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17020819 No.17020819 [Reply] [Original]

Why do all good books by Jewish authors center on neurotic, self-loathing characters?

>> No.17021203
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Because it reflects their Semitic identity. By contrast, the Nordic or “Aryan” identity is the complete opposite: confident and duty bound.

>> No.17021255

Neurotic LARPer

>> No.17022121


>> No.17022139

>Nords literally in the middle of destroying their own civilizations and replacing the native populations of Europe while refusing to reproduce themselves out of excess reactionary neuroticism and nihilistic angst
>f-f-fucking j-j-jews man
They don't call it white guilt for nothing.

>> No.17022147

So confident you had to make this post reminding everyone how confident you are and not at all neurotic even though no-one asked.

>> No.17022157

kill yourself you stupid white trash

>> No.17022170

The funny thing is anti-semitism itself is just another reactionary extreme to this, since you can't convince the whole of white people to change or to do anything realistically you instead convince yourself instead of the qualities of whites and 'others' as a whole. That way no action is required, you simply claim the moral genetic highroad (if that sounds stupid that's because it is is) and call it a day while you sink into oblivion. But at least you're part of the master race, right?

>> No.17022183

Mentally sound people don't write books. Much less good books.

>> No.17022290


>> No.17022304

based, lmfao at all the angry yids who replied

>> No.17022326

Based alert. Kikes mad

>> No.17022344

Because Jews are neurotic and self-loathing, obviously

>> No.17022357

Reminder it's dysgenic to not support Jews who have the highest IQ of all races. It's just biology. Whites have been around just as long and haven't clawed their way ti global financial domination. Let the whites stay in their trailer parks and allow the superior Jew to control all facets of polite society. It's purely biological and it's time whiteoids accepted that.

>> No.17022363

But China would be the ones to dominate the future since they have the largest population as well.

>> No.17022369
File: 672 KB, 1680x1050, ANOTHA HOLOCOST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's right goy, obey us we are smarter than y-

>> No.17022389

Anon have you seen Zuckerberg's wife?
(((They)))'re evolving.

>> No.17022408

Well, they have the highest net income per capita and IQ is the only thing that correlates so well with income, so I believe the psychologists.
Yes, China can rule the world too. As long as us whites stay in our place.

>> No.17022429

>posts retarded pol infographics all day sitting on his ass
>goes to one of many jewish doctors/surgeons to treat his hemorrhoids
almonds : activated

>> No.17022445

Self-loathing Jews BTFO.

>> No.17022468

>The (((Silverberg)) exploits racial tensions to promote the book he likes
It's all so tiresome

>> No.17022598

*Silverberg shill

>> No.17022875

Good lord the yids are uppity today, haven't you got some children to firebomb in Palestine?

>> No.17023172


>> No.17023181

Cringe indeed m'aryan

>> No.17023253

You will never be a woman