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17018067 No.17018067 [Reply] [Original]

I heard someone say Japanese is a dying and inferior language, and if I liked kanji so much than I'd better go for the "real" thing.

>> No.17018071

Japanese girls are cuter and better in bed so you should learn Japanese

>> No.17018086



>> No.17018096

If you have to ask this then you don't have the drive to learn either. One of the most important things in learning a language is real motivation.

>> No.17018097

Chinese for classic works, now Chinese got cucked by communism, so if you want new stuff, japanese. Japanese classic works were often written in Chinese.

>> No.17018104

I guess what I'm asking is if Japanese really is bargin bin Chinese.

>> No.17018130

I studied Chinese, wish I did Japanese.

>> No.17018146
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Also, is Japanese really dying? Will it really disappear after 30 years? I just don't want a language to vanish under me, you know?

>> No.17018154

I'm a voluntary celibate. I vowed to dedicate my entire life to literature, art, and mathematics.

>> No.17018158

Won't vanish in your lifetime, if you mean Japanese failing to procreate.

>> No.17018159
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>> No.17018180

So I'll have a study supply of great books to read for my entire life, right?

>> No.17018187

I took a great liking to the Japanese language many years ago, and know quite a bit of it. I also have some skill in calligraphy and in the art of writing poetry. I could write the most exquisite poetry in the most exquisite calligraphy.

>> No.17018192

Also, isn't their population falling? Less people = less great books. So Chinese wins here, right?

>> No.17018199

Classical Chinese isn't Chinese and the best references on wenyan are written in Japanese

>> No.17018200

Chinese only wins if they're realised from the yoke of communism.

>> No.17018226
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>The culture of Japan has changed greatly over the millennia, from the country's prehistoric Jōmon Period, to its contemporary modern culture, which absorbs influences from Asia, Europe, and North America.[1] Strong 9,000 year old ancient Han Chinese cultural influences, including the 8,000 year old ancient Han Chinese writing script,[2] are still evident in traditional Japanese culture as China had historically been a global superpower, which has resulted in Japan absorbing many elements of ancient Han Chinese culture first through what as then the Imperial Chinese tributary vassal state of Korea, then later through direct cultural exchanges during China's Sui and Tang dynasties. The inhabitants of Japan experienced a long period of relative isolation from the outside world during the Tokugawa shogunate after Japanese missions to Imperial China, until the arrival of the "Black Ships" and the Meiji period.

>Japanese is written with a combination of three scripts: hiragana and katakana were derived from the Chinese man'yōgana of the 5th century. Hiragana and katakana were first simplified from Kanji
>Kanji are Chinese characters that were imported from China, because Japan didn't have a writing system until it was introduced around 50 AD

>The Latin alphabet, rōmaji, is also often used in modern Japanese, especially for company names and logos, advertising, and when inputting Japanese into a computer. The Hindu-Arabic numerals are generally used for numbers

>Buddhism developed in India around the 6th and 4th centuries BCE and eventually spread through China and Korea. It arrived in Japan during the 6th century CE

>the early modern thought of Japan was mainly Confucianism or Neo-Confucianism, which was designated for official study by the Tokugawa shogunate
>Confucianism is a system of thought and behavior originating in ancient China

>Taoism is believed to be the inspiration for spiritual concepts in Japanese culture

>> No.17018230
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>> No.17018234

>Citing Wikipedia as a source

>> No.17018235
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>Japanese calendar types have included a range of official and unofficial systems. At present, Japan uses the Gregorian calendar

>Early works of Japanese literature were heavily influenced by cultural contact with China and Chinese literature, often written in Classical Chinese.

>The Meiji period marks the re-opening of Japan to the West, ending over two centuries of period of national seclusion, and a period of rapid industrialization. The introduction of European literature brought free verse into the poetic repertoire. It became widely used for longer works embodying new intellectual themes

>Early Japanese calligraphy was originated from Chinese calligraphy

>Painting has been an art in Japan for a very long time. Chinese papermaking was introduced to Japan around the 7th century

>During the Meiji period, Japan underwent a tremendous political and social change in the course of the Europeanization and modernization campaign organized by the Meiji government. Western-style painting (yōga) was officially promoted by the government, who sent promising young artists abroad for studies, and who hired foreign artists to come to Japan to establish an art curriculum at Japanese schools

>Japanese architecture has a long history as any other aspect of Japanese culture. Originally it was heavily influenced by Chinese architecture

>Towards the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, Western influence in architecture began to show

>The sculpture of Japan started from the clay figure. Japanese sculpture received the influence of the Silk Road culture in the 5th century, and received a strong influence from Chinese sculpture afterwards. The influence of the Western world was received since the Meiji era

>The earliest kimonos were heavily influenced by traditional Han Chinese clothing, known today as hanfu (漢服, kanfuku in Japanese), through Japanese embassies to China which resulted in extensive Chinese culture adoptions by Japan, as early as the 5th century AD

>> No.17018245
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>The idea of these unique gardens began during the Asuka period. Japanese merchants witnessed the gardens that were being built in China and brought many of the Chinese gardening techniques and styles back to Japan
>The Chinese garden had a very strong influence on early Japanese gardens. In or around 552, Buddhism was officially installed from China, via Korea, into Japan. Between 600 and 612, the Japanese Emperor sent four legations to the Court of the Chinese Sui Dynasty. Between 630 and 838, the Japanese court sent fifteen more legations to the court of the Tang Dynasty. These legations, with more than five hundred members each, included diplomats, scholars, students, Buddhist monks, and translators. They brought back Chinese writing, art objects, and detailed descriptions of Chinese gardens.

>There are two forms of music recognized to be the oldest forms of traditional Japanese music. They are shōmyō (声明 or 聲明), or Buddhist chanting, and gagaku (雅楽),
>Gagaku, the oldest form of classical music in Japan, was introduced into Japan with Buddhism from China. In 589, Japanese official diplomatic delegations were sent to China (during the Sui dynasty) to learn Chinese culture, including Chinese court music
>the Meiji Restoration introduced Western musical instruction

>Japanese animation began in the early 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques pioneered in France, Germany, the United States and Russia
>The success of The Walt Disney Company's 1937 feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs profoundly influenced many Japanese animators

>Historically influenced by Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine has opened up to influence from Western cuisines in the modern era. Dishes inspired by foreign food—in particular Chinese food—like ramen and gyōza, as well as foods like spaghetti, curry, and hamburgers have become adopted

>> No.17018251

cope, just go to Japan and COOM inside a small yellow girl, the experience will surpass anything you've ever read

>> No.17018254

This is not how cultural transmission between China and Japan worked. Stop posting

>> No.17018260
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>In Japan, the Netherlands continued to play a key role in transmitting Western know-how to the Japanese from the 17th century to the mid-19th century, as the Japanese had opened their doors only to Dutch merchants before US Navy Commodore Matthew Perry's visit in 1852. After Commodore Perry's visit, Japan began to deliberately accept Western culture to the point of hiring Westerners to teach Western customs and traditions to the Japanese starting in the Meiji era. Many Japanese politicians have since also encouraged the Westernization of Japan using the term Datsu-A Ron, which means the argument for "leaving Asia" or "Good-bye Asia". In Datsu-A Ron, "Westernization" was described as an "unavoidable" but "fruitful" change. After Japan's surrender to the United States and its allies ended World War II, the Westernization process of Japanese culture was further intensified and today, Japan is notably among the most Westernized countries in Asia.

>The Constitution of the Empire of Japan, known informally as the Meiji Constitution, was the constitution of the Empire of Japan which was proclaimed on February 11, 1889, and remained in force between November 29, 1890 and May 2, 1947.[1] it provided for a form of mixed constitutional and absolute monarchy, based jointly on the Prussian and British models.[2]

>The Constitution of Japan is the fundamental law of Japan. It was enacted on 3 May 1947, as a new constitution for a post-war Japan.
>The Constitution was mostly drafted by American authors.[3]

>Japan experienced dramatic political and social transformation under the Allied occupation in 1945–1952. US General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of Allied Powers, served as Japan's de facto leader and played a central role in implementing reforms
>So great was his influence in Japan that he has been dubbed the Gaijin Shōgun

>> No.17018264


>> No.17018281
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Fleeting carnal pleasure is nothing compared to a lifetime of enlightenment. In other words, begone coomer!

>> No.17018295

Ah oh. /his/ bots coming over to /lit/

>> No.17018298

>implying the two are exclusive
more coping. most writers, geniuses, artists, philosophers etc. in the history of mankind nutted inside a girl at some point in their lives and it didn't affect their mental capabilities in the slightest. now comes the part where you're posting that passage from The Coiled Serpent about Newton, Milton, Cervantes etc. being practitioners of coom retention

>> No.17018308
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whatever, just take the easier one so you don't waste time you could spend COOOMING inside Asian girls and impregnating them with your potent white seed

>> No.17018362
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>> No.17018380


>> No.17018400
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>> No.17018492
File: 176 KB, 600x1066, e25a1be8702ce23faa2195650f702c6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, man. Wish I had the patience to learn this. Did you learn this in Japan or something. Looks indistinguishable from the stuff those shodo masters draw.

>> No.17018603

I have great capacity for languages, having learnt at least seven; but I dislike the way the Japanese write and want to give that knowledge to the world. I wish to see my
own handwriting in every language.

>> No.17019278

Dude that looks like 草書. How did you teach yourself to do that? I'm not even sure how to learn 行書.

>> No.17019734

Japanese loses all its charm once you realize that it's like 30% english words, and it's a shit country with awful literature. No idea about China but it's a godawful country full of shit people. What is good you can find translated in English.
Don't learn Asian languages, learn a European language or Russian.

>> No.17019768

>asian women won't sleep with niggers

>> No.17019793

An anon already said it but
Chinese for classical works like Journey to the West
Japanese for modern works and anime or if you're a weeb

>> No.17019813

No, Wenyan is not the same language as modern Chinese and Japanese is where the most valuable secondary literature on Wenyan is located

>> No.17019826
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>> No.17019839

yeah but soul/soulless

>> No.17019861

>learns modern chinkrunes that got FUBAR by mao/revisionists
>can't read the only chinese lit worth reading
>can't read japanese kanji because he only learned retard version simplified
>can only read what comes out of great firewall, IE wu xia shit and milquetoast that fellates the ccp's micropenis
>has to listen to screeching catvoice tonalist ching chong language instead of the superior musical composure of japanese with easy pronunciation for baka gaijin to learn

Name one contemporary chinkwork worth reading. name one thing written in chinese in the last 30 years worth reading. You literally cannot.
>japanese is dying
there are more japanese alive today than ever before in history.

>> No.17019862

The grapes out of reach are sour

>> No.17019872

no, you retarded fuckface
modern chinese is bargain bin traditional chinese.

>> No.17019924

do you want to meet people who don’t speak English or Chinese? Anyone who is anyone speaks one of these two languages.

>> No.17020147

I get the first part, but what about the second? Are you saying that Asian women are disloyal?

>> No.17020155

All women are the same inside.

>> No.17020199

If they were loyal then they wouldn't sleep with white men at all. No woman is actually loyal.

>> No.17020227

Asians are human retard

>> No.17020231

I think you're overly focused on race. Why does race matter?
I don't know why you believe that. Mine certainly isn't. Spend less time looking at the internet and more time going to places where you are likely to meet the kind of women who share your values. Make sure your values shine through in your behavior and outward appearance, and you will find someone who fits.

>> No.17020234

Japanese is pretty saturated if you're looking for cash.

>> No.17020257

Cheating is Japan's biggest passtime.

>> No.17020269

Kek enjoy it all unraveling in the next decade. Race matters because your culture significantly determines your form of interpersonal psychology

>> No.17020271

What kind of woman can be said to be loyal if they aren't even loyal to their own people?

>> No.17020295

I don't know why you believe that. Public figures caught engaging in such behavior are castigated in the media and lose their jobs. The only people I've heard of doing such things are wealthy and powerful men, and even that isn't that common.
Culture is not about race.
Your people are not your race. Your people are those around you who share your values and your religion. There is a reason why German and French Catholics were all too happy to slaughter their fellow Germanophones and Francophones for being Protestant. That stuff doesn't actually matter.

>> No.17020319

Just because you posted this thread I know you aren’t going to learn either

>> No.17020357

Who "your people" are varies based on what outgroup you're comparing it to. In the case of dealing with foreigners, it makes sense that the way you would identify is by an ethnic or racial category. Therefore, their race can be considered their people in this situation. You're half correct.

>> No.17020382

>In the case of dealing with foreigners, it makes sense that the way you would identify is by an ethnic or racial category.
No it doesn't. A devout Catholic defines his outgroup on the basis of religion, hence the presence of saints and scholars from all races and regions. People from outside one's birthplace can be considered part of the ingroup, while people from one's birthplace can be considered part of the outgroup. Burakumin are the outgroup no matter where they come from, while members of Soka Gakkai regard everyone who isn't part of their group as essentially foreign to them.
In any case, what matters in a woman is loyalty to her partner, not loyalty to some abstract and non-existent ideal. By this standard, Japanese women do very well.

>> No.17020405

Obvious white f*male post

>> No.17020431

Seconded, learned this the hard way. Kept switching between languages I wanted to learn for months focusing in what was the most “academic” when in the end I just love italy and want to learn Italian

>> No.17020469

>Culture is not about race.
Yes it is, what do you think the word 'race' means etymologically?

>> No.17020480

What culture do urban white liberals and rural white conservatives have in common? Hint: If they had much in common, they wouldn't hate each other to this degree.

>> No.17020482

No, that is not what culture means. There is a huge variance between east-asia and the US

>> No.17020487

But that's exactly what it means. A liberal Chinese-American is indistinguishable from a liberal White American. I can tell you this because I'm surrounded by them. They are literally the same.

>> No.17020493

Yes, that's the point.

>> No.17020663

>? Are you saying that Asian women are disloyal?

>> No.17020685

I'm a chink, and I'll say go for Japanese. You have a much more reasonable chance mastering it if you don't ever plan on living in China. If you want to read the chinese classics, language is a must, but it's only part of the ingredient. Being fluent in classical chinese doesn't warrant your understanding in works like Zhuangzi or Platform Sutra. You also need an appropriate mindset, which often time is determined by the culture you were brought up in. This is more important than the language itself, but is often ignored, so you see those anglo 'sinologists' who like to frame everything in terms of modernist rationality because it's the only experience they know, and churn out shitty english translation. The Chinese scholars follow suit in an ongoing attempt to westernize themselves, and that's also why Chinese academics aren't worth reading most of the time these days. This applies also to the japanese, but the west seems a bit more acceptive to their culture so the situation is probably better. Plus modern chinese literature is not that distinct from japan. Modern japanese lit seems fixated on existentialist cope and the troubles with coming of age, whereas the chinese is also fixated on existentialist cope, but more in line with a political coming of age, especially the disillusionment of the promised Chinese utopia and so on. If you aren't familiar with the social landscape of modern China, you may not get much out of it. (Oh, Chinese translation of Jap lit, if it exists, is almost always superior to english owing to language and cultural similarities, that's a plus for picking up Chinese.)

>> No.17020686

I've spent quite some time living there, my dude. It's much better than being in America.

>> No.17020803

ITT: incels who have never been to Japan
>muh all women same muh Japanese girls cheat too
no shit Sherlock, of course they do. the difference is in Western countries with predominantly white population you cannot take the fidelity of your woman for granted because only the top 20% of men have the looks to make women want to remain loyal to them. but as an average white man in Japan you ARE the top 20% so you have nothing to worry about, nipp girls will flock to you to get a taste of your BWC

>> No.17020830

You're just as bad as they are, my dude. Infidelity happens to even the best of men. It's not about being attractive.

>> No.17020831


Anon, this view of Classical Chinese as being essentialized through your ethnic upbringing is quite literally engineered by the CCP in order to allow them to be exempt from the UN. It isn't actually true. Taiwan does a better job engaging with it, as does Japan in many regards

>> No.17020860


>> No.17020867

yeah, it's also about the dick size lol. but seriously, what do you think infidelity is about if not looks?

>> No.17020987

This. Classical Chinese, in the original Sinocentric conception, is the universal language of civilization, just like Latin. Anyone who can read and write in it, and anyone who adopts the forms of thought that it is used to convey, can escape being a barbarian.
Lots of things. It can be emotional dissatisfaction, it can be pure opportunism, it can be belief in strange and romantic ideas, it can be a lack of self control, it can be pure selfishness, it can be ideology, and it can literally be mental problems. It can also be about culture: A woman who views sex as legitimate solely within the boundaries of a committed relationship and reacts with literal revulsion to the idea of anything else is less likely to commit adultery than one who thinks that sex is just sex.
Also, infidelity and divorce are just less common there. There is little tolerance for that behavior on the part of men, and even less for women. Also, if you didn't know: According to polls, more than 60% of Japanese women do not consider consorting with prostitutes to be an act of infidelity. So keep that in mind when you observe Japan.

>> No.17021117

Well, I would learn Chinese. In Essays of Idleness by Kenkō, he claims all Japanese need to know Chinese and their tea customs. Japan used to be open about how much cultural influenced they received from China.
I've heard Wang Wei is impeccable in the native Chinese, so you should start with him. Hanshan is also great.
Japan has a rich cultural tradition too ofc. Ryokan Taigu and Bassho were nice poets.