358

OKAY download file is updated and google is back online. turns out Larry Page accidentally turned out the lights in the garage and wouldn't you know the server is on that circuit! silly billionaires.
be sure to make a thread when you get it.
i really hope its good. if it sucks for some reason you are the guinea pig this city needs but not the canary it deserves.
i'm a big sucker for mindbending metanarratives and mistaken identity. for all anyone knows i'm simply wearing an OP mask using OP words.

>> No.17025361

>waiting until the last possible moment to turn in your paper
>this is your fault!
academics get the rope.
jk im sure thats absolutely average.

>> No.17025364

link works for me; must be a burger thing on ur ends

>> No.17025366

Thanks for posting my MDE thing anon, its not the best thing but it feels good to see something i finished

>> No.17025374
File: 27 KB, 403x250, download_8403867439495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17025391


checked. man that piece is essential. was one of the first submissions i got. the title page alone is worth the price of admission. i bookended it with a pepe. he's sad because what you wrote is true. but yeah man its good. its fucking RED. but its good. it does feel kinda neat seeing my work up there hey. almost feels like there's a cheque lost in the mail somewhere.
its working now. google was down for ten minutes for the first time in history.
i know. kids got bars.
actually the poetry section in this issue is a little sad. all the poems came in pre-formatted (except the first (and i regret my choice of design for it (sorry anon))) so i didn't have much room in the way of making them get along in the same small space.
i wanted to spread the poems throughout the issue but i couldnt solve it so i put them all together and called it P°CO (poetry corner).
next issue i'm gonna have to come up with something because those poor poems deserve better. and fucking Nael, Age 6 over here with a centerfold hanging out with feature articles n shit.

>> No.17025417

Blow these up and sell them as posters and t-shirts. Nael's gonna win the Nobel st this rate.

>> No.17025428

fuck i miss him bros.
really though i wish he could see his influence here. motherfuckers GOT to be seven by now, plus its a SFW board.

>> No.17025435
File: 376 KB, 1024x676, 1512987891898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that i think of it, Nael, Age 6 is the only one who got attribution.
actually thats a lie he just gets a shoutout at the end nevermind.
DFW doesn't even get attribution.
but i guess he's not really in a position to protest.

>> No.17025452

okay boys you can stop donating now.
we have enough to get the website. thank you guys very much sincerely.
i'm working on the website now. trying to find a domain name that feels right.
closest thing so far is LampMagazine.net

is .net okay? i usually just hate all the wannabe TLDs but maybe its /lit/ to be .net

>> No.17025464

>dowloading anything posted to 4ch
ya ok champ

>> No.17025470

Nice work anon, working on something vaguely on the theme of commie blocks in north korea, I'll probably send it in some time today. Also I think if you published it with Lulu it would be ~5$ cheaper, although they don't have saddle stitching for that size. I edited the coronameron with lulu so shoot me an email (garfcore@protonmail.com) if you want me to point you in the direction of the formatting files to make it print properly on lulu, it can be a bitch to navigate

>> No.17025472

was a great read anon

>> No.17025474

>Download it for free

no thanks

>> No.17025483

The screens from /lit/ sprinkled across the issue were genius. If there's any room for sentiment and tree sap in the next issue, I think pic related is a work of art.

>> No.17025491
File: 113 KB, 500x3083, 1607898431750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17025497

>den of shitheads, racists, misogynists and cynics whose sole unified joy is literature
>choose to honor and venerate a sole 6 year old poet
I like the juxtaposition.

>> No.17025516

are you samefagging?
you aren't downloading it from 4chan you're downloading it from Google Inc.
and they crashed earlier tonight while 4chan weathers all storms like heroes on the high seas.
hit me with the pic yo

>> No.17025524

Nael has more talent than anyone on /lit/. Poetry seems to be an excellent talent of children.

>> No.17025533

>Crossboard Contamination
The little color-shift in the text on this one was a great touch. There's a level of detail and attention to content by the compiler in &amp that most rags don't hold.

>> No.17025554

>There's a level of detail and attention to content by the compiler in &amp that most rags don't hold.
Seconding. OP rocked it. And everybody else contributing put up some great stuff. I liked Lit Quarterly and will continue to check for it, but THIS felt like something genuinely sprung from 4chan. It's got that special bite.

>> No.17025555

that was really nice.
is that OC? if so thank you for being that guy.
i would love to put that stuff in the next issue.
i think its a big reason why The Justice System was so successful. really warm feels.
yeah lel. fuck. that kid got twice the room as our homegrown poets and he got to play outside of the poetry corner.
actually im getting some really decent poetry submissions for 002 already so i'm thinking of putting a greater focus on poetry this next issue. i should write all the poets from 001 and express my regret for making them all sleep in the same bed. and ask them to send more.

i just noticed that the cover say
when its sposed to say DFW VS PYNCH
fuck boys i need to be told i'm a faggot when i'm being a faggot or i'll end up talking to stacy with shit in my teeth looking like a goof ass.
fixing it now.
for any anons who receive the VERY SPECIAL and RARE LIMITED ONE-OFF editions rest assured that fortune favors the brave.

>> No.17025565

>that OC?
There's another active thread with anons posting their /lit/ based omegle conversations. Pulled it from there.
>greater focus on poetry next issue
I'm no artist, but if the next cover needs a theme... Can you do anything to incorporate a tiger?

>> No.17025583

thanks boys. i am proud of it. hopefully so is everyone that contributed. the more anons submit content that is already formatted, the more disparate and patchwork it will look, and the less of my aesthetic you will see, for better and worse. there are some shit jobs i did (Suplex Erlosung, Thine is the Kingdom) and some good jobs i did (table of contents kek, Divorcing America). i'll say it again i was directly and deeply inspired by Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra. i read that and i was like fuck this i wanna do that.
true actually. maybe we should be sourcing kids.

>> No.17025584

>for any anons who receive the VERY SPECIAL and RARE LIMITED ONE-OFF editions rest assured that fortune favors the brave.
Oh boy now its a collector's item
I'll take pictures when it gets here

>> No.17025593

yeah i could.
i really wonder how the poets here see that kid.
whether they envy and despise him or whether they are inspired.

>> No.17025600

it may be.
i'm updating the file right now.
so by the time they actually go to do their job in the morning the file may have changed.
i'm sure there are fuckups in there that i havent noticed yet and that anons are too embarrassed to point out to me

>> No.17025618

also anons use this coupon code when buying the physical
i think its still good:

>> No.17025633

thanks anon, i can write and do more for future editions if thats ok. i thought the red on yellow made it look more distinct but yeah i can see that it isnt for everyone.
i would buy a copy but im too poor, ill keep the pdf and try and donate if i ever get the chance.

>> No.17025656

The fuckups give it character. Keep them. Here's to hoping DSW submits some fiction.

>> No.17025659

This is actually pretty good

>> No.17025694

no man the red on yellow pops. its actually good. the magazine relies on weird disparate styles that you don't expect.
and i have always had a strong faith in camp.
definitely send more in.
i'm sure there were /lit/ anons out there who werent on this weekend and missed the whole thing but those who contributed to Issue One will kind of be with the project forever in some ways.

>> No.17025709

i was like
heh these guys will be asking themselves who is better dfw or pynchon heh i wonder if they'll say anything heh.
here all of you probably thinking its some joke thats over your head.
right on doggy. do you output any visual media creatively at all? if so, consider contributing to Issue Two.

>> No.17025722

OP I'm gonna draft up a little set of notable quotations from the Yukio Mishima translation threads that have cropped up on /lit/ recently and send that in as a catchpiece. I like the idea of collecting some bits from the broader discussion happening on /lit/ beyond just screencaps of peak schizoposting.

>> No.17025770

yes dude. please. that sounds cool because i have no idea about that stuff. Issue One reflects what i've seen on /lit/ so more perspectives means better perspective. thanks.

as other anons pointed out in the last thread, there was no chance to make anything this time because it was so spontaneous. we started friday i think and now its monday and its done. so giving anons a month to work on something will serve to increase the next issue's caliber.

i just got lucky this time with the quality of submissions i did get. or maybe /lit/ is just talented.

>> No.17025796

very nice, felt refreshing to read. she's gonna make it

>> No.17025801

thatd be really cool. i can dig up one of my favorite Pelevin's shorts thats never been translated, it's about 3-4 pages, on Kabbalistic notions of soviet abbreviations, gonna try and adjust it for anglo readers

>> No.17025839

oh yeah. also i wasn't paying attention before but YES translations, linguistic study or explorations, and non-english content i want badly. i was so close to getting more german content from anon who wrote Suplex Erlosung. he sent me some stuff but then asked me not to put it in because it was low quality.
i'm like fair enough bro but most anons cant even tell.
i want nonenglish stuff in there for aesthetic value kek. i know that makes me a certified pseud for sure, but its true that the aesthetic is so good. everyone can admit that seeing a bunch of words in another language looks stylish and makes you feel cool and smart even if you cant read it. me anyway.
maybe some anons resent other languages.

>> No.17025849
File: 32 KB, 355x355, 71072Pbo3TL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know. comfy edition. that one's saved. i trust anon to have sourced the best of the thread. i dont have the steel right now to go digging.

>> No.17025858

That's why it's so based. no egos or try hards, just pure /lit/. The time limit was a filter, I dig all the submissions

>> No.17025865

also take your time. there is a month. no need to rush this time. i hope that the project compels anons to produce content. i know i was languishing hard on my novel, and soon as i caught the Moby Dick commentary i was so stoked to have a REASON to generate something lel. weird i know.

>> No.17025890

interesting take.
chances are i will ask anons to come on board and help curate submissions from the pile.
reading on Lit Quarterly today, he got something like 250 submissions.
granted that was for three months and not one month. but still.
i told myself i had nothing to lose but some sleep on the weekend, and that next month itll just take a weekend to do, so no skin off my back, but if there are hundreds of submissions to parse, i'll have to concede more time and effort or get help.

>> No.17025892

>i want nonenglish stuff in there for aesthetic value kek. i know that makes me a certified pseud for sure, but its true that the aesthetic is so good. everyone can admit that seeing a bunch of words in another language looks stylish and makes you feel cool and smart even if you cant read it. me anyway.
BASED aesthetic essentialist

>> No.17025911

can i publish poetry? Can i be credited for it?

>> No.17025953

you can publish poetry.
there has been discussion about allowing anons to claim attribution for their works.
oddly enough its the poets.

anyway it was decided that for now its best to keep it anonymous, or to use pen names.
now i'm not going to tell you how to live your life okay. you could just give me your real name and tell me its a fake name. half the culture around this website is duping people and getting the last laugh. that being said, the official answer is no you cannot get actual credit. yet.
the more successfulwe get the more that rule will bend i imagine. and the more quality submissions come in the more successful we will get.
so trust me, i recognize and appreciate the relationship between Good Work and Getting Credit. the main reason why RIGHT NOW i'm not doing attribution is because i think it would disrupt the aesthetic (apparently i have some obsession with the aesthetic (that may or may not be warranted)).

what one anon did was send a poem and asked for a shout out. so i gave him a shout out in the classified section, which i'll probably do whenever someone asks for a shout out.

if all that sounds like bullshit to you, go ahead and send in shit poem (or like whatever, a short poem or something you care less about getting credit for). i feel you though and i hope you feel me

>> No.17025960

>some non english stuff
Nice, I have some stuff in spanish

>> No.17025965

002 is shaping up to be a nonenglish/poetry edition. hopefully i'm not overcompensating for dashing those things in 001

>> No.17026008

Will it be illegal for me to print this and sell it on my campus? I know it will sell better then they're faggot chronicles but don't wanna make money from other anons sweat.

>> No.17026027

>NOTE: The magazine is in the public domain, so you are well within your rights to download the PDF, print it, and sell it for cheaper.

>> No.17026029

we could have the cover of a famous magazine on the cover, just smaller
joy division-shirt-shirt vibe

>> No.17026057

please make money off another anon's sweat.
the time has come.
your only obligation is to post your results.
is pretty clever. i'm gonna fuck around with that idea right now.

>> No.17026083
File: 47 KB, 407x590, 4ff0e109b95490eaadc50c9ca1e63ccf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would directly be in violation of copyright law but i think it was in the last thread (maybe this one) where we kind of determined that there's nothing anyone can do about it.
there's nobody to sue.
unless they found anon selling them on his campus pic related in metapositional recursion on the cover.
its a cool idea because right now i'm skirting around stuff like that, asking anons to own their content, covering myself with the creative commons license, but doing that would be just such a big fuck you to copyright that the distant rustling of jimmies is music.

>> No.17026093

wow i can barely type anymore.

>> No.17026094

Shit sorry for wasting time feel like an idiot now ill make a contribution to repay the damage

Permit Ogre

Doodly doo I fish in peace
On my meadow stress shall cease
a challenger dost approach
airing of a man beyond reproach

He says 'dost ye have a permit'
I say 'lost I have my permit'
The basedman begins the chase
a case a case he has a case!

'thou art to cease at once'
ubrupt end to my meadow romanse
Liberty exchanged for submission
Nature denied my admission

Hear ye the king has spoken
Cast new iron for the chains were broken
Awakened a maddened beast
When he ravaged lady peace

I must avenge her, I must tried
My anger's my powder, dried
Furiously I pull my trigger
'Excuse me sir you are a nigger'

End poem
If it doesn't make it ill kill myself.

>> No.17026141
File: 248 KB, 401x517, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or something like this

>> No.17026152

well i asked for it. good job.
saved, no need to email it. i'll put it in 002. congrats. we'll have made it as far as number 2 without the word nigger lell.

>> No.17026158

i like it
the 'u mad bro' seems a bit much

>> No.17026162

yeah true.
the idea itself though is kind of genius.

>> No.17026163

how about "commodifying nothingness" or something of that sort somewhere on there

>> No.17026207
File: 199 KB, 436x600, meme_magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks made my day, 'basedman' was autocorrected to 'basedman' didn't realize until I posted but sounded much better remember to put God in the credits for that.

>> No.17026210

Is this on Libgen? What do I type to find it?

>> No.17026219

You can download it from the op but yes it is on libgen

>> No.17026221

Read the OP again, it's there

>> No.17026223
File: 246 KB, 402x518, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the words on the cover for 001 sort of established the titles and themes of the work which i think was a good idea. instead of having a cover dedicated to one idea or subject or theme. which in this case would be "if you get mad we win"
if we went with this path, and it would be a bold path to follow, then i guess i would envision a very subversive, very irreverent aura. there would have to be some Fuck Yeah Fuck You to the content of it.

its bold though. i'm liking it more and more as i think about it.
right out the gate at 002 though, idk.
this is the kind of thing that gets noticed not for being cool (like 001) but for being edgy. which i'm into.

actually straight up we're doing this. its settled.
i just don't know if we should do it for 002.
maybe when we grow in reputation a little bit and people are looking then we hit em with this. just thoughts.

also i'm spitballing designs it wouldnt be "this", it would be a much more comprehensive and exhaustive version of this.

>> No.17026233

idk why you thought it wouldnt correct you again. lel.
i appreciate the distribution effort. thank you.

>> No.17026240

i love it

>> No.17026246
File: 27 KB, 610x545, jackie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commodifying our expectations of your inevitable reaction
I like it anon

>> No.17026249

Yeah I just hate Google Drive

>> No.17026275

the 'all over the place' titles on 001 where really cool, we could have them as a reacuring thing on page 2 (differently stylized but always in a disorienting way)
this would make it possible to have vastly different covers from issue to issue (besides the '&amp'-logo, which i feel should always be there the same to have an identifying visual-"anchor")

>> No.17026284
File: 691 KB, 2300x2110, stay frosty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you include illustrations?
I understand if color is not an option.

>> No.17026289

bought it some time ago, the pdf i received with the purchase has the DSW vs PYNCH on it

i truly hope i get the MUCH SOUGHT AFTER limited edition

>> No.17026309

/pol/ had a globalhomo art general thread for a while now where they make memes in that style might be worth checking out it'll bring exposure both to what they're trying to do and you could get a cover suiting your need perfectly.

>> No.17026328
File: 394 KB, 403x527, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah word.
it wasn't my first choice. but it was my last choice.
im shocked at how tough its become to just host a fucking file. and this loser website wouldn't work i have no idea why:
maybe one of you can get it to upload. i think its a filesize issue but there's no prompt explaining that.
thats a good idea because i do not want to pigeonhole the magazine. its style is loose and collage-y and patchwork so you are right doing the same thing again would be a bad choice.
yeah totally. illustrations.
honestly i'm not totally sold on the greyscale option mostly because color is (at least one thing) setting it apart from other projects.
the idea was to greyscale to being the cost down, but you can't put a price on money!
cool drawing by the way saved.

>> No.17026369

i would be surprised if you get the RARE version in print. i kind of hope you do tho.
honestly for like one day in the next thirty i'm just going to switch out the pdf for like, a shiny dark blue rare pepe edition of the magazine and if anyone gets it, it'll be a SpecEdit.
that might be a disservice to those who have actual one-offs. i'm pretty sure you'll get the fixed version. they can give you the fucked up pdf right away but they have to wait for Kyle to come in and print/ship the physical.
fuck man i loved the globohomo /pol/ threads those were kino as fuck, you're right. actually we should definitely do a feature on that sometime soon. i guess the time would be now but maybe i'm a little afraid to reveal our power levels this early on in the game.

>> No.17026381

nutcrawler sergio basedpsy clean it up lmfao

>> No.17026388


>> No.17026396

idk wtf youre on about but checked.

>> No.17026432

when we sell to Conde Nast dibs being the first to smoke crack in the lobby of Chateau Marmont

>> No.17026446

I don't mind that at all and I am thinking of submitting poetry too. In fact, I always felt nervous about having my name attached to a piece, especially in this day and age.
Also I forgot to mention, I like the contrast between brutalism and nature.

>> No.17026472

Haven't seen a globalhomo thread in a while now they might be in danger of dying its a shame cuz it was best kino in a while for pol

>> No.17026473

>brutalism and nature
never noticed that before. interesting.
yeah i think thats a common relief here being able to put stuff in the mag that you would otherwise withhold. i had anons tell me it wasn't 'good' enough for their name lel. i definitely assume we will get some confession page-tier stuff.

>> No.17026510

i'll ask /pol/ to dump their folders. they might take interest in the magazine. i'm not too afraid of missing the art, just the movement, if we wait to long then we'll writing a 'retrospective' of sorts and evaluating the thing that was, rather than engaging in the thing that is.
i was supposed to put this project down after this weekend so after today i'll probably tinker and show up for discussions but most of the legwork for 002 will come circa thirty days from now.

>> No.17026515

i wouldnt have corrected myself if this wasn't /lit/

>> No.17026535

I agree I think it's good opportunity to get some momentum for your mag and some for gag, godspeed

>> No.17026555 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 1000x1000, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually gonna take a nap. in that i'll officially be casting off my OP chevrons and slipping back into the throng.

be well beautiful lads. i'll see you on the other side.

>> No.17026571
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually gonna take a nap. in that i'll officially be casting off my OP chevrons and slipping back into the throng.

be well beautiful lads. i'll see you on the other side.

>> No.17026634
File: 573 KB, 595x842, A4_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a dumb 2 page thing
hope this gets into 002
it could be next to each other or some pages apart

pic related part 1

>> No.17026637 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 595x842, A4_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.17026655
File: 44 KB, 595x842, A4_2_fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17026679

can I send my submissions in español?

>> No.17026686

The mag is tight. Include this post in the next issue or I will fuck

>> No.17026689

I like them both, but I think that 003 works a bit better.
>i think thats a common relief here being able to put stuff in the mag that you would otherwise withhold
That and we can go wild with the contents.
Either way, doing this was a great idea! I just hope nothing will happen between now and the 15th of January that might cancel the project.

>> No.17026784

i like this one
but the '&amp' should be over the shutterstock-layer imo

>> No.17026813

Fuck yes, anon, do it.

>> No.17026824

These are dope. Email them to the address in the OP.

>> No.17026829

thanks man
just did

>> No.17026888

Take out uMad and this is the best of the green-eye girl covers. Starker, less pretentious.

>> No.17027004 [DELETED] 

fuck off you arent even paying me. i want credit faggot

>> No.17027028 [DELETED] 

You are making money off it, you should at least give credit faggot.

>> No.17027053
File: 520 KB, 557x788, 4f38694f50edf351d8e329189d3cfbe5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? might change the white font

>> No.17027156

i like the general aesthetic
also the pink-b/w colorscheme

currently theres a lot going on, many different design languages
id try to simplify a bit

also make some of the text smaller given this would be a full page thing
the 'funded by' text at the top for example
or the 'figure 1' - this would also make it look more like the scientific-image-description

just some thoughts

>> No.17027196

Good points, thanks anon

>> No.17027353

How do you vet submissions to ensure they haven't been previously published? I could foresee some trouble with that. I think Nael was already published in "They're singing a song in their rocket." Also he was republished by 826DC in the anthology "You will be able to say a thousand words"

>> No.17027367

So what?

>> No.17027475

If you're selling work that has already been copyrighted you can be sued

>> No.17027510

And who are they going to sue?

>> No.17027538

Guess I found my evening read. Thank you for your efforts anons, I might try and add something to the next one

>> No.17027674

Pretty cool anon. Can't buy it though, so that sucks. Hope some anon chips in.

>> No.17027725
File: 1.58 MB, 2036x3004, P01213-002409(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one of my contributions for the next one.
I call this piece "Hávamál"

>> No.17027773

How do you reply to this without sounding mad?

>> No.17027806
File: 51 KB, 538x302, Eo9iOqXXIAEnoK7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this is nice.

>> No.17027852

digging it

>> No.17027865

Mde article is cringe

>> No.17027870
File: 265 KB, 822x822, -fkdeL_7BhQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man, you wanted non-english content, here it is.
"normal dick. normal balls" Norma is one of the best-known, and generally best books by this man, Sorokin, that was never translated and probably won't ever be.

>> No.17027930

Look man I dont fuckin know, im just giving a heads up to OP. We like to think we're hidden behind anonymity but people get anal when money is involved. I dont know the legal side of things, but I know they are diverse and people find ways. And as an aside, it's bad practice for any publication to plagiarize. Even this magazine has a notice, "if you see anyone using the contents of this magazine please contact us" or something. Ideally, ideas would be free and public domain, but that won't be the case as long as people are willing to pay for them.

>> No.17028031
File: 403 KB, 904x1227, suicide is double heresy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I only just learned about Galkovsky

>> No.17028046

If OP or the magazine has a website, they can sue the domain owner

>> No.17028053

mfw never heard of him until now
idk if he's my cuppa, seems like he's more in tune with late Pelevin which i dislike (early Pelevin is GOAT though)

>> No.17028124

I thank for recc

>> No.17028399

The abridged Mashima essays by the /lit/ translator has been submitted, OP.

>> No.17028469

that was comfy to read and very well designed anon
sadly I can't contribute financially but I'll share it to friends and shill it :)

>> No.17028949

What do I write and who do I send it to? Make it quick I'm a very busy and talented man. Time is money

>> No.17028977

write about sucking massive cocks with aids

>> No.17029022

up on archive.org

>> No.17029104

Whoever wrote the Justice System needs to be rewarded. It's sad that this guy is posting anonymously when thousands of shitty writers get paid for their shitty writings.

Hope that he at least has a good gig going elsewher.e

>> No.17029118
File: 162 KB, 720x708, doubtposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra based incentive. I laud the effort put into the graphics. If I wasn't so hubmle I'd venture to apply to have one of my shitposts included

>> No.17029851

would an essay on lowcows be to lowbrow or is it fine to submit?

>> No.17029977

How would you feel about the submission of an article about having a close family member who is a beauty vlogger?

>> No.17030039
File: 1.93 MB, 481x231, 1416693763283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jake Conway made it

>> No.17030077

well done OP

>> No.17030105

Will we be able to purchase subscriptions?

>> No.17030115

9000 proxies though

>> No.17030121

>that Super Nintendo greentext
Anon, no.

>> No.17030240

You should make at least one page a gif
Also, if it's feasible, get at least one anon to make a vid for you to embed

>> No.17030253

and when you print it what happen

>> No.17030259

Is there a part 2...it seems like it ended abruptly

>> No.17030261

the gif plays
its 2020 baby

>> No.17030263

The gif is printed as well? What did he mean by this?

>> No.17030286

I was thinking of using retarded text movement to fuck with you while you're trying to read for the gif idea. Maybe the actual design could be something as garish/indecipherable as bright yellow text on a white picture so it also comes across as hard to read when printed

>> No.17030314

You animate it yourself. What? You don't have a mind for no reason. Your imagination does not exist for you to vomit out some fantasies walking and talking to yourself (maybe with some headphones on) during a study break. Use your imagination for non-vain purposes for once...FOR ONCE ANON.

>> No.17030344

next time make a "table of contents" and on the next page list "contents of table" (top, legs, etc.) it's hilarious i promise

>> No.17030361

i giggled

>> No.17030372

Hey lads, OP here.
Please send all shitposts, ideas, vignettes, parables, and general minutiae TO THE EMAIL.
I see some of you dropping cool stuff here, and I’ll be phonefagging while I’m on the sailboat for a bit and I have no interest in digging out my spare laptop to crawl the thread and save your cool drops.
So please for your own sake submit all content great and small to the email if you have any motivation to publish in 002+.

Wanted to shoutout to everyone again, and drop a reminder for the house:

Boys what happened here is interesting. Talking about it with my gf out here and reading some of you regarding the relationship between Good Work and Getting Credit and wanted to address that.

Now we could’ve put our names at the end of our stories. We could have done that that would’ve been very easy. I don’t think any of us would’ve protested too much. Everybody enjoys being told that they are good.

This magazine could have been just another amateur literary publication. Granted it is slick, it has style, it’s cool shit. Magazines that are slick have style and are cool shit are not innovative. This is Anonymous’ magazine. THAT is innovative. THAT is interesting.

I can actually see the headline now,
Rolling Stone: Anonymous made a magazine—and it’s Lit.

If and when that happens you are going to feel something. You were going to feel a quiet time inside you that you will not be able to share with anyone. You will not be able to outsource that joy or harvest points. He will not be able to gloat and brag. Instead you will know that you were a part of something interesting.

When I read my work and I see the word anonymous after it I get a weird little thrill. When I see my own name, it feels like the work isn’t done. It feels like I’m still waiting to be told I’m a good boy. It feels like there is feedback out there on its way. When I read my work and I see the word anonymous after it I get a weird little thrill. When I see my own name, it feels like the work isn’t done. It feels like I’m still waiting to be told I’m a good boy. It feels like there is feedback out there on its way. When I read the word anonymous, there is none of that, the work is done. I am not waiting to be told I’m a good boy because nobody knows that those are my words.

If and when this project really blows up, nothing will change about the logistics here. Even if Condé Nast gave me $1 million to hire professional riders, I would still come back here because that is what made this great in the first place. There are things we can accomplish when we work together. There are things we just can’t do when we work alone.

We have the opportunity to redefine who Anonymous, what Anonymous does. people conjure up images of some racist Internet troll, or some super elite hacker breaking down government servers or crashing corporate websites.

Together in this phalanx we are stronger than the sum of our parts. We’re fucking Anonymous.

>> No.17030378

We’re fucking legion.

>> No.17030390

"For we are many"
as cringe as the assertion has become over the years I always like the assertion that somehow we are summoning/part of a demonic entity that is just the sum of all of us.

>> No.17030391
File: 100 KB, 220x236, 1560811583097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17030448

Just bought a copy OP, the 25% discount was clutch with the unexpected shipping cost
The only thing that could possibly happen is the website printing the magazine refuses to continue doing it, in that case we just find a new company to print it
Hype as fuck

>> No.17030498


>> No.17030555

fuck, i tried to buy a copy, but i had to sign up on the site to buy one, and i'm supposed to wait until i get an email from them to verify my account, it's been a couple hours and i still don't have the email from them

i downloaded the original pdf with all the mistakes, i'm tempted to find a place and have a copy of that printed for just myself, idk man. i still wanna support the project though, that's a big reason why i wanted to buy a copy through the link that OP posted in the first place

what do

>> No.17030582

I don't think the op is actually making any money, I think that's just cost

>> No.17030626

Posted earlier in the thread about lulu editing with my email (garfcore). Protonmail blocked it so I shot you a mail on a gmail instead, hopefully that gets through

>> No.17030637

yeah i hear you, i know it's public domain. i just know that the link provided is where OP was able to use profit for funding hosting space/domain name so we could have a website for this

>> No.17030647

People donated bitcoin already, he's not making a profit anymorr

>> No.17030695

Make the price 30, anon. Don’t be afraid to make a profit for your time. Beautiful cover design by the way. Honestly that’s what is going to make me buy it.

>> No.17030696

damn, right on. i hope they get something longterm, because i know that websites will offer all that (domain/hosting) for a good deal at the get go, but i'm worried that after that time expires and it's time to renew your right to those things, that they can jack up the price? especially if your website has more traffic, and the value of the domain name has gone up because of that?

honestly, i know nothing about web development and all that, just want us to get the best we can with thoughts of future success in mind

>> No.17031094
File: 1.34 MB, 640x1136, 6F716458-0573-4C03-AFD4-6FD8143FC3EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for listening to my gay locker room speech homos. Had a few clearly.
Anyway here’s the scoop. I’m not making money no but neither are you. I could and probably I should but if I did then some other anon would come and make it cheaper and then there’s link wars and unnecessary complication, just a race to the bottom. It should be as close to free as possible (I still got the good spine (it’s a buck)). I actually encourage you to upload it for print everywhere. That spread will be noticed.

I am the gatekeeper of this right now and that is gay too. Go to canva.com magazine designer and see for yourself how easy it is to make slick shit. Then make your own issue. Split off. Subplots, backstories, compilations, commentary. Or whip up something for this series, something that won’t have me all over it. If there are enough hands, maybe bimonthly. I’m gonna keep doing this but I encourage you to take it from me and make it more ‘ours’. I’m not even looking at submissions until next year. This is just a passion project until I’m making a dollar.

If I had a deeper vision for the project I’d say it would be to eventually give the Jamaican kickboxing forums wider representation; source other boards for culture and publish their shit, that might be neat. I’m sure we’ve all been part of other boards at some point so there’s likely hidden gems in each.

>> No.17031102

Checked. Do they seriously make you sign up to buy it? No. I thought for sure it didn’t when I went to check the purchase page. If so that’s unacceptable.

>> No.17031109

Also it took me like half an hour to get the email from MagCloud when i signed up to publish it.

>> No.17031121

>the contrast between brutalism and nature.
I have a short story. Email?

>> No.17031133

Is there a place you can request they resend the email? I got mine after a minute or two.
It seemed like I had to sign up as well, unless I missed an option.

>> No.17031151

Nah if the website blew up and the host tried to squeeze us we just build a server. The domain name we would own and there are legal instruments in place to keep registrars from squeezing us.

>> No.17031172

if you need a server use cockbox

its /g/ approved
i think

>> No.17031231

on the website help section:

>e encourage you to create a MagCloud account prior to placing any orders so that you can view your order status and access tracking information at any time. With that said, we do not require a Magcloud account to purchase print copies, just make sure you include an email address during checkout where we can send your receipt and any updates on your order.

>A MagCloud account is required for all digital purchases made on MagCloud.com, and for saving free digital publications to your Digital Library. This allows us to store your digital purchases for reading or downloading in the future. If you would prefer to make a purchase on MagCloud.com without creating a MagCloud account, you will need to remove any digital items from your cart prior to continuing with our checkout process.

i just removed digital copies from the print link. this should sort it out otherwise i have to capslock their asses.

>> No.17031292
File: 2.97 MB, 200x180, 1598238330605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i'm the guy that was having difficulties, just wanna say thanks, i took the digital download off and i was able to buy without registering

after several hours i never received the confirmation email, but at the same time i gotta be honest with you and say i was too lazy to find out if there was a source of asking for another confirmation

>> No.17031383
File: 16 KB, 362x182, Screenshot_20201214_221415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17031401

Why do people keep making these into PDFs rather than epubs? Same thing happened with Coronameron and Hypersphere

>> No.17031409

yeah fuck em. can't beleive nobody said anything about the signup til now.
oh yeah i mean shipping is where they get you. you'll get the january issue in january so its working i think.

>> No.17031417

i'm listening. make your case.

>> No.17031436

can't you just convert it to epub yourself?

>> No.17031448

I don't know about the other two but this would not work as a epub.
t. worked a while in ocr anon threads

>> No.17031494

You can't convert them without fucked formatting Coronameron has stuff like crossed out lines and when you convert those aren't crossed out anymore
Fair enough

>> No.17031516

o wow i just checked out an archive of an ocr thread anon thanks that is cool.
i should scan more stuff too i have a scanner. scanned documents and handwriting always look cool.

>> No.17031527

right. yeah canva doesn't let me export in epub but i'll poke around.

>> No.17031535

Why do you want an epub? Is it really that much better to read? What difference does it make? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.17031693

which do you guys prefer:
lamplitmagazine.com or

>> No.17031724

is lampbylit.com available? I think .com is always going to be better than .net

>> No.17031745

lampbylit.com is available at $12 for the year yes. that is a fantastic suggestion anon.

>> No.17032204

>All print copies of your publication will have a 6mm square 2D barcode printed in the lower right hand corner of the back cover. This barcode represents the order number and helps us track orders of your publication through our print process as efficiently as possible. It cannot be moved or omitted.

>> No.17032402

PDF is terrible on ereaders - you have to zoom in and because readers have bad performance it lags like crazy. Epub has reflowable text so you can make it whatever font you want to be, and it's overall more flexible

>> No.17032489


>> No.17032498

a webdesign anon is gonna go in and do some ting so it won't look like that forever.

>> No.17032665

for what purpose pdf is the universal format for ebooks

>> No.17032754

some of the type setting just looks like a screenshot of a doc open in microsoft word

>> No.17032759

>90 pages

really needs to be pared down to like 40-60 tops, especially since the majority of it is probably shit

>> No.17032778

Got the codes, gonna start working on it.

>> No.17032782

ah fuck, is this really happening? I know it could be from anyone, but goddamn--

waiting for OP, and if it's true-- i'll advertise and spread the magic in all the fantastically limited ways I can

>> No.17032804
File: 89 KB, 355x355, 810jY1NcBxL._SY355123_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i made that. i gave anon there the keys. he'll slip us into something more comfortable.

>> No.17032854

if this is true.
then we would have to make more frequent magazines or the submissions could bottleneck or saturate or something

>> No.17032939

can i suggest that we do not dilute the quality by doing this too often

once every 6 months is a good idea

>> No.17032969
File: 19 KB, 567x313, 7c02e6e5e0081868b892a4afd69bef8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great overall but
> full page pepe and wojak

>> No.17033050

have you looked at issue one?
the average quality of the subissions is surprisingly high, with even some actually good stuff now and then

this is also why everyone seems to be so hyped about this, which you would know if you had read the thread

>> No.17033069

>> full page pepe and wojak
done. Hosting bandwidth is going to go through the roof, but idgf I'm just the webdev

>> No.17033074

right now i already have about half the amount of submissions i would need for a magazine of the same size as 001.
it works out this way i think; at the next deadline weekend, if there are a Lot of submissions then we can distill the quality content. i guess the more submissions the higher probability of getting good shit.
i didn't turn anybody down last issue. everyone who submitted something got it in. depending on how this goes, that may not be the case going forward.

>> No.17033077

well it's really beautiful, I want to donate too. got a lightning invoice for like $5 or btc address?

>> No.17033078

the design is an integral part of a lot of the stuff in 001, so rescalable text and choosing font doesnt work,
if you want something that is more focused on just the Begriffsinhalt of the texts without the dimension of visuall expression, look at The Lit Quarterly

most '''''artsy''''' zines do not work on ereaders for that reason, this isnt a fault nor ignorance towards epub from the side of the makers, this is your igrnorace interacting with a medium in the appropriate way

>> No.17033079

consecutive sixtynines.
wait are you webdesign anon?
you're saying the pdf is too large?

>> No.17033087

>wait are you webdesign anon?
the second reply, yes. I added a wojak page in accordance with the anon's wishes.
>you're saying the pdf is too large?
lel, no I added some images( only 10) I was planning in about 200 but though better not

>> No.17033089

I'm >>17032969 . I was talking about the number one issue and the two pages dedicated to a pepe and a wojak, should not have quoted the website, sorry

>> No.17033090


that reminds me:
the website is good for about 4 months on the funds we have right now.

>> No.17033100

put whatever you want in idgaf its paid for.
o yeah no worries. i figured i may never see those two get magazine portraits so what the hell

>> No.17033107

Oh sick wojack collection. Yeah dump it in there.

>> No.17033132

is the favicon working for you guys?

>> No.17033136
File: 2.15 MB, 3000x1500, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also last point of interest before the thread dies, those of you who ordered this weekend may actually get your one-offs after all. there was a typo in The Justice System that I hadn't seen. to vs too i think. so i fixed that. and touched it up with some em dashes instead of hyphens. also fixed a part in Thine is the Kingdom where i had two greentext lines consecutive instead of one atop the other.

>> No.17033137

Dumped the whole collection on there about a 100 pics

>> No.17033148

it was "I find that to unnecessarily oppressive"
so i fixed it to 'too'
but looking back now i think he just forgot the word 'be' after. hm.

>> No.17033153


>> No.17033169

I read the whole issue and thought you did a good job. I have some general advice for the next

1. If this gets popular, more people will want to contribute and inevitably you'll get some crappy submissions that ought to be rejected. To avoid turning this into reddit, you should think carefully about what to reject and accept. You want variety, but I feel that if you don't prune stuff that is entirely unrelated to 4chan culture you'll end up with another general internet publication.

2. ~200mb is not acceptable for a PDF. You've used the wrong tool for this. Canva is okay for two page infographics but not for a 100 page document. There are plenty of better programs that can do vector graphics and render the whole thing in under 3mb.

3. The spelling and grammar errors look very bad. Basic copyediting would really improve the general quality of the magazine.

4. 100% keep it anonymous. If people really start crying over attribution, restrict it to trips and do it like the Economist does - recurring authors will just get their own column but not identity attached.

>> No.17033201

these are great
recommend one. also, is there an easy way to compress or optimize the pdf we already have?
yeah i left all submissions unedited except for the very good ones which i copyedited (Justice, Divorcing America). i figured that their own errors made it more natural but there is an argument to be made for consistency.
>restrict it to trips
clever. yeah agreed.

>> No.17033204
File: 524 KB, 1000x1000, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took the title out of the page because i htought it looked better with just the faded &amp in the header.

>> No.17033213

yeah I like the mde stuff but 10 pages is ridiculous and dry essay stuff is boring, please more weirdo anons.
spelling and grammar errors are pure. The only reason this worked is because of ultra spontaneous OP, nothing will ever beat it
>their own errors made it more natural

>> No.17033220

>100% keep it anonymous. If people really start crying over attribution, restrict it to trips and do it like the Economist does - recurring authors will just get their own column but not identity attached.
Entirely agree with this. In my opinion, even trips should not be done.

>> No.17033227

there was a philosophy essay on Berkeley and a bitcoin essay and a political essay i think which made of the bulk of the nonfiction (other than MDE) so that took up a good fraction of the total which made it a little dry. i feel like i put the MDE essay in the wrong spot too.

>> No.17033302

ok ill edit the source code

>> No.17033335
File: 13 KB, 390x280, young-hacker-hoodie-front-laptop-260nw-788871841[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17033349
File: 782 KB, 1000x1000, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>written articles regarding survivalist lifestyle, farmcore etc
>hd photos of good farm shit (oc)
>hd photos of commie blocks (oc)
>quality flash fiction
>more fiction in general

>> No.17033359

lel. Added a pepe page for the true connoisseurs

>> No.17033372

>survivalist lifestyle, farmcore
oh nice, I am currently working on something like this

>> No.17033375

okay i compressed the PDF like anon suggested. now its 8mb. much much better. thank you anon.

>> No.17033386
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i'm stoked to hear that

anons who have scanners, scan shit and submit it! steal your kids' or siblings' diaries and submit them. scan your tax return and submit it!

>> No.17033412

▲ ▲

>> No.17033419


>> No.17033456

Where is the actual burgerpunk? You had an intro article about it, then no fucking content

>> No.17033468

the article explains why there is no content.
its a photo essay.

i want input from tripfags. they are suspiciously absent.

>> No.17033480

Agreed. Chances are people will be able to tell whether an author was published in multiple issues by their style.
I have started working on a poem, if that helps. It is loosely connected to commie blocks.

>> No.17033481

>i want input from tripfags

>> No.17033483

InDesign is the industry standard. Scribus is the free alternative. All it is essentially is a word processor with styling tools, which keeps the file size low. What you've got is a pdf of images, which can't really be converted to vectors.

>> No.17033491

i dunno if this will work but maybe a handful of people can be given access to the work-in-progress stuff and collaborate in the editing. gotta be careful who you give access to but this worked on google docs for previous collab work we did on lit

>> No.17033506

>they are suspiciously absent
and that is a good thing

>> No.17033525

You should find the old /lit/ authored burgerpunk pdf's and plagiarize it a bit. Burgerpunk has been written

>> No.17033643

idk desu. same reason i want shit stories i guess. because its a thing.
dope ill check out scribus. i do have a lot of low rez images in 001. i have no idea how those are going to look on print.
o wow if you find some please submit it. that would be huge.

>> No.17034051

bro I have to add in some changes to the site but I dont exactly know what you changed

>> No.17034135
File: 846 KB, 1000x1000, 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the index page looks perfect as it is. minimal. great fucking job dude. we can develop other pages and rabbitholes on the site that might be cool. whatevers clever.

>> No.17034140

Thanks for doing this. Will send this week. Are you also accepting comics or just text?

>> No.17034154

o you changed it back.

>> No.17034161

It looked perfect but I changed some back end stuff, but I didn't have your new changes when I uploaded my file. Plz change them again

>> No.17034184

word she's goldenrod.
save the index file now.
sorry if i fucked up your php
fuck that is a huge cache of wojacks and pepes.

>> No.17034224

>fuck that is a huge cache of wojacks and pepes.
in true 4chins fashion

>> No.17034414
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, 30815CE4-374E-432F-839E-48ADA2B38AE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s some super deep cuts on the site for anons who know how to find them.