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17017452 No.17017452 [Reply] [Original]

Did the Demiurge actually do anything wrong? What are the charges here?

>> No.17017486

the demioorg is not evil, he’s just an ignorant NEET with limited skills

>> No.17017525

He's disabled

>> No.17017554

Does Monad's omniscience necessitate self knowing through emanation? Why else demiurge exist?

>> No.17017571

Sophia is the one that fucked up.

>> No.17017601
File: 56 KB, 540x360, F33F2B90-8CF2-4C54-AD7C-CAE570E1F094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovesick urbanites dreamed up the meme that life is beautiful and nature is holy. Neoliberal Wicca/paganism is an obsession with nature that only occupies the thoughts of directionless city slickers who never grew up in the wilderness, where the uncertainty of survival crowds out childish daydreaming. The spiritual behaviors of hunter-gatherer peoples do not originate in a live for nature; it is all pleading for mercy from unassailable forces of nature out of terror.

Observing the lives of animals will demonstrate that they share no appreciation for their surroundings with oversocialized hylics. Women fantasize about reincarnating as horses “to run and explore,” failing to understand that horses spend 10+ hours a day motionless with their heads down eating grass.

Self-awareness is divine and not rote instinctualism.

>> No.17017616

Yes thats because their appreciation for nature never rises above sentiment

>> No.17017618

Read Plotinus. The beauty of the material is only due to an imperfect relation between the perfect form and its elements seen in an object. It distracts you from the supreme beauty of your own soul.

>> No.17017633

We are not horses, we are humans.
You are a faggot.

>> No.17017645
File: 1.97 MB, 1500x1286, gnosticism3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the Aeons from which the Demiurge arises are all perfect and necessary, and the Demiurge arises necessarily from the Aeons, does that mean that the Demiurge and the 'flawed' nature of material reality was already necessarily contained in the Aeons? Does it actually contain this Hegelian point that every whole must already necessarily contain its own self contradiction? are we not a 'corruption' of 'pure' gnosis but instead its necessary next step?

>> No.17017794

>What if God was one of us
>Do you think he would approve?
>Just a stranger on the bus
>Trying to make his way home

>> No.17018109

Interesting take. But I disagree because in truth one cannot make a distinction between the world of instinct and the world of thought. Thought follows desire, but desire is also shaped by wisdom and vulgar knowledge. There is no nature to oppose in favor of self-awareness, for both self-awareness and it's opposite, form the totality of reality. Nature is nothing but the fracturing of unity. But unity wants to be fractured so it can unite again, and become fractured once again.
take the affirmationpill.

That being said, I agree that the hunter-gatherers sucked. But being a landowning peasant sucked even more. Conquest is the preferable mode of live that unites these extremes and offers a way of life noble enough for humans; for it is the merging of discipline and creativity, of dutyfulness and nomadic exploration, be it in the literal sense of outright war or in the abstract sense of pushing against problems in a creative triumph of the will.

>> No.17018782
File: 66 KB, 501x329, gnosticism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17018998
File: 376 KB, 897x600, duke demiurge urkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnosticism was one of NeoPlatonisms youthful excesses.

>> No.17019023
File: 701 KB, 1400x2700, 1584872407764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17019114

Gnosticism is just convoluted satanism. It completely misinterprets the fall and the fact that it conflates Christ with Satan should be absolutely telling that it's one of the devil's gay tricks.

>> No.17019531

>demiurge is a gnostic attempt to recast God as the ultimate evil and Satan as the ultimate good, your typical tasteless moral inversion and subversion of truth that teenagers looking for a more esoteric aesthetic in their mysticism buy into
>this comic reverse that assumption and arrives back at God as the fundamental good
what the fuck

>> No.17019682

>t. Demiurge

>> No.17019693

>t. Satan

>> No.17020038

>the demiurge is the shitty 240p to the 720p of the spiritual realm
this must have been made in 2011 or something